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File 136579840763.jpg - (118.46KB , 494x750 , tumblr_ml3zfsJvde1qcbajko1_500.jpg )
172425 No. 172425
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>> No. 172426
Oh hey someone finally decided to put a concept hundreds of people have had to paper. Nice. (and I mean that with utmost sincerity)
>> No. 172427
>inspired by Anita Sarkeesian
>> No. 172428
File 136580024712.gif - (7.55KB , 650x450 , rolleyes.gif )
>> No. 172429
I hate how this has started.

I hate Codak.

I hate Sarkeesian.

Link being a female rescuing a Prince Zelda has been discussed for over 30 years.

You've shat the bed with this thread, this will be no Zelda General.
>> No. 172430
An interesting brainstorm, but really I'd settle for a Zelda game where Zelda maintains her princess status while also keeping an active role in the story the entire time. As was pointed out by Yahtzee in his Skyward Sword review, Zelda is almost always a completely passive princess or an active non-princess who becomes passive as soon as she returns to her status as a princess. Give the girl some dang duties and responsibilities beyond running and hiding and I'd be overjoyed.
>> No. 172432
But then it's not a classic fantasy tale anymore.
>> No. 172433
I'd play it with two changes:

-Reversing the royalty role is inconsistent with the lore of the series; Zelda can an adventuring hero and a princess at the same time. Swapping the role like this just makes it seem like some rule 63 fanfic

-Giving Zelda the master sword and tunic just makes her seem like Wannabe-Link. It would be better to utilize the skillsets that various Zeldas have displayed such as TP Zelda's rapier swordplay, OoT Zelda's ninja skills and light magic, her swashbuckling skills as Tetra, the limited psychic ability she tends to have, etc. Watering her down into Girl Link is a huge waste of potential new mechanics

Her triforce aspect is wisdom, which discludes her use of the courage-only master sword anyway. Her thing has always been light magic
>> No. 172434
>I hate Codak
I agree with every part but this. What's wrong with Codak?
>> No. 172435
Add "Not just made to pander to feminists." and I'm on board.

I'd prefer to play Ganondorf, personally. Maybe a game wherein it's split into three playable sections. One focusing on Link and his Courage: Solving puzzles and facing deadly foes ten times larger than you and leaping into chasms and whatnot. One focusing on adventuring Zelda: Utilizing her Wisdom and whatever powers they give her in that game, since it's prone to changing. And one on Ganondorf and Power: Primarily combat and magic, something actiony.

Why is Power always evil and Courage always saving Wisdom? Can't we have all three working towards the same goal, even if begrudgingly?
>> No. 172436
>Lank is a genius tactician and badass action heroine
>Prince Zeldo is a useless bumbling idiot who can't do shit

says a lot about what the artist thinks of the real Zelda
>> No. 172441
>An interesting brainstorm, but really I'd settle for a Zelda game where Zelda maintains her princess status while also keeping an active role in the story the entire time.
*cough*Spirit Tracks*cough*
>> No. 172442
I like Anita Sarkeesian and feminism. Your dad, not so much.
>> No. 172443
>> No. 172445
Word. I'm sure your girlfriend likes that you like feminism too.
>> No. 172446
Don't make assumptions about what gender I am or my sexuality. A feminist can be a man, a woman, gay, straight, whatever.

All women want is a chance to be a hero and to take care of themselves and you're so fucking offended by the fact that they're opening their mouths when it has nothing to do with you and doesn't fucking effect you at all. Let them speak their mind.
>> No. 172447
Preach it sister! Chalk another victory up for social justice. That board must be getting full. Now put me on a pike and shame me for not agreeing.

>> No. 172448
what does Sinfest have to do with this?

Heh that whole game I hear narrated by George Carlin
>> No. 172449
1. I'm not going to pike anyone.
2. I don't have to be a woman. Or an anything. That has nothing to do with this argument.
3. Just because someone is stating a political opinion doesn't mean they don't have a point. That's why people get so angry in political arguments. Just stop to consider that others may have a point.
>> No. 172451
Blech. Aaron Diaz. More self satisfied asshole completely missing the core elements of characters and replacing them with self satisfied backpatting. And if this is Inspired by Sarkeesian, why does it seem to fully ignore a significant element of her argument by making the female protagonist almost identical to the male one. That entire video series is based around the idea that EVERY female character in every game ever is a sexist tool of misogyny. Just making them not Princesses isn't enough, because "male-equivalent character in female body" is ALSO sexist.
>> No. 172453
What about a LoZ game where you play as Zelda?

