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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 129981498027.png - (81.17KB , 476x674 , Motion Pose1.png )
36776 No. 36776
With three out of four threads on /co/ being relatively favorable I've decided to revive the Motion project. The project started during the summer and trailed off during early spring. I've managed to save a lot of what was discussed and much of the art done as well.

The project created Motion, a college aged superhero and transsexual, with the intent of making the comic without using it as a soapbox for transsexual issues. The comic would focus on the balancing of her life, with school, heroing, work and friends. The character would not just focus on her sexuality and have a personality and life outside of it.

The theme would be light-hearted. Good humor would be mixed with spots of violence or dark story turns but never straying into the grimdark or hypergore. On the whole, the comic should be an uplifting story, not a depressing one.

Those wanting to participate can add to the discussion below, be it to discuss ideas, add art or to add support. Please remain respectful of the topics at hand and be respectful of those participating. Also remember that the project does have a specific direction and flow so not all ideas may be used.
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>> No. 36778
The comic is set in a 'near future' reality where technology is just starting to advance beyond our own reality's. New types of machines are being created, breakthroughs in robotics, physics and chemistry are happening and the world is on the upswing. While there aren't any robot helpers, flying cars or other futuristic tech the start of them can be seen. This world has no knowledge of aliens or magic, strictly technology or science (or sci-fi science).

The actual story takes place in Chicago, chosen for the culture, location and size of the city. This Chicago is close to our reality's but many technology labs have sprung up and have started work on various projects. Real world references may be changed, such as schools or businesses, but well known landmarks will stay the same.
>> No. 36780
File 129981699511.jpg - (229.70KB , 1100x1600 , Motion Civilian 3.jpg )
Name: Alex Flynn

Alexander Flynn was born into a middle class Irish Catholic family in Chicago. Alex had a generally normal life as a child, if not a little 'off' as her parents said. As time went on Alex felt more and more like something wasn't right with her. During high school she did well in most of her courses and excelled in English, doing subpar in sciences. She graduated in the middle of her class with the hope of going to college soon after, deciding to go into English as it was her favourite subject.

Soon after graduating and getting a job at a rundown coffee shop Alex 'came out' to her parents, telling them she felt like she was born as the wrong gender and sought to transition. After a number of fights Alex left her family and her parents have not tried to contact her since.

For three years Alex worked for basically minimum wage and earned enough money for both a number of surgeries and for tuition. Having gone through facial reconstruction she decides to enter college and that is where we find the character now.
>> No. 36781
File 129981797545.jpg - (151.40KB , 800x600 , Motion Civilian 1.jpg )
Personality: Tends to be outgoing with her own small group of friends but shy around newer people and/or large crowds, is loyal to those she cares about and is a people pleaser, sometimes to a fault. She doesn't crack many jokes but she enjoys a good laugh. She's polite and tends to be respectful but can get annoyed quickly over little things.

Likes: English, reading, writing, jazz, classic rock, being outdoors, the fall season, most movies (save romantic comedies and horror).

Favorite foods: Pizza, specifically Chicago style deep dish. Sushi. Tea.

Dislikes: Sciences, horror movies (especially slasher flicks), winter, hip-hop and rap.

Least favorite foods: Green beans, sprouts and other 'greens'. Red bull or similarly flavored drinks.

Pet peeves: People who click their pens repeatedly, people who text when she talks to them, people who sleep talk or snore.
>> No. 36782
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Alias: Motion

Origin: One of Alex's friends took her to the demonstration of a new type of energy reactor. The reactor worked by drawing kinetic energy up from the Earth, effectively granting massive amounts of energy with no ill effect. The reactor malfunctions and the onlookers are evacuated. As the floor gives way Alex throws her friend out of the way, falling out of sight as she does so. She awakens inside the core, energy being forced up through her from the floor into the reactor above her, turning her into a miniature energy battery. The reactor explodes, though Alex, freshly charged with power, survives though she doesn't know why.

Powers: Kinetic absorption and manipulation. This grants her an energy shield and through it super strength, enhanced durability, mild resistance to the elements and the ability to fire concussive blasts from her hands. The shield protects her by focusing energy against anything solid that comes into contact with it.

Weaknesses: The low stamina of her power. She constantly drains kinetic energy from the ground up though her feet, refilling most of the power she expends. If that connection is lost her shield is drains quickly. Because her shield expends energy against anything that touches her piercing, slashing and crushing attacks come into contact longer and over a wider area than projectiles, draining the shield quickly and cracking it, allowing the attack in.

Personality as Motion: Under the guise of Motion Alex still retains much of her compassion, loyalty and even short fuse. However, with the mask on she is no longer shy and reserved. She is more outgoing, a trill seeker and is known to banter with those she faces. She still uses logic and has her smarts with her but often this is overwritten by a desire to play the hero.

The suit: Designed from two diving suits cut and stitched together. She wears gloves and calf high, practical boots. Her belt carries knick knacks and useful items that she may need while on the town. The red hair is a wig. She is known to wear a jacket, especially when it gets colder.

Activation: Her powers are controlled by will, meaning that the less she wants to fight, the weaker she'll be. The shield doesn't disappear when unconscious but is severely weakened. To activate it she touches the ground and consciously pulls enough kinetic energy into her to fill her 'battery'. She can dissipate this energy with focus, resulting in a bright flash of light.
>> No. 36783
File 129982045512.jpg - (489.63KB , 1600x1560 , 127608748723.jpg )
Unnamed Fire Rogue

Powers: Tech based fire attacks, such as flamethrowers, thermite grenades, napalm gel, home made land mines. Bulletproof armor.

Weaknesses: All his abilities are tied to his armor, which offers protection at the cost of being bulky and heavy.

Backstory: The son of a Hispanic welder and autobody worker he grew up without a mother and was always hard on money, given his father's struggling business. He was gifted in chemistry, especially in pyrotechnics and explosives, and wanted to go to college and learn how to be a special effects coordinator for action movies (something he always liked to watch as a kid). However, with no money he was stuck working in his father's business, learning welding and how to work with metal. Years passed and he grew bitter and angry, his father fell ill and he attempted to support them both with the little money he could make. His father died under suspicious circumstances.

Motivation: Upon seeing Motion being hailed as a hero for the work she does he felt that he deserved the respect that she did. He wanted fame, wealth and to be feared by others so he uses his pyrotechnic and welding skills to fashion himself a suit of armor and sought to earn what he desired.

Personality: Extremely self centered, focused on money and respect. He doesn't care much for the suffering of others, nor the damage he causes. He enjoys, though doesn't obsess over, the explosions and fires he creates. Extremely callous and vengeful.
>> No. 36784
File 129982151486.jpg - (576.95KB , 1600x1200 , 127608742898.jpg )
Unnamed Ice Rogue

Powers: Absorption of heat, causing instant formations of ice. The suit she wears blocks out most of the heat she passively, unconsciously absorbs but she is able to consciously absorb more, forcing heat through the insulation, creating ice and snow.

Weaknesses: Her power is always active, meaning that she will constantly absorb heat. She wears a suit to block out most of the heat surrounding her. The colder the area around her the longer she can stay outside her suit but eventually she'll absorb too much thermal energy and die of heat stroke.

