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File 134600676513.jpg - (28.20KB , 478x480 , rf Alice angry.jpg )
161986 No. 161986

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>> No. 162006
But Madness Returns was pretty not good at all kind of. Too bad EA holds the IP, otherwise he could Kickstarter the shit out of this.
>> No. 162008
Maybe he should work on something else.
>> No. 162009
You have the right to hold that position.
>> No. 162010

I'm a fan of McGee's Alice because of the work he and his crew put into it. Madness Returns was visibly lazy. Nothing but the art style felt "good," only "not awful."
>> No. 162015
you have to consider EA made them cut ALOT of content
>> No. 162023
I still thoroughly enjoyed Madness Returns, but after seeing how much was left on the cutting room floor due to EA's pressure on Spicy Horse, the question of what could have been almost taints said enjoyment. Still, I sure as hell won't say 'no' to more Alice.

What I'd really love to see is McGee and Spicy Horse start some sort of drive to 'buy out' Alice from EA, so that the people who actually make the game are the ones running the show.

Specifically it was so EA could shove the product out by their mandated deadline.
>> No. 162031
Yeah, I wanted my snail fight.
>> No. 162033

I know, I have the artbook. I just feel like. I don't know, like it shouldn't have had combat in the first place. If that even makes sense. I want to see them make this game and tell this story with some meaningful gameplay pacing, and I feel like that could best be done without combat (or with less, at least).

It'll probably never happen. It's such a quiet series. They'll never be able to buy it from EA, either.
>> No. 162044
But the combat is awesome!
>> No. 162065
I agree the combat did get a bit stale and repetative
>> No. 162093
You have a quick close range melee weapon, a machine gun, a grenade launcher, and a FREAKING UMBRELLA. What more does one need??
>> No. 162102

Break it down a bit.

>light melee
>heavy melee
>light ranged
>heavy ranged

That's about it, and that's about as basic as third-person combat can possibly be.
>> No. 162110
Rich combat is 2/3 enemy design. Are they damage sponges with repetitive attacks, or do they have detailed attack methods and counter-tactics?

(Kinda sticking my neck out here with a general comment, haven't touched the game)
>> No. 162111

All enemies from Madness Returns were, more or less, damage sponges with glowing red weakspots (useless, autotarget) that weren't dependent on any type of differential strategy other than "wait for said weakspot to glow red."

It also doesn't help that the majority of breaks in this monotony consisted mainly of, strangely enough, gauntlets of these enemies of no particular composition.

No boss fights.
No puzzles.
No substantial ventures from real-world Alice other than a brief walk in a foggy park.

Jumping only.
>> No. 162141
>most enemy designs are based on a running theme of the game
>there are about 5 mini bosses, that are quite hard even on medium
>there are puzzles

I see you did NOT play the game, or ignored 99% of it while playing.

Anyway, this is a must-watch:
>> No. 162171

>enemies based on theme of [any given level]

Visually, yes. Behaviorally, interchangeable. Just wait for the red spot to glow.

>5 minibosses

Not quite; they're regular enemies introduced dramatically. They show up all the time after you kill the first one. Not boss fights, not even mini.

>there are puzzles

You mean these? Alice Madness Returns - Puzzle lol.aviyoutube thumb

Those don't count. They're actual puzzles. Like, pieces of a picture sliding around. The pictures are thematic, the functional gameplay is not.

Alice's story is complex. My main picking here is that "fun" is great, but "just fun" is a disservice to what McGee had going on. Average for a sequel to this story is actually terrible. There's too much going on that merits interactive exploration and player choice mechanics. It's almost criminal what ended up happening to Madness Returns. No one is more mad about it than me.

No one.
>> No. 162202
Platforming puzzles.

Also, the user score on Gamespot is 8.8/10. I wonder why no one from there posts here.
>> No. 162242
>> No. 162349
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>> No. 164663
File 135036863446.png - (476.52KB , 879x826 , Screen Shot 2012-10-16 at 2_13_17 AM.png )
Why haven't YOU bought this yet?
>> No. 167012
File 135452027194.jpg - (30.30KB , 620x349 , WhiteRabbitQueenofHearts-article_image.jpg )

Less than 4,000 needed to reach 10,000.
>> No. 167057
>hurr lets make a grimdark version of something that was already grimdark with shitty gameplay

Visuals are nice at times, but the game as a whole is ass.

>> No. 167068
>> No. 167079
More like too uninteresting to buy. Skip'd.
>> No. 167080
You can't bury your head in the sand and pretend Madness Returns is in any way a flawless game. I love the series, but I fully acknowledge MR's flaws. I don't believe it falls victim to "hurr durr, grimdark", but the effects of EA's draconian deadlines is definitely felt. The visuals are gorgeous and the story is engaging, but the game suffers pacing issues and the absence of boss fights is keenly noticeable, since they were supposed to be there.

