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File 137936831978.jpg - (523.02KB , 1831x700 , countdown.jpg )
216658 No. 216658
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>> No. 216663
>Hey guys did you know Sonic Unleashed's Japanese name was Sonic World Adventure?

>Why am I bringing that up? Well here's Sonic 256's variant cover.

Truth be told Unleashed got a short tie-in at one point, but I wouldn't say it precludes the changes for an actual adaptation.
>> No. 216666
Heh, maybe everything is getting re-adapted (or rectonned to have been part of the canon, like Colors). Can't wait to see them reference the Sonic Spinball adaptation. :)
>> No. 216671
I wonder if we will see Dulcy in this brave new world or does she really have a place in this comic anymore?
>> No. 216673
IIRC, Ian had some interest in bringing her back, but was waiting for a good plotline to do so in. He didn't want to just throw her back in the comic.

Since it seems that SatAM characters are still in, it's likely Dulcy is still around, too. Perhaps she'll show up more now that he can write her as non-hax without having to come up with a reason for the change.
>> No. 216676
>Implying the world isn't straightened out
>> No. 216686
Let's not.
>> No. 216699
Agreed. Dulcy has never once been enjoyable
>> No. 216713
So SEGA bought Atlus I guess.
>> No. 216715
Archie Persona comic is go?
>> No. 216723
Seeing that Sega nearly haven't bothered with bringing their more niche JP games to the west over the past years(especially their handheld offerings), this news if of great concern.

Also what's going to happen with Atlus USA?
>> No. 216726
So, on /co/ an interesting thought was brought up.

Did Eggman lie about his past?

We already know Eggman is a liar. Because either way you slice it, he lied about his identity. If we take Bollers' canon in place, he lied to Robotnik Prime about being a different Robotnik than Robo-Robotnik. If we take Ian's canon, he lied to Sonic about being the same Robotnik as Robo-Robotnik.

But could the lie go further? Did Eggman actually succeed in defeating his Sonic? I mean if he could nuke himself and successfully rebuild, why didn't he try that in the prime verse?

Could add an interesting part to his character, how he's trying to ride on the coattails of a powerful multiversal threat like Robo-Robotnik, but is in reality a failure and always will be a failure?
>> No. 216729
Well, if we take it as boasting and shooting the bull it certainly makes seeing him as less of an eternally evil monster way more plausible.
>> No. 216731

Massive downsizes with potential outright closure depending on how little SEGA wishes to localize.


It's possible but I have a feeling in New Mobius it might end up being a moot point anyways if they take the opportunity to change his background, and it looks like they may.
>> No. 216732
Put your trip back on, Mavrick.
>> No. 216733
You first, Heatnix
>> No. 216734
There'd be little point to it. The world Eggman was from only existed to be destroyed by him. I could see it if you wanted to make Eggman less of a monster, but to do that you'd have to retcon out events we've seen him do (and in that case, why not just retcon the whole event out anyway?)
>> No. 216736
Did Garth show up in the New 52 yet?
>> No. 216741
everything is retconned, anyway
>> No. 216748
1. Not everyone shares that opinion
2. Loads of fun can be had seeing a skilled writer redeem a problematic character. And it's not like the book's able to do that with Penders' problematic characters any more...
>> No. 216749
Looking at the Pirate arc, it seems only Mobius Prime was changed
>> No. 216750

There's still the other problematic characters by other authors.

>> No. 216751
Dr. Pedro Astil.
Astil is Spanish for "Shaft".
Pedro is Spanish for " Who's the cat that won't cop out, When there's danger all about?"
>> No. 216753
I'm still a bit confused as to why Plant Man was able to survive the pulse... anything with an electrical field should be screwed up. Tons of electric "noise" and possible damage to circuits as a result. Doesn't he run on electricity?
>> No. 216755
Why does coating make robots immune?
Because science.
>> No. 216756

Battle Network logic, Wood > Elec.
>> No. 216757
Which comes down to the Classical Chinese Elements, as opposed to the Classical Greek Elements that we tend to learn about over here--instead of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, they have Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, and Wood. Electricity is considered part of Earth in that system, and Wood is considered to trump Earth.
>> No. 216758
Therefore, to defeat Ra Moon, we should throw a rock at him.
>> No. 216759
He didn't avoid it totally. You can see him getting affected before, and I think they say something like "weathered the worst of it." Meaning he got fried but not totally messed up like all the others. This is a magic alien EMP we're talking about keep in mind. It's obviously not affecting all things equally.
>> No. 216760
And we will. We'll just call him Mega Man.
>> No. 216762
Organic life produces electric fields too. It's just that the EMP interference effect is more severe on what we consider "electronics," not that it completely fries anything that contains any charge.