I remember the old Nintendo adventure gamebooks, one of them had you playing as Zelda having to go forth and gather items to break a curse that had imprisoned Link.
>> No. 172454
CD-i games. Terrible games, and non-canon.

I don't necessarily oppose the idea of a game where you play as Zelda (or a female Link for that matter--who gives a shit whether Link's a dude or a chick, honestly. He's not exactly Mr. Macho even when he's a dude), but that particular implementation is not a good example to use.
>> No. 172455
Playable Princess Zelda... either in royal armour or simply some sort of fighting-outfit if you didn't want her to stick-out too much (all Ninja and Sheik-like is the most obvious that springs to mind at those words but I personally wouldn't like it to be too close to that)... instead of sword and shield give her a longsword or rapier and have her focus more on magical abilities (Attacks & barriers most obviously, perhaps more varied abilities than that if the effort is made) and if it comes to melee relying more on only evading enemies before darting in to strike instead of guarding with a shield.
A bow as well would make sense...

Hum... this is simply awful. Spiteful. It poisons the entire concept.
>> No. 172456
I got the feeling he just likes re-imagining characters in general. I remember he did a tweaking of the entire Bat-cast, male and female, where the outfits were more practical for real life. I don't blame him. It's a good exercise for artists. I don't know if Sarkeesian has actually said her thoughts on it. I know some feminists are actually really in support of making gender purely aesthetic, and some aren't.

Also, Jack, I'm sorry for losing my shit earlier. I'm sure your dad's a great guy, I didn't mean to attack him like that.
>> No. 172457
File 136581556411.jpg - (171.46KB , 816x1338 , The_Crystal_Trap.jpg )
I... did not mention a CD-I game?

I think a game where you play as Zelda would make more sense than playing as a female link, since the three characters have been reincarnated so often and kept their genders the same thus far.

Haha I found a picture of the book I was talking about. I used to have a couple of the mario books of these.
>> No. 172459
> I remember he did a tweaking of the entire Bat-cast, male and female, where the outfits were more practical for real life

Except the part where Barbara was wearing cybernetic exoskeleton rather than just being in a wheelchair. Diaz at best just likes redesigning things he knows absolutely nothing about, and at worse is yes, pandering to a fanbase that is equally as willfully ignorant as he is.
>> No. 172460
You know really all you have to do is make a game that uses Super Smash Zelda and it'll be instant gold. She has a shield, a projectile and a teleport and the ability to turn into a ninja that's really good enough on it's own.
>> No. 172461
File 136581625593.jpg - (54.72KB , 364x712 , zelda.jpg )
Really let us not talk anymore of this odious fellow and move past the poor judgement of the OP to open a thread with such a thing.
Let us instead focus on the more enjoyable parts of the franchise we enjoy, or let the thread stand until something noteworthy to it arises. I've not been keeping an eye open myself to be honest.
>> No. 172462
Women would be perfectly capable of getting a game with female hero created if they stopped trying to force it onto a pre existing franchise and just made a game of their own

It'd probably also help if feminists started using Kickstarter to fund the kind of progressive games they apparently want instead of using it for scams like the Arkh Project and Tropes vs Women
>> No. 172463
You'd have to actually be familiar with the franchise in order to want that stuff, and these people are too busy hating everything to gain that familiarity.
>> No. 172464
File 136581714313.jpg - (80.29KB , 566x375 , Security_Blanket_by_deizelyn.jpg )
Your comment is hardly helpful, infact it seems to be more fuel to the fire.
Leave it out why don't you.
>> No. 172465
What if we just name everyone in the game Zelda?
>> No. 172466
Then we'll get a remix of the theme on the file select screen.
>> No. 172467
File 136581821797.png - (469.07KB , 580x602 , 1365665589302.png )
>Inferring tropes are inherently bad because they're tropes.
>Insinuating having Zelda act and dress like a man and do the things Link does won't just further the original point that women can't get things done on their own.
>Incorrectly assuming Anita wouldn't hate this for being a mishmash of tropes that she despises.
>> No. 172468

I won't shame you, but I will call you insufferable. Go take your bullshit and your delusions of persecution to someplace that cares.


Well, that leads to the question: What's a classic fantasy story that Zelda games try to emulate, and how would that actually change by giving Zelda an active role in the story? I mean, I wouldn't say the Zelda games take its ideas from any one classic story.

