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220447 No. 220447
Extra Comics: Read Annie in the Forest Part 1, legally and for free.

Latest comic: oh lord the emotions
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>> No. 224361
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"You did a VERY BAD THING, and have demonstrated a pernicious counterrevolutionary belief, but we in our wisdom and love have chosen to forgive your evil lapse in judgment, this time."
>> No. 224362
The real problem here is Man of Steel.

If only it never existed.
>> No. 224367
IMO he came out badly out of it, all this whimpering on his part make it appear as he is sure he did something wrong and unforgivable. This is like the polar opposite of how the PA guys handled *that* shitstorm, and it's equally as stupid. Shit, I bet if I asked Tom exactly what did he do wrong, he would not know what to say.

I know you have to suck it up sometimes to pay the bills, but come on, this is groveling and leaving your dignity in the canvas.
>> No. 224368

I am biting my tongue so hard on this whole thing that blood is dripping from the corners of my forced pleasant smile, but sufficed to say everything I wish I could spew out would make basically no one happy, though Tumbler perhaps least happy of all. But then they're wired to be dissatisfied with everything, OOPS, BITE THAT TONGUE, DON'T STEP ON THOSE 'PROGRESSIVE' TOES.

>> No. 224369
Just hope the next chapter is in someone else viewpoint, since it looks like walkways and no walls or "rooms" as we know them.
>> No. 224371
It's a very social media drama. Both because it stems from a blurring of the public and the private - on both fronts, mind you - and because nobody will remember it or care in two weeks unless it's exacerbated.

Show's over folks. So how about those ghosts.
>> No. 224372
>So how about those ghosts.
If Mort seriously leaves, I'm going to be far more upset than I probably ought to be. We barely ever see him in the comic, but he's such a nice fella, that the thought of him being gone from any future antics makes me terribly sad.
>> No. 224382
>> No. 224384
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He's got to be more important than he seems, the whole place is named after him.
>> No. 224386
>> No. 224389

im talking about you dumbass
but congrats on all of you who would much rather unironically side with the transphobic portion of the fanbase that has 0 qualms about transwomen being targeted and harassed for asking a non-aggressive question. what kind of fucked up idiots are you that you prioritize a fucking webcomic over real human people to the point where you feel personally slighted whenever someone presents a criticism of the creator to you. grouse and gripe how ~tumblr~ is the worst thing ever (and by tumblr u mean minorities, dont use codewords) but you guys are being the worst kind of fanboy who leaps on the throats of anything who dares to offer up even the smallest crumb of criticism, even if that criticism was "hey maybe you shouldnt mass humiliate transwomen?"
when someone makes an apology for something they have recognized was a mistake and hurt people, its not "groveling" and its not up to you to decide whether or not it should be made. it wasnt directed at you, your opinion does not matter.
if youd rather be lumped in with >>224359 's kicking rad use of slurs+the portion of the fanbase that is still actively attacking these women because for some reason youve formed a genuinely angry opinion on something that has nothing to do with you at all then lmao youre a huge asshole. keep on truckin w/ your anti-tumblr circlejerk, but remember youre on plus4chan, so careful where you throw those stones.
>> No. 224390
Bea, listen to me. Nobody here is being transphobic. Nobody here is endorsing transphobia, or any other kind of phobia. There were people being considerate that Tom should have focused on, but there were also people being obnoxious twats who jumped at the chance to condemn Tom for what they perceived as an offense. This is the internet, where the loud and spiteful get far more attention than the polite and reasonable. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Tom just didn't see the polite inquiries, and those obnoxious twats are the only target of the ire in this thread. Don't assume the worst in what people say.

Please don't bring the animosity and name-calling here.
>> No. 224392
Is there any way to give him some kinda support at this juncture that doesn't get lost in the morass?
>> No. 224395
seems like this was a huge misunderstanding. people misunderstood his initial tweet, and he retweeted them without comment because he didn't understand what was going on. unfortunately his retweets opened up those people to harrassment from actual transphobic idiots. he apologised, deleted the tweets, and obviously feel really bad for what he did.

don't defend him by bringing others down. he doesn't need white knights, especially not anyone who blames the transgender community and mocks them for being sensitive. fuck the very few responding to his tumblr post saying shit like it was "almost good enough" or they "don't appreciate" Tom's "veiled suicide threat" but these people aren't even worth caring about or responding to, and they certainly don't represent the bulk of the transgender community or the gunnerkrigg fandom. they're far outnumbered by guys like >>224359 who are the whole reason why this even happened.
>> No. 224400
So, let me get this straight: Tom said something ambiguous, got confused and caught between two groups of people with agendas, apologized to the group actually worth sympathizing with, and the best character is leaving the comic.

