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File 136098980968.png - (36.26KB , 500x300 , 624781-lets_play_super[1].png )
170300 No. 170300
Watching people play video games. Started on Something Awful, went other places.

Master List

Giant Bomb
Two Best Friends
Freelance Astronauts (broken up, but still good)
Tipping 40s (no more full LPs, streams still going)
Yahtzee Croshaw (Zero Punctuation guy) and friend Gabriel
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>> No. 170301
Finished the Giant Bomb Chrono Trigger Endurance Run (Ryan and Patrick).

I'm not sure WHY I did this (completion's sake, I suppose), since I quickly concluded that it was made to in some way PUNISH everyone who even slightly enjoys JRPGs. These two act like total morons.
>Entire episodes getting lost without the "completely wasted" T40s excuse, even (no, ESPECIALLY) when given explicit directions
>Having save problems and forcing the viewer to watch rather than doing some goddamn editing
>Immediately after acquiring the flying Epoch, they leave it behind and go wandering in the Future while spending the whole time complaining about how long it takes to get around

And then of course, there's Patrick repeatedly reminding the viewer of how he is hands down the weakest member of the GB crew
>"FF10 was the last JRPG I really got into, and I didn't like 9 at all"
>> No. 170303
I think FFX has some redeeming qualities. Auron's cool, the graphics are gorgeous, I liked the Sphere Grid, and there's several stories on Video Games Saved My Life that mention FFX saved them from an abusive relationship or cope with a strained relationship with their father.

I do think GB is very sorely lacking in experts in RPG's and RTS'es. Wishful thinking, but if they ever got a female staff member, they should find a woman who specializes in one or both.
>> No. 170305
I really don't care that much about liking FF10. I think it's a piece of shit, but I can see where the enjoyment might come from (and if it helped you in such a fashion then hey, whatever works for you). I genuinely cannot process or imagine how someone could suggest it was better than 9 or that "the only good thing about that game was Vivi."

But yes, GB doesn't seem to have any kind of clue most of the time. Brad often says things like "Man, they just don't make them like they used to" and I can only think "how the fuck would you know, you basically never play them."
>> No. 170310
Two Best Friends Play The Walk…youtube thumb

It's ok man.
At least she kicked asses hard, and took that giant robot thing whatever. She'll inspire future generation of Heavies.
>> No. 170313
Let's Play New Super Mario Bros. U [17]youtube thumb
Let's Play Nintendo Land [17] …youtube thumb
>> No. 170320
Fan Friday! - Duck Quest?youtube thumb
Incredible Crisis: On a Wire -…youtube thumb
>> No. 170330
They do have an expert on those things. Dave. But Dave is not really a "journalist" like the rest and he's already busy with just keeping the site working. Vinny is also well-versed in all things RPG, but he's not a journalist either. And to be honest he kinda enjoys almost every game and tries to see the good in them, no matter how bad, so he's not really fit for reviewing.
>> No. 170336
I had enough money in my begging tin to actually buy a month of GB premium, so I decided to check out some archived stuff.
>Unprofessional Fridays 2/8/13
>The entire lego island section
>that C418 tweet
I was in tears.
>> No. 170351
Let's Play Transformers: Fall …youtube thumb
Let's Play Transformers: Fall …youtube thumb
Metroid Fusion - Matt and Wool…youtube thumb
>> No. 170360
Let's Play Transformers: Fall …youtube thumb
Matt's Sexy Bond-A-Thon (Trailer)youtube thumb
>> No. 170370
I Lied Before, Retsufrash Is Now Artyoutube thumb

It's like Portal if they stripped away everything that made GLaDOS interesting.
>> No. 170374
Minecraft Daily | Ep.105 | Ft …youtube thumb
The Greenlight: Knytt Undergroundyoutube thumb
Aliens Colonial Marines: Close…youtube thumb
>> No. 170381
Why did this thread immediately regress back into people posting youtube links without comments?

