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File 134716863052.png - (0.96MB , 708x945 , RockManWorld3.png )
162883 No. 162883
Since the Archie thread is now Archie general, I'm going to try making a thread to talk about the games. You can either discuss the new X-Over title and complain about Capcom taking a shit on the series, or you can watch me talk to myself, fascinated by my apparent autism.

Anyway, I've finally sat down and am going through each of the Megaman games, except for non-canon/japanese only titles, MM7, MM8, X7 and X8. Reason being I've replayed MM7/MM8/X8 to the point where I can beat the games blindfolded, and X7 was so awful I don't even want to look at it again.

MM1 sucked. Record breaking in graphics, sound, and level design when it came out, but compared to later games it is an abomination. No e-tanks, no invincibility to spikes, Elec Man's stage, and a lack of decent checkpoint spots are what mark it down.
MM2 was alright. Overrated, but it's still a classic and easily the best entry to the series for newcomers. Soundtrack is still awesome, and I never found it to be too easy. Rather, I thought it was almost as hard as MM1. I'm playing on difficult mode here, and I have played normal before and it is indeed very easy, but I think this is the way the game was meant to be played anyway. The main problem is when you get a game over, you lose all your e-tanks, and the Wily Machine is almost impossible without them.
MM3 was better, and easier. I'm playing these on the Anniversary collection, which for some reason replaces Top Man and Magnet Man's themes for music from MM7, which pissed me off a little. I also didn't like how the Doc Robot stages pad the game out which is unnecessary. What I do like, though, is Rush Jet lets you go wherever you want in this game, unlike the rest of the games which make him hard to control.
MM4 isn't as good, but it's even easier. Too easy. It's really generous with 1-ups, you'll get at least 3 per stage. Skull Man even has 3 e-tanks in his stage. I also didn't need to use the charge shot in this game and found rapid fire to be a much better option. Not much to say otherwise.
MM5 is much better than 4, and slightly harder as well. Charge shot is much more effective here, and I found myself using it more than rapid fire for once. Proto Man's fortress is insane, with some of the most cruel level design I've ever seen. Super Arrow and Beat are really nice additions, and the graphics are the best I have ever seen for the NES. I mean fuck, there's parallax scrolling in some levels. I didn't even think that was possible on an 8-bit system. There isn't even any slowdown.

After this, I took a break and played some of the Game Boy titles. The only thing I have to say is they suck. Rehash of a rehash of a rehash for each one. I'm halfway through the third one right now, and it's still not much better than the first 2 and Dust Man's stage is fucking impossible. Strangely the stages are much larger than the NES games for some reason, or they at least feel larger. Huge amounts of slowdown on the third game as well. I'm beginning to lose hope.
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>> No. 162884
>> No. 162885
X > 2 > 3 = 1 > 4
5 goes in there somewhere but it's been too long since I played it.
And those are all the mega mans I know.
>> No. 162887
>I mean fuck, there's parallax scrolling in some levels. I didn't even think that was possible on an 8-bit system.
Wait, seriously? Have you never played Punch Out! before? They used the same technique in the mid-tier training cutscenes.
>> No. 162897

Thoughts on this?
>> No. 162926
File 134723531879.png - (16.60KB , 384x224 , megaman2.png )
They should make a new arcade game.
For xblah.
>> No. 162955
Played a few more.

MM6 is my favorite of the NES games. It's easy as hell, showering you with 1-ups and e-tanks, but the Jet/Power adaptors are awesome and there wasn't a weapon I didn't use. A lot of the stages have neat little gimmicks to them, and the graphics here are even better than MM5, possibly pushing the NES to its limits and beyond. Also the music rivals MM2 I think.

MM IV on Game Boy is the best of the portable games so far, but it's still missing something. My biggest complain with these games is the level design. They're long as fuck compared to the NES games (While still having only 1 checkpoint), but a lot of the screens are copy-pasted from earlier parts of the level, sometimes from other levels, and you're expected to make these jumps that are damn near impossible and are always placed over pits/spikes. And this game adds recoil to the charge shot which has actually flung me into pits a few times. I spent literally hours on Dust Man and Crystal Man's stages, yet ironically the bosses here are weak compared to their NES versions.
>> No. 162961
Mega Man does suffer from brand confusion, but it's not his biggest problem by this point.
>> No. 162986
File 134729710367.jpg - (74.95KB , 640x380 , onlinearmors.jpg )
Well, apparently that's over too.
>> No. 163000
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Can't say it's surprising. At least we got some neat trailers out of it.
>> No. 163022
MMX1 is just as good as I remember. Egoraptor said it best, this game makes my dick rock hard. Not much else to say.

MMV for the Game Boy is just, wow. I had no idea it would be this good. It blows the previous games sky high out of the water, even some of the NES games. Hell, maybe all of them. Great music, great story, great replay value, great level design, minimal slowdown, and difficulty that finally feels like genuine fun challenge instead of cheap bullshit platforming. If this had been the last game ever for the Classic series and we never got MM7 and 8, I'd be happy.
>> No. 163023
They should do a new megaman collection collecting Megamen 1-10.
With 7 and 8 remastered in glorious 8-bit.
>> No. 163029
Mega Man 9 I think is seriously one of the best games in the classic series, if not the best period. 10 was sort of bland and phoned in, but I did like the challenge levels.

Honestly I don't really like Capcom, even in the golden age before DLC existed I was not a fan of most of their franchises. However I absolutely adore Mega Man, every variation of it from Legends to Star Force, and even at their worst they manage to be fun games. You could argue that a lot of the sequels are essentially just level packs but the games are simple fun anyway, very little needs to be changed.

I hope someday Mega Man gets either a proper revival or a decent send-off. It's a shame the company that Inafune happened to work for eventually grew to be so shitty.
>> No. 163052
So, turns out MMV is the only Game Boy game Lameboy can't handle, because it crashed when I got to Saturn's stage. Had to use BGB to get any further. I have to say that even though getting 1-ups and e-tanks is easy, you'll burn through them quickly, or at least I did. The final boss took 2 e-tanks, and Mercury has an attack that makes you drop items, starting with your most important one: the s-tank. I was pissed. And it takes forever to build up a bunch of p-chips to buy items.
>> No. 163061
For a decent send off we need story closure and the story in MM games are shit on a stick.

