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33015 No. 33015
In this thread, translations of Naja and other French comics. Interest was shown on /co/ to make this an ongoing project.

Translated volumes by the French anons:
Tome 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?jj22l222b413wg2
Tome 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VTEUT9H6
Tome 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZMJNDJWJ
Tome 4: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N7ZYBL9N or http://rapidshare.com/files/415880828/Naja_V4__4__of_4___2010__ENGLISH.pdf

Is Tome 5 out yet? I don't see it on Darguard's page for the series ( http://www.dargaud.com/front/albums/series/serie.aspx?id=357 ), but Bengal said on his blog ( http://bengalsarchives.blogspot.com/ ) back in September that it was completed.

Bengal and Morvan are working on a new project called Luminae.

Original thread here: https://plus4chan.org/boards/coc/res/30403.html
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>> No. 33141
Both volume 1 and 2 were published in 2008, volume 3 was published in 2009 and volume 4 in 2010.
I haven't found any information on the publication date for volume 5, not even on dargaud's websit, but you can guess it won't be out before 2011.
>> No. 33142
And by websit, I mean website, of course.
>> No. 35022
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The fifth volume is out!
>> No. 35412
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So we got up to 11 of Sillage/Wake translated to english here http://www.mediafire.com/mostlyindiecomics
I was wondering if anyone has, will or is planning to translate 12 and 13?

This is one of my favorite comics ever and I know a good amount of /co/ digs it as well.
>> No. 35769
Naja's frenchy anon #2 reporting, ready to translate.
We just have to find a scanned version of vol. 5...
>> No. 38158
I bought the first four volumes this weekend at Wondercon. They're so pretty! Sadly, the booth didn't have the fifth volume, I guess I'm going to have to mail-order it eventually.

I still haven't found scans. Frustrating!
>> No. 38166
I want to see Gotlib books translated! Perverse Pepere, Hamster Jovial, Rubrique-a-brac, Superdupont, and Rhaaa lovely. Can send raws to anybody who dares to try.
>> No. 38371
just read the first one, kinda like it. i get lost a little every now an then but fuck its better than most. only complaint is the text is small but its a small complaint so please just keep up the good work
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