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File 137861058788.jpg - (827.91KB , 1988x3056 , 1378598519980.jpg )
216146 No. 216146
Noticed the last one was autosaging.

Quick question. Is Captain Atom just gone now? He's just kind of vanished after his series.
Expand all images
>> No. 216150
Back to Beware the Batman talk:

Shit, that wrapped up pretty much every non Gordon related plot point super fast. But it also really added more weight to the whole "Batman really IS dangerous" thing that I hopes also develops.
>> No. 216153
Did it get leaked?
>> No. 216154
Dunno, went to my usual watching space like I do every week and there was Episode 7: Family
>> No. 216158
>> No. 216159
>> No. 216160
>> No. 216161
>> No. 216162
>> No. 216163
>> No. 216164
>> No. 216165
>> No. 216166
>> No. 216167
For fucks SAKE Jumpman, HANDLE your SHIT!

The forum seems to be a little slow so after you post it won't show up for awhile, whatever you do DO NOT keep trying to post, it will appear in its own time.
>> No. 216168
Also holy fuck are those Newarama articles filled with errors and misinformation.
>> No. 216170
This happens from time to time depending on how your browser handles shit.
>> No. 216178

This is actually quite vile!
>> No. 216180
File 137866607223.jpg - (116.77KB , 500x678 , tumblr_mst9mhKWkQ1s1w9elo1_500.jpg )

...Heh..ha...AHAHA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Fuck Dan Didio holy shit.

It's great that people aren't taking that shit though, DC is being super letter bombed with well animated hands flipping them off and text pages telling them to go fuck themselves for trying to sexualize suicide.
>> No. 216182
Is it wrong that I want to enter this just so I can fuck with DC? Like for the whale one just have that in the background with Black Manta punching baby seals in the foreground? Or for the croc one just replace the croc will Killer Croc just looking on confused while he's eating a giant sloppy sandwich instead?
>> No. 216185
I mean its either that or the back up plan of giving Harley a giant schlong.
>> No. 216186
Go ahead and tell a Fire Fighter or a Cop they can't be married or happy.

Go ahead.
>> No. 216190
nothing says loving like Futa Harley posing for Batman
>> No. 216192
File 137866945347.jpg - (25.88KB , 584x575 , 1378666668505.jpg )
Oh oh figured out what to do with the other two. Have the lightning bolt be Billy saying Shazam while Harley looks bored because it missed her completely. The other would be Superman saving her at the last second.

Also would you?
>> No. 216193
The new episode airing yesterday took me by surprise. A pleasant surprise, certainly, but it would've been nice if CN actually advertised that new episodes were back (considering the length of the hiatuses they've put previous DC shows on before has me programmed to expect such breaks to last at least a month).
>> No. 216194

Nice quote from the article writer:

>Jim Lee: I think if an aspiring artist feels the approach is creatively wrong-he or she is free 2push bk, discuss&rework w/his or her writer&editor

>Nick Spencer, John Rozum,
>J.T. Krul, George Perez,
>Gail Simone, Ron Marz, Chris Roberson.

>Rob Liefeld, Karen Berger,
>SImone again, Robert Vendetti
>Jim Zubkavich, Art Baltazar and Franco.

>Keith GIffen, Todd Farmer,
>Josh Fialkov, Andy Diggle,
>Tony S. Daniel, Mike Johnson, Bruce Timm had to go.
>Mico Suayan, James Robinson,
>Kevin Maguire, J.H. Williams,
>W. Haden Blackman, "hey, it's all their fault" said Didio!

>We didn't start the fire!
>It was always burning since the world's been turning...

...I'd go with plan A, sounds funnier. And knowing chan users, your plan B will just be another one on the pile.
>> No. 216196
Jim Lee can go fuck the right off.

I really need to learn how to draw. I mean I used to do it but that was ages ago and I could really stand to learn more
>> No. 216197
Eh he took way too long on the explanation (>most every comic writer these days), but the context thingy makes sense to me. Probably wouldn't be made such a big deal if DC hadn't been screwing up so much throughout the last decade and SO FUCKING MUCH recently. It's been like the xbox one announcements all over again, gee. Also, huge-ass fail on Lee for the quoted line. WORST. TIMING. Seriously.

Maybe I'm just a bit biased, kinda learned to draw copying him.
>> No. 216198
bet you could toss in some of Shezow gadgets and he'd think they were Batwoman's.
>> No. 216199
File 137867260648.gif - (210.68KB , 380x211 , tumblr_mqs3h3SkxC1rm830wo3_400.gif )
Oh yeah, guy does not give a fuck about nothin' no more.
>> No. 216200
It was just bad timing on their part. That and if they had left naked off that last one.