I think an actual game focusing on Zelda should change its gameplay around. Just simply reskinning a typical Zelda game and putting her as the protagonist is not only lazy, it doesn't take into account who she is as a character. This anon: >>172455 is on to some neat ideas.
>> No. 172469
I remember as a younger gamer wishing there was a Legend of Zelda strategy RPG.
Link, Hero of Courage, backed up by Zelda and the Hyrule soldiers, with the Gorons and Zora races being other units in the force and such. All sorts of stuff like that.

Dunno, could always do something like make a Wesnoth mod along those lines but it isn't quite the same as what I imagined back then.
>> No. 172471
Go take your bullshit and your delusions of being persecuted to someplace that cares.
>> No. 172472

The problem with "Just make your own!" is that it always leads to, "Oh, this game is just pandering bullshit!" as if anyone actually knew what pandering means anymore. Apparently a video game where everyone tells you how great you are all the time no matter what you do isn't pandering, but a game that dares to have a female protagonist is.

I could bet you 10 to 1 that a Kickstarter with, "We want to create a game that has positive gender politics", even if it was never outright said (and it would have to be if it wanted to make any waves in this Kickstarter/crowdfunded choked world, because it's not selling the product, it's selling the project to MAKE the product), it'd get the same kind of hand kneading frothing nonsense from people who have plenty of other games to appeal to them and no stake in the game's success or failure.

It's a lazy solution to a complex problem, and that line of thinking ultimately boils down to, "Shut up, everything is fine! Why won't you believe me?!" Not saying that's what you're trying to say (I'm sure you aren't), but that what the media and a lot of people as a whole pick it up as.

Also, Tropes vs Women wasn't a scam in any definition of the word (Arkh Project I'll give you but that's less scam by intention and scam by sheer absolute incompetence and hilarity) and people got way too worked up over a Kickstarter that was essentially a run of the mill "Feminist Media Criticism 101. Of course, we don't teach kids to think critically anymore, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about the backlash.


What I really like about the Zelda franchise is its use of dungeons. I always like how the dungeons always feel like a real dungeon crawl, even if the puzzles aren't always up to par. Maybe I'm just bad at these games, but pushing my way through with half a heart and solving a puzzle and then getting that precious health is just the best feeling!

I also love the exploration. More games need them, and it's to know that I'm always getting a huge, vibrant world with these games. That's the kind of stuff I love about them.
>> No. 172473
>videos are still just still images she got from google and a facecam
>meanwhile Anita tweets about her new $1000 shoes
>not a huge scam

The Arkh Project by itself is proof that you could get a game with a black wheelchair-bound lesbian jew hero funded easily just by milking the white guilt/teenage girl crowd. The project just needs someone who's not a fucking retard to take the helm
>> No. 172477

The project was sold as exactly that, nothing more. The original goal was rather modest, and the extreme increase in donations came directly because of the backlash. The videos were even finished, and are coming out now. The thousand dollar shoes thing doesn't even matter if the project came out as it was intended to be. As long as the rewards come out and the project is brought to a conclusion, you could buy as many thousand dollars shoes as you want, because you have fulfilled your patronage contract. A real scam was Tropes vs Men, which took the money and ran, not even bothering to donate it to charity like they claimed to.
>> No. 172484
Wouldn't a dagger make more sense than a clumsy large sword? I have noidea why Ganondorf isn't a matriarch of an all male tribe of thieves.
>> No. 172485

Wow it's almost like she asked for way less money than she received because she's not a video-editing expert.

She delivered exactly what she promised. Not a scam by any definition.
>> No. 172490
Just because you point out that something is flawed doesn't mean you don't like it. This goes for games that portray women badly, for games with terrible coding, whatever the issue is.

A game should be good first, and I'll agree the Arkh Project, while I don't believe it's a scam, isn't caring enough on the game as much as it does the characters. I still think more games should at least attempt to have black/female/Jew/whatever characters tho.
>> No. 172492
>A game should be good first, and I'll agree the Arkh Project, while I don't believe it's a scam, isn't caring enough on the game as much as it does the characters.
Yeah, that's always been my beef with it. Everyone else was having this big fucking circlejerk about how much they disapproved of the creator and their goal and thought they were just scamming people, when I always thought the bigger concern was that none of the updates I saw ever said anything about the type of game they were making.

