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File 136988102185.jpg - (507.33KB , 1991x872 , TianaWG.jpg )
5433 No. 5433
Last thread ended on Ankh posting a new draft of that Violet story.
267 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 5966
Korra's dumbassness and writer's favor prove impenetrable, and she remains blissfully unaware that the experience was in any way supposed to be unpleasant.

Asami decides that if you can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em, and stuffs herself silly as well.
>> No. 5969
Asami invites Korra to a banquet in her honor, she's the only guest, Asami drugs Korra's drink with some hunger drug, proceeds to stuff Korra into bloatiest avatar.
>> No. 5970
Doesn't Korra seem gluttonous and plain old cunty enough on her own without the need for hunger drugs?
>> No. 5971
Hasn't a lot of this ground been covered in that slob sequence?
>> No. 5972
True but to be honest I never really cared for that sequence, I want something that encapsulates the image in >>5962 and has Asami taking revenge for Korra being such a malignant jerk to her.
>> No. 5973
Asami takes Korra out to eat as a "No hard feelings" sort of thing for all the relationship business and to generally clear the air between the two of them in the name of friendship. Asami uses her family's vast wealth to provide an enormous amount of food for her and through some means (Appetite enhancer, pretending to be sad when Korra says she can't eat anymore, etc) convinces Korra to gorge herself until basically the related picture happens.
>> No. 5974
File 137270872541.png - (480.63KB , 712x3024 , 136784022522.png )
This is good.
Stay tuned people.
>> No. 5975
Korra's dumbassness and writer's favor prove impenetrable, and she remains blissfully unaware that the experience was in any way supposed to be unpleasant.

Asami watches gleefully as Korra embarrasses herself trying to do anything Avatar related, but she's too fat, gluttonous and slothful to do anything properly.

Asami basically becomes the new Avatar.
>> No. 5976
File 137270956956.gif - (685.71KB , 500x253 , Asami-avatar-the-legend-of-korra-30804333-500-253.gif )
Also very good.
Thank you all for your input, sit tight for awhile.
>> No. 5977
Also maybe Asami kind of ends up keeping Korra as a pet.
>> No. 5978
>not bed/sofa
>> No. 5979
File 137271133921.jpg - (69.08KB , 443x666 , pureivel_commission_group_2_by_theamericandream-d5.jpg )
As someone who's never watched Korra can I ask why everyone seems to hate the character and why there seems to be such an outcry about how the Asian Lois Lane woman is treated?
>> No. 5980
File 137271246227.png - (18.98KB , 446x467 , 1328246440476.png )
Asami is a rich girl who starts dating one of the two main guys in the show (Mako)
She really is the perfect girlfriend to him, sweet, understanding, ...did I mention she's rich as hell yet? She even chooses her firends (Which is in part to her relationship with Mako and friendship with Korra) over her father and severs ties with him.
Then Mako just dumps her for Korra. Not even a clean break deal, he's really wishy washy for a few episodes and Asami can see it but Mako doesn't have the balls to admit to her he's having feelings for Korra. Then in the season one finale he just flat out goes for Korra while still being too spineless to tell Asami. Really the problem is all in Mako being a coward and an asshole but Asami ends up with all the hurt. We just want to see her take her revenge on Korra because it makes a convenient scenario for revenge weight gain.

There is an Avatar story on writing.com with a Korra branch I've been wanting to try adding this into but it would start with Korra getting a little doughy and Asami taunting her about it. Korra eventually gets fed up over it and because she's a shitty Avatar uses her avatar state to waterbend/chi block Asami into having an insatiable hunger plus major pleasure response to stuffing herself to the max. Korra starts getting malevolent as she abuses her avatar state to make people do whatever she wants as she slowly gets fatter and fatter becoming a tyrant.
Something like a complacent bloated dictator.
>> No. 5981
File 137271348912.png - (264.51KB , 1024x640 , Asami.png )
not to mention that Asami is actually kind and works hard to improve things in the city and now is left holding the bag for the shit her father did, all the while Korra is a complete shithead thug who gets all the praise and attention because she's the super special chosen one Avatard.
It's like Superman and Lex Luthor in reverse, where Superman's a douche and Luthor really is a hard working guy with the best intentions but keeps getting cockblocked by this superpowered asshole.
>> No. 5985
I'd be willing to commit for the interactive.
>> No. 5992
File 137273836160.jpg - (128.83KB , 480x556 , Untitled-1 - Copy.jpg )
Thought I'd jump in on the whole WFT phenomenon. About 45 min worth of sketching. Any critiques on how to make it better before I ink and color?

Bit of a warning; Final pic will contain sweat/BO, so if that whole thing isn't your cup of tea, let me know and I'll spoiler the final product whenever it gets done.
>> No. 5993
Me too. Link?
>> No. 5996
I tried searching on writing.com by myself, but I couldn't find anything.