I've got another one. Harley holding the toaster above her head going "I'll do it. Not even joking. I'll do it!". Then Poison Ivy or Joker or whatever pointing out there's no water in the bathtub.
>> No. 216201
Seriously really happy that the mainstream is finally catching onto what a shitbag Didio is. Or at least knows who he is?

>> No. 216202
I find it funnier in my head with Ivy
>> No. 216203
The funny thing is he can't figure out why it's happening since he's acting the way he always has.
>> No. 216205
File 137867765680.jpg - (151.55KB , 600x839 , dc_new_52_harley_quinn_ap_by_dangerous_beauty778-d.jpg )
Yeah and it's great.

Just sitting back and cackling at this shitstorm and seeing a tiny glimmer of hope that maybe something will come of it. Maybe their parent company will finally pay attention. Maybe.

(Also them trying to make nuHarley "their Deadpool" is extra hilarious since she's already a really popular character among casual fans who will look at this and wonder who the fuck that weird new chick is.)
>> No. 216206
Ohhh if they make her "cursed with life" then it wouldn't be so bad.
>> No. 216207
If you are gonna go that dumb route then make them "Living punchlines" and way off their numerous deaths that way.
>> No. 216208
Oh shit that would own.

So you know it won't happen. B)
>> No. 216209
that would actually be a decent direction for Harley Joker being more the animated version. He just can't kill her literally so he just lives with her being there.
>> No. 216210
File 137869101213.png - (138.49KB , 500x332 , 1375228617547.png )
I do have to ask what these people think of the Harley Pit
>> No. 216211
>Didio getting all the hate
>Bob Harras getting none

C'mon guys, spread it out a little!
>> No. 216212
Man, Bob Harras thrives on hate, remember he's one of the ones the one behind a lot of Teen Titans being a never ending shit stew.
>> No. 216214
Surprised brevoort and the marvel gang haven't jumped all over this
>> No. 216215
Why waste the energy when despite your fuck ups your main competitor is taking 95% of the heat?
>> No. 216216
File 137869482793.png - (252.63KB , 512x1920 , 1368747455614.png )
Didio was responsible for Beast Machines. He deserves the hate.

Oh my God I need to get Batman Odyssey. It's glorious.
>> No. 216220
File 13786957793.jpg - (55.89KB , 362x500 , Beastmachines_DVD_Front.jpg )
While I'm definitely not singing the man's praises, Beast Machines is one of, if not THE best things ever to come out of Transformers.

If you want to discuss or argue this, please do so in the Transformers thread here >>205721 so we don't derail this thread.

All of you can go back to getting angry at DC's editorial, I'll be back next time there's a new Beware The Batman is on. Or if I really like and issue of Wonder Woman.
>> No. 216221
>Beast Machines is pretty much the best Transformers has been

I think I just cracked a molar in anger.

I'll send you my dentists bill.
>> No. 216228
>Didio was responsible for Beast Machines

I did not know this.

What part of my childhood won't this dude ruin.
>> No. 216230
more to the point it was basically nu52 of the day. People were told to ignore all the lore and whatever had been done in beast wars.
>> No. 216239
And given atrocious designs.
>> No. 216253

To be fair, I think DiDio knew he was talking about Kate, but kept saying Kathy by mistake because, come on.


No, and neither should you.


Arguably, shit is getting bad BECAUSE their parent company started paying attention. WB was kind of pissed when they found out they didn't actually own the rights to any of the Vertigo titles which, iirc, led to DC being restructured the way it is now.

Like, we wouldn't be so upset with how poorly handled DC is now if it wasn't so good a few years ago. Part of what made it good was the creative Freedom DC allowed creators, which got us things like Jim Robinson's Starman. Now Warner Bros. is afraid of creators holding on to their characters' copyrights, and are trying really fucking hard to make sure something like that doesn't happen again.

Actually, I'm not sure what I'm doing in this thread anymore since I stopped buying DC books, save for two Vertigo titles.
>> No. 216260
Starman wasn't a only few years ago.

But Cry For Justice was.
>> No. 216268
Just asking.

Yeah it gets bad when the higher ups decide to meddle.
>> No. 216278

And that's two more creative shakeup, although less acrimonious ones.