It's like when you see those dudes with dreams of being writers with notebooks full of stuff they've come up with for their Fantasy Universe, but they have absolutely no idea what sort of story to tell with it or even any characters. It's like these people like things tangentially related to the medium they're working in (like world building, or character backstories) but have no real interest in the actual meat of the medium itself (like gameplay in the case of games, or a story in the case of novels)
>> No. 172493
Silly Dr. Nick, don't you know that female villains are sexist?
>> No. 172503
Not a new or outstanding concept at all. And the designs are pretty whatever.

Sure, Link's tunic is pretty asexual to begin with, so I suppose it's whether you want to get fancy with it or not, but she essentially just looks like Purple Link with a hood, even more so when you realize we're going to be staring at her back the majority of the time.

And c'mon, Prince Link's outfit just looks ridiculous. Princess Zelda doesn't look that silly; quite the opposite in fact. So why doesn't Prince Link also hold that regal air.
>> No. 172505
>I could bet you 10 to 1 that a Kickstarter with, "We want to create a game that has positive gender politics"

I could bet you 10 to 1 that a development team headlining their campaign with that line wouldn't have nearly the breadth of culture or insight on gender politics that they think they do, or the inclination to make a compelling game that used mechanics to get a message across. With a mindset like that the game design itself would be far from the highest priority. Instead the result would be an incomprehensible mess with mechanics that clash with the audiovisual feedback and segments that simply feel out of place or unfinished, because those people have grown up thinking "art" is deep and anything can be explained away as "symbolism" if you bullshit hard enough. The greatest irony is that the debate caused by believers and cynics would raise plenty of superficial discussion and marketing for the game - enough for the developers to pad their wallets and resumes maybe, but not nearly enough to kickstart any serious discussions or waves of further projects. The movement created as a result of the project would be full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
>> No. 172507
I'm just pissed off that "Zelda" is just his crappy cyberpunk waifu with a blonde dye-job and a hideous hairdo.

Seriously, what is that? It's got a really odd fringe, and I've no idea what's going on with her left sideburn...
>> No. 172530
Eh, I'd say it's alright, even if I wouldn't use it as-is. The gauntlet seems interesting, though Zelda seems to be even more connected to the use of magical music instruments than Link, and since we're probably talking a WiiU game we could take advantage of that for the instrument's control system. The Master Sword just seems thrown in as an excuse to do something with it. Maybe have her use it early on, but not using it as well as the lighter swords she gets later, due to it not fitting her fighting style.

As for Link, he honestly doesn't seem like he'd be much of a royal, though as a knight/captain of the guard he could serve the story similarly. It'd make sense for him to occasionally act as a meat shield, blocking and parrying while you figure out how to actually damage the enemy. The rest of the time he can have various other tasks that keep him busy, like spying on internal matters, going on some side quest to help you get a set of special items (which you would need to help him complete), etc.

Maybe something like how Zelda was off doing her own thing in Skyward Sword. Actually, now that I think of it, just make her half of that into its own game could work, and has itself doubtlessly been suggested a lot. Still, I do like the idea of Zelda overturning a Ganondorf-rulled empire.Though as far as figureheads go, I'd be much more entertained by seeing Kotome and Kotake at the throne. Maybe even giving them a bit of banter with Zelda, though as a protagonist I suppose she might have to be silent like Link usually is. And then I realized there can't be a game where Link isn't the hero, because then they'd need to give him dialog.
>> No. 172533
Oh my god. That reminds me of those old Worlds of Powers books. Simon Belmont had to team up with a 12 year old who was good at Nintendo and could hurt Dracula with knock knock jokes. Kid friendly Metal Gear was funny too.

Honestly at the end of the day this redesign doesn't matter. Nintendo won't use it. I am still disappointed at the lack of cougar Ganon though.
>> No. 172544
>I remember he did a tweaking of the entire Bat-cast, male and female, where the outfits were more practical for real life.
He failed at that. Miserably.
>> No. 172545
File 136592311787.jpg - (37.17KB , 500x500 , RonPerlmeister.jpg )
Yeah this is really... well, stupid.
>> No. 172546
Not to mention turning Oracle into a transhumanist fantasy.
>> No. 172547
Creepy, but not inherently stupid or objectively wrong.

