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217934 No. 217934
Old thread: >>217183
171 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 218607

I'm pretty sure that was in part because people didn't get why he was suddenly being referred to as Mecha instead of Metal and people were whining that it was the wrong name and MUH CONTINOOITY and also that Cap'n Metal was never directly called Metal Sonic.
>> No. 218610
When Archie Sonic began it was a meld of the two series, using SatAM's cast with AoStH's lightheartedness. Eventually SatAM's style won out completely. I don't know that a running comic in the vein of just AoStH would work that well; might just be Sonic X minus humans.
>> No. 218614
SEGA has competent lawyers.
When Sonic first came out, nobody could have predicted it would stay hot so long. Archie got what turned out to be a pretty sweet contract, promising that they'd get exclusive rights to Sonic comics (well, in America at least), and that they'd have the first shot at comics of any Sonic spin-offs like Knuckles or Tails. SEGA got into the habit of just renewing the contract over and over a little before it was due to expire, because for a long time there was no reason for them to object to the terms. But because nobody thought a video game comic would last that long, Archie got sloppy keeping track of their talent's paperwork. Then Ken was able to sue SEGA, and SEGA let their contract with Archie expire for apparently the first time ever, giving SEGA a chance to negotiate a way crappier contract where Archie no longer has exclusive rights and has to pay more up front (even though they know SEGA can now turn to IDW and say "wanna make a 'Sonic Boom' comic?" which would cut into Archie's sales). And that's just the stuff that DIDN'T get all blacked out in the documents available through Public Access to Court Electronic Records. Jon Goldwater's affidavit is basically "Let me tell you how badly Ken damaged relations with SEGA. In 2011, because of Ken, we had to make a new contract and [whole page of text redacted]. See exhibits [exhibits redacted]." There could be a bunch of nastiness we don't know about. We don't know.

Or maybe SEGA had a change of heart and offered a nicer contract recently (I doubt it).

SEGA might be drowning Archie in mandates, we have no way of knowing, and if they WERE then it's unlikely anyone would tell us. But the new contract probably put Archie at least slightly on edge anyway. If the cute little baby monkey suddenly turns into a 700lb gorilla with a machine gun, it doesn't NEED to say "gimme all the bananas".
>> No. 218617

He doesn't have to answer the question, he knows that and I know that. I thought he might, given stuff I've seen in the past, so I asked it. I wouldn't get super offended if he didn't answer, or stalk him with it, or even repeat it ever again. I haven't made a big case of it. I replied once about it, to Penguin, because we've been acquaintances for something like five years now. I only visit this dump of a thread to see stuff Ian might have said in a looser environment.

Just a few years ago, Ian got in trouble here when he said Fiona would screw Scourge in Sonic's bed, and my first reaction was to tell him he should probably take a break from the constant question/answer sessions. Everyone responded with "nooooooo we want our insider details on our favorite characters you monster how could you suggest that". But he's learned his lesson and keeps his mouth shut when it isn't safe to reply. Sit down and go back to talking about Sally's cheekfur or something.
>> No. 218619
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AOSTH wouldn't work in the long run, but dammit, we've got a newfound focus on SatAM, Sonic Underground is getting an arc... isn't it time for Wes Weasley to finally get a moment in the sun? Or at least in the comic. Why, I hear there's openings in the cast! He could fill all of them, he's that versatile. Need a new ninja to replace the old one? Wes Weasley has a plaidbelt in Weas-jutsu. Low on cyborgs? Wes Weasley's got plenty of metal in him! He swallows coins for safe keeping. Need a doctor? Wes Weasley took a correspondence course on Medicality from the University of (Egg) Phoenix! Knuckles needs a wife? Wes Weasley needs a Green (Hill) Card, and will do just about anything to get in the book!
>> No. 218620
Pretty sure he got a cameo in Off-Panel, no?
>> No. 218622
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For a moment I thought you were implying that was enough of an appearance for a character of Wes Weasley's preeminent immense eminence and eminenectomy, then I realized you were getting into the AoStH spirit and telling a joke. As if that cameo was enough! Not that he needs top billing, a costar position would suffice, but his Off Panel cameo was as someone Silver suspected of being The Traitor, and honestly, who DIDN'T Silver suspect was the traitor?

Aside from Sally, the actual "Traitor," obviously.
>> No. 218624
Archie started out as AoSTH with SatAM characters in it.
>> No. 218626
>Sonic Underground is getting an arc..
It hurts, not as bad as Mega Man Legends, but it hurts
>> No. 218633
>Do you think any other publisher would want Sonic at this point?

Absolutely, but it would either end up like the My Little Pony comic (endless fanpandering and no real focus for the kids) or they'd play it so by-the-book that people would loose interest faster than you can say "Classic Mega Man."

There were two Sonic cartoons at the same time because they were both by the same company. People say that SatAM exists because ABC shot down AoSTH when it was too far into production to be cancelled (seems likely, the pilot's Robotnik has the Jim Cummings voice).
>> No. 218637
>SEGA has competent lawyers.
I meant that SEGA would make sure the company licensing Sonic had competent lawyers.
>> No. 218641
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I knew things were bad, but I didn't know they were that bad.

