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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 134502901639.jpg - (1.20MB , 1280x2645 , mpendium_old.jpg )
45610 No. 45610
Hi guys! Yesterday, we had a fun thread on /co/ about this marvelous image. While exquisitely funny and epic, it's sadly become a bit outdated: there are stereotypes which exist on /co/ no more (or became minor aspects of other stereotypes), and new stereotypes have arisen in their place. So we decided to brainstorm suggestions and ideas for a new, upgraded, up-to-date version of the pic. Sadly, the thread was deleted my the mod halfway through, so no records of our discussions were saved.

I tried to remember all the suggestions and post them here, in hopes of getting your interest, guys. Participation, suggestions, ideas, critique, tweaks, edits etc are welcome and appreciated! It would be great if some drawfriends join us as well, since without them, the project won't see the light of day! Let's do this, /coc/! Let's make it happen!

One new idea is of presenting the stereotypes as superheroes/villains, complete with superheroish names and costumes! Methinks that would be quite fitting for the theme of /co/ - what do you think? As of now, we've got 4 rows of 7 characters (+ Mod in the 5th row). Maybe we should make a grid, or just put them in the white space like in the original pic?

Note: The text in [square brackets] are ideas for how the characters could look like. These are just ideas! So any suggestions and ideas about the characters' looks are welcome!
>> No. 45611

Normal Person
[just an outline with the text "Probably exists"]
I just like comics and cartoons.

Granny Storytime
Gather round children - for the story about how Superman punched Batman in the fucking face

Helpful Wizard
Here you are: a brief explanation, three links, fifty-five suggestions plus a suggestion chart and a mediashare link (and a backup one in case it doesn't work)

Rare Drawfriend
Hi! I suck ass at drawing, but I'll draw whatever you want, since no one else appreciates my art anyway!

Archeologist of the Obscure
What ho! Let me show you a fine collection of obscure but promising webcomics, French bande dessinees, Russian animation, and cartoons we haven't discussed since 2009!

Wide-Eyed New Guy
Hello! I want to read a comic! It will be my first! What comic should I read?

I... just like to watch
>> No. 45612
Cape Fag
[fatty dude in GL shirt, home-made cape and briefs over pants]
There are no comics but DC and Marvel, and Image is their prophet!

Indie Fag
Capes are for casuals

Sentimental Faggot
Oh my god! /co/ is love! This thread is so inspirational! I feel better about myself! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

[above Hate Groupie; an aviator in a small plane dropping pics from the bomb chute]
[no text]

I'm A Girl Btw
As a gurrrrrl, who is female and has a vagina, I'd like to state that... er... I forgot. Did I say I'm a girl?

The /co/nnoisseur
Comics and cartoons are an art form yet untapped and unappreciated by the plebian public, as I wrote in my 392-page thesis on the use of infinite canvas in Argentinian graphic novels

Nostalgia Goggles
Cartoons were so much better back in the day... Oh, Gadget!..
>> No. 45613
General Threads
[a general with some elements from AT, Korra and Homestuck]
Alas! I see no general on the first page! Better make three new ones!

Girl Of The Week Fan
Sari thread! Pepper thread! Toph thread! Misty Kilgore thread! Layla Miller thread! Astrid thread! Mabel thread!

Pious Sage
Saged, reported, hidden, called the police, preparing a pyre to cleanse your sins with holy fire

Hate Groupie
Y-you... bad creator! I made another hate thread about you~ I-it's not like I like you or anything!

Shipping Shrew
OMG tootie timmy makorra borra zutara booster beetle HOMESTUCK~ :3

Rage Brothers
[neckbeard siamese brothers]

Paper Purist
[Dr. Doom expy in a costume made out of paper]
>> No. 45614
The Insidious Immigrant
[stereotypical vagrant with /a/, /v/, /tv/ and /mu/ as labels on his briefcase or as patches on his clothes]
Digimon, Game of Thrones, Dr. Who and my favorite band should be /co/-related! I'll make them /co/-related!

Porn Peddler
[stereotypical porn peddler showing pics attached to the inside of his coat]
Why do you think the Net was born? P-- er, I mean, totally safe erotic spoilered fan art

Rapidshit Pls
[guy with a "rapidshit pls" sign and "never reads the damn thread" written on his shirt]
rapidshit pls

Elitist Douchebag
I say, isn't it a bit quaint how the unwashed prole masses seem to believe that their ridiculous barbaric 'opinions' can ever hope to attain even a tiny bit of credibility of my superior refined taste...

The Isolationist
Not my Batman! How do you DARE talk about the general populace, who don't even know about Squirrel Girl and Stilt-Man! You haven't heard of them, too? Get out of my /co/!

/A/venging S/a/murai
Goku beat Superman! Anime better than cartoons! Superioru Nippon!

The Illiterate
Hi what mite be you're opinoin on Allen Moore's "The Watchmen", Spiderman and Frank Millar
>> No. 45615
Uber Troll
Watchmen is overrated! Superman is boring cause he's invincible! All cartoons you watched as a kid are shit! Gunnershit fail!

Kid Troll
[sidekick of Uber Troll; kid with a picture of a summer sun on his shirt]
lololol aquaman is lame batman lieks little boys underpants over tights wait whats reboot

Fetish Creeper
Mmm, Penny has such cute little feet, I'd like to lick all those little toes, I bet her armpits smell delicious!..

Meta Moron
[somehow breaks the 4th wall - e.g., tries to get out of the frame to the viewer]
Mods are fags! Dubs are canon! Cartoons should have their own board! CONFESSIONS THREAD

Agent P1
[pony in Groucho Marx mask]
W-wait, /co/lts, I just used a pony reactionimage is all! Everypony is doing it! I swear I'm not a ponyfag in disguise!

The Soapbox
[strawman scarecrow in a trollface mask with a lot of different signs]
This comic panel I saw on tumblr promotes sexism, misogyny, misandry, racism, affirmative action, racebending, double standard, cut, uncut, pedophilia and cis privilege! Discuss.

Am I a meme yet?
>> No. 45616
[a mysterious being that somehow disintegrates the lower part of the pic (beneath him) into nothingness]
Thread specified does not exist

Oops, looks like it was actually 5 rows of 7 characters + Mod

So, what do you think, guys and gals?
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