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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 132522645375.jpg - (406.11KB , 650x1420 , cochallenge.jpg )
42710 No. 42710
Hullo guys!

I don't know if anyone was hanging out on /co/ tonight -- we came up with a 31 day drawing challenge. It's for the month of January, and is all about practicing a bunch of /co/ related skills - everything from costume design to storyboarding to page layouts. We attempted to make the challenges diverse to push people out of their comfort zones, and give everyone a chance to shine.

Every and any skill level is welcome, and we're not really a stickler for any rules.

We're starting officially on the 1st, but honestly, do it whenever you feel like in whatever order you feel like, if you feel like it.

This is a thread to ask questions and share your pictures, which I will upload to the Tumblr unless told otherwise.
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>> No. 42712
File 132523463429.png - (138.56KB , 500x500 , 31daytemplate#1.png )
repostan my works so far... trying for a speed run (under 31 days)
>> No. 42713
File 132523467974.png - (137.88KB , 500x500 , 31daytemplate#2.png )
>> No. 42714
File 132523551541.jpg - (90.89KB , 960x720 , 006.jpg )
Gosh, 4chan+ is different.

Anyway, here's my Day 1. Couldn't wait until January! Too excited!

Behold: "Shrapnel", with the power of PUNCH EXPLOSIONS. I'm really happy with how the coloring job came out, and I really like what I thought up of for the suit design.

But I REALLY screwed up on his thigh. Like, dayum. Looks like someone stuck a large football in his pant leg. But I'll get better, that's what this month is for! When I get to Day 31, he's gonna have the most bombin'-ass thighs ever.

Heh, explosvie punches, bombin'-ass...bomb...I made a funny!
>> No. 42715
File 132523885712.png - (160.78KB , 500x500 , 31daytemplate#3.png )
>> No. 42721
File 132526629513.png - (110.85KB , 400x640 , CO Draw Challange Day1.png )
I got Dragon Mimicry for day 1. I had no idea what I was going to do till I started to doodle. Then everything came together; lame back story and all.

The idea is this guy works at one of those medieval reenactment themed restaurants. Ancient evil comes back. There's a good guy wizard trapped in time as well and locked in battle with said evil, well he returns as well. Good wizard enchants dude's suit in hopes he'll help fight the big bad guy. Chubby looser gets all the powers associated with a dragon. Kicks ass and gets the girl. THE END.

It's childish and stupid I know, but it gave me a little something else to work with.
>> No. 42728

I like the Green Lantern Night-Light; it's a nice touch.
>> No. 42746
File 132545171666.jpg - (40.72KB , 699x435 , supportmcfuckingcharacter.jpg )
Support McFucking Character is the rival of Main Character-kun. He thinks he's big shit bur ends up losing af 10 minutes because Main Character has the power of friendship and a sword and we all know Sword > Enegy blasts. Af ter that nobody remembers him much and becomes just another unimnportant background character.

His power is Energy Blasts that are from the very hellfire of cosmic creation and his ultimate attack is Big Bang.
>> No. 42747
File 132545596143.jpg - (31.36KB , 476x428 , bubbleguyohgodwhy.jpg )
An ordinary neckbeard finds a pack of magic gum that transforms him into (drumbeat) the BUBBLEGUY! He can fill his body with air and float with the wind! Also he smells nice!
>> No. 42748
File 13254678285.jpg - (1.79MB , 1739x2956 , BlazingDragonfill.jpg )
Here's Blazing Dragon, with my novice attempts at shading.
Power: Concussive Beams.
>> No. 42753
File 132548069685.png - (100.79KB , 768x1024 , The Snikt.png )
I kinda gave up after an hour.
I am not a good artist.
>> No. 42754
File 13254846891.jpg - (160.97KB , 1024x768 , MissMoth.jpg )
Day 1


Miss Moth was a young entomologist that worked at a local zoo's Butterfly house. Then, after some really contrived exposure to a mutated butterfly style incident, she gains a pair of wings and an ability to communicate with butterflies and moths. Knowing how this in no way strikes fear into any superstitious and cowardly lots, it's mostly used for promotional stunts around town or ruining the hell out of any evil sweaters, carrying a beaten up rag of some ugly grandma made sweater to direct moths alongside a glowing necklace for the occasional night excursions.

When swarms of monarchs come through during their annual migrations though, then it's actually time for her to shine.
>> No. 42758
File 132551243316.jpg - (53.10KB , 1186x849 , levitation.jpg )

discovering powers for the first time
>> No. 42761
File 132556066785.jpg - (39.99KB , 450x650 , CCprop.jpg )
>> No. 42762
File 132556262487.png - (360.73KB , 912x1804 , heralds recruiting.png )
Anyone skilled with Photoshop is more than welcome to fancy this up.
>> No. 42767
File 132557554335.png - (37.29KB , 1500x2000 , Dr_ Zen.png )
Not entirely confident in my abilities quite yet, but what they hey. It's fun and I might learn something.

#1: Hyperintelligence
>> No. 42768
File 132557561140.png - (45.31KB , 1000x1300 , Wenk.png )
#2: Gunter
>> No. 42769
File 132557927917.jpg - (307.72KB , 480x619 , lizardmenposter.jpg )
day 2
>> No. 42802
File 13257402075.png - (76.76KB , 500x500 , 31daytemplate#4.png )
not really the first character, more like the second because I absolutely don't know who it was I saw first.
>> No. 42809
File 132580983892.png - (281.80KB , 1864x1557 , Lupin the Third.png )
I did this for Day 5. So far it's the only one that I have actually completed.
>> No. 42858
File 132625689656.png - (234.01KB , 800x600 , Vampyre.png )
It's a vampyre, they're vampires that are on fire.
They live on the sun.
>> No. 42875
File 132643264045.jpg - (628.91KB , 3508x2480 , katies tank.jpg )
Day 7
>> No. 42876
File 132643270776.jpg - (531.05KB , 2480x3508 , day 11.jpg )
Day 10 even though it says Day 11 on the filename
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