My takeaway is that Plant Man's "backup systems" are at least partly organic. Biotech would survive an EMP discharge with less trauma than conventional circuitry.
>> No. 216763
And we will. We'll just call him Mega Man.
>> No. 216764
I get that reference.

I get that one too.
>> No. 216766
Haha! ...You were waiting for that one, weren't you?
>> No. 216767
Gotta strike while the iron's hot. Wokka wokka!
>> No. 216769
You know...this just occurred to me.

Mega Man was always really heavy on the fan participation, even if the Western fans didn't get to participate as much as Japanese fans.
Why doesn't the comic's fan section push that a little bit more?
I know that sounds a bit dumb, since there's already a fan art and letters section, but what about things like asking kids who their favorite robot masters or characters are?

I mean, I guess the answer is obviously something like "We'd run out of questions pretty fast!" or "We don't have time to deal with something like that.", but I feel like something that more actively asks for kids to contribute and focuses their attention beyond asking them to send letters or art if they come up with an idea themselves just seems like a very "Mega Man" kind of thing. Maybe it's just because I relate the series to old gaming magazines, though.
>> No. 216770
There was a fanart contest already and apparently few people realized it was happening.
>> No. 216771
File 137964466269.jpg - (15.48KB , 442x322 , iseewhat.jpg )
>> No. 216772
File 137964666042.jpg - (299.90KB , 950x1200 , 1379642872388.jpg )
gotta love that official Sega Merch

you can tell by the branding on the hip
>> No. 216773
>Sexy Tails
oh god
>> No. 216774
>> No. 216776
AHAHAHAHAHA! It's that time of the year again.

But I wonder how could Dulcy be redeemed other than revamping her character design?
>> No. 216777
No crap backstory, no abusive spouse, no bullshit inconsistent powers, no magical plot convenient dragon rules....
>> No. 216778
and there is a sonic as well.
>> No. 216779
File 137968312626.png - (68.34KB , 336x252 , Respectable Scientist Considers Solution to Robot .png )
"Doctor Light, Doctor Light! Wily escaped prison and is attacking the city with his eight robot masters! What are we going to do?!"

>> No. 216786
I am suddenly reminded of Gen14 Interactive from the 90's. That was fun but it was killer on the author and artist
>> No. 216789
Yeah, basically.

Asking kids to design a robot master for the background shots in the comic later on or something like that would be great, but it would probably be too many legal hoops to jump through and too much stress on the writers and artists.
And adults would try to win anyway.
>> No. 216790
Subscribers are starting to get Sonic 253 http://board.sonicstadium.org/topic/6-archies-sonic-the-hedgehog/?p=760989
>> No. 216791
Man, the book is REALLY scrubbing away every last hint of KP, right down to nomenclature.
>> No. 216792
So Diesel's gone from existence, huh? Not surprised.
>> No. 216794

He was insisting the Dark Egg Legion was derivative of his works so can't say I'm surprised they chose to change it. Why risk anything at this point?
>> No. 216795
So is the Egg Army still composed of cyborgs? Because I really, REALLY hope that it is.
>> No. 216796
Has the new Life with Archie come out yet?
I'm worried my subscription has gotten lost in the system again.
>> No. 216797

Axel's arms don't look organic.

