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45940 No. 45940
Hey there, guys. I'm a 17 year old guy wanting to make an animated internet series with very fluent and smooth animation and a nice style.

The story is about a family roaming the country in their RV after the father, who is an inventor/scientist sold out to a corporation, which ends up making him have to give up his home to pay the bills the corporation had to drop on him. Now his entire family his homeless but only a few thousand dollars. Luckily, he manged to buy and modify an RV so that they can try to rebuild their lives by taking jobs, doing favors and just trying to find a new home. Along the way. they meet with an ex girlfriend of the inventor's son, an alien man with telepathic powers, an insane woman who wants to turn the world into a perverted place, and a group of hitmen. Also, they pick up a prostitute right before they leave.

What do you guys think of my little plot so far? Any flaws, any ways to improve it? Please let me know, I care so much about making this an actual legit internet series.
>> No. 46011
The family and husband roaming the country in an RV sounds WAY too similar to Glenn Martin, DDS.
>> No. 46014
>animated internet series
>fluent and smooth animation and a nice style

Good luck kid

How many people are in the family?

Do they have pets?
>> No. 46072
Clearly a trollpost.

Makes no mention of animating skill or program fluency, no experience to speak of at his underagedness and the plot reads like Uwe Boll's diarrhea.
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