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171227 No. 171227
You know how Elemental: War of Magic was a complete turd?

You know how Fallen Enchantress was a much better and polished game that still wasn't really quite fun, just mediocre?

Well, I've played a few games of the most recent version (that is nearing release but is doing the nowadays common thing with public "beta" for preorders), and I must say - I'm impressed with how they actually made an enjoyable game out of this. The cloth map is actually very pretty, leveling is much more coherent, and the tactical combat is improved thanks to weapon-dependent skills. Also, the units aren't AS ugly as before (still pretty fucking ugly).

The only thing it really lacks now is multiplayer.

PS: Actual game experience may vary and it might just be the novelty effect for me, so I'd welcome some other opinions from people who have the game.
>> No. 180245
Oh hey I recently bought this game on offer but haven't installed it.

Does anyone have any opinions on it?
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