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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138721977090.jpg - (17.58KB , 512x384 , clarissa.jpg )
220788 No. 220788

stuffed friend finally got released.

(the date on the vimeo is correct, but it was password protected for a long time for festival screenings)
>> No. 220804
oh yeas, oh those memories.Surprised this actually happened.
>> No. 220813
Wow that got dark in a hurry.
>> No. 220814
Well knowing the orginal content, yea it was going to.
>> No. 220815
Oh hey, I saw the comic on which this was based before.
It's part of a series made by Jason Yungbluth, who also created Weapon Brown.
>> No. 220817
Yea someone has posting threads with just the old comic, bet they would like to know about this little film.
>> No. 220821
>this seems familiar
>why does this seem familiar
>oh fuck
>oh fuck that's right
>> No. 220824
that wet sloppy 'kiss' is so gross.
>> No. 220846
The credits music sounds like something from Coraline
>> No. 220848
crap now I'm thinking of that pic of Coraline being goosed by her dad because he thinks its her mothers bottom.
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