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44060 No. 44060
On /co/, a couple of days ago, there was a bunch of threads about a modern take on Masters of the Universe (the franchise rather than the movie, though that does come into play) to rejuvenate it the same way that Beast Wars rejuvenated the Transformers franchise:– we want to take inspiration from the old show to twist it into a new setting, with new ideas, and a fresh view on old stories, characters and themes.

The whole idea – for both He-Man and She-Ra, as well as how they relate to each other – is duality, because of the line from Skeletor in the live action movie asking if the loneliness of good is equal to that of the loneliness of evil. Because of this we formed several themes that come into many of the character relationships, even ones that rarely meet.

The Worlds
We also formed two distinct atmospheres and decals for the two planets of Eternia and Etheria.

Eternia is based very much on the 'dark fantasy' style of the live-action movie, with the fantasy perfectly balanced with the science-fiction. This clashes with intended irony as everything else in this world is defined by absolutism: pure good; pure evil. As Adam is the central character of this whole idea, this reflects his immature world view which he has at this point in the story, as he ages he is told of his lost twin sister, and her planet of Etheria.
The visuals of Eternia follow a Kirby-esque style, with the melding of magic and technology, and also in ordinary visuals and backgrounds, with elements of Möbius – in short, a lighter version of the movie.

Etheria is very different to Eternia, both in style and in representation. In this world there is a battle between the technology of The Horde (we decided to drop the “Evil” part) and the magic of the Great Rebellion. This serves to educate Adam however, as while he assumes straight off that the rebels are the heroes due to battling an occupying army, he later sees that The Horde is tough, but fair, with tight control but high quality of life.
The visuals of Etheria were to be inspired by the CRPG “Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magicka Obscura,” with the denizens of The Horde – and the population, largely – wearing ye olde clothes inspired by the styles of the late 1700's and early 1800's. The rebels were to be dressed in Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons clothing.

There was an idea that Etheria is actually a gigantic city state after comparisons were made to the plot of Beast Machines, and the themes of order vs chaos.
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>> No. 44061
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The main focus of the conversation was based largely on the characters with, as was already said, an attempt to have them play off each other thematically, continuing the idea of dualism, and in the case of the two heroes, to have their battle-call form a larger part of their development and their personality, as well as their skill sets.

In this Adam was to be a young man, around sixteen (either younger or older, it was not set in stone), who is a prince, but faces mockery, scorn and has all the awkwardness of being young with already massive responsibilities put upon him; as He-Man however he is all powerful, nearly a demi-god in terms of raw power. Why would he want to be Adam at all?

In this there was no limit to how long he could draw from the power of Greyskull, meaning that he can essentially be He-Man forever if he so chooses. The idea was that, in time he begins to lose sight of his humanity and who he really is, that when exposed to so much power he starts to view himself as just as much an unequalled being as Skeletor regards them both.

Character comparisons made are: King Arthur (and, using a /co/ example: Newt) and Alan Moore's Miracleman.

As said earlier, all the characters have some kind of duality to another, and this is most evident in the relationship between Skeletor and Adam. In this Skeletor is the ancient wizard Keldor, who tried to betray his master and ended up being nearly destroyed in the process, only just saving himself with all the magical knowledge he had accumulated.

However, now the magic is failing, and he is slowly growing weaker and weaker until he ends up the most terrible thing he can imagine: just another regular being. He is holding onto his strength with all his might (while Adam must learn to hold onto his “weakness”), and every mcguffin he searches for, and action he performs is about prolonging his power.

The power of Castle Greyskull can save him, and because of this he fights with every ounce of his strength to try and gain entry, so he can learn the secrets and remain all-powerful; he must either gain all the powers of the universe, or have none at all.

Hos clothing would be more the techno-magic robe robe and staff of the movie than the get-up he wore in the original cartoon.

Character comparisons made are: a replicate from Blade Runner, and of course the Langella version.
>> No. 44062
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Just as in the original Adora was kidnapped by Hordak when she was just a baby, and raised by him as his own, with the dark sorceress Shadow Weaver acting as a mother of sorts. She grows into a young woman with an incredible sense of honour and faith in The Horde and the order that it brings to the world. She believes that people should be protected by the laws of The Horde, and sees the Great Rebellion as nothing more than marauders out to cause destruction and criminality.

She is also blindly faithful to her beloved father, and operates largely on the intention of wanting to please him with her actions in subduing rebels; and she clashes with the other members of The Horde, as her law abiding ways often get in the way of their “fun”.

As she was raised as a warrior, she constantly conducts herself as such, dressing not as a man (in her eyes) but in the clothing befitting someone of her rank. However, this does continue into leasure time where she continues to wear male clothing. This was done for two reasons: to show that she was raised in a way very different to Adam (so much so, that her confidence and skill causes him to envy her), with him even being unable to tell she is a woman, let alone his sister (note, she has the mannerisms and behaviour of a man, not the looks); and also to take a character defined by their girly surroundings (horse with pink tail and mane, etc) and to twist it.

Inspired by a piece of (possibly) fanart, she dresses in a style similar to a royal guard in the lead up to the French Revolution, and uses a fencing rapier rather than a longsword.

Character comparisons made are: Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles.

Hordak was actually discussed very briefly, with only a small conversation on how he relates to his adoptive daughter, and whether or not he feels any sort of actual fatherly love for her. He does share her opinions on a tight society of law however, and with the behaviour of the other members of The Horde on Etheria, begins to see her honourable opinions as more and more valid, as a village saved by The Horde, at the cost of letting rebels escape means a village being loyal to them onwards.
>> No. 44080
Grimdark doesn't make it modern.
>> No. 44089
What's so grimmdark about it?

It's no darker than Avatar.
>> No. 44407
/co/ had another idea for Adora (that works a lot better in my personal opinion), and that's that she actually stays evil, and functions as an antagonist towards Adam (and of course, all of Greyskull).

It came from the thinking that nothing about “power” really says that it has to be a force of good.
>> No. 44844
Is this to do with all that "Skeletor is now a sorceress" stuff I've been seeing on /co/?

Or just some unconnected genderswap nonsense?
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