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33030 No. 33030
Well, I made a post on /co/ about this and one of the suggestions was to come to +4chan. Now, I immediately apologize if this is not the correct place (or even correct site) to post this, but I figure it'd be worth a shot, given some of the interesting projects I've seen on the front page here.

For the longest time I've been tooling around with a supernatural comic idea. Recently I decided to take the initiative and start writing out the plot, characters, etc. My first obstacle was apparent, I can't draw (or rather, can't draw well enough). As such, I've been looking for an artist, as well as opinions and thoughts about the genre of 'paranormal comics' in general, such as clichés to avoid.

The plot revolves around a small group of individuals who have come together, formed a pseudo family together and combat the supernatural within the city they live in. The creatures they face are a mishmash of mythological monsters, demons and creatures from folklore.

The comic itself uses a mix of theologies and lores, instead of a standard Christian view, a key point being that all religions have glimpsed the truth, but never the whole thing. As such, various religious icons and themes are seen in the supernatural world. Heaven and Hell are representations of order and chaos, neither being wholly good or evil, with both sides having a degree of both. Both sides are fighting to beat one another, with Heaven currently winning and effectively laying siege to Hell in order to starve it out. As such, Hell's forces, to get any sort of foothold, must try and take over Earth. As such, the protagonist group must keep Hell's forces from taking over, without doing so much damage that Hell loses more ground.

So, long story short, trying to make a comic, looking for an artist, some thoughts/opinions and what have you. I'll post more details, should I get any word on if this is an appropriate board to post this on.

OP picture is a main character, kindly done by Pseudonym in one of the /co/ threads. Many thanks for such a wonderful job.
>> No. 33034
its not an original idea at all. in fact when i took a "graphic novel" class 80% of the people there wanted to do 'demon invasion in a city' theme shit. so far you have nothing original. whats nyour hook, what makes your story stand out.
>> No. 33035
Sorry to tell you this, but your story is pretty much the plot of the TV show, "Supernatural". Right down to the whole "using different religious creatures/monsters" thing.
>> No. 33036
Quick, add one or two -punks to the mix. Throw in a floating island. Turn the world upside down. Literally. Explosions. Robots.

No, I haven't read the original post.
>> No. 33042

Well, I didn't want to post a huge, three post introduction and just have it deleted or told to go to another board, but I suppose this is a good enough confirmation. As well, I'll note that I haven't seen Supernatural past season 1, but I've been told on /co/ that there is a war between heaven and hell going on in the current season. Any similarities between this and the show are not intentional, especially since I've been mulling this idea over for a good three or four years.

Anyway, I'd say the hook is a story about an unfavourable situation humanity is in. Either side, heaven or hell, winning would spell disaster for the human race, neither side wholly good or wholly evil. The plot follows the somewhat futile effort of the protagonist and the group trying to keep the scales balanced and to keep the number of human casualties down, as well as protect their city from the supernatural.

The world is a place where you can see the different worlds of the supernatural collide, from the worlds of ogres, elves and vampires, to heaven and hell, order and chaos, to neutral factions, such as the Norse and Greek gods (or rather interpretations of them).

You follow the group in trying to keep human lives safe from the war, who inadvertently cause and put into motion a plot to end the war and effectively end humanity as we know it.
>> No. 33050
I WILL say I like the idea of various mythological beings, especially from Norse myth, showing up in the same space as other gods. The rest of it is a little tired, but juggling a lot of different myths WOULD be a lot of fun.
>> No. 33051

I am well aware that the idea has been done before, nor have I claimed that I've chosen a unique story. I'm honestly hoping that good characters, interesting subplots and variation on the creatures/plots will be enough to drive the story forward.

Well, that and also hoping that people would find it interesting to see tons of mythology/religious/folklore mashed together as if it all belonged in the same world. I definitely want to play with the idea of Ragnarok and the influence it'd have on the mortal races in a modern time frame.
>> No. 33125
Blah blah combat the supernatural. BORING, everyone and their mother has done it.

Try something different. It doesn't even have to be wildly different. Like, make them crisis negotiators or insurance agents or something.
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