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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 132950955148.jpg - (267.53KB , 1280x800 , Fantasy World.jpg )
43730 No. 43730
So, this idea arose from a discussion on /v/ in which we were arguing about the overuse of the typical Tolkien setting in Western RPGs. Dwarves, elves, orcs, dragons and such. We began to try to think up unique races and creatures, and pretty soon the idea had transformed into trying to create an entirely original fantasy setting.

The proposition is that we collaborate to create this expansive fantasy world and, if we ever reach that stage, create a WRPG style game and/or mods set in this world.

Something I proposed is that, for the human cultures, we take elements from one culture and then transplant them to an unusual environment. So, for example, imagine somebody working with ancient Indian architectural principles living in and working with the resources of a temperate or cold European style region. The result would be a piece of architecture which is based in reality but also unusual and even unique. The same process could be used for every element of the fictional society, from clothing, to food, to weapons.

One society we thought up was a semi-Amazonian society. Because the females are genetically predisposed to producing more female than male children, securing the lives of the few males is vital to securing future generations. As such, males have a more passive role in the society, while females take on the roles of warriors and rulers. The females would spend their youth fighting and training, but as their usefulness on the battlefield wanes and their biological clock starts to tick, they have some children, supported by a network of females and some males.

That's just one society we thought up. There were several others.

As for creatures, livestock and animals, it was proposed that they also be entirely original, perhaps taking influence from less iconic prehistoric animals so that the end result is exotic and strange but also believable. It was even suggested that the original score could feature invented instruments, such as the following: experimental music instrumentsyoutube thumb

tl;dr, a collaborative fantasy setting which isn't Tolkienesque.
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>> No. 43731
I'm pretty sure all of these instruments already exist, they're just home-made.
>> No. 43732
Really? Well, I honestly don't know if that's the exact video which was linked in the original thread. Obviously the tin whistle ain't something new.
>> No. 43825
File 132988019838.jpg - (415.28KB , 1000x762 , 1319334788039.jpg )
You should try talking to /tg/. It's my understanding that they love coming up with this kind of shit.
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