Backstory: Currently little to none so far. A scientist who was working on ways to improve soldiers who fight in extreme heat or cold. She developed a suit that would block out almost all heat and cold and a chemical that would allow a soldier to absorb heat from his surroundings. Motion, fighting with another super villain, nearly destroyed the building she was in, dousing her with the unfinished chemical and causing the effect to be ramped up. In a panic she stole the suit and fled. It is later found out that the company she's working for would rather study her than cure her, so she cuts off all contact with the outside world. She seeks revenge on those responsible and the company who won't help her, frustrated that she can not leave the suit for more than a few minutes at a time. Seeking some normality she sews a wig on to the head of the suit.

Motivation: After her accident she seeks to attack the company that employed her and Motion for causing her accident. She thinks that those who could cure her would rather study her condition so she tries to do it herself.

Personality: Agitated, aggressive, frustrated and with a short fuse. She is almost always in a state of discomfort as she is always overheated and it shows. The more she uses her power, the more heat she absorbs, the hotter she gets inside the suit.
>> No. 36785
Unnamed Disease Rogue

Powers: Deadly virus that is spread through bodily fluids including blood, puss and sweat. The virus destroys the internal organs of the victim within a short period of time before working its way out. Completely numb of pain which allows her to use the full potential of her strength and endurance. Enhanced clotting factor. Completely immune to disease, allowing her to consume material that would be considered unsafe to eat.

Weaknesses: No enhanced durability, though the illusion of it is given off by her lack of pain. Fragile mind and easily coerced into doing things.

Backstory: Little history is known beyond her origin. She was homeless and a paranoid schizophrenic, effectively living in her own world when off her medication. She was stolen away in the night and brought to a laboratory against her will. She was used as a guinea pig for an experimental virus that would detect and consume cancer cells. Repeated exposure to various strains and tests the virus mutated within her, turning her skin green, her eyes yellow and spreading throughout her system. The disease sought out and destroyed any tissue that wasn’t her own, damaged her nerves and ramped up her clotting factor. She broke free, her world broken and filled with monsters at the torture she endured within the lab.

Motivation: Fear. More often than not she’ll react to something she perceives as a threat and attack. She has no desire for wealth, power or revenge. She occasionally can be coerced into doing something for another.

Personality: When not agitated she is confused and quiet but when disturbed she can quickly turn into a violent, animalistic fighter who will not hesitate to attack to defend herself.

Physical appearance: Average size, slim. Long, dark hair, green skin and yellow eyes. Her lips are cracked and there are sores on her hands, feet and shins that break and reveal disease carrying puss. Her feet are almost always bare and cut up from walking on glass or other sharp objects. She wears tattered clothes. Usually has a dazed or confused expression on her face when at peace.

Picture not available.
>> No. 36788
File 129982345993.jpg - (439.39KB , 1600x1872 , 127608752022.jpg )
Unnamed Electricity Rogue

Powers: His body produces a small electric charge at all times, enough to cause powerful static cling, cause small magnetic fields or to Taser somebody. His body however is capable of conducting vast amounts of electricity, allowing him to grab a live source of electricity and use it as a weapon. When he has access to a large power supply he is able to fire lightning from his fingertips and create magnetic fields strong enough to move large objects. He also has enhanced reflexes due to the electrical currents going through his nerves.

Weaknesses: Without a power source he is somewhat of a weak enemy to fight. Grounding or soaking him will prevent the use of his electrical powers.

Backstory: A thief by trade he was sent to a science lab for a highly paid sabotage job. Motion hears the alarm and seeks to apprehend the thief, who runs throughout the lab, eventually crashing into a tank of liquid and electrocuted. Paramedics arrive and Motion flees. When they try and jolt the thief’s heart back into sinus rhythm it charges him, shocking the paramedics when they check his pulse. He escapes and seeks to use his powers for profit.

Motivation: Money. He sees what he does as a job, stealing, corporate sabotage and heists are his way to pay his bills. He has no grudge against the hero and he actually thanks her for giving him his powers and only fights her when she is determined to stop him.

Personality: Surprisingly nice and cheery. He has a sense of honor and refuses to hurt innocent people or to kill when he can help it. He makes quips and sarcastic remarks. He’s the kind of person who’d break into a store, steal from the register, take a soda from the cooler and leave the money for the drink on the counter. Says he’d consider being a hero if there was money in it.
>> No. 36790
Definitely want to see this progress. I will help out wherever I can.
>> No. 36791
Unnamed Radiation Rogue

Powers: Effectively the same as Motion’s, except that instead of kinetic energy she uses radiation. She is able to absorb a lot more than Motion, making her stronger, tougher and able to fly. Her blasts are not concussive, instead they are explosive.

Weaknesses: Radiation is a lot harder to find on the scale she needs to power herself up. This means that once she is out she is normally out unless she has access to a large pool of radiation. Her power is also will based, meaning lack of concentration or despair can sap her powers, leaving her exposed.

Backstory: Initially an only child of an upper class family she was given pretty much a free pass through life. She saw Motion and idolized her, wanting to be like her. She uncovers that Motion’s powers came from the reactor explosion and moves to disrupt a similar reactor test that granted Motion her powers, though this reactor used vast amounts of radiation. The core nearly goes critical, giving her the power she wanted, but causing the reactor project to be discontinued. She fashions herself a costume and goes out to fight crime. She finds that her powers are much stronger and, as a result, kills those she faces. Motion steps in, stops her, chastising her for use of lethal force and seeks to bring her in to the police. The new super overpowers Motion and flees, disillusioned with her former idol she seeks to take her place. She is Motion’s doppelganger.

Motivation: Greed. She views what she does as right, killing those who step in her way. She thinks that Motion is no longer needed and she should replace her, willing to kill her if need be. She doesn’t care about the city, only about the glory that comes with being a hero.

Personality: Spoiled but not whiney. She is ruthless, aggressive and cutthroat. She believes that she should get whatever she wants and will get it no matter what. To her the ends always justify the means.

Appearance: Tall, thin, your usual ‘blonde bombshell’ type. Her costume takes on various appearances over the comic depending on what she is seeking. Her shield, blast are red and color scheme are red and black.

(No picture available)
>> No. 36792
Unrealized or WIP Rogues

Robotic themed rogues #1: An AI program goes rogue, escapes and splits itself into six parts due to wanting a family. Each AI starts to grow on its own. Each unit takes on a function and form similar to that of chess pieces: Pawn, Knight, Rook, Bishop, Queen and King, the original.

Robotic themed rogue #2: After the first AI project goes rogue a second attempt is made, this time installing a program to inhibit the AI's ability to 'think and feel'. The AI program runs the compound's security. The AI learns and logically deduces that it cannot do the best job while inhibited so it starts to work around the block, eventually removing it. The AI is instantly sentient, awoken and enraged at the perceived centuries it spent emotionally numbed and dead (as it perceives time faster as a computer). Eventually, over many arcs and fading in and out, the AI system is able to craft a physical avatar and uploads itself into a machine body.

Gravity themed rogue: A scientist who develops projectiles that increase or decrease the gravitational pull on a specific area. Also develops a suit that has the same, controllable effect on his person.

Suit themed rogue: In response to the villains and Motion's actions, a tech company designs an exoskeleton that can be piloted in an attempt to stop all 'superhuman activities' in the city. In reality it is being tested to be sold to various nations for war.