I'm not saying I don't want to see a third game, because I love McGee's Alice and want to see where the story keeps going; I don't hold any illusions about a potential third game being perfect though. So long as EA holds the leash, Spicy Horse has an uphill battle towards making a truly great Alice game.
>> No. 167087
pretty much this as long as EA is in control I don't want another game in the series. I've seen what EA does to good IPs and they already fucked up the last game in a lot of ways. Just look at Bioware and the dozens of other developers they have ruined
>> No. 167101
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>> No. 167113
Not saying it's flawless; I just did not notice them on my first playthrough. And now, that I did, I don't care. Dammit, I am more angry at the plothole in Citizen Kane than this game's flaws.
>> No. 167118
>Dammit, I am more angry at the plothole in Citizen Kane than this game's flaws.
That says a lot about your tastes by itself.
>> No. 167121
Okay, sir. How does an entire town know a dying person's last words, when no one was around to hear them?
>> No. 167144
Ah, people on the internet. Missing the point since lost eons
>> No. 167168
Your statement is sadly false. I could not miss the point, because... frankly, there wasn't one.
>> No. 167171
The butler heard it, and the point is you hold Alice Returns in higher regards than Citizen Kane. (The point is some crazy fanboyism.)
>> No. 167189
File 135492613644.png - (332.13KB , 670x397 , rf let the anger flow.png )
I say it is your crazy fanboyism over Citizen Kane that does not allow you to see its flaws.
>> No. 167190
> you hold Alice Returns in higher regards than Citizen Kane

He didn't say that.
>> No. 167191
No, he basically did say that.
>> No. 167195
This is all Twister has seeing as American McGee's Alice has no future.
>> No. 167201

You fucking idiot.

The plot hole is how did the butler/maid hear it when they weren't in the room. However, perhaps they heard it through the FUCKING DOOR.

Everyone in town knowing makes sense since the reporter was walking around asking EVERYBODY and the guy was famous.

Holy shit you are fucking retarded.
>> No. 167291
Yes I did. And if the "Rosebud" thing was explained, I would consider it a perfect movie.
>> No. 167298
File 135509432159.png - (5.39KB , 378x227 , TEETHANDQPEEKING.png )
It was the name of his sled he had as a child. He loved the thing.

Is this is what you wanted to know?
>> No. 167299
>And if the "Rosebud" thing was explained, I would consider it a perfect movie.
You... you can't possibly be this dumb.
>> No. 167301
The butler was actually in the room when Kane died, just offscreen.

According to the script, anyway. But even if he wasn't, it's not like Kane didn't say it loudly enough to be heard through the door.
>> No. 167303

How fucking stupid are you? Really? I am actually mad that you are this dumb and I don't even think it is THAT great of a movie.
>> No. 167315
File 135511691332.jpg - (447.87KB , 1000x1891 , seriously.jpg )
Guys? It's Twister, I mean, come on.
>> No. 167334
File 13551597651.png - (361.16KB , 500x500 , rf Cheshire Cat being himself.png )
You're mad? Finally!... I was beginning to think we aren't all mad here.
>> No. 167340
I think it's less "mad" and more "astounded that you are this stupid."
>> No. 167350
Stop being so serious.
>> No. 167352
Stop being so serious.
>> No. 170594
File 13634027262.jpg - (332.07KB , 1280x800 , Alice Madness Returns alice madness returns fanclu.jpg )
Fuck yeah publicity!

Also, have a wallpaper.
>> No. 174374
File 136883137723.jpg - (28.05KB , 575x320 , ozombie.jpg )
>It’s official – American McGee’s Spicy Horse Games has announced their next title: OZombie. If you haven’t figured it out, it’s basically The Wizard of Oz meets The Walking Dead.

>> No. 174386
Alright, I'm on board.
>> No. 174395
File 136885259619.png - (182.54KB , 600x500 , Picture 12.png )
Hopefully that doesn't mean Alice 3 is scrapped. Regardless, I like this as well.
>> No. 174413
I'm rolling my eyes at the thought of another zombie game hitting the market, but the Oz setting, and being made by Spicy Horse, have at least got me curious. Also good to see Spicy Horse working on multiple projects.

After 'Madness Returns' failed to be all it could be because of publisher deadlines, it might not be a bad thing to put Alice on the back burner until McGee and Spicy Horse are certain they can do the game the way they want to. Whether that's through acquiring the rights to the series outright, or some other means, so long as they're running the show.
>> No. 174420

>> No. 174421
File 136890200948.gif - (0.97MB , 500x279 , 1366178996917.gif )
Why do these shitty Oz adaptations always fill me with such bile and hate
>> No. 174425
Because they toss out what made the original so good?
>> No. 174426
Or don't delve into the pile of crazy the books offer up.
>> No. 174429
Well, he did ask the fans "if he buys the right back from EA would they sill want the game made".

And no, I don't remember where I read that, but there was a source.

You didn't like Tin Man?
>> No. 174457
From what I remember, nobody's ever done a straight adaption of the book. There's always been someone or something cut out. But I think the book bounces back and forth, and it doesn't have a plot where anything goes straightforward, the kind of plot a video game or movie wants.
>> No. 177277
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>> No. 177280
The original adaptation is pretty straight. It cuts some stuff for time (like Dorothy getting the golden skullcap that let her summon the flying monkeys) and changes a couple of tiny things, like making the slippers silver instead of red, but the plot is more or less the same other than the "all just a dream / you were there and you were there etc" bit. But using those things to say "there's never been a straight adaptation of Wizard of Oz" is like saying there's never been a straight adaptation of Lord of the Rings because they cut Tom Bombadill.
>> No. 177995
File 13741246838.png - (65.69KB , 260x260 , rf Alice I dunno lol.png )

Oh shit...
>> No. 186761
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