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173121 No. 173121
Ladies and gentlemen, we are mere days away from the Director's Cut release of the greatest survival horror game of all time, Eternal Darkness Twin Peaks DEADLY PREMONITION!

Deadly Premonition was originally released for 20 dollars on the Xbox 360, where it was universally agreed to look uglier than most 6th gen titles, plagued with awful controls, stuffed with terrible combat sections, and had a load of side shit that nobody could find for quite awhile on account of the game's awful map and lack of ability to point you in any direction but forward.

But none of that stomped it from being the greatest, and there's one reason that stands up above all the rest: it has a strong contender for the best main character in video games. Agent Francis York Morgan plays the Dale Cooper role as the eccentric FBI agent going to investigate the murder in the Pacific Northwest town, but soon swerves away from Agent Cooper into territories unknown to any but the game's mad creator SWEWRY.

The game didn't sell very well originally, but thanks to the power of the internet, it eventually found its audience: people who like Twin Peaks and/or Let's Plays. Find out for yourself why even people who have never played it know it to be the greatest:
There's the blind Giant Bomb Runs:
VJ: Endurance Run: Deadly Premonition: Part VJ-01youtube thumb
BR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfJHts9y3Rk

And then there's supergreatfriend's encyclopedic 100% run, featuring (among other things), creature features!

That's them on the original 360 version of course. There was also an original PS3 release, but it was JP only. The new PS3 exclusive Director's Cut however, is headed our way! Educate yourself:

And then, because you can actually make an informed decision (because the game already exists), you should actually preorder for once!

Come on down to Greenvale kids, where life is always beautiful!
Deadly Premonition OST- Life is Beautifulyoutube thumb
>> No. 173129
Finally, I'll get to play it.
>> No. 173141
Wait, no XBox release?

Damn, and I got so excited for a second, too.
>> No. 173146
I wish for a decent PC port.
>> No. 173157
If there is one thing I can basically guarantee is never going to happen, it's this.
>> No. 173159
I know.
>> No. 173563
I got a copy of the original in a 2-for-1 sale. but for some damn reason the 360 ate the thing. Tore it to hell after not too long.
>> No. 173689
Two Best Friends Play Deadly P…youtube thumb
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