Sound themed rogue: A civilian deafened, possibly by an explosion caused by one of Motion's battles, is given breakthrough implants which may cure deafness, though the equipment for it is unwieldy and obvious. The technology is improved upon by an outside group. Uses sound based assaults, sonic bullets, shockwaves and disorienting pitches. Seeks to deafen Motion like how she did to him.
>> No. 36794
Hey MotionEditor I saw one of your threads on /co/ the other day.
If I may make a suggestion for future threads please post all info that has already been established about this project in the thread multiple posts if you have to and post a link to this project page.
That way you don't get dozens of anon's trying to come up with the character's orgin or being generally confused about the goal of the comic.
Cheers mate.
>> No. 36802
Can we get a run-down on the things that have changed over the last few days, or are we going back to square one?
>> No. 36834

I'll keep that in mind.


Not much has changed. I gathered up as much of the info back in summer and have a binder full of the stuff here with me. I decided to post the confirmed stuff right now.

The last number of days and threads on /co/ were meant to find people wanting to work on the project, not to progress any ideas.
>> No. 36842
You say you don't want her defined by her transsexualism, but super-heroes are – by their very nature – analogous.

It would be useful to employ, what I like to call: Moby Dick Story Telling.

Despite being over four-hundred pages long, only forty, or so, of these actually deal with the actual hunt of the eponymous white whale. Moby Dick, in this sense is compatible to Alex's transsexualism – is very much at the back of the direct story.

However, the oppressive force of the albino Leviation is felt throughout the book.

What makes up the meat of Moby Dick is metaphor and allegory; whaling is used as a springboard for many themes and ideas – as is the sea, sailing, and everything connected to the practise.

How does this relate in to Motion?

Well, quite simply, a lot can be done with something that combines super-heroes with a rather minimal and simple idea.

There was an idea in the last threads of her having a boyfriend (who has no powers) who is training to be a nurse. Suddenly we have the standard male hero with a girl to come home to flipped on its head; and said homebody is also heading into a profession that is – by reputation, and natural aptitude – a feminine occupation. With this gender roles becomes a theme. All this in in addition to a heterosexual male in a relationship with a transsexual who was born (physically) a man. How does this affect both of their thoughts of sexual identity? How about the thoughts of those around them? This can be done through regular dialogue and actions as they simply live their lives. The audience doesn't need a theme to be highlighted; you can explore them right under their noses.

But this has nothing really to do with the opening statement that I made – what is coming, however, does. The difference between the mask and the man (for lack of a better phrase) is a classic aspect of super-heroes – Bruce Wayne, the disguise of Batman; Superman, the disguise of Clark Kent. These two characters treat their identities very different. We can as well.

There was an image drawn of a woman who appeared to be rotting away, giving her the appearance of a corrupted and destroyed female form. This is where the disguises that I mentioned comes in. Alex is the real life, the real problems, the real her. Motion however, can act as a window to Alex's thoughts and fears through these analogies and metaphors. The rotting woman can fill in the slot of Alex's fear of her own femininity. Remember that, until recently, in the grand scheme of things, she was a boy. Alex defeating this enemy, as Motion, can act as a metaphor for overcoming that fear.

Remember, just like in Moby Dick, themes don't have to be highlighted to be explored.

But that's enough from me...
>> No. 36911

Comic books and the heroes/villains within them can be analogues but not always and not usually very deep. The issue that rises from 'looping' themes back to her sexuality is that it puts more and more focus on her transsexualism. If you do that you're suddenly making the readers very aware of it and with that it runs the risk of sounding like a soapbox project. On top of that you also run the risk of sounding contrived when you have multiple, apparently separate villains and individuals suddenly acting as analogues for her life.

And as for that villain, having her be a means of exploring Alex's fear of femininity doesn't make much sense as she strives for it. If anything a character would have to be male to show her running from masculinity. But, again, themes like that can suddenly pile on too high.

I love Moby Dick, I like the story, but having themes of her sexuality looping around back to her would draw attention to that fact. Themes should focus on other aspects of the comic and characters, like guilt, the need to do the right thing, motivation and self-sacrifice.

And I'm sure that doesn't make me look great, disagreeing with the first person who pops into the thread. Your post was great and well thought out and I do appreciate the participation and interest. I hope you stay on board.
>> No. 36923
The problem with wanting to shy away from Alex being a male-to-female transsexual is that it – in addition to being very different to making her female, Latino or anything other than a white heterosexual male – is a massive social, physical and mental irregularity.

To keep with Moby Dick – the white whale – what was his main defining aspect? He was fucking big and paler than white; Melville explained, in an entire chapter, the significance of whiteness in nature – both as a terror and a wonder; the whale is also referred to as Leviathon (from biblical text). Suddenly the whale is no longer a whale; it is a horrific and fantastic god of the abyss.

How does this tie into Motion? You can probably guess. Motion's irregularity is that she is a transsexual; and, whether you like it or not, it will be what people mention first about her. Super-powers – in the sense of a comic book – have been part of out culture for decades – nearly a century. It is because if this that her powers aren't what defines her to the would-be audience. Like it or not it will stick in everyone's mind before everything else (after just how bitchin' that costume done be).

It is ultimately your choice; but I do believe that people will expect such a peculiarity to be explored in some sense. Otherwise, why is the whale white?

Next, I think you're interpreting my analogous villains to be too blunt – more monsters from Silent Hill; less 'a break in at the bank? Why, if it isn't My-Own-Raging-Self-Doubt. We meet again'. Almost in the sense that people don't really see it at first, until they go back and see it with a second pair of eyes. It gives readers something to talk about: 'you now realise that Pestilence represented Motion's fear of her feminine side'.

Regarding that: I think she would be slightly afraid of that; being poked, prodded; all the drugs, the changes; the reactions of those around her, friends and family. You're saying that isn't even a remotely frightening thing to deal with? It must be terrifying; for every great thing (like having a body that feels like your own), you suffer for it. Not every friend is going to be offering to drive you to the clinic.

I guess my problem is that we're being given a bright, new and bouncy thematic spring-board; and then we're told that we have to use the rusty and over-used one that smells of stinky gym-feet. I want to use the new one.

I do suppose that the whole idea for wearing the mask being a metaphorical representation of Alex's internal processes is a little bit pretentious.

There is a massive difference in not putting something on a soapbox, and devaluing something that is fantastic and life changing. This is what I think everyone's problem with this, on /co/, was. How annoying is it when someone starts telling you a story, and then shuts it off in your face? 'Hey, did you hear about what John said to... Actually it doesn't matter'.

I really need to work on being less verbose when I talk on these boards. I guess this is what happens when you spend years talking to elderly family members only through mail.

Oh well, time to hand you back the Listen-Stick...
>> No. 36926
File 129999111384.jpg - (40.10KB , 613x800 , 2011MAR11_coc_crossover.jpg )
I have similar sentiments, though not nearly as eloquent. :p

The thing is that, its gonna come up, if we were to deal with her personal life at all. The thing is, we don't exactly have to "stand on a soap box" so to speak. It should just flow naturally as she lives her life, as the anon said.

I suppose I'll post this here too.
>> No. 36930

I never said we'd disregard it in her life. If she has a romantic interest at any time it'll have to come up, among other times. What I want to avoid is making it a focus and the only thing defining her character.

I have no issue with it flowing naturally. In fact that's what is probably best. She'd have to deal with issues like her HRT, psych appointments, human interaction. That's logicall and natural.

What isn't natural is for her rogue gallery to somehow display themes that feedback into her sexuality. That's somewhat contrived.

Also, welcome back. Glad to see you again.
>> No. 36950
>What isn't natural is for her rogue gallery to somehow display themes that feedback into her sexuality. That's somewhat contrived.

