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File 129920647447.png - (165.81KB , 1200x1200 , Untitled-1.png )
36381 No. 36381
Oh hey guys what's going on

What have you been doing

Oh really? That's awesome, i've been working on Hatman alongside 2 programmers


Here, have a tech demo from a month or so back because the guys aren't done with the new one yet
Expand all images
>> No. 36383
By the way, we're still looking for another artist to complete the crew, which consists of 2 Programmers, 1 Musician and 1 Artist, so if you're willing to volunteer, we'd be overjoyed to be able to do this faster. You can contact me on Steam (Joabos) or email/MSN (lourenalm@hotmail.com).

Also, here's a song the musician made for the game's Creepy world: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20131062/Temp6.mp3
>> No. 36388
>Here, have a tech demo

I'm getting a crash as soon as I launch it, Win 7 32bit.

>By the way, we're still looking for another artist to complete the crew

Consider me interested. Does it matter if I'm not all that great at keeping commitments?
>> No. 36389
Holy shit you're alive.

I remember seeing a thread about this ages ago, and seeing it die. Nice to see it was all a facade.
>> No. 36394

Well we're pretty laid-back here, but we still need to get the game done eventually. If you could give us some examples of your capabilities, then we could add you to the team.

Also, I forgot, you need this thang to run it: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a88c6dec-aeae-42cd-a108-d35c013c3b97&displaylang=en
>> No. 36395

Actually this is the fourth dev cycle. Hatman quit, Mumon Ekai and Detective Inspector quit, a third guy quit and now we're with this team which is getting shit actually done.
>> No. 36402
>this is happening

Oh my
>> No. 36422
File 129929561365.png - (15.94KB , 786x504 , df guilabour.png )

The attached pic is a GUI for Dwarf Fortress that I made for shit and giggles. I don't have all that much to show for myself, I recently did a fresh OS install on the laptop that contained a lot of my work and I didn't really care to salvage it.

I also did some sprite work for Vorked's side scroller shooty thing.


I'm also capable in Illustrator if need be but I'd expect most if not all work to be done in Photoshop.

Uh, yeah :I. I'm not really doing a great job of selling myself.
>> No. 36426

Hell yes. That is sweet.

We actually needed help with menus since we didn't really know what to do about them. Contact me right away, limp-dicked cuntnugget assbutt.
>> No. 36429
File 129929932497.jpg - (32.52KB , 313x169 , 12983372303.jpg )

>Contact me right away


>limp-dicked cuntnugget assbutt.

Pic related.
>> No. 36524
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Looks like this time it's actually going somewhere.

The other guys didn't get this far, after all. Good luck, I hope to play this still in 2011 since, you know, started in 2009 and all.
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