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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

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41437 No. 41437
OFFICIAL SITE: http://coawards.blogspot.com/
NOMINATION BALLOT: http://www.kwiksurveys.com?s=OIOLNH_b625b4c4

In short, it's an awards ceremony for the comics and cartoons of 2011.

I ran this through /co/ to see what the general response would be, and all is good. That was about a week ago, and since, we have fine-tuned categories, nomination processes, etc. etc.

Nominations are now open, so if you follow the link up there to the nomination ballot, you can begin choosing your comics and cartoons of 2011! You can also visit the official site to see the complete list of categories and other information.

Hope you consider joining in! Thanks in advance!
>> No. 42029
Oh hey OP! Lucky seeing you here since /co/ is down.
Thanks for crossposting here, I was looking for those links.
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