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46131 No. 46131
So i rite wurds purty gud. I've been told my creative writing is fun to read, and i love me some webcomics, but i suck at wiritng from scratch and keeping that going. When i have a partner, or i am given an assignment or conditions within which to write, i'm a goddamn rockstar. so i was thinking... people are always posting places looking for artists to draw their ideas out - why don't i look for an artist that needs a writer to take their ideas and make them awesome? so heres the deal:

If you are an artist who has an idea for a webcomic but can't write that well (maybe you just don't want to deal with writing and just focus on the art, maybe you have some ideas and want someone to bounce them off of and then mold them into something cool, shit like that), then i'd be interested in talking to you. I feel like i'm a primarily a comedic/drama guy (order of the stick, jl8, something positive) but i've done prose in the drama and fantasy genres.

so...thats basically it. writer in look for artist with a vision i guess?
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