If you have something to say, then by all means, link it, but if you don't then don't clutter up the thread with updates that people are perfectly capable of finding on their own.
>> No. 170395

Yes, how dare people simply post links that they think other people may enjoy. Down with that sort of thing.
>> No. 170407
Except it really has no point, if you keep posting videos from the same people over and over again. And, you know, maybe tell me a little bit about those links you post so they won't go under in a list of videos nobody fucking watches, because it's just some dude's Youtube feed being reposted.
>> No. 170418
Then hide the thread.
It's convenient for some of us.
>> No. 170422
Dead Space 3 with Beagle &…youtube thumb

Even if you've never cared about Dead Space, Beaglerush, or Dyslexci, it's worth watching what comes right after the 24 minute mark.
>> No. 170424
XCOM Enemy Unknown Episode 4 - Operation Twisted Whisper:

XCOM Enemy Unknown Episode 4 -…youtube thumb
>> No. 170451
Something Awful is behind paywall again.
Wake me up when that wall crumbles down.
>> No. 170457
Let's Play New Super Mario Bros. U [18]youtube thumb
Let's Play Nintendo Land [18] …youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Chrono T…youtube thumb
>> No. 170472
SUNFLOWER WITH BIG... Conker's…youtube thumb
Naughty Bear: Bad Teddy - PART…youtube thumb
>> No. 170493
While we where away...
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
>> No. 170555
Space Jam - Game Grumps VSyoutube thumb
Nerd³'s Father and Son-Days - Painyoutube thumb
Bubberduckyyoutube thumb
>> No. 170633
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
>> No. 170647
File 136347101982.jpg - (179.40KB , 510x509 , OP santa.jpg )
>The guy whos Wings of Liberty lets play I really injoyed is doing Heart of the Swarm
Let's Play Starcraft II: Heart…youtube thumb
>> No. 170651
File 136347675343.png - (197.19KB , 510x450 , Spyro dude wat.png )
>> No. 170655
Hey cool this place is back.



Then two new XCOM EU videos.

XCOM Enemy Unknown Episode 5 -…youtube thumb

XCOM Enemy Unknown Episode 6 -…youtube thumb
>> No. 170673
Why would you post a youtube playlist for an SA LP?
>> No. 170675
File 13635026491.gif - (13.18KB , 818x585 , rf Spyro do not want.gif )
Because I am not a goon?

Stop complaining over nothing.
>> No. 170726
File 136356201536.png - (107.14KB , 229x222 , 1350705900828.png )
Two Best Friends Play The Walking Dead FINALyoutube thumb

Final episode of TBFP Play The Walking Dead. Going by this thread the most recent episode before plusfour went kaput was Part 7, so here's the playlist if you want to catch up/start from the beginning:

>> No. 170731
File 13635687859.jpg - (40.22KB , 510x312 , 33468-1-1363526017.jpg )

Also, I wanna listen to Amnesiac again.
>> No. 170765
The Legend of Cage: Beneath the Maskyoutube thumb
SONIC, ISAAC, MIDGETS WUT - Tr…youtube thumb
CRY, KEN & PEWDS VS. THE WORLD !youtube thumb
>> No. 170767
Paperboy 64 - Game Grumpsyoutube thumb
Top 50 Worst Voice Acting In Games finalyoutube thumb
GameTime w/ Nessie N' Elliot - Quiet titsyoutube thumb
>> No. 170783
Nerd³'s Father and Son-Days - Pain - Part 2youtube thumb
Fallout for Pimps - "The Pint-…youtube thumb
The Legend of the Mystical Nin…youtube thumb
>> No. 170784
Matt Plays Link's Awakening - …youtube thumb
>> No. 170836
Nerd³'s Father and Son-Days - Pain - Part 2youtube thumb
The Walking Dead Survival Inst…youtube thumb
>> No. 170842
Oh, not the Matt I was thinking...
>> No. 170855
That's Moses btw.
Our fellow Moses.
>> No. 170939
I've never done an LP before; would anyone here be interested in an LP of Bioshock Infinite when I get it at Midnight Release next week? I would also be livestreaming it as I played, with breaks.

If so, is there a good resource to learn what tools I need or other tips for doing an LP?
>> No. 170947
well usally the Something Awful Lets Play forum is your best source when Lowtax doesn't have the paywall up. Second is the LP archive which has plenty of information. Third Retsupurae which is basically a rundown of "see this LP..don't do this." As you are talking about a "Blind" Lets Play (game you've never played before you should be fine if you've played other Bioshock games before this.

this wiki seems to give a good rundown of the basics. http://www.wikihow.com/Do-a-Let%27s-Play

If looking for a Mic the Ant Lion Mod Mic seems to be tops among audiophiles (newer model coming out 3.0 seems to be even better though not as bendy as the 2.0 due to different frame construction)
>> No. 170961
File 136383611798.jpg - (42.29KB , 640x480 , darkseid grumpy.jpg )
>SA's paywall is back up

Go step on a LEGO, Lowtax.
>> No. 170973
File 136383942550.jpg - (14.55KB , 468x357 , BISON.jpg )

>Paywall is up.
>The youtube account that hosts GamingCX.com's videos is terminated.
>> No. 170994
Introretrospective - MetaDating ep. 8youtube thumb