Aquaman, congratulations on your one way express ticket back to "Whogivesashitburg"
>> No. 216281
It's actually odd to see a creative team change that isn't due to some fuckup.
>> No. 216290
The editorial problems have been happening for a while. Cry for Justice was Eddie Berganza fucking with Robinson the whole run, and Robinson basically negotiating to only Star City to being destroyed (As opposed to every major Superhero City [Centeral, Coast, Opal, etc] aside from Metropolis and Gotham) and is a bad example of what James Robinson can do now. When i referred to Starman, I was referring to that era in the late-eighties to early two-thousands where DC basically let Creators do their thing. If you recall, that's also when we got Hitman, some good Batman stories, Kingdom Come, Young Justice, and the like. Hell, we even got Chronos which, despite poor sales, managed to last about 12 issues without finding an audience (which is a shame, since it was pretty good). We also got a few good Lobo stories, including when he was a part of L.E.G.I.O.N. We also had JLI, and Animal man, and The Invisible, Doom Patrol (Which I was never very keen on, but a lot of people loved it), and Sandman Mystery Theater.

Like there was a solid decade where DC was outdoing Marvel creatively (which kills my Marvel-Fanboy heart to say) by letting artists and writers do their thing, with being able to really cut-loose in Vertigo being an extra incentive, and the worst thing that happened was the start of big wigs deciding they needed to get their fingers in and the beginning of the DC universe becoming homogenized, bland, and boring. Like, I feel like Geoff Johns really exemplifies this attitude. They both tried to return the universe to it's "roots" while also modernizing it by making it edgier and more "mature" (read: OH MAN LOOK AT ALL THAT SEX AND VIOLENCE). Like I think a big example of this sort of thing would be Blackest Night which killed off a majority of legacy characters, a majority of which were non-white, in favor of bringing back the older, whiter, characters. Hell, even before that we can look at Green Lantern: Rebirth, which brought back Hal Jordan as the "GREATEST GREEN LANTERN", absolved him of all wrong doing (IT WAS A YELLOW FEAR PARASITE), as well as re-characterizing other Earth GL's into being something less (Kyle being a preening artist who spent too much time redoing his constructs, John becomes HURR SOLDIER, and Guy... Actually Guy was alright, because I think this series might have done away with that Awful Warrior shit that Guy was stuck with for a long time).

The point is, slowly, most noticeably, I think, since around 2003/4, DC has been moving towards this path of completely bland and unappealing comics.

Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of shitty DC books in the late eighties and nineties, but at least not ALL the books were like that.

I guess we could also blame some books like Miller's Batman stuff, Watchmen, and the like, for this attitude that comics aren't allowed to be fun, but mainly that's higher-ups not getting what people liked about those books in the first place and just imitating certain elements.
>> No. 216293
Well, Flash, one of DC's few last legs to stand on that had a terrible story but great art just lost it's great art.
>> No. 216294
Yeah, Rebirth is responsible for getting rid of the Warrior shit and actually had John as an architect who happened to be a soldier earlier in his life and Kyle as a great lantern because of his artistry, the awful shit you mentioned was actually woven into them during Sinestro Corps war.
>> No. 216301
>since around 2003/4
It was after that though that morrison had WAY too much of free reins on Batman.

The 00s have been full of writers trying to ape to Watchmen and the like, on both the big ones. It's probably been around since Identity Crisis (which, if I recall, was moved by editorial decisions to make MATURE COMICS FOR MATURE PEOPLE LIKE US EDITORS) that crap has gone faster downhill on DC.
>> No. 216312
>> No. 216313
>Dan DiDio saved the comic book industry as we know it,
>if you read those kind of comics at all you owe him some fucking gratitude.
Haha just... wow.

>He had been trying to make the New 52 launch happen before, specifically after the conclusion of Final Crisis but was stymied by his then-boss, Paul Levitz. When Levitz was dropped and DiDio promoted, it was only a matter of time. The New 52, entirely Dan DiDio’s pet project
...Does he realize he just pointed a spotlight at a well-deserved target on DiDio's ass?

How long has he been editor, anyway? Can we blame him for much of the last decade?

>People so incensed that they are not getting a particular comic book in the particular way that they would like, rather than looking elsewhere for one they might prefer, are calling for the man to lose his job.
Are there any left on DC at all? 'Cause that seems to be the problem. I haven't read a lot of comics lately, but from the big two there seem to be a couple from Marvel and that's it.
>> No. 216315
Wki states he started as VP of Editorial in 2002 and promoted to Executive Editor in 2004 so yea pretty much. Fact he'd been gunning for this Nu52 bullshit for a long time doesn't help him at all. Now he's Co Publisher so he's got more control, less accountability and unless Warner Bros decides to toss him on the street he's not going anywhere.
>> No. 216316
> DiDio is under serious pressure to deliver on DC’s brands and IP, hence the existence of Before Watchmen

I don't know what's funnier, that he believes that Before Watchemen delivered, or that it was something that people wanted.
>> No. 216319
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I think I hate Jim Lee just as much as Didio since he's responsible for the New52 looking like it was straight out of the 90's with his awful, awful style considered a "base" for their art.

