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File 136941868336.png - (342.24KB , 616x353 , cardthingy.png )
174750 No. 174750
Greetings. Just popping into announce that Rush Bros. is now live on Steam! Go buy! it's 10% off!
Music based racing platformer with drop in arcade style gameplay.
Analyzes your music in real time to adjust hazards in stage. Even change tracks on the fly!
Cross platform multi-player. PC Vs. Mac. Vs. Ouya Vs. Android can all play together!
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>> No. 174789
Shill post is shill.
>> No. 174822
File 13695839776.jpg - (51.12KB , 400x488 , Julie-Uhrman-OUYA-Founder.jpg )
I will eat your fucking soul.
>> No. 174845
Apologies in advance if this somehow sparks an argument: What's wrong with a cross-platform release involving Ouya?
>> No. 174848
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It's a smart phone with none of the portability or phone capability, that got funding because of idiots thinking they were getting a $99 Skyrim/CoD/Battlefield box.
>> No. 174852
It will be interesting if it turns out to be like a Roku gaming box, where you play basic games and have a huge library to choose from (and it does something like OnLive where you pay a monthly fee and can download/play any game you like), but yeah I'm not seeing it being a huge hit otherwise. Might make a great hacker box, just something people can tinker with.
>> No. 174859
There are quite a few problems with the Ouya. The people behind it are shifty, it's little more than an android platform, and a host of other issues.

I even think that might be stretching it.
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