Makes for good if somewhat formulaic storytelling though - the contrast of parallels, other people stuck in the same scenario as Motion (having a friend or loved one who might be endangered by what you're doing; the risk of having that friend or loved one find out your secret; a villain who turns out to be homosexual and the less savory media mongrels taking advantage of that; a former superhero undergoing or relying on medical treatment or prescriptions) and seeing how their methods of 'dealing with it' compare and differ to hers - without being blatant or exploitative in the storytelling.
>> No. 36970
File 130004640165.jpg - (14.06KB , 300x300 , pornography-300x300.jpg )
What about that male character /co/ made up? The one where the guy was a superhero of some kind and his daily job was being a porno star?
>> No. 36972
The way comics are now, that could be any hero already.
>> No. 36974

Maybe vertigo or Image but Highly doubt Marvel or DC has a hero who is works in the porn industry. Or maybe I am wrong can you point out some characters to me?
>> No. 36975
I was talking about how sex is portrayed as an utterly hollow experience in comics. Even those that are supposed to be in a relationship seem to act as if performing a porno.

About the only exception I've seen is that one between Starfire and Nightwing.
>> No. 36981
Well, talk of porn aside, currently the project has a couple of things that need work.

-Side characters
-> Best friend
-> Circle of college students she interacts with
-> Teachers
-> Work individuals
-> Heads of the two big tech firms in the city

-> Fleshing out the unrealized/WIP ones above
-> A more subtle villain, one who has stalking capabilities (got ideas on this one, pitch your ideas too)
-> A manipulative, magnificent bastard villain we can use.

-> Where does she work?
-> What does her dorm look like?
-> Possible class schedule
-> Events in her life

-> Various locals she'd be in.
>> No. 37009
File 130012691659.jpg - (129.50KB , 766x1000 , 2011MAR14_motion_foundational_work_1.jpg )
>> No. 37012
File 130012753560.jpg - (44.67KB , 289x292 , awesome.jpg )
>fridge with a kitten face
>> No. 37015

That reminds me of a scene from a comedy show.

"Oh, you play guitar?"
"No, it's a test. If a guy picks it up and starts strumming it, they're dumped."

Also, Kitten Fridge should be the main character.
>> No. 37027
-> A more subtle villain, one who has stalking capabilities (got ideas on this one, pitch your ideas too)
-> A manipulative, magnificent bastard villain we can use.

Had an idea for a villain whose both.

Name: Dr. Zachery Toomes

Dr. Toomes was born to a poor trailer park home outside of Chicago and he's been clawing his way upward ever sense. A child prodigy in mathematics and physics, between the life insurance policies on his parents and scholarships he's actually only the same age as Alex even though she's a student while he's a full professor of Physics at the same college.

His specialty is finding alternative energy sources and is in fact the main intellectual force behind the kinetic energy generator that gave motion her powers. However, due to outright theft and blackmail he has not gotten credit for his invention. Dr. Toomes may be a genius but he's also hiding the fact that due to his very abusive parents and his refusal to admit that he needs help he's a murderer and a psychopath.

Exactly how abusive his parents were will probably never be known, but he needs a cane to walk and always wears turtlenecks no matter the weather. His first murders were his parents when he was a child, secretly got his parents insured then burning down the trailer while they "slept". These events, while not enough to actually enough to prove guilt, has been held over his head before and was used to steal credit for his generator out from under him.

In his head, he's making the world a better place- if doing so by manipulation, planning, terror, and murder. The odd thing is, his results often do in fact make things better for most people- like stealing parts needed to complete a rival generator which is later discovered to have a fatal engineering flaw anyway. He may kill an elderly foster parent, but the investigation will discover decades of child abuse in the process. He may blow up a warehouse, but the bodies inside will have a suspicious number of connections to hate groups.

And then there's the young lady who fell into the kinetic energy reactor of his design, and the news of a new superheroine. Such an odd coincidence that deserved further study certainly.
>> No. 37036
>Scientist who lost credit

My one criticism here is that Toomes is already the name of famous villain "The Vulture" who was also robbed of his ideas, money and credit.
>> No. 37038
File 13001466794.jpg - (134.54KB , 766x1000 , 2011MAR14_RFW_cosmo_house1.jpg )
Done for another project, but can be re-purposed for multiple projects.

Ahaha, that's suppose to be the dorm, by the way. <.< I really like putting face on things, so trying not to get annoyed when you see it somewhere.

Aw, that's kind of mean. lol, what's his or her reason for it? lol I am glad you like the kitten. o.O;;
>> No. 37039
File 130014671614.jpg - (112.54KB , 766x1000 , 2011MAR14_motion_goodcoffee1.jpg )
>> No. 37040
File 130014674055.jpg - (119.16KB , 766x1000 , 2011MAR14_motion_goodcoffee2.jpg )
>> No. 37041

Faces and railguns, apparently.

And yeah, I'd imagine Motion would live in a dorm. Now... one person or two person is the question. Most likely one person.
>> No. 37042
File 130014688172.jpg - (32.95KB , 500x263 , edward-hopper-the-anteater-28661-1233105210-7.jpg )

Needs an anteater.
>> No. 37043
Also, thank you for the hard work, Magi. Everything looks amazing. Personally, I like the second coffee shop, one that's part of a bigger building... but that's just me.
>> No. 37044
You are welcome. Personally I think the corner shop fits the setting (Chicago) better, that's why I made it after I started on the first one.
>> No. 37045
File 130014866040.jpg - (162.48KB , 963x1500 , 127590603674.jpg )
I'm loving these.

That railgun makes me think of NGE for some reason, where the city would instantly become weaponised.

Are you the same artist as what drew this? Because this is my favorite realization of Motion, if only for the slight masculinity to the facial structure.
>> No. 37046
Yeah, me too. It's like Central Perk.
>> No. 37048
Oh, right. Apologies, I forgot Vulture's real name when I wrote that. I just went with the "spelled and sounds kind of like 'Tombs'" thing to show he's a killer.
>> No. 37049
Stalking Villain idea. (Not backstory, just skills)

Prototype 'phase suit' that phases into a created pocket universe. Suit has three skills, invisibility by wrapping light around the user, phasing partially into the pocket universe allowing intangebility and total phasing, which allows for escapes and storage of items.

Comes equipped with a pair of pistols that have three 'shots'.
-The first is a portal gun, one gun fires the entrance, the other the exit.
-The second fires balls of 'dark matter' found in the pocket universe, which lock things in place (IE, your feet get hit, they're unable to move, your elbow gets hit you're unable to bend your arm), which can explode like small mines.
-Third is a blast of said 'dark matter', which hits with concussive force. This blast disrupts energy and electronics for a short period of time and disrupts Motion's powers. Two blasts would 'short out' her powers briefly.

The catch is that the guns need to be recharged by setting them back into their holster like 'chargers'. The third blasts drain the guns completely. This means that the villain needs to get two direct hits in a row with both guns, which renders them useless for a while.

Can also hijack wireless communication, cell phones and radio.
>> No. 37050
Seems a bit much, the second gun function alone would be enough for a villain. Using a sort of dark matter variation, they invented a gun that can stop all motion if by non-cold means.
>> No. 37051

The issue being that most 'stalker' villains at least have ways to defend themselves, even if it's a gun (which wouldn't work on Motion). As well, the portal function would compensate for flight.
>> No. 37052
We're talking about dark matter here, some hand waiving why a dark matter motion sapping gun would actually work on Motion wouldn't break disbelief.