I really do hope they have second season of this show.
>> No. 170995
File 136387265825.png - (436.63KB , 640x480 , One Piece - 107_avi_snapshot_12_48_[2013_03_16_20_.png )
>SA forum paywall yadda yadda old news
Luckily I got most of my favourite LPers video hosts in bookmarks for times like this.
Also looking through browser history helps if you didn't do that in time.
Eat sand and shit castles lowtax.
>> No. 170997
Two Best Friends Play Chrono T…youtube thumb
>> No. 171013
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
>> No. 171019
Wario World: He Does Like "Aeh…youtube thumb
I NEED A NEW PLAN - The Walkin…youtube thumb
>> No. 171020
Far Cry 3 [35]: The Whole Truthyoutube thumb

Why bother with the knife fight at all when you have four perfectly good guns?
>> No. 171084
Darkstalkers Resurrection - It…youtube thumb
>> No. 171258
Special Guest Grant Kirkhope - Guest Grumpsyoutube thumb
MOST BIZZARRE GAME EVER! (Day 3)youtube thumb
>> No. 171261
File 136424882682.gif - (2.69MB , 300x213 , tickle otter.gif )

>Grant Fucking Kirkhope
>Game Grumps Exclusive!
>The Mumbo Voice story
>Goldeneye was canceled for three months

This is a beautiful day.
>> No. 171380
BEST CO-OP GAME EVER! - The Ad…youtube thumb
BioShock: Infinite (Part 1) - …youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
>> No. 171465
Let's Play - X-Men Arcadeyoutube thumb
Aladdin Genesis: One Bread Ahe…youtube thumb
BioShock: Infinite (Part 2) - …youtube thumb
>> No. 171555
SA forum pay wall is down.
Time to loot the place!
>> No. 171556
BioShock: Infinite (Part 3) - …youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Demon's Crest: Petty Crusade -…youtube thumb
>> No. 171563
Nerd Cubed did a Bioshock Infinite Vid which he may spin into a full series. I'll enjoy his for the Outsiders Perspective and Jessie Cox for the Historical one.
>> No. 171699
Two Best Friends Play Metal Ge…youtube thumb
Christopher Walkenthrough - Bi…youtube thumb
Aladdin Genesis: What a Mouthf…youtube thumb
>> No. 171711
Bioshock: Infinite [Part 4] - …youtube thumb
Nerd³ Plays... Bridge Projectyoutube thumb
>> No. 171730
Super Best Friends Brawl - Perfect Darkyoutube thumb
>> No. 171738
Arma 3 Alpha: Helicopter Hide and Seekyoutube thumb
Fallout for Pimps - "Ernest Go…youtube thumb
>> No. 171744
Fallout New Vegas: Wild Wild Wastelandyoutube thumb
BEAUTIFUL ENDING - The Crooke…youtube thumb
>> No. 171751
>Christoffer Walking
Wait what?
>> No. 171752
Well that was almost like spelling, but not quite. Keep trying!

Anyways those Christopher Walkenthrough videos are awful, mostly because it's a really bad Christopher Walken impression. I have to imagine Machinima told Matt and Patt to do this.
>> No. 171790
Bioshock: Infinite (Part 5) - Fire Birdyoutube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Chrono T…youtube thumb
SO IT FINALLY BEGINS - The Cat Lady - Part 1youtube thumb
>> No. 171807
The TBFP Chrono Trigger LP has lasted through, let's see...
-Eternal Darkness
-The Walking Dead
-Metal Gear Rising

This is their longest LP yet!
>> No. 171885
Bioshock: Infinite (Part 6) - Skylineyoutube thumb
DJ Boy - Game Grumpsyoutube thumb
>> No. 171886
Not to mention Matt and Woolie's old school playthrough and it may even outlast Predator: Concrete Jungle
>> No. 171887
Matt's Bomb-Ass PREDATOR Concr…youtube thumb
Matt's Bomb-Ass PREDATOR Concr…youtube thumb
>> No. 171898
Mega Man X7: Axl From a Rose -…youtube thumb
Arcade Longplay [138] Pretty S…youtube thumb
>> No. 171914
Two Best Friends Play Chrono T…youtube thumb
Let's Play - New Super Mario Bros. U Part 2youtube thumb
>> No. 171927
It bothers me how Jon can't form his own opinion ever.
>> No. 171928
NES Longplay [265] Punch-Outyoutube thumb
NES Longplay [051] BattleToadsyoutube thumb
>> No. 171930
A lot of people seem to be a little bugged over how not really pro Arin and Jon are. Which to me is part of the charm, but neither of them are technically proficient the way Mat, Pat and Woolie are through their fighting game background. I don't think Arin or Jon could really hold their own in say, Metal Gear Rising.