As much as I don't care for AoStH in general, I'm a huge Phil Silvers fan. I'd love it if Wes could make his way into the book in some form. Hard to imagine what he'd look like in the current style though.
>> No. 218644
Sonic Underground was NEVER getting an arc. It was supposed to be a SINGLE ISSUE. And now SEGA's waffling on it.
>> No. 218649
>Hard to imagine what he'd look like in the current style though.

If only there was a weasel in the games...
>> No. 218650
Mlp is one of the better comis out there. Loads better than marvel or dc, cue yknow, it's actually fun to read vs a chore.

Also speaking of sonic by the books, I'm getting the feeling boom is going to be really bland
>> No. 218656
I get the feeling we might be throwing out ideas like narrative structure, pacing, characterization, tone, and composition and supplanting them with "I personally enjoy this" when talking about how good or bad something is with statements like that.

Or maybe I'm just a dummy and IDW's My Little Pony is a surprisingly well crafted series of comics and I'm overstating their shallowness because I'm a huge grumpus. That's probably more likely, that I'm just being negative because I hate fun.
>> No. 218659
When WAS the last time we had a character from the cartoons (not games) show up? Naugus, or am I forgetting something more recent?
>> No. 218660
...ASIDE from The FFs, King Acorn, Chuck and Muttski? Beyond that who's really notable, Lupe and Dulcy? Snively?
>> No. 218662
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Sorry, I phrased the question poorly. What I meant was: when was the last time a char from the cartoons got transferred to the books? Debut appearances. We got the core FF, Uncle Chuck, Mutley, Snively, etc. basically at the start. Then a little before #50 we got Lupe and the Wolf Pack, Naugus, and King Acorn.

Anyone since then?
>> No. 218665
What more is there? There weren't many cast members outside of those you mentioned; the remainder were one-offs, like the Nerbs, and even they got into the comic.

(Nerb Grandmaster we will miss you.)
>> No. 218666
Shit, nevermind. I had them confused with an episode of SatAM.

But I will still miss the Nerb Grandmaster.
>> No. 218668
Really, the only other notable characters I can think of off the top of my head from SatAM are Ari and that old guy from the Forbidden Zone.
>> No. 218670
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If we're talking characters we'd like to see transition into the comics, I doubt there'd be a person alive who would object to Topaz:Agent of GUN.

It's Sonic fandom, so there'd be one or two objectors, but I dispute their status as "persons alive".

Wes the Weasel had something like a dozen appearances in Adventures. If anyone was going to make a transition from that show, aside from the 'bots, it should probably be him. On a selfish note, I'd love to see Kwai Chang Crane. I always loved that pun.

From SatAM, Ari appeared about as often as Lupe. Dirk and Apollo would be nice shout-outs. But the character that made the biggest impression on me was the Guardian of the Time Stones. Always thought it was a pity he never made a transition to the books.
>> No. 218672
I think the Encyclopedia had a nod to him. The owl guy?
>> No. 218674
Looney Tunes has a comic that's over 200 issues long

I think silly slapstick comics can have staying power.
>> No. 218677
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If this doesn't make it into the Nu252...
>> No. 218682
Who the heck said the Nerb Grandmaster won't just become a Nerb Egg Boss? I mean, Hood's still there, and Ian created the Nerb Grandmaster.
>> No. 218683
If he does I'll be happy, but until he's shown in-comic I assume he doesn't exist at all.
>> No. 218689
There's more legal complications surrounding Hood than the foreman.
If he doesn't show up again, it's because Ian doesn't want to use him since he only added the guy because Dub begged for Nerbs.
>> No. 218728
>There's more legal complications surrounding Hood than the foreman.

How you figure?
>> No. 218730
So are we not going to talk about how Archie of all companies has an antihero who carries nooses to execute criminals.
>> No. 218731
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>> No. 218745
>Play Sonic Lost World
>Notice SEGA has a boner for re-using assets from Windy Hill nearly every Zone.

Laziest Sonic game ever.
>> No. 218770
Hood's wrapped up in a whole mess of Robin Hood allegories, his backstory is tied to Rob, etc. We're basically erasing a good chunk of Hood's original backstory by bringing him back.

Meanwhile the foreman's only tie to the old continuity is being a nerb. The worst that could happen to him is that he gets changed to a mole. The end.

Neither was ever in any real jeopardy, but with Hood there's the question of "should we bring this guy back since his story is wrapped up in stuff we can't use anymore?" (the answer is, obviously, "why not?") while the only question when looking at the foreman is "should we bother keeping him a Nerb?"
>> No. 218772
Robin Hood is public domain. There's no legal problems there. And, as sad as it is to admit, Hood's relationship to Rob wasn't like Eggman/Sonic, and in this new world he doesn't need be tied to Rob in any way.

But yeah the Foreman has about the same chance. I think Nerbs were pre-Penders, so if Ian needs a subterranean Egg Boss then it's likely we'll see the Foreman again.
>> No. 218780
The Nerbs were made by Angelo deCesare, the same guy who made Larry and the Arctic FFs. He also still works at Archie, so if anyone's likely to be safe, it's characters he made.
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