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34295 No. 34295
okay my dad is illustrator James fry and he is giving me a commission for Christmas it is to consist of 12 figures fighting a giant monster here's what I've got so far for figures1 commissar yarrick2Lewis Black as a red lantern the current working idea for the monster is a giant dog made out of lightning with chainsaws for teeth I need an additional9 characters and maybe a better monster the ideas should lean toward awesome but does not make sense of course I will up the pic once it is complete
>> No. 34627
Ya know, you really should be able to go just about anywhere with this. I notice this was posted last year but if you haven't gotten 9 characters already I kinda suggest just looking up at your bookshelf and pulling favorite characters from whatever you find there.

I'd enjoy seeing the result, in any case.
>> No. 35594
the list is done this is what I told my dad to drawI would like a spikey dialog box with the words12 hit combo. 1 Lewis Black as a red lantern
2commissar yarrick firing his bolter 3betty white dual welding lugers4Hendrix using some sort of destructive power cord
5the blues Brothers Driving a car into it 6spaceman spif firing his Raygun
7lio from the comic strip of the same name riding on one of those locusts of the Apocalypse
8eddie murphy riding a giant flying banana on a suicide run up the monster ass
his facial expression must read as I'm going to die and proud to do it9Speedy Cerviche from Samurai Pizza Cats running at it with his sword
10 Moot dressed as a little girl, complete with bows in his hair He wields a banhammer.
11Old Grandma Hardcore in the powerloader from aliens uppercutting it12Conan O'Brien as space ghost without the cowl firing his power bands. the giant monster will be a French bulldog made of lightening with chainsaws instead of Teeth
>> No. 35595
sorry for the necromancy
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