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45073 No. 45073
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone else partakes in musicfaggotry?
I've dabbled in composition a bit, and have done a few remixes of cartoon songs.
Ex. about a year ago I did this remix/extended version of Alien Heart from Phineas and Ferb.
Alien Heartbreakyoutube thumb

I know it's not great, but it was an interest of mine for awhile.
>> No. 45074
Oh, and I've also done a Zone-inspired mix combining the theme of My Life as a Teenage Robot and Chewing Gum by Annie that I've since become embarrassed of:

And a Scooby Doo surfer-mix I put together as a request.
Which wasn't hard in retrospect, as it already kind of is surfer.
>> No. 45075
Anyway, don't know if anyone cares, but I was just wondering if anyone shared my hobby.
Shared songs, or just pointers, would be wonderful.
>> No. 45077
You're probably looking for /mtv/.
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