I swear stopping Dr. Wily for the god knows how many times just got annoying and old. It all plays out like a typical Saturday Morning cartoon and frankly that's not a compliment. So either Capcom gets a real solid effort to conclude MM's story or they can fuck off.

I'm not giving them money for crappy aimless plots like the Roboenza one or MM9's plot about MM showing Wily how often he gets away due to the world's incompetence which rivals that of Gotham who lets the Joker live.
>> No. 163085
At first I thought you were a troll, but you're not. You're just an asshole ranting about things shit nobody cares about. Go away.

X2 isn't as good as X1, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because you have to go out of your way to get the good ending, maybe it's because the music sucks, but overall it just felt boring. I think it's because you can only beat 2 bosses before going after the hunters to get Zero's parts, and they're hard as hell if you don't have the right weapons, so I was going around stages trying to find all the items I could get to have an easier time (You only need Wheel Gator's weapon for the armor) and you're not allowed to leave the stage unless you lose all your lives. So you have to keep killing yourself over and over if you just want the items, and that's what I was doing.

X3 was better, if only for the replay value. There are so many alternate scenarios and items to hunt for that you'd have to replay the game at least 3 times to see everything. So there's that, but like X2 it, again, feels boring. I don't know how these sequels have aged so poorly yet the first game has aged so well, and it's essentially the same game.
>> No. 163136
But you can play as Zero(!)
>> No. 163153
Who is almost completely useless past the beginning of the game and can't enter sub-boss doors, you can only use him once per stage, his life bar is half the size of X's fully powered up, you can't use his saber like you want like in X4, and he only has 1 life and no continues. If he dies, he dies, and you don't get him to help in the latter stages and you get the bad ending as well. This especially sucks in Crush Crawfish's stage where the latter section I decided to use Zero, only to fall on spikes I couldn't possibly have known were there.

X4 was quite good. This is my favorite X title next to the first one. The first thing I noticed after finishing X3 was just the speed. The action whether you're playing as X or Zero is exhilarating and even puts some Sonic games to shame. Zero in particular is the highlight of the entire game, definitely way better than playing as X. X's playthrough feels kinda "meh" in comparison and the plot isn't as interesting, but after you get the Force Armor and the plasma shot, shit gets real, and you're blowing everything away. But that only happens after you clear all the stages, so yeah. Awesome soundtrack too, and even though the voice acting sucks, it's not anywhere near as bad as Megaman 8's.
>> No. 163200
In a way the BORING feel of X2 and X3 is necessary. See these are the Maverick Wars and they should feel monotonous, empty, dull, redundant, and tedious. You're fighting a war, and as such not every conflict you engage in should be GRAND SIZED in terms of making headway.

George Lucas' cartoon series The Clone Wars captures this boring repetitive feel for endless battles against generics perfectly.
>> No. 163201
Best voice acting in a Megaman game? Try Maverick Hunter X on the PSP. My god was I surprised by how good the voice work was for all the characters. The only one who was semi annoying was Chill Penguin and it was because it was him playing up the "I'm a bird aaaarwk!" archetype while Storm Eagle didn't try any such gimmick. Also Sting Chamaleon's voice was painful as well. Thankfully he only talks once in the whole game. But the rest? Good work.

Now Megaman Powered Up is a much better voice effort in the Classic MM games, but it still left a bit to be desired. Even if Wily is a mad scientist I still find his voice very annoying in Powered Up.
>> No. 163203
I liked Legends voice acting the best...the only voice I didn't like was Roll, but at least she sounded appropriate. And for 1997 when voice acting was still a new thing, that's quite an accomplishment.

MHX did have good choices though...Lucas Gilbertson is the perfect Zero, Mark Gatha is great as X (A shame he retired) and whoever voices Sigma is good too.
>> No. 163273
So I've had some problems concerning Mega Man Legends.

First I tried burning a PS1 disc, but no matter what ISO I used, what type of CD-R I used, what burning software I used, or what burning speed I used, it just refused to burn without any errors. So I tried emulating it, but the cutscenes are screwed up with huge amounts of stuttering whether ePSXe's settings are on fast or nice. So then I tried the PC version, and the cutscenes are seriously fucked up on that version and completely out of sync. So then I tried the PS1 to PSP port, but that version won't work either because Legends uses all 4 shoulder buttons and the PSP only has 2.

At this point, my only hope is either the Nintendo 64 version or buying it for $60 off ebay. And the N64 version is missing content, not to mention some graphical effects are screwed up and I've heard it has huge slowdown in multiple areas.
>> No. 163302
Mega Man 64 isn't that bad. The graphics are actually sharper than the PS version thanks to anti-aliasing and there are no load times. There isn't really any missing content per se... What you get on the N64 is a shorter draw distance, lower quality voice acting from compression, and some missing music tracks (as far as I know, they are just the CDs you can listen to in the shop and the credits music.)

Legends 2 is PS only though.
>> No. 163304
Yes, but a lot of the lighting is messed up in the N64 port. Most of the textures are severely darkened and a lot of objects, namely refractors, instead of looking bright and glowing, end up looking dark and non-glowing.

The load times on the PS version, if I remember right weren't that noticeable anyway so the lack of it isn't a huge improvement. But, it does have rumble support (Sortof) and analog control (Although it's really just the d-pad with a stick). And the draw distance is extended when played on an emulator I think. The N64 version, really, is my only hope of playing it at this point unless I buy it off ebay.
>> No. 163307
Legends 1 isn't really that expensive, especially if you settle for a listing without the case and manual. You can get it for as low as $30 which is the price of a brand new DS game. In my mind, a classic game that you can get used for the same price as a modern, new game is totally worthwhile.

Legends 2 is gonna run you more, but you can get a good deal if you find them together. I got Legends 1 and 2 off eBay as a Bundle for $90 total.

Oh, and I hope you don't want to play Misadventures of Tron Bonne. That game is about $120 at it's cheapest used price and from what I hear you can't emulate it.
>> No. 163310
Since the N64 version refuses to emulate properly (wow, there must be some serious anti-piracy going on here) it looks like I'll have to buy it off ebay. Legends 2 burned fine, no need to buy that one. You probably think I'm a dirty pirate for this, but these games have never been re-released in any form where I can give Capcom my money. It's the same thing for the Game Boy titles. I haven't heard anything about Misadventures emulating badly, or at least not burning badly.

