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218713 No. 218713
Here's a project that succeeded months ago, but I posted it in the /diy/ when that was the only board with such a thread, so I figure I'd mention it here too: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1727465155/spider-stories-an-animated-film

And here's the Cartoon Hangover short so many on regular /co/ can't believe anyone would like for some reason, Bee and Puppycat: https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/691171/photo-little.jpg?1381771006
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>> No. 218717
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6 days left for Dead Meat's funding period, and it's over halfway to its goal. Really, really hoping this gets funded. It's got so much good stuff going for it. Awesome premise, and some great talent lined up.
>> No. 218725
Welp, I ended up accidentally clicking on "save image location" instead of "save link location.
>> No. 218751
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I can understand not liking Bee, but not liking Puppycat?

I've been a fan of his ever since he convinced a young Utena to grow up to be a Prince. Or something.
>> No. 218784
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>> No. 218865
Bee and PuppyCat is rather silly, but if they keep the episodes to the length they are now (the episodes are being included as part of Nintendo Video for the 3DS) then it's just right for me (I enjoy silly in brief stints.) The potential over-arching plot is a nice addition, and I like PuppyCat's speech (especially when he told the story.)

I would donate to them had I money. But o well.
>> No. 218867
I'm really not getting these projects. Half of them are done by Frederator, a company that has more than enough money to actually make these. Or like Antarctic Press making a Ninja High KS when its one of their companies flagship properties. Is it just publishers being cheap as hell?
>> No. 218903
No. They just can't fund all of them by themselves, so they're basically letting the customer decide which is most important.
>> No. 218929
>Is it just publishers being cheap as hell?
It's Creators trying to create without needing Publishers, either bypassing the potential years it takes to land one or the whims they'd be subject to:
>As an independent production company, Frederator Studios requires outside funding to produce cartoons.

>In most cases, the companies providing funding want a voice in how that cartoon is made. We've decided seeking funding from fans through Kickstarter is not only the fastest way to bring you Natasha Allegri's Bee and PuppyCat series, but also the best way to preserve the creator's artistic vision.
>> No. 219076
What I'm wondering is, when they say "X episodes total", are they counting the one already made, or just the new ones they're going to make?
>> No. 219078
Just the new ones
>> No. 219087

No one is talking about this? At all for some goddamn reason.
>> No. 219088
This and the Dead Meat project need to cast a wider net then they have. Sweet Milk has done a bit better by getting some interviews and getting the word around now. Animation seems to be the hardest market to crack Kickstarter wise. Though I do like their ideas.
>> No. 219123
DEAD MEAT DID IT!! With some time to spare. Also Maxwell is over at /co/ chatting in the thread they've got up for the Kickstarter.
>> No. 219125
Fuck yes.

Is the rule 34 creeper in the thread?
>> No. 219126
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>Dead Meat funded
Original Party Hard musicyoutube thumb
>> No. 219132
Creeper is around but everyone is largely being cool and enjoying the chance to talk to a Cartoon Network Alumni
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