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32478 No. 32478
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>> No. 33561
>Then we know that the even older dragon Balthazzar took a bunch of Eliatropes to Emrub behind the mists and erased their knowledge of the world below to "keep them safe". Ankama also mentioned that "the fate of those of Emrub is closely linked to that of Yugo".
Yeeaaaah, you should take that one with a grain of salt. The wakfu guardians game was written long after the series bible was finalized, as a contingency plan because the wakfu MMO was still in development hell but they needed a game that could allow players to relive the episodes as originally advertised, so it's not really canon, any connection claimed is just there to make you play the game.
>> No. 33562

You just made me realize that Les Guardians is a game of a cartoon of a game.

What the fuck?
>> No. 33563
Hey, it's just like Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game! :)


>> No. 33566
Is Les gardiens actually worth playing? Like, does it have any standalone value or do people only play it while they wait for new episodes?
>> No. 33567
I'll work on it. I have a little time to spare since Ankama hasn't released this week's Mini Wakfu yet.
>> No. 33568
The Dofus MMORPG was the basis for the Wakfu MMORPG on which the Wakfu series is based on, on which Les Gardiens is based on. Then we have N who is from Les Gardiens but appears in Dofus' Add-On because of the actions of Nox in the series and later comes back to Les Gardiens. And in the near future we will get a Dofus series which is from a technical point of view based on the Wakfu series and then the two movies based on the two series respectively.

>> No. 33569
There's a reason it's called "cross media". I'm just wondering how they're going to tie in the TCG.
>> No. 33570
By putting the heroes on the cards? Quite an easy task, my dear Watson. :)
>> No. 33571
Actually, at one point you can see characters in the series (guards, maybe? I don't remember too well) playing the TCG. Kinda like how some kids are playing Arena in the first episode, only more blatant.

Also on the more mundane side, there's obviously the way TCG card packs are included with the DVDs.
>> No. 33573
Here's the English transcript of the video:

>> No. 33574
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>Actually, at one point you can see characters in the series (guards, maybe? I don't remember too well) playing the TCG.
Yup, the Sadida guards.
>> No. 33575
>> No. 33578
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>> No. 33580
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>> No. 33581
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>> No. 33582
We'll all go to hell for that you know.
>> No. 33583
Why would we need a second Yugo for that? He has portals for a reason, you know.
>> No. 33584
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>> No. 33585
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Dear lord...
>> No. 33586
>> No. 33587
I'm not realy understanding the N thing, but is this boy suppose to be realy evil or just trying to find a way come, becuase becoming some kind of ice monster isn't one way to get back to his original time. (I kinda feel we may see him in season 2 for some reason)
>> No. 33588
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>> No. 33589
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>> No. 33590
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>> No. 33591
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>> No. 33592
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>> No. 33593
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>> No. 33594
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>> No. 33595
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>> No. 33596
No dear Gardiens, I kid you not: The final N Dungeon apparently is/will be still not the end of the storyline.
>> No. 33597

I am lost what is all this from?
>> No. 33598
oh lawl
I'm watching polish version of episode 24, and just now, in the scene where Nox watches Adamai and Yugo arriving at Sadida Kingdom, he says:
"Na Xelora! Młody smok postanowił właśnie popełnić samobójstwo. Mam na dzieję, że nic mu nie przeszkodzi! AHAHAHA!"
Which translates to:
"By Xelor! The little dragon decided to commit suicide. I hope nothing will stop him! AHAHAHA!"


Well, even though the translation has shitload of errors (LOP instead of IOP) it sometimes has brilliant moments.
Just wanted to share this with you guys.
: P
>> No. 33612
i was following the wakfu thread before the upgrade,

did tears of blood ever get translated
>> No. 33613
Nobody seemed interested, so I lost motivation. I can finish it, if you'd like. I'm actually pretty close to done.
>> No. 33614
That would be awesome.

This thread is not bumping anymore. New Newest Another New Wakfu thread time?
>> No. 33616
>This thread is not bumping anymore. New Newest Another New Wakfu thread time?
Looks like so... See you in >>33615
>> No. 40926
where can i download Wakfu season 1 in HD ?
>> No. 42955
It's time.
>> No. 46067
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