But damn, Legends 1 just blows my mind. NONE of the versions play properly in emulators or otherwise, and it just won't burn. I went through like 15 CD-Rs trying every method known to man. Just what the hell is going on here?
>> No. 163327
Oh thank god, I finally got it working. RadeonPRO can force the cutscenes on Legends 1 for PC to sync with the audio if you tweak it enough, so that's what I did, and now it's perfect. Misadventures of Tron Bonne runs fine in ePSXe, and I have Legends 2 burned and it runs fine too. All's well that ends well, although I would've liked to display them on my shelf in a nice DVD case with a nice custom coverart. Still finding out the cause for those and if there's any workaround at all. Oh well, I can do that for Legends 2 at least.
>> No. 163330
Isn't N64 emulation still really poor?
>> No. 163411
File 134794166647.jpg - (357.26KB , 700x988 , megaman_legends_3.jpg )
MML is just as good as I remember. Tons of charm, good voice acting, GREAT plot and characters, lots of replayability and it just has that Zelda feel that makes the action adventure genre so fun. Replaying this only made me realize how much I truly hate Capcom for canceling Legends 3 on top of everything else they've done. And I hate them even more for not allowing Keiji Inafune to continue to work for them.

If I could think of Megaman games that Capcom needed to make before fucking Inafune over, it would be:

1) Bridge from Classic to X series (Xover, although it's not anything like what I had in mind and is frankly embarassing)
2) Battle Network collection (They've never been re-released, and if Zero got one, why not their arguably more popular GBA series? Localize Shooting Star and BN3 Black and put in all the features from BN5 Double Team DS...and re-release the game boy games and colorize them while you're at it like you planned to back in 2004)
3) ZX 3 (Finish off the X saga and bridge to Legends if possible, it could fit with Advent's ending about "resetting the world")
4) Legends 3 (LOLNO)

I would count Megaman Universe, but MMO's rarely last long when competing with WoW and cease service no more than 5 years later. It also turns out the reason I couldn't get them to burn right is that the audio is stored as data .xa files and that screws up the whole thing with corrupt sectors up the ass.
>> No. 163471
It also look pretty damn good, too, as far as PS1 games at that time go (ignoring sprite based stuff, of course.) It's got a few moments where it shows it's limits (turning animations are pretty awkward) but I was still a good bit surprised at how well it held up.
>> No. 163501
There's so much about Mega Man that just depresses me...

MHX underperformed in sales (because it was on PSP of all goddamn consoles...should've put it on XBLA or DS) so we don't enjoy a reboot, and since it was announced in the first place we didn't get the X collection extras...no classic MM game after MM6 deserved to exist, ZX never got finished, Legends 3 and Universe got taken away from us, there was all that drama concerning Inafune (Who, had he not thrown a big temper tantrum when he left could have continued the franchise) and then there's this new godawful autoplay social bullshit game coming out on tablets which if sells well will force the franchise to be like that and if doesn't sell will have the franchise shelved forever.

Capcom is one of the shittiest, shittiest game companies out there right now but if all this is going on...why not sell the MM rights to someone else? If they truly don't care about it anymore and keep canceling games why renew its license? I just don't get it.
>> No. 163503
So... what exactly happened with Inafune?

All I know is that some bad shit happened and it was apparently Capcom's fault.
>> No. 163505
Inafune grew to hate his job (working at Capcom right now is apparently no bed of roses), so he quit and started his own game company.
>> No. 163506

Makes sense.
>> No. 163509
Not only that, but when he left he offered to keep working for Capcom on Legends 3 and the other MM projects he had planned, but they said no and they saw him leaving as an excuse to cancel the projects.

I mean fuck, just sell the franchise to Konami. At least they know how to handle their franchises and still churn out gold even though they've been around as long as Capcom has, probably earlier.
>> No. 163510
Konami who won't let Metal Gear Solid die, apparently screwed over Skullgirls, made the half-assed Rocket Knight Adventures XBLA title, and Castlevania: Lord of Shadows? The ones who made silent Hill: Downpour? Are you sure you want them to be your "franchise king" of companies? Not that they're all bad, but it seems like Konami's only getting propped up as great when trying to lambast others.
>> No. 163512
Well sega's gotten better... not financially, but still.

Nintendo seems content to sit on their current IP's asses and release new versions of it every couple years or so. Closest thing they got to a new IP coming out is Bayonetta 2 (and that REALLY doesn't count) and the American videogame industry is being plagued by EA and Activision. Who seem to have the remarkable talent of killing everything they get involved with.

Ya know how when the movie industry was starting out the companies in charge would pull this ridiculous shit to swindle people out of tickets, by basically holding monopolies over what theatres you could go see certain movies at? Yea videogames seem to be in that area. Nobody knows how to sell and market videogames.

I'm just waiting for EA to actually make a kickstarter and give out such amazing prizes like: "Fund 20 dollars and you'll get a 20% discount on the purchase!"
>> No. 163517
Well who would you suggest otherwise? I mean, I guess selling it to Inafune's new company might be ok (though I highly doubt he can buy it), but there's no big name company that does 2D platformers anymore...besides Sega, but they're struggling enough as it is and it's safe to say giving them Mega Man will make the fans scoff and say "it'll get ruined just like Sonic!!1", and god knows Nintendo is a bad idea.
>> No. 163524
File 134810891922.jpg - (12.17KB , 420x348 , Ubisoft-logo.jpg )
Guys. Guys.

How about Ubisoft? Big, big money. Still makes platformers some times.
>> No. 163577
File 134819629571.jpg - (226.08KB , 822x1130 , MHXStormEagle.jpg )
I love Maverick Hunter X's re-designs. I heard they were based on toys, like what the characters would look like as action figures. I think that's perfect.