Making a "more realistic" mask for Robin that restrains his field of view AND provides a great deal of leverage for anyone looking to control the motion of your head (Re: Anyone in a fight who knows what they're doing, ever.)
>> No. 172548

According to his post, it's because it isn't a reimagining, just another reincarnation like all the other Links, Zeldas, and Ganondorfs, so the Gerudo are still all women, but this time Link is the royal person, and Zelda is the Adventurer... Which...does that change the whole thing of the Triforce of Courage and Master Sword being tied to Link? I'm not 100% on Zelda lore and fluff but I dont think there's anything specifically saying they need to be their respective genders besides tradition, wouldn't it make more sense for a female Link and male Zelda?


I blame his hat. He might have been better suited to having some sort of crown or something higher class, rather than the restyled styled classic Link-cap (which Zelda already has covered with the hood.)

I'm also kinda..."eh" on his Ganondorf. He has really fancy glasses and a fancy last name and just..."eh." It feels like he's dipping a little too hard into the inkwell that gives us the Dresden Codak characters, or the same ideas he had when he made Cyborg (of DC) wear halfway-Victorian steampunk clothes.

I kicked around an idea in my head kinda in the same vein as what Epic Mickey 2 is gonna be, with two distinct protagonists (Link and Zelda) with somewhat varied skillsets between them.

If it's on WiiU, maybe finally make a game that supports two tablets? Have it so that dungeons require two people to solve puzzles, or even have dungeons capable of being explored alone while the other player takes on a different one.

I know Epic Mickey 2 is gonna have Mickey be the silent one and Oswald talks, but I kinda prefer the idea of two silent protagonists.
>> No. 172550
>Creepy, but not inherently stupid or objectively wrong.

Actually it kind of is. The entire point of Oracle was that Barbara Gordon was trying to turn her disability into a good thing. She could no longer walk or do the standard superhero rooftop jumping stuff, so she focused on building her intellect and a huge network. She became the eyes and ears of the Bat Family because she couldn't be the body.

Once you give her back her physical capabilities, and enhance them on top of that (the implications are that she's enhanced anyway, she has the same ipod upgrades as Diaz's version of Cyborg) she loses everything that made her special or worthwhile as Oracle in the first place.

(...As evidenced by the fact that she's Batgirl again in the comics and has somehow lost a few dozen IQ points.) So yeah, Diaz really didn't get it. At all.
>> No. 172551
Did this guy gloat about it or something? 'Cause I don't see the difference between this and other fan art.
>> No. 172552
> It feels like he's dipping a little too hard into the inkwell that gives us the Dresden Codak characters, or the same ideas he had when he made Cyborg (of DC) wear halfway-Victorian steampunk clothes.

I think that's the main issue I have with his reboots, he has a really obvious lean on certain aesthetics and themes and tries to mesh them into series that do not fit well with them. It just ends up lacking the spirit of the original series. The Art Deco Batman, for example.

As for protagonist Zelda, she isn't like Princess Peach, she doesn't spend the entire game in a castle waiting to be rescued by Link. She canonically has her own adventures and we just don't see them. Even in Ocarina of Time she had SEVEN YEARS to learn magic, archery and the art of disguise, had to evade and defend herself against Ganon's minions, taught herself to play all the songs to pass onto Link later on, and was a critical element in the final battle. In Skyward Sword she explicitly went through all the temples before Link did and was always one step ahead of him. In Wind Waker she was a fucking pirate. There is so much potential for a cool game that follows Zelda as her traditional badass princess self. We don't need to shunt her into Link's knight role to have a story worth playing.
>> No. 172553
Can we talk about the actual games now? Who's excited for the HD wind waker remake?
>> No. 172554
>According to his post, it's because it isn't a reimagining, just another reincarnation like all the other Links, Zeldas, and Ganondorfs, so the Gerudo are still all women, but this time Link is the royal person, and Zelda is the Adventurer... Which...does that change the whole thing of the Triforce of Courage and Master Sword being tied to Link? I'm not 100% on Zelda lore and fluff but I dont think there's anything specifically saying they need to be their respective genders besides tradition, wouldn't it make more sense for a female Link and male Zelda?
The problem is that the series Mythology has it that the Hylian royal line is based on the line that the Triforce of Wisdom is born into, and the princess who bears the Triforce of Wisdom gets the name of Zelda. The Triforce of Courage, on the other hand, doesn't appear to be tied to Link in any sort of genetic sense, and he often has to go claim it personally before he is recognized as the hero. It could be argued that Link is not reincarnations of the same hero over and over, but rather a bunch of similar but unrelated kids who become worthy of wielding the Triforce of Courage and the Master Sword.