But yeah, Jon never really has an opinion beyond "I know what I like" and Arin's really bad at quantifying his opinions (though I don't think he's wrong about a lot of them, even the contradictory ones).
>> No. 171932
I was more referencing how Jon changes whatever opinion he has on games if Arin says something different, because Jon apparently thinks because of Sequelitis, Arin is right about everything when it's become clear over the course of Game Grumps that he has the most unagreeable opinions ever.

There was even an episode of Sonic 06 where Arin talks about him convincing Jon that Sonic Generations was a bad game.
>> No. 171943
RUINING FRIENDSHIPS - Battlebl…youtube thumb
Mega Man X7: Zero the Zero - P…youtube thumb
SCARED TO DEATH! / SlendyTubbiesyoutube thumb
>> No. 171962
Two Best Friends Play Chrono T…youtube thumb
BAD TRADER - Battleblock Theat…youtube thumb
Nerd³ Plays... Happy Wheels! WITH FACECAM!!youtube thumb
>> No. 171965
PC Engine Longplay [261] Ranma ½youtube thumb
Pocky & Rocky: Enchanted F…youtube thumb
Skyrim For Pimps - Marshmallow…youtube thumb
>> No. 171967
File 136516347328.jpg - (39.93KB , 500x374 , hFCC41B91.jpg )
The Funniest Half-Life Modyoutube thumb
>> No. 172001
Two Best Friends Play Man Vs Wild Part 1youtube thumb
Mega Man X7: Downside Up - PAR…youtube thumb
>> No. 172029
Let's Play Parodius (Da!) [1]youtube thumb
>> No. 172039
MR.FROG COMMETH - Battleblock …youtube thumb
Mega Man X7: Mega Busted - PAR…youtube thumb
Matt's Bomb-Ass PREDATOR Conc…youtube thumb
>> No. 172077
Super Best Friends Play - SHOVEL KNIGHTyoutube thumb
>> No. 172110
Let's Play Minecraft - Episode…youtube thumb
Two Best Friends Play Chrono T…youtube thumb
>> No. 172118
Let's Play Parodius (Da!) [2]youtube thumb
>> No. 172185
Two Best Friends Play Man Vs Wild Part 2youtube thumb
SCREW THIS ALREADY - Minecraft…youtube thumb
>> No. 172191
SHARK OR HALF FACE? - Battlebl…youtube thumb
Star Fox 64: The Lylat Wars - …youtube thumb
>> No. 172220
>> No. 172223
Fallout for Pimps - "The AntAgonizer" 1-23youtube thumb
TERRIFYING MONSTER - Paranoiac - Part 1youtube thumb
>> No. 172235
Star Fox 64: Star Wolf - PART 2 - Game Grumpsyoutube thumb

Ego is REALLY bad at Star Fox.
>> No. 172248
File 136554652099.jpg - (96.09KB , 750x600 , deadpool__by_i_am_so_awesome-d31esam.jpg )
GOLDEN HAT RICHES - Battlebloc…youtube thumb
Shovel Knight - Game Grumpsyoutube thumb
>> No. 172265
Watching T40s play Killer7 was a torturous experience. God damn it Alex.
>> No. 172300
Bastion Part 1 - WordsHere Playsyoutube thumb
Let's Play Parodius (Da!) [3]youtube thumb
>> No. 172303
I thought this was a thread, not an RSS feed.
>> No. 172305
Well, you're welcome to make it a thread.
Although I really have nothing to comment about LPs in general.
>> No. 172309
WEEK OF KILLER INSTINCT - Day 1youtube thumb
Star Fox 64: The Right Path - …youtube thumb
Bioshock: Infinite (Part 7) - …youtube thumb
>> No. 172348
Alien Soldier - Matt & Woo…youtube thumb
NERF WAR - Battleblock Theater…youtube thumb
The Elder Scrolls Oblivion - W…youtube thumb
>> No. 172366
Super Best Friends Play Metal …youtube thumb
Star Fox 64: The Last Hurrah -…youtube thumb
>> No. 172406
Bioshock: Infinite (Part 8) - …youtube thumb
FISHY BONUS LEVEL - Battlebloc…youtube thumb
Sonic '06: Dingly Boxes - PART…youtube thumb
>> No. 172408
Hey You, Pikachu! - PBGyoutube thumb
Game Boy Advance Longplay [063…youtube thumb
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