I guarantee this game would've sold more if it was on XBLA. And it was the perfect opportunity to write the X series properly, too.
>> No. 163593
Can also get as shifty as EA if people let them. Look the only way to do this is right is to "capture" the people at capcom who have the ability to revoke or "give" the rights to Mega Man and persuade those people to give Inafune a better kind of severance pay.
>> No. 163627
Rockman X Over Presents...I Go…youtube thumb

It's funny, usually what happens with these things is that the mainstream audience will buy the game anyway and the hardcore fans will too, but this is hilarious because NOBODY wants to play Xover. There has been nothing but negative hype for this. What's sad is that this will make Capcom think nobody likes Megaman anymore.
>> No. 163629

CapCom hire some Newgrounds reject to make the most shittacular crapheap of a Flash game ever, the sales bomb, CapCom can the entire Megaman franchise and laugh at all the fans.

CapCom have completely given up the "make money" business model in favor of "troll people and laugh"
>> No. 163634
File 13482581878.png - (3.65MB , 1920x1080 , SUBTLECAPCOM.png )
The absolute topping of "WE HATE OUR FANS" from this entire thing is this.
Can you tell which Mega Man is missing from this shot? Go on. Take a wild guess.
>> No. 163637
Fuck Konami and fuck Ubisoft. Why not give the series to Insomniac? I mean sure, they're owned by Sony, but they can DEFINITELY make a Legends 3 if they made Ratchet & Clank.
>> No. 163641
They'd probably even let you loot scrap to build up the cities you visited.

But none of that could happen because this is Capcom we're talking about. They won't listen to any kind of fan. Not the most vocal Legends crybaby, not the most anal hardcore drone and apparently not even the simple casual. Over's entire strategy is in its name, which is to take the franchise and raze it, raze it, even to its foundation.

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Mega Man.
>> No. 163646
Those bastards! How dare they leave out Zero!
>> No. 163651
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Anyone else notice this?
>> No. 163653
File 134828763192.jpg - (162.31KB , 600x600 , MegaMan Legends [U] [SLUS-00603]-front.jpg )
You want to know the reason I think Legends didn't sell well? The cover art.

Look at this, it's ugly and boring.
>> No. 163654
File 134828802277.jpg - (61.23KB , 512x512 , 197896_11850_front.jpg )
Now look at this. What was wrong with this? Too anime?
>> No. 163655
Wait, what is this and why is it bad?
>> No. 163658
No, you're the only one to make that joke. How clever!
>> No. 163659
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep came out on the PSP and it broke a million what's Megaman's excuse for MHX bombing? Really the fact of the matter is that as much as you guys don't want to admit it, Megaman is like Castlevania.

Its an old series from the NES days that stuck around through the years, but it was never a huge seller outside of a few individual specific exceptions. Is it any surprise that it didn't do so hot?

Also ZX/Advent bombed because they sucked.

PS - Capcom is also the most abusive developer to its employees. That is to say the most abusive of the top elite well known game developers.
>> No. 163660
>Also ZX/Advent bombed because they sucked.

>> No. 163663
I liked the animation in the cutscenes of MM8. They should have made a show featuring that artstyle.
>> No. 163664
File 134829739826.png - (14.27KB , 256x224 , 0.png )
>no classic MM game after MM6 deserved to exist
>> No. 163666
This is why Megaman's story should just end and the series wrapped up and leave it be. Besides dragging things on just hurts it. Look at the Simpsons.
>> No. 163667
>no classic MM game after MM6 deserved to exist

Shut up, I liked Mega Man 7, and Mega Man 8 is good for new comers, even more so if the person is really young and now good at games yet (like me, I sucked badly at games back than and never beat any of them).
>> No. 163672
Also, from an art style I think MM8 & MM&B were the way to go with the Classic series, not go back to 8-bit, your not going to get many new fans doing that.

I think MM9 was a cool idea, but doing it again with MM10 in my opinion not so much, I think Capcom should keep the Classic series sprite like, and the X series 3D, to keep them different, but make Classic 32-bit or something not 8-bit.
>> No. 163675
MM7 isn't a bad game, but when it sits next to X which has far more features and better controls, it looks like shit and is basically just a clunky watered-down version of X. Not to mention, MM6 wrapped up the story quite nicely. And running the series side by side with X wouldn't really help the series, because it creates brand confusion.

Mega Man was designed with the limitations of the NES in mind and X was designed with the capabilities of the SNES in mind. It just doesn't feel right to have a 16-bit classic Mega Man game when X is in every way superior.
>> No. 163677
There's a very well done 8-bit remake of MM7 floating around the internet. I've been told it plays better than the original.
>> No. 163679
I wonder if there's an 8-bit 8.
>> No. 163685
File 134837799765.jpg - (94.70KB , 394x1086 , Tronhappy.jpg )
Both were by some Japanese dude who never translated it, he never finished 8 either but you can still see some demos on youtube and screenshots.

Anyway, playing Misadventures of Tron Bonne right now, and...huh. I'm surprised, this is one of the most fun and charming games I've ever played. The Bonnes are fucking awesome and are the sole reason Legends 3 should've been made, and the servbots are cute and fun to work with. Except for one thing: you have to play minigames to level up your Servbot stats. So being the OCD faggot that I am, I am grinding the shit out of all my servbots whenever possible, which I get to hear the training music over and over. And over. And OVER. And then there's this shit, which is gonna follow me to the grave and haunt my dreams:

gkjlarbglkjbragkjalwgbrlkjargbragkjbl SHUT UP

It's also rather hard not to stare at Tron's metal crotchplate whenever she's on screen. Which is everywhere on the Gesellschaft.
>> No. 163730
Mega Man Xover Preview Gameplayyoutube thumb They've genuinely gone too far this time. Please god, let some developer that doesn't hate their IPs buy up Megaman already. Like Nintendo. No fuck you, if anyone would treat one of the oldest, most beloved names in platforming better than Capcom it would be Nintendo.
>> No. 163731
Mega Man Xover Preview Gameplayyoutube thumb
>> No. 163732
B-but I just... I just posted that. No one ever notices when I contribute. ;_;
>> No. 163733
MHX came out in the early years of the PSP when it had NOGAEMS. Most mega man fans probably had a DS if they had anything, with most Mega Man titles being on Nintendo stuff.

I know I would have bought those games earlier if I had a reason to adopt a system for one or two titles.

Of course, I learned that mistake and made sure to buy a 3DS the day the eshop was set to release ;_;
>> No. 163734
This looks like a job for Sakurai. Or Retro Studios, either-or.
>> No. 163735
My bad.
>> No. 163741
WayForward, no contest.

