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File 136711636381.jpg - (237.83KB , 853x481 , Ride Sally Ride.jpg )
173334 No. 173334
So, can we talk about Trollcraft here, or what?

This happened to me today.
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>> No. 173343
Thanks for reminding me why I don't play anymore.
>> No. 173347
Hey, I'm up for a Minecraft Thread. I've started playing it a lot more again lately.

A friend has it on Xbox and after making fun of him as should be done, we've decided to team up and play splitscreen to rebuild the most retarded castle ever someone built in his online game world.
That's fun.

In my own game, I like to roam a lot and try new mods.
>> No. 173353
I'd been playing the Technic pack quite a lot, but then they went and removed their own signature modpack from the launcher. Might try just taking the latest versions of my favorite mods from that pack and installing them myself. Don't much relish the task though. Trying to get multiple mods to play nicely together, even with something like Modloader, is a crapshoot in my experience.

Yeah though, vanilla Minecraft long ago ceased to engage me, and I pretty much need a mountain of 3rd-party bells and whistles tacked-on to make it interesting for me.
>> No. 173369
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Psh. You just wish you had an Enderbro to test out all your minetracks for you.
>> No. 173370
I realize that probably sounded much more bitter than I intended.
>> No. 173379
Try Feed the beast
>> No. 173386
Downloaded it, and played around with it for a bit. Not bad at all. Has most of my favorites from the Technic pack, though a few are absent. Thanks for the tip!
>> No. 173560
I haven't played Minecraft in yonks... though I have it on the xbox no the PC.
>> No. 173679
I heartily endorse MinerApocalypse. It's everything I've wanted from Minecraft Multiplayer. (Basically think Minecraft with DayZ's rules).

>> No. 173681
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>don't necessarily like PC because I spend more time modding than playing.
>minecraft on 360
>neat but updates are slow
>pc friends doing arcane magic to generate spaceships while I toil away at my cave hovel
>> No. 173690
Same deal here.
I'm constantly rerolling and fucking around with stuff in the comp version, quitting after only playing for a few minutes, etc.
But in the 360 version it's like, those limited tools and abilities give you focus.
>> No. 173707
Is there a mod that removes starving? Just an offhand question.
>> No. 173742
Play on peaceful.
Or spawn in cooked beef.
>> No. 173893
File 136801797922.png - (1.12MB , 985x911 , 1350090263143.png )
>get bored
>start wandering around the local jungle
>find a large cavern
>it opens up to a ravine stretching underneath the entire jungle
>underneath the ravine criss-crossing it is another ravine
>and under that, another one
>it's fucking Journey to the Center of the Earth with a cubist director

And this why I play this shit
>> No. 173950
Map seed? That sounds worth experiencing first-hand.
>> No. 173968
There's minecraft merchandise at eb games, that feels so weird.
Then again, it's still weird to me that angry birds merchandise is everywhere, so what do I know about weird.
>> No. 174000
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The game just crashed and I lost that world entirely, down to a 5-meter square of blocks.

Been on Mojang's online helpdesk for hours trying to get it back, but as far as I can tell, I'm pretty much fucked.

How do you get a world seed out of an already generated world anyway?
>> No. 174016
I thought there was a way to check that in-game, namely F3, but I'm not seeing anything.
>> No. 174181
Just loaded up a shit ton of mods I haven't tried before.

I think 13 in all. Twilight Forest seems interesting, and I'm thinking of Thaumcraft. I mostly have worldgen and mob and terrain mods, I've never dabbled in the stuff that like adds legit shit like magic and technology.
>> No. 174186
>I'm thinking of Thaumcraft
Don't. Thaumcraft has little payoff for a lot of trouble, and can fuck up your world if you don't know what you're doing.
It's the only mod that I actually disabled as soon as I got Feed The Beast because it's so troublesome.
>> No. 174199
Which Thaumcraft are you talking about? Because the latest Thaumcraft appears much different than older versions. At a glance, it looks as though stuff like massive outbreaks of taint contamination are gone.
>> No. 174203
The latest one, naturally. 3 for 1.5.2.
>> No. 174206
Haven't tried the new one, I just had bad experiences with it back in the day of Technic, so when I saw it in FTB, I rejected it before even loading my world.
>> No. 174460
>watching video of the snapshot
>sudden desire to get a bunch of people together and crash a server with a Dothraki warband
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