Also, bea and an anon are silly jerks
>> No. 224404

in this thread we have someone using a slur against transwomen, that i quoted, so im not really on board with the whole "no one here is being transphobic" thing. as well as the dude using cool code words like "those people".
its unreal that people are taking him saying "i felt so bad about alienating a portion of my fanbase i contemplated self harm because i have been recently diagnosed w/ depression" to mean "sjws bullied me into suicide". people were upset!! but i can guarantee that 99% of the people who were upset wanted an explanation and an apology, not to see tom dead.
its weird that anti-social justice people freak out over the concept of "people getting offended at EVERYTHING" and then go out of their way to be offended by someone's apology that wasnt even intended for them.

yeah p much this too.


yo no. i dont know why you and other people cant read but the people he tweeted were humiliated and got harassed by several people including one dedicated anti-trans twitter. ive said this like 8 times.
this is what makes me upset about this whole thing is that people keep framing it like the Grievous Sin he committed was a misunderstood tweet and not the fact that he used his twitter as a platform to expose a bunch of marginalized people to a crowd of 13k shitty people.

i told tom that his apology meant a lot to me as a queer lady and that his work was incredibly important to me.
the fact that was was willing to listen+genuinely atone for what he said is like the best possible thing that could have happened+this is 10000 leagues away from the kind of horseshit we get from penny arcade and the like when it comes to apologies.
tom is good people. this was a good step. im not sure why ya'll think apologies are for weenies or whatever.
take a big dude to own up to mistakes.

like i cant understate how upset this made me when i watched it happen as a big queer idiot. i dont want tom to be a bad person, i never wanted to dismiss him forever on the basis of this one incident because it was a weird, out of place blip on a record of otherwise stellar behavior when it came to minority issues. toms work is mega-important to me+to a lot of people here, im assuming.
>> No. 224406

Bea none of those words were in anybody's mouth until you put them there.

Except for >>224359 because fuck that guy.
>> No. 224407
I'm actually with Bea on this but I'm not passing up a chance to say yes, FUCK THAT GUY.
>> No. 224408
I just don't know why he retweeted those people. Was it a "someone explain" thing or a "please defend me" thing or a "look and laugh at them thing"? Do you honestly think he was malicious?
>> No. 224411

even at the time i really didnt want to believe it was malicious, it seemed like an honest lapse in judgement.

anyway thanks for listening to me. between this and campbell webcomics have been heckin me up emotionally and honestly i got really weirded out when i saw all y'all getting mad over an apology.
sorry for being loud and mean.
>> No. 224414
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Thanks for being reasonable. Have fun and enjoy the ghosts.
>> No. 224415
I agree with you for the most part, I'm just getting the story down on who did what. Also, yeah, I can see why you'd be in the turmoils, being an empathetic webcomic creator and watching respectable people do some really weird things.
>> No. 224416
Okay, that guy is a jackass. Ignore the jackass. Do not assume that someone agrees with the jackass just because both he and the jackass disagree with you.
>> No. 224417
let me get this shit back on track
this chapter is going to be the saddest shit ever right
>> No. 224419
What I want to know is how did people want him to respond to those politely worded questions being sent to him without having the exact same effect? Like, if he responds to the tweet rather than wordlessly retweeting it, it still puts the person he's responding to in the public crosshairs. Their name is still on there and it's only an extra click to see what the original tweet he was responding to is...remember too that the harassment wasn't coming from the tweet itself but from a screencap posted on 4chan...

Basically people have been making this about Tom Siddell when it isn't really about Tom Siddell at all.
>> No. 224420
Could be, one of the remaining light characters going off into the sunset.
>> No. 224426
Bittersweet is terrible. I'm just surprised it's happening immediately.
>> No. 224428
Course where do you go from here? On to something else and just leave the vengeful can kill anything spirit in the Ravine for a while longer. Likely that answer is yes.
>> No. 224434
trigger warning :(
>> No. 224449
So, it seems that Tom stabbed himself in the hand after getting drunk due more harassment. According to regular /co/. This true?
>> No. 224451
No, that was the author of Questionable Content, some time ago. Unless Tom did that too.
>> No. 224454
> and then go out of their way to be offended by someone's apology that wasnt even intended for them.