It's really sad when even Sega can get their shit together long enough to put out a really, really good Sonic Anniversary game. Meanwhile, Capcom just puts out the most thoughtless, thrown together pile of shit they can come up with for iOS.
>> No. 163742

Keep in mind Sega was basically in Capcom's shoes a while back.

Things are dark, but for all we know Capcom could pick up the slack. Will it be this year? Probably not. But I'd rather much like to see them get better hiring and employee policies.
>> No. 163744
At least Mega Man gets something for his 25th.

But this begs the question: Given how Capcom's been treating the franchise lately, would it have been better if they just ignored it instead of putting out this iOS garbage?
>> No. 163745
Not quite, SEGA wants sonic to do well but the team before colors lost interest in the franchise. Inafune and other devs still wanted to keep megaman alive despite hating their jobs, but Capcom seems to have lost faith in it among other things. Capcom's problem is simply heeding the desires of its fanbase while SEGA is still fighting off financial problems they had ever since the dreamcast died.
>> No. 163749
Yes. Look at the most recent Megaman game sales: they're pitiful. I could totally understand them not making ANY more games in the franchise, possibly giving the IP to someone else or just making a fresh start.


BUT, that is no excuse for promising both Legends 3 AND Universe, taking it away from us suddenly after so much work was put into making them look good, and then announcing THIS, while hyping it up to be the "crossover we've all been waiting for". It is both insulting their old fanbase AND new fanbase, as this is NOT the way to increase interest in the franchise and definitely not a game for casuals, OR new Megaman fans.

I feel like I'm a lab rat in a cruel psychology experiment. "Let's see what happens when we take the game away and replace it with something else".
>> No. 163756
>Legends 3 AND Universe
Wasn't there also some MMO-type thing that got canceled?
>> No. 163760

Yes but it was only going to be released on Korea and it didn't look all that great either.

Had some kickass trailers. But other than that? Bleh.
>> No. 163775

Yes but it was only going to be released on Korea and it didn't look all that great either.

Had some kickass trailers. But other than that? Bleh.
>> No. 163779

Yes but that was only a licensed game and the company making it Neowiz no longer wanted to do so. Technically it's not Capcom's fault.
>> No. 163785
I'll just leave this here...


Sven's message
>> No. 163789
Sven's right, who gives a shit about an iOS game? Just ignore it, it doesn't count as a "real" Mega Man game.
>> No. 163790
Are you confusing him with this prick?

>> No. 163796
I just misinterpreted him, but I do sort of agree that a shitty iOS game should never warrant this much attention, no matter what the rest of the company is doing.
>> No. 163798
If this had been made, say, in 2009 nobody would have cared. But announcing this shit as a new Megaman game that crosses all the subseries together, something that has been the subject of multiple fanfictions and has loads of potential to be awesome, CELEBRATING with it for Megaman's 25th anniversary as if it's a kid who had no friends come to his birthday party and only got a bag of shit as his present, and having the balls to announce this only a few months after canceling Legends 3 and Universe after all that hype, love and attention, and letting the fans be involved in development? This isn't JUST a shitty iOS game. It's the equivalent of Capcom going to their fans' houses in person just to slap them in the face.
>> No. 163800

>few months

If you redefine "over a year" to a "few months".
>> No. 163802
Oops. I was thinking of the MMX port.
>> No. 163825
File 134859235420.jpg - (150.38KB , 750x450 , mml2.jpg )
Started MML2. Truth be told, I've replayed MML1 like 10 times but I never played MML2 before. The first thing I noticed were the cutscenes. MML2 has to have the longest pre-title screen cutscene ever, but I liked how well the animation flowed. I actually felt like I was watching an anime. I also noticed how dark it was though. It has a deeper, slightly darker story here and a lot of the bright and colorful graphics in the original are now washed out and made to be a bit more realistic. The graphics are overall better, though, and people don't look like they're made of shoe boxes anymore and have more realistic proportions.

The control is also WAY better than the original, too. Analog movement, lock-on while moving, constant firing instead of 3 at a time, still have the jump springs, good stuff. Faster load times too. And the music is cool. I like how the music has different tones and arrangements based on where you are or what's going on and yet it never sounds like you're listening to the same thing over and over. You'll be walking around and suddenly Reaverbots pop up with the music transitioning over to a battle theme. It feels a lot like Zelda or Kingdom Hearts in that way.

But there's one thing that pisses me off: the dungeons. In the original, all the dungeons were interconnected, had no music, and each room was uniquely designed. Now, the dungeons are all separate so you have to go all the way back to the island it's on when you finally get the item you need to get the item in that dungeon, have fast-paced action-packed music which ruins some of the atmosphere, and have copy-pasted rooms and narrow hallways to account for randomly generated enemies. You can't even find items in holes anymore, everything's in chests. Oh, and it's much easier to turn black in this game (You turn black from kicking rabbits...which you can do by accident by just running into them) and instead of staying blue, you turn white when you do good deeds (I think, haven't gotten far yet).
>> No. 163847
File 13486306254.png - (38.03KB , 446x449 , Sad 25th birthdays for everyone.png )
>> No. 163856
File 134868034015.jpg?nsfw - (165.59KB , 1000x1434 , 289295.jpg?nsfw )
miss tron is my waifu
>> No. 163864
>no metal crotch plate
>> No. 163869
So... did she lose her lady bits in a horrifying experimental sex-toy testing accident or what?
>> No. 163872
File 134869597570.jpg - (45.21KB , 321x450 , 27b83e70b3968e47bffabfc6b43dde7c.jpg )
You know, I actually wondered about that and was curious enough to look it up. Turns out it's just a buckle for her undershirt, not a chastity belt or anything.
>> No. 163874
Why do I like the hair down version more than the regular one? :(
>> No. 163875
Because it looks a hell of alot better than her regular hairstyle?
>> No. 163882
go on...
>> No. 163909
I would, but that's honestly it. Well-drawn non-humorous Legends porn is extremely rare apparently.
>> No. 163983
You know what REALLY pisses me off about Legends 2? The Digger Exams. What's the point? Every time you go in you're given shitty equipment to where it's almost impossible to clear a room in under 30 seconds. I would think if they let you go in with your own equipment, THAT would make a lot more sense, because it shows you can clear it easily and therefore the difficulty should go up. But giving me the default equipment is just bullshit, there's no point other than making it stupid levels of hard.
>> No. 164027
File 134898155414.jpg - (15.07KB , 480x360 , 0.jpg )
So yeah, MML2. I already sortof reviewed it, but do I like it better than the original? I don't know. There's so much here that's improved and yet so much that got fucked up. I like the plot of the original better, mostly because it's a complete package, and I like how there's a ton of optional sidequests that all have a minor effect on the ending besides just the dungeons unlike now. And for a game heavily influenced by Zelda, that's pretty disappointing.