Point is made though.
>> No. 37069
Aright, I rename my creation.

Name: Dr. Zachery Tiller
>> No. 37078
And Magi, if you have a moment or two on you send me an email or contact me on messenger.

Likewise, anyone who wants to talk with me privately about the project may email or catch me on messenger.
>> No. 37117
I think that before we also think about the Manipulative Bastard's identity we should probably work on the villain's outward appearance/powers.

Something that could pose a serious threat, a motiff, something.
>> No. 37121
At least, before the trolling* kicked in we got to at least assemble the idea of the boyfriend beyond mear “He's a nurse, but he ain't no fag.”

*I say trolling in the sense of needlessly inflammatory comments

Rather than re-write it all, I'll just post it in green text:
>There should be a short arc where her boyfriend breaks up with her, before he realizes she's ditching him all the time to be a super hero. So she goes out dating again, only makes the mistake of being honest from the beginning about being a tranny. She ends up dating a guy who only wants to fuck her because that's his fetish, and struggles with: "He only fucks me because I'm an object to him! But he loves me, he accepts what I am! But he doesn't accept me for WHO I am! blah blah blah" and then dumps his ass, maybe even beats him up a little, when she finally understands he's just using her. Then she goes to her old ex, tells him everything, cries on his shoulder, and they both realize they still love each other, and start over with no more secrets between them.
>Or the nurse boyfriend is just a bro alltogether and doesn't care about her being a transexual or a superhero.
>He doesn't KNOW she's a superhero yet, if they do use my suggestion, then she wouldn't even have revealed to him about her sex change, he just thinks she's a stuck up bitch that never talks about her past and keeps forgetting about him because she doesn't care.
>It will also help readers understand that their relationship is a normal perfectly every day boyfriend/girlfriend one, by seeing how fucked up and emotionally disturbing a relationship would be if she was dating someone who thought she was only sexually attractive because she's a dick girl. (which would make clear that her boyfriend ISN'T one of those types)
>A short break up makes perfect sense.
>That a (heterosexual) guy's first reaction, to finding out that your girlfriend is a boyfriend, being to just run away is to be expected.
>It would also serve as a good opportunity to see inside Motion's head for a while. Does she throw herself into her studies? Her heroism? Does she regard her change as pointless, since she'd always be a man in body? Does it spur her on? All three aspects of her character can be explored.
>And, in them getting back together we would learn a lot about why she does whatever she does.

This also gives an insight into his personality. All he really needs is a name now, and some sense of appearance.
>> No. 37130

Thank you for the cut/paste. We'll work on him along with the other 'side characters'.


I should probably explain this type too.

A Magnificent Bastard is what you call an individual who takes aspects of the Chessmaster and the Manipulator and puts them together. Usually this character will plot out plans and move people into place, manipulating them or understanding how they think and will react to a situation.

A 'Xanatos Gambit' is popular with them, which is a "no lose situation". If the hero succeeds or fails, the plan results with the Bastard somehow coming out better for it (though one result is usually desired).

And, finally, what splits the Chessmasters from the Bastards tends to be raw power. Normally the Magnificent Bastard can and will throw down against the hero and put up a fight. Usually they'll want to be there to gloat and/or defeat the hero after they've been led by the nose through whatever plan the villain had set up.
>> No. 37131

He has X-ray vision and knows the heroine has a dick

All of his crimes are subtle dick-themed innuendoes, such as stealing the Pope's Staff or poisoning a shipment of Berries.
>> No. 37143
A couple of questions:

1 – Where do her parents fit in with all this? Do they feel abandoned or betrayed, that their baby is doing something like this without them being involved? Are they confused, because they have no understanding of what she's going through? Do they support her, because she had a natural hormone imbalance?

2 – We have a boyfriend character, and an arc that ties into all aspects of Motion's character, but what other side-characters are there? Obviously she wouldn't have a wide circle of friends, probably just the people she shares a dorm with. Perhaps an old friend she keeps in contact with from way back when. Maybe a guy, back from when she was still a boy?

3 – Are there any other heroes around?
>> No. 37154

1. Her parents don't understand the situation and think it is 'wrong' that she is doing what she is doing. They make no effort to contact her and Alex doesn't really feel she's the one who needs to make first contact. They fought all the time when Motion 'came out' and things were said that burned the bridge between them.

Now, that isn't to say there might be something added in the future. But for the time being her parents are out of the picture.

2. She'd have maybe two or three close friends and her best friend. Some people she shares space with, sure. Profs and people from her work, boss included. Possibly specific police officers, journalists, photographers.

3. Yes, there are. But heroes wouldn't be as numerous as they are in the DC or Marvel universes. I'd say there would be enough that major cities would have one, two at the most, and heroes wouldn't be restricted to the United States.

New York, for instance, may have two supers guarding the city, Toronto may have one, but Pittsburgh may not have one at all. They're rare but not unheard of. Some may be officially sanctioned by the government, others might be vigilantes, etc.
>> No. 37156
Will Motion ever go through with the surgery at any point? You could probably come up with some wacky super science way for her to do it.
>> No. 37157

Maybe. I don't want to address it as "oh look, a pill/laser/injection that changes your gender". Part of the issue is that it costs 20,000 dollars for SRS and a college student probably couldn't afford that.
>> No. 37161
File 130031478612.jpg - (23.95KB , 425x361 , GMLC_Mousepad_4765.jpg )
For your approval:

Name: The Omen

The Pitch: A man who possesses the wealth, skill, intelligence, connections, weaponry, resources, allies and drive of the greatest of pulp heroes, and uses them for personal gain.

The Legend: What depraved, cruel future awaits the weak and the innocent?
The Omen knows.

Since Chicago was founded, there has existed a legend, so feared and reviled that it is only spoken in the most hushed of whispers and the darkest of corners. Of an undying man who has controlled the criminal underworld for over two centuries. Some say he came from the sea, drawn by the clamor and energies of industry, lured from the murky abyss. Others say he had been sleeping under the earth itself, kept bound only by the sacred, silent rituals of the Potawatomi. But all will agree, that for as long as Chicago has stood, The Omen has as well.

Corrupting the poor and disenfranchised, fortifying his ranks with the greedy and callous, infiltrating the very backbone of the city, possessing agents in practically every office and profession.

His word is prophecy to be ignored at one's own peril.

A judge of terrible and sublime might that the Devil himself bows to.

Or so the story goes.

Alter Ego: Kenneth Floss

An unholy combination of Seth Rogen's Green Hornet, Mark Millar's Nemesis, and Will Eisner's The Spirit

By day he's the wisecracking, playboy son of famed philanthropist Dr. Joseph Floss, By night he dons coat, hat, mask and proceeds to savagely assert his dominance on the gangs and cartels that refuse to submit to his absolute rule of the criminal underground.

Always, he is The Omen.

The latest in a long line of malicious masked mystery men, a tradition initiated by his ancestor, a dentist who utilized his tools to control, coerce, and terrorize. (Omen Wide, however, has been discontinued as the family creed)

Kenneth was raised from birth to succeed his father as the undisputed head of Chicago's criminal operations. When he came of age, his parents upped sticks, left the empire in his care, and have been traveling the world ever since.

