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220932 No. 220932
Brought up in /co/ general.

Heyzues Christy I've been meaning to get into the series forever but never seem to get around to it.
>> No. 220933
Holy shit this latest volume. That went places I was not expecting.
>> No. 220934
like what?
>> No. 220935
been a while and pretty much lost track about...say volume 3. Where can one grab the collections.
>> No. 220936
Kinda feel like I shouldn't go into details since it's spoilers as fuck. If you haven't read any of the series I don't want to blow things.
>> No. 220941
With out getting into spoilers(hopefully) we get some form of resolution to the Sistah Spooky/Mindf**k storyline and more info on why some stuff happens to Emp.
>> No. 221085
You can dl the first few volumes fairly cheap as a package deal from the dark horse online store, elsewise there's scans floating around, it's not rocket science.

Warren loves the taste of your tears, just keep that in mind.
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