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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 129994026781.jpg - (16.91KB , 310x206 , 1291119915001.jpg )
36883 No. 36883
The fuck is wrong with this forum? If i press the image with the middle mouse button, it now enlarges the image instead of opening it in a new tab. Please change this shit back to what it was.
>> No. 36886
>instead of opening it in a new tab. Please change this shit back to what it was.

Why would you want that?
>> No. 36888

Because the image not opening in a new tab blocks vision.
>> No. 36902
Just right click and choose "open in new tab".
>> No. 36903

It's slower than clicking it with the middle mouse button.
>> No. 36906
I had no idea kicking pictures with middle mouse button did anything, but when I try it it do opens into an a new tab. Must be something with your browser, mate.
>> No. 36967
I use FireGestures anyway.
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