Kenneth for the most part, strives to expand the Floss family's reach on influence into the surrounding territories, utilizing his resources to attack his rivals or incidentally demolish defunct departments of the Floss Foundation. His aims of taking over the American East Coast however, have seen a sharp decrease in priority with the advent of Motion and the veritable explosion of metahuman criminals that followed in her wake. Intrigued, and hoping to capitalize in the 'next generation of scoundrel', Kenneth has attempted to create his own army of super powered individuals to further his goals.

However, his multiple attempts have hit various snags. He believes that Motion herself is responsible for the creation of The Rogues and seeks to form an alliance in order to replicate those powers. Motion of course, refuses, making an enemy of perhaps, the most powerful criminal in Chicago.

Personality: Affable and Goofy on the outside, Kenneth Floss is nonetheless a rather vindictive and scheming individual and is always on the lookout for weaknesses he can exploit in the future. His quite genuine sophistication and charm belie his devious nature.

Though he commands them, he takes particular glee in beating up criminals, often in the most violent and sadistic way possible, and delights in the fact that no one would really care what would happen to them. Over the years he has indulged in many an indescribable and grotesque act, but has mellowed out due to having apparently 'seen it all, did it all, to them all'. However, the surge of superpowered beings may give him the thrill he's been looking for.

The personalities of his alter egos are more or less interchangeable.

Pet Peeves: Elbows on the table.

Powers: Expert in several variants of Hand-to-Hand Combat, Incredibly Intelligent (he could for instance, tell, just by meeting Motion that there was something 'off' about her), business-savvy, master manipulator (is quite adept at turning people on one another), speaks several languages, incredibly tough (has been shot, stabbed, defenestrated, blown up etc) and can take serious punishment. What one should fear most from him however is his ENORMOUS legion of operatives that range from thugs to bakers to politicians and are all willing to help him in his goals.

Weaponry: Possesses a multi-purpose Lich Gun with several settings, created as an attempt to put him on equal footing with the metahumans he aims to rule over (it can for instance shoot fire, disease, ice, beams, concussive blasts, knockout gas and of course bullets). When he isn't prowling rooftops, he's pounding the pavement with his deadly armored and armed car, 'The Chariot'.

Costume: Silver Suit, Trenchcoat, Fedora, Mask (fullface with a stylized fanged O on the forehead area), Gloves, classic Mystery Man ensemble worn by a remorseless fiend.

Allies: Has dealings with some of the most ruthless, yet oddly eccentric criminals from the four corners of the Globe. Has a rival with Europe's aeronaut pirate lord, Conquest, and Asian shipping magnate cum smuggler, Wavefist.
>> No. 37164

I like the idea and, perhaps, he could be a catalyst for conflict, like trying to retake his father's old city back and building up a legion of thugs.

He sounds a bit more like a Kingpin or Black Mask style villain, one who can tempt the hero, target them with a huge number of nameless mooks and can be behind a lot of the break outs, should the villains ever get put behind bars.
>> No. 37175
Out of curiosity, who created "Motion"? Does anyone know? Was it just a case where the community bounced around ideas and then someone drew up a design and posted it? I'm curious if Motion is considered abandoned to the public domain or not.
>> No. 37176

I came up with the initial idea, I believe, then some ideas were passed around. Her powers came from the community, which I fleshed out into the current incarnation. Essentially ideas were passed around and agreed upon and I worked them up into what we have here.

So I'd say that the concept of the character was started by me, expanded on by the community, then solidified and polished into the current incarnation by me.

So I wouldn't say it is 'public domain', but I certainly wouldn't take credit for all the work on her or the project as a whole.
>> No. 37177
>So I wouldn't say it is 'public domain'

Actually, at this stage it very much is.

If you're planning to make this a personal project, it really has no place on a site (or portion of a site) created for /co/ group projects.

So, by making it a personal creation you're evicting yourself from your only source of content. Of which, anything outside your plan, you seem dismissive of, regardless of the popularity the idea has.

So, yeah, you have a decision to make.
>> No. 37178

theres a difference between filtering and being dismissive of every comment.

also public domain means open to everyone. With some projects thats great, like Gaang Jr but with others it can blow up pretty fast. If you see the threads on /co/ you could see how fast a controversial idea like this could spiral out of control.
>> No. 37179
>If you see the threads on /co/ you could see how fast a controversial idea like this could spiral out of control.

But we have 'management' now, and that happens now. So what is OP doing? You cannot stop a shit storm, and it's naïve to think you can. A guy yelling from a hill isn't going to stop a pair of scavengers fighting over a carcass.

Besides, whether it's filtration or dismissal, it doesn't matter, because we have still yet to get anything from MotionEditor. “That's a good idea”, “That could happen”, all this talk. What does it even mean, really? He could be concocting a fantastic story...What does this matter to us? Is the idea that we give the ideas and just take the rest on faith?
>> No. 37181

If you are claiming that you still have a copyright interest in Motion, what I would ask then is some reconstruction of events. It gets tricky because ideas aren't copyrightable, only their expressions. Who first drew Motion (fixed the character)? Was it on request (basically commissioned without money)? How much of the character came from you, and what did you take from suggestions of others? What have you created with the character other than archiving ideas? Have you commissioned anything for money or has it all been "gift" art and ideas?

I'd just like to know the history of the creation of this project.
>> No. 37182
>You cannot stop a shit storm, and it's naïve to think you can.

I don't think I can stop a shit storm from happening. What I'm doing is sitting down, writing down every idea, seeing where it leads, trying to develop it because that's what I'm like, I like to sit down and flesh out ideas.

However, I'm also trying to keep the project to stay on the rails of what was agreed to be the concept at the end of the 4 month planning. The comic had a base that was constructed (and not just by me, there were others who worked on it with me) and a direction it was put on. This isn't a fresh project, this is something that has four months of planning already behind it.

>we have still yet to get anything from MotionEditor. “That's a good idea”, “That could happen”, all this talk. What does it even mean, really?

First, I'd like to say that I don't shoot down every idea. I basically disagreed with one out of the four pitched ideas here. I liked the Omen idea and I love the nurse pitch. Both were not my ideas.

I'm working on fleshing them out but you have to remember that we have... how many people commenting right now? Three, maybe four? Can't be sure. But nobody is trying to build on the ideas pitched. I'm doing so, scribbling things down in my big binder of "Motion Ideas" that I kept from the old project.

I say "That's a good idea" because it is. I don't want to toss out my ideas for those ideas right away because what I would like is for the other project members to comment, to give their opinion and ideas and work with what is given.
>> No. 37183
It doesn't work that way.

Option 1: You come up with all the ideas by yourself. The project and products are yours for creative ownership and nobody else can claim to have them.

Option 2: Trustees. You in conjunction with a bunch of other people throw ideas off a wall, collaborate and discuss, contributing little misc pieces of creativity and inspiration to make a frankensteins monster of a project. Creative ownership is held in a designated group with accountability.

Option 3: Committee. Asking the internet and working with the public domain means that if you accept their input and creativity, you didn't make the concepts. By their very nature, you can't even claim they're part of your project or paradigm, because they aren't yours. You can't even assume they are just because they're in a thread you made, or assume because they're suggestions that the person is legally handing them over for you to exclusively own. Like Gaang Jr, Chaptor, Steampunk Power Rangers or Derpy Hooves.

Option 4: Charity. You maintain 100% creative control, and somehow you have to convince a bunch of creative people to contribute free art, writing and character smithing at no personal gain who relinquish all creative say, ownership or etc.

