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221337 No. 221337
His entire face was a monster, this explains a lot.
152 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 225530
The past few days the website's been falling apart, and Kazerad tiredly mumbled something about doing maintenance. I think that the site's "downish" while he pulls his hair out and tries to make things work again.

Did you see the update he posted right before the site went down? I was NOT expecting THAT to be the source of Katia's nightmares.
>> No. 225564
File 139624601556.jpg - (201.70KB , 600x900 , image.jpg )
We're baaaack.
>> No. 225578
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Comic is BAM right in the feels.
>> No. 225607
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>> No. 225610
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French Children- Come to Britain! Be set on fire by English Pyromaniacs!
>> No. 225635
File 139637086353.png - (1.06MB , 1125x1650 , 2014-03-28-page6tooktoolong.png )
I'm actually loving this style to death.
>> No. 225645
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>> No. 225647
I had a good laugh, still hoping Poppy gets a life extension so she will have more time with 'Tuna. Still seeing her freak out over that, dem feels.
>> No. 225685
File 139646592634.png - (807.44KB , 1125x1650 , 1396465387912.png )
First of today's Three, hopefully.
>> No. 225700
>art shift
Whoa. Been a while.
>> No. 225745
File 139669967257.png - (962.61KB , 1125x1650 , 2014-04-02-page9welldang.png )
So......about Kit's april fools joke.
>> No. 225753
Was a gut wrenching half truth
>> No. 225769
File 139674517239.png - (1.49MB , 1998x816 , intheblack39.png )
my webby comic has 3 more pages left in this first chapter, so now is a good time to get on up on it. im sorry its gross to self-promote but im...excited...about things
>> No. 225771
That's fine, you should drop it by the /co/ self promo thread they've got going there too.
>> No. 225814
File 139683327482.jpg - (209.26KB , 650x2023 , 490.jpg )
Oh my.
>> No. 225816
this is the best thing that has happened in the history of forever
>> No. 225873
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It just keeps happening.
>> No. 225883
I'm guessing this wasn't supposed to happen.
The characters aren't playing their parts right.
>> No. 225884
I don't know, it seems pretty in-character all around. I could've predicted something like this happening a couple of chapters ago I think--it's been obvious for a while now that the Nightmare Knight isn't as evil as Cordelia, and the evidence of a creamy center has been there, like, forever.

Or did you mean in-universe?
>> No. 225886
Yes. In universe.
The heroes nearly failed, the princes is making friends with the big bad, the minions are pushing harder. Whatever the nightmare knight and dream oracle got going on doesn't seem to be going smoothly.
>> No. 225891
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i love how she draws herself equal in size to him
>> No. 225908
This twist in the plot is both highly unexpected and also wonderful.
>> No. 225912
The Princess rocketed up to one of the best characters in the course of like, 6 pages.

CQ is so great.
>> No. 225921
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Oh Poppy, you cad.
>> No. 225935
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Those tiny squeaks as she leaves, ohh they tear me up.
>> No. 225986
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Green Lantern Scouts. If the comics were a happy place I'd so wish that to be a thing.
>> No. 226005
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Show of hands: Who in here suddenly wants to give the Nightmare Knight a hug?
>> No. 226008
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>> No. 226018
Eh, I liked him better when he was just super levelheaded and nonchalant. The "I've never had a real friend before..." schtick seems kind of boring to me.
>> No. 226028
I'm thinking it goes a little deeper than that.
>> No. 226204
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I think it's OK to say that I did not see The Abominable Charles Christopher going down this road.

But it is and that's cool.
>> No. 226212
I fell off checking for updates like a year ago
>> No. 226386
Holy shit Unsounded.
>> No. 226389
Oh yeah jebus that's awesome.
>> No. 226410
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>> No. 226587
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Eightfold is such a cutie.
>> No. 226607
>Eightfold giggling and skittering around in a circle in excitement
This needs to be animated.
>> No. 226716
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>> No. 226759
Peridot just keeps on being my favorite character.
>> No. 226842
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1. Yikes. Her teeth are apparently sharper than I thought, to shear clean through the joint like that (I mean, I know she bit Duane's fingers off back in the first chapter, but it's not like Duane's body parts are that well attached).


3. That bastard is wearing Nary's colors!
>> No. 226849
So I read all of Cucumber Quest and here's my thoughts.

1) I like the general setting! Very Paper Mario what with the themes and the fun little NPC type characters and such.

2) I like the characters (for the most part) each of them seem to be pretty good and the outright unlikable ones (the dad/mom) are at least painted as such. However...

3) The plot does something I generally find annoying a lot of the times in games or stories. In that it references cliche's and stereotypes in fantasy sometimes but then also plays it straight other times so the plot feels a bit uneven in theme and tone. If it's trying to be a straight up parody of the Collection-Style Paper Mario RPG "find the seven crystals" plotline then the moments of serious or legitimate character interaction run the risk of coming off insincere or hollow and if it's trying to be a serious and epic tale then the transparency of it all as well as the moments of acknowledging the 4th wall and metaness of it all serves to once again cheapen or hollow out the drama or characters.

It's not an easy balance to hit and THANKFULLY Cucumber Quest is keeping away from falling too hard on either side thus far but I can tell that this comic could very easily run the risk of falling to either wayside in the proceeding comics especially if this plot is anything like I think it is (that the Noisemaster arc revealed).

I dunno it's good THUS FAR but knowing that we have 5 more worlds to go through with this comic as well as the inevitable climax I'm really just concerned about where this comic can go from here. If its sort of blown its load too much already or if its going to go off too far in either direction.

I'm exciting to see where it's going! But I'm also kinda nervous about where it might wind up.
>> No. 226854
I like the second last panel where he's like "oh come on Sette I can't take you anywhere."
>> No. 226877
Is Trying Human still a thing?
>> No. 226882
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>> No. 226917
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And for anyone with doubts, here's a tweet from the author.
>> No. 226918
are people really that concerned one way or the other?
>> No. 226920

I enjoyed her nintendo event live-tweeting but posts like this really make me glad I stopped following Gigi on twitter.
>> No. 226924
In Bad Machinery news I preemptively hope the blonde french girl gets her teeth punched in.
>> No. 226927
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I love weird dark shit like this.
>> No. 226940
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But this strip sums it up better.
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