So, a link or at least a name would be helpful.
>> No. 5997
I tried searching on writing.com by myself, but I couldn't find anything.

So, a link or at least a name would be helpful.
>> No. 6006
Pretty good pose, but since she's supposed to be all gymnast like how about making her arch her back more so the belly rises up at an angle instead of her just standing there?
>> No. 6008
File 137281547014.jpg - (216.44KB , 857x759 , commission__oweroftea_by_idacknowledged-d6bq5jg.jpg )
>> No. 6009
File 137281548787.png - (329.33KB , 800x1025 , commission__cammy_by_idle_minded-d6bp4ox.png )
>> No. 6010
File 137281897630.png - (273.48KB , 1000x1220 , cowgirl_by_idle_minded-d6bq5t7.png )
>> No. 6012
I know what you're talking about, but do you happen to have a good pic for reference? they're really hard to find
>> No. 6013
File 137283653983.jpg - (411.45KB , 1440x1080 , 136978892224.jpg )
Dunno how long this will last since it's not co related but grab it while you can
>> No. 6015
File 137284500719.jpg - (103.68KB , 550x550 , Back-Arch.jpg )
I mean on the order of this, just full frontal I guess, with the arms behind the head or however else you want.
>> No. 6016
File 137284562653.png - (340.96KB , 800x554 , cm__league_of_preds_by_metalforever-d67g9mp.png )
For some reason, it's hard for me to try and get the right angle for the belly (pic related) I may just stick with the pose I have now and maybe sketch some thing along the lines of what you said later.
>> No. 6021
Couldn't you have started a vore related thread for that pic instead of posting in this one.
>> No. 6022
Sorry, it was mainly for reference to the belly angle i was going for.
>> No. 6023
File 137291458478.jpg - (129.28KB , 561x809 , flabby_francine_by_rewire001-d63anai.jpg )
Quick question, has Rewire done anything new as of late? Seemed like he had a lot more in his dA gallery but I can't remember
>> No. 6024
It wouldn't really fall into /cod/, but a link to a gallery of simple and GOOD fat girl photos for reference material would be nice... You know, not self shots or stills from porn, but clear, minimal perspective, full-body type photos taken with quality lighting. There was some site I recall that had a few turnarounds made to be used for art reference which had at least one fat girl, but the name escapes me.
>> No. 6025
File 137292030641.png - (139.36KB , 480x640 , dd_sketch.png )
That's okay, thanks anyway. I think I'm gonna stick with the original pose for now. In the meantime, here's another sketch I'm working on
>> No. 6038
File 137298890157.jpg - (150.88KB , 700x700 , req ninjumbo ninjette.jpg )
>> No. 6040
File 137299415571.jpg - (195.53KB , 762x1075 , commission__chr1sst3rn_by_idacknowledged-d6by4u3.jpg )
>> No. 6042
File 137299420223.png - (572.19KB , 900x919 , commission__miriel_and_yrdina_by_idle_minded-d6bzz.png )
>> No. 6044
File 137299647278.png - (304.97KB , 1024x1012 , commission__faora_by_idle_minded-d6c189w.png )
>> No. 6045
File 137299648917.png - (184.79KB , 818x573 , faora_alt_by_idle_minded-d6c18qm.png )
>> No. 6062
File 137307932491.jpg - (356.61KB , 1280x1694 , tumblr_mphn47uQdD1rvyvwto1_1280_png.jpg )
Eh...it's still on the first page
>> No. 6064
File 137308382472.png - (288.74KB , 1330x725 , commission__miranda_epilogue_paragon_by_idle_minde.png )
>> No. 6069
Fuckin took long enough.
>> No. 6074
File 137320621384.jpg - (372.94KB , 1280x1600 , tumblr_mpkifdKxeL1rvyvwto1_1280_png.jpg )
>> No. 6084
File 137334702247.png - (284.73KB , 1000x870 , commission__velma_by_idle_minded-d6cme1p.png )
Can I make a new thread =/
>> No. 6090
please wait until this thread is no longer on the firstpage
>> No. 6091
File 137342880122.jpg - (1.14MB , 2360x1330 , toph_and_zuzu_by_tubbytoon-d6cr9vm.jpg )
Crack shipping: better with inexplicably fattened chicks
>> No. 6092
THat's not Toph, he just drew Amy Wong.
>> No. 6093
Tubbytoon please learn to draw a normal face. Then learn to add fat to that normal face so all the women you draw stop looking like Jabba the Hutt.
>> No. 6100
Calling dibs on next thread OP
Getting something special for the OP image so guys just contain your selfs and wait.
>> No. 6101
File 137350187837.png - (94.94KB , 451x235 , preview.png )
Sweet, I'm getting two new pics ready as well.
>> No. 6102
File 137350204334.png - (131.92KB , 611x806 , 137347410060.png )
>> No. 6117

I can't wait. Those look like they're gonna be amazing.
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