Judging by his name and the off roader I guess the Efrikan chapter is going to keep the road warriors stuff Diesel and his bears would have. Without being mired in potentially being a Penders idea.
>> No. 216798

This scrub-down is depressing but understandable. Legion's a better name than Army, but... it's just not worth the risk when dealing with someone like that. Or trying to avoid dealing with them.
>> No. 216799
The biker Bears were Penders, believe it or not. There was a scene where the Brotherhood were watching Knuckles fighting them behind the scenes
>> No. 216800
Looks like armor to me. I'm assuming the worst. May as well, it's been paying off in spades.
>> No. 216801
Cyborg underlings of Eggman weren't even a Penders thing. It was a Bollers thing. And before you go "Oh, they won't even remotely reference things from pre-160 that weren't written by Penders either", 253 has Rotor flash back to the beginning of Issue 25, and Rotor giving Tails the Sea Fox in the Triple Trouble special. They're almost exact copies of the original panels.
>> No. 216802
I'm pretty sick of your shit at this point.
Do you have to do this on every Sonic thread on every website?
>> No. 216803
Oh please. His fucking horns are made of metal.
>> No. 216804
The Egg Army is made up of cyborgs.
>> No. 216805
>You post on other websites, right? I know who you are!

Swing and a miss. I've been pretty upbeat until recently, but the naysayers kept turning out to be right. Just joining the team on a winning streak, Anon.

But those cyborg underlings of Eggman were derived from cyborgs Ken created. Even had the name for a while. It's enough of a thread that someone very determined and very sad could follow up on it.

And I would recommend not drawing attention to times the book references stories written by Ken. We don't know the particulars of the settlement, but it looks like there's a good chance that Archie isn't meant to be doing that, so it's liable to be a mistake that could get someone in trouble.
>> No. 216806
File 137972320796.jpg - (24.33KB , 159x254 , Myth Busted.jpg )
>The Egg Army is made up of cyborgs.

Glad to be wrong!
>> No. 216807
Ian confirmed in the post right above you that they're still cyborgs.

>"But those cyborg underlings of Eggman were derived from cyborgs Ken created. Even had the name for a while."
First cyborg underlings of Eggman were the dingos, actually. Ken made the dingos, but Bollers was the one who turned them into cyborgs under Eggman's command. Either way, point is that Ian's already confirmed they're cyborgs anyway.

The naysayers were saying nothing before Worlds Collide would matter at all anymore, and that the cyborgs would be gone, and that there'd be no more OCs at all, and that Archie wouldn't be able to reprint anything pre-Ian anymore. I've found that it's better to just not assume at all because neither side has been any more correct than the other. Ian's been thowing surprises at us.
>> No. 216808
>Ian confirmed in the post right above you that they're still cyborgs.

I conceded in the post right above you that I was wrong.
(Ian's post wasn't showing up when I made mine. Neither was mine until a little while after I made it. The site is sometimes a bit slow to show posts)
>> No. 216809
>"Ian's post wasn't showing up when I made mine. Neither was mine until a little while after I made it. The site is sometimes a bit slow to show posts"
Ugh, yeah. Realized that right after posting. Sorry about that.
>> No. 216810
So is it true that the new base of operations is going to be the new fancy ship instead of Freedom HQ?

That seems awfully... authoritarian.

I mean, a high tech flying global justice force is a bit more sinister than the old Knothole clubhouse.
>> No. 216811

Only if they enforce order as opposed to just breaking Eggman's toys. Besides, even the Avengers have the Quinjet.
>> No. 216812

I think it's less an authoritarian thing and more it lets Ian more easily write them going to other places, since they're no longer tied down to a certain spot.
>> No. 216813
It's just Freedom HQ but flying, isn't it? That doesn't seem really authoritarian, especially when it's bright fun colors and probably doesn't have much in terms of weaponry.
>> No. 216815

And the Helicarrier. Well, I guess that's more a SHIELD thing, but they still use it.
>> No. 216818

Hopefully it won't crash as often as the Quinjet.

Who am I kidding, it'll crash as much as the Tornado does in the comic.
>> No. 216820
So, Rotor is the captain?

What does that mean? Does he replace Tails/Ant as the pilot or Sally as the leader?
>> No. 216821
I have a feeling that was directed at me.