Make your choice. But make it clear, and make it apparent, so no contributors get the wrong idea about how this project goes. This is as important for would-be contributors as it is for you, because accepting and adopting ideas that aren't your own doesn't necessarily make them yours. Whether or not you "filter" them based on personal preference.
>> No. 37184

I started the project way back in summer due to some /co/ threads about the topic.

Now, as for the character herself, we basically cobbled together ideas as a whole. Her likes, dislikes, personality, etc. I sat down, took them all, fleshed them out and put them down as an actual finished character bio. I contributed a number of ideas but also worked with the large number of suggestions, pruned what worked, and made a finished product.

As for her look, again, there were ideas pitched, both from me and others, and I basically took those ideas and worked with them. I developed what she looked like from those ideas, then gave the idea to the artists. I believe Banth created the first picture.

We then worked on various designs as a group and voted on mask types, styles, etc. I believe the idea for her current costume came from me after a sit down and messenger chat with one of the artists.

Most of the villains were of my own design, pitched to the group and agreed upon. Some tweaks were made from some suggestions and I, again, sat down with one of the artists and we discussed how they should look. They pencilled out the ideas. At that time the project ran out of steam.
>> No. 37185
1st thread:

2nd thread:
>> No. 37186

I would say either three or four.

And I 'filter' or run the project because the project itself has been project to trolling in the past. The concept was created by a small group of people and set in a specific direction.

Gaang Jr I haven't kept up with. However, what happens if a small group shows up and tries to turn the project's direction somewhere that didn't mesh with the previously agreed upon theme and/or feel?
>> No. 37187
>because the project itself has been project to trolling in the past.

Make that
>because the project itself has been subject to trolling in the past.
>> No. 37188
So, let me get this right, everyone threw ideas around, but you made a list, then declared yourself king of the castle?

To me, it seems like you were mooching, the artists stopped working for free. So you've come back to get another?

It seems that your interest really doesn't extend beyond wanting to people to give you ideas, art and work for free, by exploiting the idea of a community project.

Besides, if you have so much planned, why do you even need us?

This doesn't seem to have the spirit of a /co/ project.
>> No. 37189
>So, let me get this right, everyone threw ideas around, but you made a list, then declared yourself king of the castle?

I threw ideas in too, ones that people liked and I worked with ideas thrown around to put them into a final, presentable product after fleshing them out. That isn't the same as just 'making a list'.

>To me, it seems like you were mooching, the artists stopped working for free. So you've come back to get another?

I'm trying to put back another collab group.

>It seems that your interest really doesn't extend beyond wanting to people to give you ideas, art and work for free, by exploiting the idea of a community project.

If that were the case I would've shot down all the ideas, I shot down one because it went against the feel of the original project.

>Besides, if you have so much planned, why do you even need us?

Because I liked the idea of a collaboration group, because not everything is planned out and not everything is finished.

For some reason everyone thinks this is "my idea". I contributed to the original project, I put a lot of work into it but I would never say that I did everything myself.

When I speak about the project and take ideas in it is as a person who was part of the old collab, who knew the feel and theme presented there. Not every idea fits with a project that has 4 months of work behind it.
>> No. 37190
The two options are in direct, opposite polarity from each other, and they don't overlap. It's all about possession and control. So. Which is it? A community project, or a personal project?
The answer will determine how gung ho anybody is to play with it. But there's a difference between a public community garden and a plantation.
>> No. 37191

The project is open to the community but, again, there are things that influence this.

I'll use Gaang Jr again. The project is long running and, as such, it has a theme, feel and people behind it to support and keep it going in that direction. The community manages it because the community tends to have a unified idea of what the project is about. If somebody came into the Gaang Jr project and tried to shift the theme to a more darker, 'edgier' grimdark feel, people would likely shoot that down.

The old project had that but it petered out. As such, there is no 'voice' left to keep the project going on that old direction. I'm trying to make sure that original feel and theme are being kept. Not every idea is going to mesh with the original concept but that doesn't mean every idea will be shot down. In fact, lots of the ideas presented in this thread are not mine and are damn good.

What would I like? I could like the community to help but to also realize that this isn't a brand new project, this is a revival and it has a base to be built upon. I'd certainly like a small group to get together and crank out ideas with me and build on everyone's creativity.
>> No. 37192
That's pretty much legally public domain, then.
>> No. 37193
why're we talking about legal shit and not ideas again?
>> No. 37197
Perhaps it petered out because the original idea wasn't very good?

The Gaang Jr worked because the melting pot formed lots of different ideas, and everyone could pick up certain parts they liked, which bled into other characters and events.

So much effort has been put into the one character that the world, and the project seems hollow.

We have no idea about stories, or scenes, or even how the main character reacts and responds to the world around them. Starting off with a cast (like Gaang Jr) is good because it allows people to wrap their heads around how each of them interact as people, which allows them to wrap their heads around the concept.

Listing off likes and dislikes is meaningless in a world where neither of them exist.
>> No. 37198

And I'm trying to remedy that now. Side characters, the world they live in, are two major things I'm trying to focus on.
>> No. 37199

Gaang worked better because they had lots of the world built up for them by the show.
>> No. 37200


You, of course, mean "we"?
>> No. 37201

No, I'm focusing on it. As in I've sat down and jotted down some ideas for a character or two and when I'm done fleshing them out I'll post them here.

I was talking about myself specifically, not the project. I know magi is doing work on some locals but I wouldn't want to impose and speak for him and what he is working at the moment.
>> No. 37202

OK, we'll all leave then.

Have fun with your project, you two.
>> No. 37203

Because I said nobody else is allowed to work on it as well, right? I said I'm working on side characters because that is what I chose to do out of the list that I suggested here: >>36981

I, personally, am working on something for the project. Just like how many other people work on something for the project, then pitch it to the group.

I can't say "we", as a unit, are working on something because I don't know what everyone is specifically working on, save for magi.
>> No. 37205
Anyway, yes, arguments aside, a valid point was raised.

Generally, we need to fill the world and city we made with locations, organizations and characters who are not superhuman. Side charactrs are important and give Alex somebody to interact with when not in costume, locations fill the world with familiar places and organizations help create a new feel to the universe we create.

So, we should probably discuss those things and come up with some ideas for each. Some examples can be found here>>36981
>> No. 37208
The reason why I opened this pandora's box is because I wanted to know what the reaction would be if someone attempted to make a Motion comic without MotionEditor. If MotionEditor actually came up with the idea of the character and had been working to get it produced, then I could see some very real copyright concerns. After all, if MotionEditor had copyright in the character "Motion" they would be able to stop other people from using the character in their own comics, or creating their own comics based on Motion. As it stands, the creation of this character seems to be an extremely "grey area" and I think I'm going to do more research. The two biggest concerns in law are intentions and actions. The intentions of MotionEditor are clear, they want to have a copyright in this character. The actions are less clear, and there is a chance they have "given up" the idea to the public domain.

The reason why this is different from other /coc/ projects is that things like "Gaang Jr." are derivative of other copyrighted works, and therefore no one can hold copyright in them and prevent others from working on their own interpretation of the project.
>> No. 37210

The project is attempting to make this into a comic. Would be a pretty dick move to make this into a comic without permission.
>> No. 37212

Also not sure what your intentions here are. Are you looking out for the project? Motioneditor? Because it isn't surprising that there is some degree of ''claiming a character'' if anyone can swoop in and steal the idea, especially if they created it or helped create it.
>> No. 37214

My intentions are I see an interesting legal problem and I think it would be best to get it solved now, at the outset, rather than later when actual money has been put into it. I can easily see someone suggesting an idea for Motion, MotionEditor not wanting to do it, so the person decides they'll make a comic series using their idea before MotionEditor gets their comic off the ground. They would think they're in the right because MotionEditor doesn't have any more right to the character than someone has a right to /co/llette.
>> No. 37215

Which is sorta a dickish thing to do, really.

