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File 12942958003.jpg - (110.55KB , 256x693 , Death.jpg )
34564 No. 34564
Neil Gaiman's Sandman is rejected by DC but accepted by Marvel. How does the series turn out?

/co/ suggests that the Endless would be incorporated into Marvel's pantheon of cosmic abstracts. They're also quite keen on Gwen Stacy as Matthew the Raven, and on Deadpool and Delirium pairing off.
>> No. 34590
But Gaiman first wanted to revive the original Sandman, not create a new one. DC went back to Gaiman and told them to create a new character. So if DC had never done that I don't see how Marvel could have accepted the idea. D:

Yeah I'm being way too literal about this.

In any event, Sandman is the one comic series I thoroughly enjoyed and bought multiple print versions of. I enjoyed it partly because for the most part the series didn't continually incorporate DC characters. If Sandman was done by Marvel instead I'd like to think they would have let Gaiman do his thing and it would have turned out mostly the same.
>> No. 34594
>Yeah I'm being way too literal about this.
Yeah, you kind of are.
>> No. 34595
It goes without saying that Death would not be the same character. Also, the Endless would continue to appear in Cosmic Marvel titles, with entities like Destruction participating in the events of Thanos Imperative.
>> No. 34597
We need some art in this thread.
>> No. 34637
Threads and subjects only get art when people care enough to draw them. Bumping them with comments like, 'I don't see any FAN ART, ARTISTS' just annoys them.
>> No. 34661
What, all of them?
>> No. 34834
>and on Deadpool and Delirium pairing off.
Do you mean Deadpool and Death? Because, you know, him and Marvel's Death sorta have a relationship

But a Deadpool and Delirium adventure story mite b. cool too.
>> No. 34844
Yes. All of them. And in fact, that kind of nagging can actually destroy interest in participation.
>> No. 34943
I think that antagonism in a thread is more likely to drive down interest.
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