That was not me. I posted about my concern on Bumbleking and nowhere else.
>> No. 216822
Speaking of which. I think its strange that Eggman still has an army. I was hoping we'd be getting more Game Eggman in that he doesn't have an empire, but wants to rule the world to build Eggmanland
>> No. 216825
It wasn't.
>> No. 216826
It's an easy way to have little villains and minions. I guess if they're gonna keep the Acorn Kingdom, they might as well keep some of the Eggman Empire too.
>> No. 216829
Another easy way to have villains and minions is to just have villains and minions without an empire
>> No. 216830
Too bad there's never, ever been any non-Eggman Empire affiliated villains and antagonists.
>> No. 216835
I'm not saying that other villains are bad? They should definitely be around too. But you can have Eggman trying to take over the world and also having a foothold in it: it makes for a nice and quick way to introduce guys like Lord Hood or Beauregard, without forcing them to stand on the same level as those like Naugus, Scourge or Iron Queen. With the Eggman Empire army, it's good just to make some "boss" type bad guys.
>> No. 216843
I'm assuming it makes him a stationary kind of pilot/captain, in that he's piloting around this massive airshippy homebase thing. While tails would be more adventury/fighter pilot type guy.

I'm ok with Rotor turning into Cid Highwind.
>> No. 216844
Complete with grawlix?
>> No. 216848
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Grawlix is ok, but let's leave out the wife beating.
>> No. 216849
I much prefer it with Robotnik ruling a huge chunk of the world, his underbosses having petty feuds with one another while plotting to overthrow him, and various other parties (some good, some evil) clashing with one another while the heroes try to fix the big mess.

Comic books where the villain is just TRYING to conquer the world are a dime a dozen, it's rare you find one where he's most of the way there. And given that he's ruling a vast but unruly empire, he can suffer big defeats from Sonic over and over without it putting that big a dent in his standing as a villain. The fact that off-panel his underlings are still conquering and ruling over so much of the planet is a good way to keep his violin-cred solid.
>> No. 216857
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>> No. 216858
Ian doesn't know what to do with her
>> No. 216859
Really, I don't think anybody ever did.
>> No. 216862
Though he did talk about dragons.
>> No. 216865
I didn't know what to do as she was. Past tense.
>> No. 216866
File 137989068032.jpg - (75.92KB , 696x414 , WhereAreMyDragons.jpg )

I call "shenanigans" on the assumption that she's an unreasonably tough character to make cool. She was a clumsy young dragon and now she's a somewhat older dragon. Emphasis on dragon.

The bit with her being a dragon means that most of the work of making her cool is already done. The book is poorer for its severe dragon shortage.
>> No. 216867
File 137989191594.jpg - (23.61KB , 460x200 , dragonheart2.jpg )
She's the character so bad she manages to make dragons look uncool. Unfortunately, just being a dragon is not actually a free pass for quality or cool. It is entirely too easy for dragons to be shitty.
>> No. 216869
File 13798931488.jpg - (75.93KB , 441x408 , 1358032952662.jpg )

How ominous.
>> No. 216871
Dragons have never been automatically cool.

Also not sold on the Flying Fortress idea. I actually liked only seeing sonic and a few friends on patrol, not the whole crew. Also seems very toyetic. Next we'll see the turtle wagon, and the batcopter
>> No. 216872
Dragons have never been automatically cool.

Also not sold on the Flying Fortress idea. I actually liked only seeing sonic and a few friends on patrol, not the whole crew. Also seems very toyetic. Next we'll see the turtle wagon, and the batcopter
>> No. 216873
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>> No. 216874
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>Not wanting the Sonic Buggy

If it's good enough for Spider-Man, it's good enough for Sonic.
>> No. 216875
They already had Freedom HQ, and that didn't mean they had to all go out together. I'm thinking it's more like a mobile base than an active vehicle, otherwise they wouldn't need the Tornado.
>> No. 216876

Sure they have. It's just a matter of whether points wind up deducted as a result of being less cool.
>> No. 216881
Dulcy is now a more anthropomorphic character and the leader of a juvenile gang.
>> No. 216884
In retrospect, that came across far more ominously than intended.

That was supposed to be cryptically hopeful.
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