And speaking of Zelda, I feel like there's too much influence here. Originally all the dungeons you went into felt mysterious and atmospheric, because Megaman doesn't really know what to look for, he just happens to find refractors and stuff that move the plot along naturally in ways you find out yourself. And the dungeons don't rely on "element" cliches to seem different every time. Seriously, could the MML2 dungeons be any more stock? Go around searching for an obvious Macguffin (Mother Lode keys) in an earth temple, water temple, fire temple, ice temple. Boring.

And then there's this, which has to be one of the most asinine ideas for any sidequest ever invented. I could understand if it was just in-game trivia that would also allow us to learn a little more about the lore, but WHY THE FUCK are you quizzing us on shit like the Romanticist era? Why are you talking about events you couldn't POSSIBLY know about? And even if you DID know about them, why don't you talk about events that happened post-2000 if this is supposed to take place thousands of years in the future?
>> No. 164032
Because when you think about Mega Man, you think about the birth rates of cats.
>> No. 164034
File 134898539525.png - (6.66KB , 256x223 , 1195680526028.png )
>> No. 164035
Incidentally, it's D. Tortoise-shell cats are a variety of callico, and the chances of a male callico being born are astronomically low. I think it might actually require the cat to be a chimera, but I can't swear to that.
>> No. 164040
File 134900580667.gif - (166.65KB , 900x284 , gz020315.gif )
I knew that!
>> No. 164042
Could it be the cat that does not exist?
>> No. 164043
Oh. Never mind, you got it.
>> No. 164057
Xtreme sucked. I'm sorry I played it. End of.
>> No. 164092
File 134913004867.jpg - (383.66KB , 1440x900 , x_vs__zero_by_aremke-d39yj6j.jpg )
X5 wasn't bad considering I've already played it way too many times. This was my first Megaman game, and I still have a lot of nostalgia for it, but I will admit that it does have some problems. It's not anywhere NEAR as bad as X6 and X7, but it's still irritating sometimes especially in Dark Dizzy's stage where spikes will spawn at pure random. The game also has a time limit which means you can't go into stages to explore and get items, and heart tanks aren't shared between X and Zero, instead going to whoever picks them up. This is annoying because some of them can only be gotten by X, meaning you have to keep track of who has what. The translation sucks too (X and Zero are NOT centuries old...), and the Guns N Roses names are just embarrassing. But really, it's still decent.

The hardest non-Sigma boss in the game I think might be X. I would say Awakened Zero (Since he has an insta-kill attack), but there's a cheap exploit you can do with him. X has a fuckhuge life bar in his Ultimate Armor and all his attacks are hard to dodge if you can only do melee.
>> No. 164356
Ok so Battle Network is a mixed bag. On one side, I like the battle system and setting, but mainly I'm just a little pissed at how cheap some of these enemies are. Quake3 is fucking impossible to hit. Not only does it jump constantly not giving you enough time to hit it, but once you're in front of it, it tries to crush you and destroys one of your blocks, making the surrounding area explode, takes off a quarter of your life bar, and within seconds you're trapped on one block and take double damage from it landing on you. And it has 150hp and will heal itself. Gee, you think that's enough? Well no, most of the time there are 2 other incredibly annoying enemies with it and sometimes there will be more than 1. It's ridiculous. It'd be nice if you could escape battle by just attempting to run, like EVERY OTHER RPG IN EXISTENCE, instead of waiting a million years to get an escape chip.
>> No. 164358

The first Battle Network has aged exceptionally badly. If you're interested in the ideas I'd honestly suggest reading a plot summary of the first game and skipping on to the second where a lot of things were streamlined and made less obtuse.

Also of note all the later games have the run button you want it's L in them.
>> No. 164506
File 134999556898.jpg - (23.62KB , 256x257 , 256px-Mmandbass.jpg )
What did you guys think of Mega Man & Bass?

I thought it was pretty fun.
>> No. 164515
Very fun game, I think it did quite well for itself. Bass and Mega Man were both entertaining and while they were different, it never felt like either one was a "downgrade." Just wish Bass's multiple shots didn't mean he did such crap damage to bosses.
>> No. 164516
I think they should've held on to it until everyone got a better feel for what the GBA's sound hardware can do.
>> No. 164517
File 135001359699.jpg - (63.39KB , 500x500 , mmxtreme2_box.jpg )
This shit is putting me to sleep. I have never played a MM game that has deliberately put me to sleep. It's better than the first Xtreme, but that's not saying much. You have to play through the game 3 fucking times in order to fight Sigma. What is this, Sonic Heroes?
>> No. 164532
Bass was good for stages, Mega Man was good for bosses, but once you get upgrades and weapons for Bass he makes Mega Man look like crap.

Also that one King stage boss where you have to keep jumping and fight it at the same time as Mega Man is a pain.
>> No. 164547

Well yeah it makes sense MM&B was originally just planned a spin off starring just Bass, Mega Man was added later in development to help it sell. It's why the levels (and some of the bosses notably Dynamo Man and the aforementioned King Jet) seem built with Bass in mind.

Regarding the game overall the Super Famicom version is a tad better even if you can't understand because the GBA one has a smaller field of vision which can lead to blind jumps in a few spots since you can't see the floor.
>> No. 164562
File 135010843585.gif - (28.30KB , 320x240 , shot04.gif )
Anyone who wants to get into platformer level design should play Megaman X6.

