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File 128638370192.jpg - (34.17KB , 503x406 , fire nation.jpg )
32773 No. 32773
So Rebuplic city is a vast metropolis where there's benders of all kinds but also a place where they are shunned and non benders view them and their freaky powers in a negative light.

So how about having the three largely remaining bending styles represented not as nations, but as urban street gangs. I was thinking it'd be in representative ways of their respective elements, because lets face it, it's aldready like that in Avatar the last airbender.

So in that spirit I was thinking the waterbenders could have their "nation" or gang in this case hiding out in the sewers where they not only have water, though smelly and poluted, to bend as well as shelter from bender haters. Similair to the northern water tribes sacred pool they could have a pool of pure water which is both free from polution and crazy ass spirit koi fish. They also make part of their living by smuggling in cactus juice.
So any personal thought on how you could implement the nations as gangs in Republic city?

Pic related, Fire "nation" gang sign.
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>> No. 32785
...not going to lie to you, bro. This sounds incredibly retarded.
>> No. 32787
File 128644551060.jpg - (39.44KB , 305x350 , benders gon bend.jpg )

He has somewhat of a point, the benders would probably work together, at the very least with benders of their own kind. If anti-benders would hold power within republic city they could well be forced to become underground movements of sorts.

Seeing as the fire nation was a more advanced nation in the technological sense I'd say they'd also be better represented as a more advanced type of criminal organization, fine suits and all that.

> bender haters

Pic related.
>> No. 32804

And in a tweeeeest they supply the anti benders with machine weapons which they use to hunt other benders.

I don't really see where the earthbenders would hide out, a quarry could work I guess but it would be stupid as fuck to have a quarry in the middle of the city.
>> No. 32806
File 128656244379.jpg - (25.73KB , 400x389 , 2902627572_501a58da03_b.jpg )
Well, Boston does have a gravel pit very near the center of the city.
>> No. 32807
>Builders League United base.jpg
>> No. 32809

Well that says a lot about Boston now doesn't it. I jest I jest, we're all friends here.
>> No. 32813
This gave me an idea for a sort of CSI: Republic City.

A bunch of non-Benders and maybe a token Bender runnin' around, fightin' crime.

More as Non-Bender propaganda, though.
>> No. 32815

"Sir this drug addict appeard to have been murdered with earthbending while being under the effect of cactus juice."

"Well bad things can happen when you get stoned."
>> No. 32818
/co/nan is my hero.
>> No. 32835
File 128672390134.png - (95.78KB , 500x500 , blush.png )

I like the idea of having the fire benders, or at least the head honchos hide in plain sight. Being the people they are they along with the earthbenders would probably be the ones more prone to attack the bender hating establishment.
>> No. 32906
The Haiku(?) women in Ba sing see could be turned into rappers.

I like it.
>> No. 33831
File 129195240015.png - (68.22KB , 500x500 , this is so wrong it makes me want to puke.png )
Stop that. Stop it now.
>> No. 33856
Out of curiosity, what is the source of these last two pictures?
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