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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 135476543864.jpg - (49.79KB , 588x546 , Rex-Chan.jpg )
46134 No. 46134
On 4chan there spawned an idea that stemmed from the words..."Sexy Dinosaurs." After that it turned into a harem idea where a faceless, featureless boy, referred to as "Anon-san/kun/chan/etc", was transferred to an all Dinosaur school, and all of the girls are completely infatuated with him. Now, this is supposed to be a comedy, kind satirizing harem anime with dinosaurs, but it can have cute/sexy/awkward moments. The characters that we've come up with so far are...

Rex-chan: Kind of the main girl, really likes Anon, very studious, and awkward around boys. T-Rex if you couldn't guess.
Nita-chan (Name up for change): Spunky raptor girl, best friend to Rex-chan, secretly likes Anon, but won't admit it.
Apatosaurus girl (No name yet): Shy girl, wears a sweater to hide her above average breasts (in anthro mode, just looks like an Apatosaurus with a sweater on.) she also has glasses.
Stegosaurus girl: Athletic girl, on most of the sports teams and is always amazing at it.
Ankylosaurus girl: Clumsy girl, always tripping up and embarrassing herself.
Allo-chan: Rex-chan's rival, after Anon-kun more aggressively where the rest of the girls are more embarrassed.
Gang of bitch raptors: They're like the popular girls of the school, they bully the main cast a lot, especially Nita because she was a part of their group at one point.
Also, all feathered dinosaurs are like the ganguro/Gal o Sengens of the school.
There's the link to the original thread.
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>> No. 46135
File 135476602085.png - (98.60KB , 800x600 , 1354752562617.png )
>Meet 'Steve' a self-proclaimed "Neo-Mammal", a bully, prankster and an all around asshole.
He believes he is the next step in evolution and like a "true mammal" he grew out his hair and dresses just like the cavemen when they herded herbivores into the death camps and volcanoes.
And yes, he even went far enough to adopt a "proper mammal name" and feels insulted if anyone refers him by his real dinosaur name.

>(But really on the inside he just craves to be the center of attention and wants friends and he only acts like he does because he never got people to pay attention to his existence by being nice and polite)
>> No. 46155
If you're really going to follow through with this, please actually try to make it satirical and funny instead of a pointless subversion of the thing you claim to be satirizing (like that one thread about the heroine who farts).
>> No. 46176
I can't tell if /coc/ is infested with jokesters or crazy people.
>> No. 48019
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