It is a perfect example of how you should NOT design your stages. I mean my god. My rage burns like a thousand suns.
>> No. 164563

X6 was rushed out after X5 in under a year it really shows.
>> No. 164566
Mega Man 10 -- Abandoned Memor…youtube thumb

How does this have so few views?!
>> No. 164579
Holy FUCK. Zero's controls in X6 are ABYSMAL. Like, wow. I know the game was rushed, but come on. Up+jump to fly 50 feet in the air with no horizontal movement? Up+attack to do a DOWNWARD UNCONTROLLABLE SWING?
>> No. 164580
File 135015096120.gif - (932.25KB , 253x197 , AngryKermit.gif )
>DOWNWARD anything
>> No. 164598
The worst part is that to grab onto a rope, you have to hold Up. Which means, if there's an enemy above the rope that you want to jump up and attack while holding up to grab the rope on your way down, you will fling yourself like an idiot into the nearest pit. It was going to be fixed for the X Collection, but some retard on the devteam thought the remapped controls were a mistake and changed them back.

Anyway, X6. It's amazing how this series went downhill. X1 was a masterpiece, X2 and X3 were good in their own right, X4 was great which should have set an example for further 2D platformers everywhere, X5 was ok, and X6 is terribad. Which is a shame because X6 offers some noticeable improvements over X5, but the way everything is designed, and the play control is just...ugh.

In regards to the story, I used to hate this game for Capcom not letting the series end at X5. But to be fair, it does feel like a necessary part of the story. It picks up right where X5 left off, ties up any loose ends, and bridges to the Zero series at the end. The game still sucks though, and the translation is so bad that it's not even a funny bad. Fortunately this guy did a rewrite of most of the script that I followed:

Mega Man X6 Rewrite 01: Introductionyoutube thumb
>> No. 164610

Those ropes themselves are the worst thing in all I think four games they appear in since they tend not to be responsive.

Can't tell how many times I jumped at one and pressed up when I was supposed to just for X/Zero/Megaman.EXE to ignore it and fall into a pit.
>> No. 164611
>> No. 164653
Why does everyone like Mega Man 9?

No charge shot, no slide, black backgrounds everywhere, dumb stage design...the only thing I liked about it were the weapons.
>> No. 164687
Halfway through Battle Network 2 and wow, this is WAY better than the first one. Custom folders, subchips, better custom system, better Net design, better music, better plot, pretty much better everything. The only thing I don't like is now there's only 1 buster charge level and the backtracking is just ridiculous.
>> No. 164695
Either 2 or 3 are my favorites in the series. Part of what I love about MMBN is how much fantastic post-game content there is, too. And the chances to re-fight bosses and attempt to S-rank them for super keen drops is a lot of fun.
>> No. 164698

The increased amount of back tracking was probably to pad out the game length so it'd be comparable to BN1 where most of the length was the result of being stuck on the kudzu like map that was the internet. They probably chose the lesser of the two evils. Sort of what I meant earlier in the thread when I said the first game aged terribly.

Then again however Battle Network 4 runs the backtracking into the fucking ground hard... unless you really want to play them all you might want to consider skipping it.
>> No. 164701
Unlike Mega Man 8 where I can pretend 9 and 10 don't exist and that was the last game ending the series, skipping from BN3 to BN5 would be silly as I'd be skipping over an event in the story. As inconsequential as it may be, I want to know where I'm at. I want to play the series in order. So I'm not skipping it.
>> No. 164702
File 135044044251.gif - (266.38KB , 400x400 , 786602416_659395.gif )
Outkast- Bombs over Baghdad vs…youtube thumb
>> No. 164703

Ok then have fun playing it. Three times.
>> No. 164704
...what? I've heard there's a Newgame+ feature but I haven't heard anything about playing the game 3 times to see everything. Unless you mean the 3 tournaments, which MIGHT be repetitive but I don't know really.
>> No. 164705
BN4 was the first one that they split into two games, isn't it? Or was that 3? Either way, to experience everything you would have to play at least twice (both versions), and then I think there might be some sort of unlockable if you have beaten both versions or something.
>> No. 164708

The scenarios in the tournaments are randomized in order to see everything you have to play the game three times. Six if you're crazy enough to care about the version specific scenarios.
>> No. 164709

It's also required for the games secret area forgot to mention that.
>> No. 164718
Well fuck that. That's what savestates are for.
>> No. 164720

I don't see how that's going to help you, as the tournament randomizations are determined at the start of the game not when you start the tournament and even then you can't get some on the first run anyways.

And don't think about using cheats BN4 has some rather nefarious anti-cheat features. For example if you turn off encounters it sets your hp to zero and makes a later mini-game unwinable.
>> No. 164723
Well what about these?


And anyway I'm only planning on playing through the game once. I didn't replay X5 and X6 just to see all the different scenarios. But what is this "special super secret area" that I can only access after beating it 3 times?
>> No. 164725

Those should work for what you want I guess then. The secret area isn't really worth all the effort to get to compared to the ones from 2 and 3 it's just two areas long and is just there so you can fight Bass again.
>> No. 164752
I love the message boards in this series. They're nothing at all what real life boards are like.

"There's a really powerful chip combo you can use but I won't tell you what it is just for fun! Exclamation mark!"
"Oh, you mean THAT COMBO? I think I will use THAT COMBO, thanks for telling me about it! Yeah! Power up! Take that!"

It's so cheesy it's awesome.
>> No. 164900
Ok you know what? Fuck this game. I just spent a fucking hour going through every area of the internet getting every powerup I could possibly find, and some game designer who's laughing his ass off decided to make an enemy that rains down undodgeable meteors that destroy panels, and since I'm a wood style that's my weakness, and of course I got no Invis3's even though I have like 5 of them in my folder.

At what point did game devs think it was a good idea to go all the way back to the title screen if you die?
>> No. 164902

Yeah the later viruses in the later games always become massive bullshit. It's just a thing you have to accept.

Anyways, I'm honestly not sure anyone here cares but the other day a sequel to a Mega Man clone called Rosenkreuzstilette was released called Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel. If you like old Mega Man games and don't mind an entirely female cast hey it might be worth a shot.

Just be prepared to die a lot.
>> No. 164926
Megaman 2 was way too easy for me and I too think it's pretty overrated.

Same with that obnoxious wily castle theme.

Mega man 3 and 9 will always be my favorite.
>> No. 165768
File 135250232079.png - (16.43KB , 384x224 , Megaman_powerbattle2.png )
They could celebrate the anniversary by releasing the arcade games on XBLA
>> No. 165776

Sven says they're "having problems" getting the NES Mega Man games to work on the 3DS in the west.