I could see a Prince Zelda / Female Link situation before I could see an Adventurer Zelda / Prince Link scenario, based on series mythology. Zelda as the protagonist would have to be less about bravery and derring-do, and more about cleverness and avoiding danger, because that's the quality each generation's Zelda is supposed to possess. Which could still be a fun game, but would be a different game. A Zelda-as-protagonist game would probably work best as a Puzzle game rather than an Adventure game.
>> No. 172555
I am not a fan of the HD collections sometimes but I love WW.

I love the Zelda art book.
>> No. 172558
I must be the only one in the Zelda fandom that doesn't like WW.
>> No. 172561
>All women want is a chance to be a hero and to take care of themselves and you're so fucking offended by the fact that they're opening their mouths when it has nothing to do with you and doesn't fucking effect you at all. Let them speak their mind.

Why did this inflammatory nonsense not result in a ban? No one is offended by women opening their mouths and wanting positive role models, we're offended by deranged mongrels like Anita Sarkeesian randomly demonizing good comics and cartoons and video games as being "sexist" while poorly thought through mindless shit like in the OP gets praised as visionary because it makes a cursory attempt to pander to tumblr fangirls.

Why is it acceptable to accuse people who dislike radical feminism of being sexist but unacceptable to accuse people who side with radical feminists of being idiots? I thought this board was marginally better than normal /co/ but it appears I may have been mistaken.
>> No. 172564

I've already seen people on Tumblr talk about the exact same shit we're talking about here how Diaz's Zelda isn't a princess, but whatever, you somehow think that somebody yelling at an obvious troll is in any way comparable to...something.

I don't know, you're being an idiot, so I can't even pretend to know what your beef is.
>> No. 172565
I'm sorry. I'll leave if that's what you want. I wasn't trying to be inflammatory, I genuinely have run into people who have told me that women aren't allowed to be protagonists in video games, who have told me that women aren't allowed to complain about how they're being treated, especially not in the gaming industry. I'm sorry. I overreacted.
>> No. 172566

>I'm sorry. I'll leave if that's what you want. I wasn't trying to be inflammatory, I genuinely have run into people who have told me that women aren't allowed to be protagonists in video games, who have told me that women aren't allowed to complain about how they're being treated, especially not in the gaming industry. I'm sorry. I overreacted.

Well, I'll apologize for being snappy about it. I think I'm misreading what you said, though. The post I quoted responded to the misogyny troll (whom I'm assuming may be the same usual misogyny troll that comes by here whenever his ban runs out) by being angry that nobody complains about the people who "side with radical feminists."

So, what did that have to do with Radical Feminists, and what does that have to do with neckbeard dudebros who say women can't be protagonists in games or can't complain about their treatment/portrayal in the industry?
>> No. 172567
I forgive you. I was just angry at someone who was seemed to be saying that all feminists had vaginas or were angry lesbians and that they weren't going to change anything.

I only know Anita Sarkeesian from the first Tropes vs. Women video and that I agreed Krystal had gotten the short end of the stick when her game was redesigned, as well as Zelda being pretty powerful but still being kidnapped, and that in both cases it kinda sucked. If she's said anything else that might be taking things too far, I don't think I like her anymore. I don't follow her on Twitter or anything else she's done.
>> No. 172569
I will admit its not the best game in the series. I just love the style and I have good memories of playing with my brother. Last thing we really did together.

As for the debate I have nothing against a female protag. I'd just wish it to be a new series. That and everyone who thinks Zelda needs to be the protag to do anything. Do none of these people remember when she was a ninja, or commanded the respect of an entire pirate crew or even became a goddess? Link feels downright insignificant compared to Zelda at times.

That being said I'm playing Link's Awakening for the first time and loving it.
>> No. 172571
Fair enough. I actually had an idea about a game with a female barbarian who rescued princes (or something, I'm still working on it). Her weapon of choice was a giant war-hammer.