Personally, I got pissed at Tom's apology because there was nothing to aplogize for to begin with. And the way he worded it, makes it sound that he is apologizing merely because he feels he is about to lose readership and thus income. Which probably is the case (again, there was NOTHING to apologize for),, but it is kinda shitty to see an artist sucking it up like that.
>> No. 224464
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Geez, going by your guys' reactions you'd think the title of the chapter was "Mort Dies" or something.

It does look like we'll be getting something of a backstory for him, though.
>> No. 224466
>im talking about you dumbass

I rather doubt that, since you just replied to the first post I made in the thread.

Let me be blunt here: I support the rights of transexuals. And those rights are endangered by idiotic crusades in which individuals act offended by stuff that wasn't about them, due to an incorrect interpretation. What's more important, getting a thumbs up on some social media from people that were already on your side, or actually making progress by changing negative perceptions? This nonsense only made perceptions more negative. His tweet was in no way, shape, or form about transexuals. He mocked a badly written line in which a woman showed how "tough" she was by referring to her imaginary penis, something reaffirming the belief that masculinity = strength. Gender identity issues weren't the issue, and attacking someone who made no mistake only creates a counterproductive negative perception of attempts to right actual wrongs.
>> No. 224469
>> No. 224480
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The issue was that his retweeting trans women's reactions to the stupid man of steel line caused them to be harassed. It wasn't his intention and he could not have known it would lead to harassment, but it did, so he apologized. It was a good thing to do. It's worth more to be upset at the people who decided to attack trans women for being confused than it is to be upset that trans women were confused. Do you understand? The thing is, trans people wouldn't have to be so sensitive if you would focus the blame on transphobes instead of how sensitive they are due to how often they are threatened by transphobia.

I think this is literally the chapter where Mort dies, dude. I'll be taking bets now on how he's gonna kick the bucket.

For some context, this is currently taking place in London in World War II, likely 1939, when the biggest evacuation took place. If he is left behind in London and dies in the bombings, how'd he end up at the Court? If he was evacuated to the Court, how'd he die?
>> No. 224482
> caused them to be harassed
What a joke.
>> No. 224484
if you don't know or understand what happened then don't talk about it as if you do, dumbass
>> No. 224485
> dumbass

You are harrassing him!
>> No. 224493
How dare you assume they use he/him pronouns! Die cis scum!!
>> No. 224495
> if you would focus the blame on transphobes

And yet the focus of the blame here was on Tom
>> No. 224541
>The thing is, trans people wouldn't have to be so sensitive if you would focus the blame on transphobes instead of how sensitive they are due to how often they are threatened by transphobia.

I'm quite capable of blaming bigots for their bigotry, and blaming people that shoot their own cause in the foot for shooting their own cause in the foot. I'm also capable of trying to pick up the resulting slack for that cause. If you're trying to do anything beneficial for society as a whole, there will always be a few people "helping" with all the skill of the three stooges. The solution isn't to let their bumbling go on without comment.

>Geez, going by your guys' reactions you'd think the title of the chapter was "Mort Dies" or something.

Uh... it's Mort waving goodbye going "Goodbye". And a flashback to how he died in the first place.

Going to go out on a limb here and guess this isn't going to be a warm fuzzy feelings or laugh out loud chapter.
>> No. 224544
When you act like a retard on the internet, up to throwin insults and threats to someone who quote a movie you don't use the "muh harrassment" card when someone serves you half the shit you do blindly to everybody around you in response to it. Those idiots deserve all the shit the internet will throw in their forever open mouth.
>> No. 224548
>There is a clue to the time period on this page.

Well I'm stumped.
>> No. 224559
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>Betty had a crush on her brother's friend, Morty. Will they get married? (Nope he dies and she marries someone else, has a daughter, loses her husband to cancer and dies herself shortly after the birth of her first grandson)

And this is already a sad chapter.
>> No. 224560
soon everything said will be washed away in a tidal wave of feels
>> No. 224562
Why so sad? We all knew that Mort had died at some point. A bit odd to start grieving for him now. And it looks like Betty went on to live a good life at least.
>> No. 224568
The next page only makes things trickier.
>> No. 224638
> We all knew that Mort had died at some point.

Well, no shit!
>> No. 224750
>Polite discussion
>Leave for a few months
>Come back
>Trans this, tumblr that, die cis scum here, not talking about the comic there
I'm out
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