Do you really think they'd be up for the two arcade games if they can't even port 8 bit games right? They clearly just don't care anymore, move on.
>> No. 166042
Oh boy.
>> No. 166044


He's just an American PR guy it's Capcom of Japan that decides everything, Sven's word is kind of empty.
>> No. 166774
File 135421247289.jpg - (136.80KB , 800x611 , Mega Man Dead.jpg )
Xover just came out in japan

yes it's as bad as we thought.
>> No. 166795

Quality animation.

openingyoutube thumb
>> No. 166942
File 135440973121.jpg - (824.38KB , 1600x960 , 6d3753d8c321b9081571e3ffb98c8bb5.jpg )
Okay, I don't want to mess up the /co/ thread asking this, but...

Is there any info out there concerning where Pump Man's or Solar Man's stages take place? Looking at the map in the game you can kinda tell where most of the Robot Masters are just because Capcom wouldn't dare put the baseball bot in australia, but Pump/Solar could be in the south american dot or the ambiguously american/canadian dot and it's annoying me in a very spergy way.
>> No. 167224
Pump man's stage reminds me of a sewer.
Monsteropolis (i presume) has a crazy sewer system I gotta say.

Where's Sheep man's stage?
The internet? did Mega man do a .exe?
>> No. 167240

According to the pre-release materials Sheep Man's stage is a computer chip factory.
>> No. 167248
Street Fighter X Mega Man reveal traileryoutube thumb
Let it never be said they didn't do anything for Megaman's 25th.
>> No. 167254
File 135500078857.png - (24.42KB , 521x267 , buttdevestation.png )

This is why we can't have nice things.
>> No. 167255
>Hey guys we're crossing Megaman over with another franchise that gets far more attention than it ever did! We're just reminding you of that! ISN'T IT AWESOME?!
>> No. 167256
It's better than nothing.
>> No. 167258

You guys want to know why the derogatory name "Mega Manchildren" took off? People like that are why.
>> No. 167269

That took off? On what, /v/?

Capcom did shit in the hat and it'll take some time to undo the damage.
>> No. 167273

Regardless of who shat where whining about everything Capcom does is not going to help one bit.

Sure this may not be what you want but it's the closest step in the right direction we've had now for years, so fucking deal with it and shut up if you don't want play it.
>> No. 167279

>> No. 167284
>Regardless of who shat where whining about everything Capcom does is not going to help one bit.

Actually it does, because whenever Capcom do something dumb and people call them out on it they usually get "You're just upset about Legends 3 get over it" in return, when really, they've done so much dumb shit over the past 10 years that defaulting to MML3 is laughable.

>So fucking deal with it and shut up if you don't want play it.

If you don't like dissenting posts, ignore them and don't reply.
>> No. 167287
Consider the following

If MML3 and Universe had never been cancelled, I would have said the same thing about those youtube comments. It's not about Legends 3, it's about an awful fanbase.
>> No. 167289
>Actually it does
No it doesn't. Capcom execs aren't crying over posts in message boards and imageboards they never even glance at. All you're doing is pissing everybody who isn't so spiteful off and making them care less about your 'cause.'
>> No. 167305
Here's my opinion.

Ranting, screaming, raging, frothing huge piles of bile and spending hours over typing your incoherent rage has times when it could be considered necessary.

When it's over videogames? I don't really think it's necessary. I'm sorry. I don't.

You're free to say something is dumb. You're free to ask companies what the hell they're doing. But I rarely (if ever) think there's a good excuse to get angry over videogames. No matter what you think. It's not worth it.

How Capcom treats its employees is something worth getting mad over, but is also apparently par for the course for Japanese business in general so I think that's a MUCH larger issue than just videogames
>> No. 167378
>> No. 167407

That looks pretty cool, actually!

There's also this in the works by a completely different team.

Mega Man 25th Anniversary - Trailer #1youtube thumb
>> No. 167698
Pretty sure you all know SFxMM is out now, don't need to tell you that.

You might not know that the game posted >>167407 has a demo out now, it's just a stage and two bosses but hey good way to waste a few minutes, http://jasoncanam.com/mm25.htm
>> No. 167727
I've beaten Ryu, Chun-Li, and Rolento.

Of them, I'd say do Chun-Li or Rolento first, just for ease of stage and their patterns. Ryu was harder than I think he should be. His Hadoukens (which are out constantly) can soak up Buster shots and his Tatsu is flat out immune.

Also, can anyone use E-Tanks? I can't figure that shit out!
>> No. 167728

The confirm button for e-tanks is shoot not start. You can slide under Ryu's Tatsu by the way, it's more reliable than trying to jump over it.

Here's some easter eggs for you.

On the title screen hold shoot and jump until you hear a tone, you'll be able to use the real Hadoken in the game by doing it's motion. It's sort of a novelty though.

On the stage select screen highlight Ryu and hold jump then press left, right, right, right to remove Mega Man's helmet.

In a stage pause, hold jump and press up down down down to replace ALL the music with Guile's Theme.
>> No. 167730

Correction, it's hold shoot for Guile's theme.
>> No. 167766
It's not responding to controls for some reason.
The only button that works is enter, which is no help because the stage select starts in the middle.
And you have to start and pause a game to access config controls?
>> No. 167772

The default arrow keys are wasd.
>> No. 167780
I know that, but the game doesn't react to those keys either.
>> No. 167875
File 135646590091.jpg - (60.12KB , 500x630 , hornet1.jpg )
Hornet Man was almost an adorable lady-bot, according to RM20+5, the update to the 20th anniversary artbook.

Mega Man 3 Cover Playthroughyoutube thumb

Tell that to the angry mob Seth Killian had on his ass.
>> No. 168230
That is exceptional. Thanks for sharing.
>> No. 168814
Street Fighter X Mega Man V2 -…youtube thumb
>> No. 171156
It's funny. I look at someone playing X6, and it looks really fun. It actually makes me want to play it. But looking back, all experiences I had with that game were horrible and I never want to pick it up again EVER.

About to hop into MMZ, but I'm surprised nobody hacked this series to bring back the blood in the JP release. Oh well. Also, from what I remember from this game...it's the hardest in the entire series.
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