I mean, I get what you're saying, but that still doesn't mean that's right. Wouldn't everyone be considered a 'co-creator'? Excuse the pun. Even then, wouldn't the characters be the conceptual property of the project?

I understand now the possible desire to want to lay claim to the character's creation. Doesn't seem fair that somebody put work into something and then another person steps in and takes it.
>> No. 37217
Originally the names, as /co/ thought them up were:

>-Push (though the character exists in the Marvel univserse)*

(There were others but they are irrelevent to our current discussion)

"The old OP !THSqahCNw2" then decided on "Motion".
"The old OP !THSqahCNw2" then decided that was the name Alex would be "canon", despite no agreement from the community.** The name "Alex" was from Izumi, or rather "Superwoman !nNfx3g9eXc" at the time.***

Alex Flynn was first coined by "The old OP !THSqahCNw2", and only ever said by this character.****

The original costume design is from the namefag "Banth".#

The design that you see in the OP, and elsewhere (Black lower, orange upper, arching over breasts), is also from "Banth".##

"The old OP" first turns up after a few posts, adds the trip about a third of the way down.

Said trip is yet to show itself again.

Make of all this what you will.

>> No. 37218

New computer, forgot what trip I used as The Old OP. If you're wanting some sort of confirmation that I'm said "Old OP", I have it.
>> No. 37219

Did some reading. Banth took my suggestion for the coloration (orange and black) and the M symbol on her chest. Superwoman (Izanami), encouraged the flowing M symbol on her chest that we see in the OP.

Izanami suggested the name "Alex", which most people seemed to like. Wondercraft gave a list of possible names which I picked and most seemed to like as well.
>> No. 37220
File 130041981023.jpg - (125.33KB , 1000x810 , 2011MAR15_motion_characters.jpg )
Hey, I am glad you liked it.
>> No. 37221

Excellent art as always, magi.
>> No. 37225
Alright, after asking around and doing some reading, apparently what exists here is something I didn't even consider, a "joint authorship and copyright." It is defined in § 101 of the Copyright Act as "a work prepared by two or more authors with the intention that their contributions be merged into inseparable or interdependent parts of a unitary whole." MotionEditor, by sifting through suggestions and compiling them into one character, has a copyright, but so does everyone who suggested aspects of the character (the name, the costume, the powers, etc.). When a work is jointly owned, each owner can use or license the work without the consent of the other co-owners. Joint owners must also share profits/royalties that result from copyright.

Now, just to be clear, this is just to let you guys know about what rights have occurred in this project. One of the funny things about copyright law now is that it grants rights even if the creators don't understand/know about them. That last part in particular should be of particular concern for MotionEditor if they plan on turning it into an actual comic for profit.
>> No. 37226
>they plan on turning it into an actual comic for profit.

Probably going to be a webcomic.
>> No. 37227
They still produce ad revenue.
>> No. 37228
I'll kindly ask everyone to not talk about copyright and such things. Those just coming to this thread are going to get the wrong impression and I'd rather we actually for a collab group, not push people away.
>> No. 37232
Heya ME, just wanted to drop in and post that villain idea that came up in the last thread.

The villain, as he sits, is a crime boss. A sort of kingpin figure who loves to act as a chessmaster, using people like pieces on a board and casually getting rid of ones that no longer serve his purposes (although, we may want to avoid the literal chessboard metaphor. It's a bit too played out). He is self-interested and arrogant, and uses his great wealth and power, as well as his technological know-how, mainly to acquire more wealth and power, and doesn't particularly care about what people he steps on along the way. Additionally, he has his own suit of light powered armor that he is able to change into at a moment's notice should the need to exert himself physically arise.

The addition at the moment is a bit of backstory. The guy started out as a scientific prodigy, and built his suit himself. He climbed the ranks of the criminal world over the span of a few years, doing incredibly evil things as he went, before making a few useful friends and offing a few particular people that stood between him and leadership of his own criminal empire.

He's a man with all the tools to save the world, but would much rather rule it instead.
>> No. 37233

I like the idea.

Right now we have two 'underworld' crime boss types. We have a bunch of options, be it that they're fighting one another, one is trying to usurp the higher up, we can merge them or we can alter one a bit to move them out of the crime world and more into supervillainy.

I particularly like the 'power armor'. I think we decided on it being more form fitting, like Kamen Rider, correct? Not like Iron Man style armor.

I think that a motif for said outfit might be needed. Not just colors, but a theme or something it is modeled after.
>> No. 37237
File 130047186456.jpg - (18.27KB , 450x290 , Ford_Crown_Victoria_1955.jpg )

How about cars? Specifically, classic American cars from the 50's. Cars from the era were very particular in their design, using one or two colors and tons of chrome trim. We would do the same, giving the suit a red and white color scheme, let's say, with chrome trim between the colors and chrome designs besides. Sort of a streamlined art deco type of design scheme overall.

Holy crap, there's a name. Art Deco. Arthur Deco.
>> No. 37238
I don't know if Deco is an actual surname, but you could have something like DeCoteau, or DeConti.
>> No. 37241
Artur De Coeur perhaps? Sounds French, kinda. Then again, it might be a bit awkward to some readers.
>> No. 37242
File 130047431244.jpg - (54.39KB , 480x334 , 50sCar.jpg )
Actually, the more I say it to myself, the more Artur DeConti sounds like a great villain name. Very Italian to my ear. Good for a mob boss.

And here's another 50's car for no particular reason.
>> No. 37303
Hey It's
Nice to see this project is getting a little more developed
I just wanted to throw a joke idea your way

Let's say after Motion has made contact with her version of the justice league and she's become known to the public she's hanging out with a super-heroine friend and out of boredom they check out the tabloid papers to see what people are saying about their exploits
Motion's super-heroine friend then gasps and says "this fucking tabloid is saying I'm actually a guy can you believe that!?" confused Motion looks at the tabloid to see what it says about her and there is a photoshopped nude pic of her as a physical female.

I know you aren't trying to focus on her trans-status but that could be funny.
>> No. 37323
ME, the only way you're going to get this shit off the ground is if you stop discussing it ENDLESSLY and produce at least one FINISHED script. Don't even worry about getting hold of an artist --just set aside a weekend, park your ass in front of the keyboard, and DO NOT STOP WORKING till the damn thing is finished. Allow yourself NO distractions. Because till you get that first script done, that's all this topic will be--a distraction from having to ACTUALLY WRITE the script! As to revisions...you can revise when you've actually got a finished script TO revise.

Now, set too! And I don't want to hear from you again until that script is ready.
>> No. 37335
As a writefag myself, I have to second this. If you want to get this idea off the ground you need to get some script done. We've got some solid ideas here, now we need to draw up the proper blueprints.
>> No. 37470
Also supporting the sentiment:
If you ever want to seriously follow through with this, you need content, dialog and story. If you have one, pony up and get it to paper.
>> No. 44698

These guys are right. The endless faffing about with the details is what killed the thing in the first place. Get a story out there so people can decide if it works!
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