I also wanted to avoid the Mario level cliches, so no jungle/lava/desert/ice levels. I might omit the robot factory level idea too, unless I could put a different spin on it.
>> No. 172572
See that's good. It's not forced like a lot of ideas like this redesign.
>> No. 172573
>That being said I'm playing Link's Awakening for the first time and loving it.
Link's Awakening is the best 2D Zelda, and the second best Zelda in general.
So good.
>> No. 172578
File 136598106095.png - (1.36MB , 1440x900 , boss_overdrive__minish_cap_by_eiffelart-d579x8g.png )
All the Gameboy Zelda games are great, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who liked Minish Cap. It hurts me.
>> No. 172580
I loved Minish Cap.
Not quite as much as the GBC ones, but I still liked it.
>> No. 172581
Is it ok to say Spirit Tracks can suck a dick for that shitty flute?
>> No. 172583
File 136598289824.gif - (91.29KB , 400x289 , 1315108042020.gif )
You are both good people and we are now friends.
>> No. 172584
I shall be siding with Bic and you guys on this.
>> No. 172585
Well thank you. That flute is the closest I've come to chucking my DS across the room.
>> No. 172603
Its clumsiness makes the final battle the worst in the franchise by proxy of requiring you to perform an impromptu duet with Zelda before the last phase. Fuck that, fuck it in the neck. Took me so many tries I forgot a battle was even going on. Why couldn't they just have you trace a specific path with the stylus for the notes to follow? Almost everything else in the game was done through that tool so it wouldn't have been jarring or anything.
>> No. 172604
I didn't have that much trouble with it save for uncovering the sand temple.
>> No. 172611
The art is interesting, but as an appreciator of the series, I am very sad.

You are now aware that seven years of evading Ganon by Impa, training up a young princess to being a shadow-amazon and reconcile with her divine Wisdom, would be a million times more entertaining, interesting and meaningful (even if non-canon) than this uninspired, overly illustrated drek. And only accidentally sexually progressive. And still far superior in that regard.
>> No. 172620
>Link's Awakening is the best 2d Zelda

how could you possibly put it above LttP
>> No. 172627
I was never able to unlock the fire temple because of that damn flute.
>> No. 172629
I sold my copy after beating it forever ago, but can't you guys sustain the flute blowing and just press the buttons in time?
>> No. 172632
Spirit Tracks flute was awful.
Most of that game was awful. Zelda was great in it though. I wouldn't mind another game where some incarnation of her is the 'Navi' of the game.

It might also be alright if there's a dungeon or two where she actually helps out and solves puzzles with you via her magic, kind of like Medli and Makar did in WW. I wouldn't want her with you the whole game that way though, dungeons with partners can be fun but more than a few would feel forced and gimmicky, and would probably slow down the game quite a bit.
>> No. 172636
Unless she was like a ninja again. Bro op between Link and Zelda. It'd be better than co op as Tingle.
>> No. 172648
The problem is that the flute blowing is a broken as fuck mechanic. The DS mic picks up even the faintest breath which can lose the entire duet for you. Also some of them, namely the Ocean and Sand temple duets are so broken you can actually clear them by just spamming the first two notes for the entire song.
>> No. 172719

>> No. 172721

EarthBound on WiiU Virtual Console > Link to the Past 2

>> No. 172722
a.) This is the Zelda General so why would you bring up Earthbound

b.) oh boy a port i can't wait untilsnooooooooooooooooooooooooore
>> No. 172723
>> No. 172724
File 13662144073.jpg - (101.84KB , 800x480 , 1366213334707.jpg )

Skip to 35:00
>> No. 172726
It and Bravely Default were the best parts of that Nintendo conference.
>> No. 172728
That looks fun!
>> No. 172730
I don't care about it being a Link to the Past sequel but shit that's somce nice dungeon design.
>> No. 172731
Never in all my years did I think they where going to use a LTTP esque art style again. Especially for Link.

A little silly now that I think about it sense the series has adopted a habit of experimenting with art style.
>> No. 172733
File 136622100028.png - (2.84KB , 360x480 , pinkhair.png )
Looks to me like it's missing something...
Joking aside, this looks really fun.
>> No. 172744
Oh, I know so swedish gameblogers that just lost their shit/got a ladyboner!
Hope that I have the money for it...
Unlike LM2DM...
Maybe that look will be DLC.
I would so buy that!
>> No. 172755
I love spirit tracks. Like, I really think it's fantastic.

Fuck that flute.
>> No. 172760
File 13662460291.png - (539.15KB , 600x555 , dare to compare.png )
>> No. 172765
>LttP sequel
>new dungeons, new mechanics

Well, I just found the game that'll make me buy the 3DS.

Another person chiming in, love Spirit Tracks, fuck that flute in all its holes.
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