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32473 No. 32473
I figured I'd take this opportunity to offer:
Do any of you project people have a desire for a wiki hosted on plus4chan, or a subdomain directing somewhere? Anything I can do for you all to help with organization?

I'll also mention I've decided to outlaw all camwhore threads. They never remotely made sense for this board.
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>> No. 32474

Actually, that'd be pretty neat. I know at least the project I've been helping with could use it, alongside several others. I'm just not sure how it'd work, or what I'd want from a system like that.
>> No. 32475
I'd be happy to help by hosting whatever software is needed. Wiki is just the most obvious choice for most things I can think of.

(this only really applies to projects that are well established, I should mention)
>> No. 32476

This is sounding better and better.
>> No. 32477
Ha, I was thinking of creating a /co(c)/-related Wiki, but I think you, Anonex, will do a better job maintaining it then I ever will.
>> No. 32505
Well, I think there is a demand for a "4chan project" wiki. There isn't really a /co/-related or 4chan projects wiki beyond 1d4chan. Here are some one that I know of.

1d4chan is for /tg/'s homebrews, quests, campaigns (especially ones run online), and other kinds of /tg/-related stuff. Used for some /tg/ projects, not for others that choose to remain just on /tg/.
Easymodo/4chanarchive are 4chan archivers. Used frequently.
SWFchan is an /f/ file/thread archive. Used less than /f/, which itself is fairly slow.
Encyclopedia Dramatica is for memes, trolling, and being ornery. Very popular. Typing in "enc" into google will suggest it.
Insurgency wiki is the raid wiki. Tries to be low-profile, but used in conjunction with IRC and *chans for raids.
Wikichan/LURKMORE wiki are *chan wikis, but nobody uses them. There ARE some old project pages (i.e. Project ENIS) there.
Of course, some projects have their own sites/chans/invisionfree forums/wikia wikis, most notably, the /v/'s Recommended Games wiki. The popularity of these depends on the project.
/a/ really should have a recommended anime wiki, but I think their recs are just a chart in an image, which is the same for /m/. Unsure of /lit/'s "recommended reading" status, but there probably is one too.
/x/ has a couple of creepypasta sites and the Holders wiki comes to mind.

ED to focus on /b/ and /v/ memes as do mainstream sites like Know Your Meme, but sometimes memes from /co/ will show up there.

So, if you want to start a not-/b/ collaborative project, you pretty much have to get your own free forum or wikia account or something, and then people will stop going there eventually (this is the case for almost all projects, and true of real-life collaborations as well)

A "4chan projects" wiki that organizes by category (like http://vsrecommendedgames.wikia.com ) would be awesome, because there are always good creative ideas floating around on 4chan and related communities, but that languish in obscurity or die off and lose their content which never gets archived for someone else to pick it up.

I'm a bit confused on what you mean by
>well established
though, Anonex.
>> No. 32509
I sort of meant no
>Hey I have a great idea for a project that I haven't started yet or have barely started at all, can I have a subdomain with a wiki on it Anonex~?

I'm unsure about a general all-projects wiki; benefit to smaller ones is I'd be able to either put the project head in charge, or set it to protected and only people working on the project would be able to edit.

Having one massive wiki I'm naturally wary of malicious edits/invasions. The idea's not off the table, I'm just.. yeah.

As far as recommended series goes, I actually had/have something half-planned.
>> No. 32517
Y'know, I don't think the camwhore threads STARTED as camwhore threads.
Something about a project that documents Tripfags' faces.
It just devolved.
>> No. 32518
For that matter, I don't think there is a recommended /co/mics image at all, much less a wiki.

I was under the impression that a general projects wiki was what you were suggesting. Individual projects could organize using categories or portals, or you could just do what 1d4chan does with /wiki/Campaign:*/page which is less elegant than categories but still works.

Web hosting is relatively cheap until you're pushing a large amount of data, and by the time that happens there are probably enough people involved that they can figure out how to get hosting without paying thousands of their hard-earned dollars. Most projects that I have seen use some kind of free forum (tons of places offer it), which tends to be sufficient since they never end up needing tons of hosting anyway due to death. Are there projects that need more than 50 wiki pages to cover everything?

The difficult part is promoting a project to get people working on it or to even know about it. 4chanhouse.org gets, on average, less than 300 visits a day. No more than 60 IPs have actually posted during the entire year the site has been up. Part of this is probably my fault for not promoting the project (maybe because the website is poorly designed, too). I don't know if a subdomain here would help solve that issue since there is a 4chan house thread on page 0 of this board all the time. I'm pretty sure that most projects need exposure more than they need web hosting. If you eventually decide against a projects-in-general wiki, then consider a page of links-to-projects since that would work almost as well.

I think running any kind of anonymous imageboard puts you at far greater risk of invasions/spam than running a wiki.

Besides Katawa Shoujo (which itself is bizarre due to actually having produced content and remaining on-track to complete) I'm having a hard time thinking of 4chan projects that have gotten big enough to need their own sites for discussion and content. Maybe Wakfu subbing? I'm hesitant to say 4chan house, but the potential to actually NEED to use something besides a thread here exists.
>> No. 32522
>> No. 32576

Spam on a wiki is easier to control than on an imageboard.
Just post a special page with spammy domains (like http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Spam_blacklist), block out anonymous editing and/or even page protection and with bots.


Not well-known though.
>> No. 32615
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I like the idea of a wikia for projects.
And now, in which board belongs the camwhore threads? Or now are totally outlaw from plus4?

>> No. 32618
>And now, in which board belongs the camwhore threads?
>> No. 32621
>> No. 32639
because it only validates the claim that +4c is a tripfag circlejerk (although before shii convinced him, moot was encouraging tripcodes on 4chan)
>> No. 32646
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>validates the claim that +4c is a tripfag circlejerk
wait, when did we ever deny this?
>> No. 32656
Hey, another question.

I noticed on some boards that people seem to be able to upload multiple images at once. Exactly how is that done?
>> No. 32689
I'm not sure, but I think Anonex might have disabled that feature
>> No. 33800
My question is whether or not it will be set up like it was planned to be last I checked, when there was a COMING SOON Projects page on the home page.
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