Morrison had no more or less freedom on Batman then anyone had on Batman.

Here is how it goes with Morrison, you put him on a title and leave him alone, one way or another he'll deliver you a series people will talk about for years and especially buy the shit out of.

He won't fuck around with editors or any of that stupid bullshit, learned that lesson from dealing with Marvel, his Batman has for it's entirety been "floating" with the other writers trying to keep up rather than do their own thing.

DC knows this so they don't fuck with him because he is literally one of the greatest in the industry.

It's one of those damned if you do or don't deals.

Besides my personal feelings the run was incredible it's been a commercial success and highpoint of pride for DC since he started.
>> No. 216322
>Morrison had no more or less freedom on Batman then anyone had on Batman.
>Here is how it goes with Morrison, you put him on a title and leave him alone
Uh that sounds kinda seriously contradictory.

>one way or another he'll deliver you a series people will talk about for years and especially buy the shit out of.
>DC knows this so they don't fuck with him because he is literally one of the greatest in the industry.
So basically... he sells so they just let him play, no matter what's the result, same as Marvel & bendis or millar and the like. Gotcha, always thought the same.
>> No. 216324
Yeah pretty much, but Bendis and the others to a much lesser extent try to force others to follow their writing.....Morrison just doesn't give a fuck.
>> No. 216334
File 137889906855.jpg - (86.10KB , 495x752 , Lubo.jpg )
Wait, whatever happened with the whole "IT ISNT REALLY THE FINAL DESIGN, HONEST" crap? Because that looks pretty much like the releasd pic, perhaps not as "pretty" but that's probably because Rocaforte isn't the artist.

We were lied? Just like that?
>> No. 216335
Yeah, welcome to DC, they said the same thing about Freeze but we still have that fucking eyesore traipsing about.
>> No. 216336
If they do kill off Nightwing DC will be even more of a joke.
>> No. 216338
File 137890534254.jpg - (139.55KB , 600x997 , lobo.jpg )
I wouldn't mind Nu-Bo if he was another Czarnian, acting as a foil to Lobo and being a thorn on his side.

But as not only a replacement, but "he was the real LOBO all along, the old one sucks" statement, yeah how about no?
>> No. 216340
>"he was the real LOBO all along, the old one sucks" statement, yeah how about no?
I can't believe that this just hit me, but like how they handled Dante and nuDante in DMC? (And simultaneously put in a bunch of shout outs to the original games as if that would please everyone.)
>> No. 216342
File 137891343873.jpg - (1.18MB , 900x1294 , 1378907191884.jpg )
oh look its Grand Admiral Douche..ugh. Oh for DC to be run by competence at some point and drag this pozer through the street on a hook.

In other news, oh hey lets make Harley a real threat..uggghh.
>> No. 216344
File 137891810958.jpg - (146.71KB , 1000x1000 , CARNAGEISSOAWESOME.jpg )

Killing hundreds of innocent kids, how xtreme
>> No. 216345
File 137891821569.jpg - (64.08KB , 600x889 , 1378857380800.jpg )
He looks like that guy from The Room
>> No. 216346
Well now she's just a complete monster. It isn't even funny. Why do writers just make the Joker and her into generic serial killers?
>> No. 216350
So thinking about cosplaying Wild Dog for a con but the only thing Ive read with him is some 80s action Comics and Infinite Crisis. Anyone got any recommendations?
>> No. 216351
they literally don't get the Joke.
>> No. 216356
File 137892162011.gif - (950.92KB , 384x288 , 1378671037711.gif )
He had a miniseries.

I think the last time I liked Joker was the Dini story where Robin has to ride shotgun with him and the Arkham Asylum mini where he takes over a live game show and doesn't kill anyone to prove a point. I usually like his animated appearances. Hell I liked the version from The Batman more than what they've done with him. It's just the comics that don't get it.
>> No. 216361
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Is he... is he for serious?
>> No. 216362
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He's fucking untouchable now least WB itself fire him so he'll spout whatever bullshit he feels like since he wont he held to it. Now if the whole DC Cinematic thing burns to the fucking ground then they might clean house.

Yea just saw that page. Going full DMC with this shit they are. Time to mock the classic and kick the fans in the balls.
>> No. 216364
They couldn't keep that design going, actually. If you look at a few of his cameo appearances such as that crowd shot in Forever Evil, he's back to being in a bulky astronaut suit thing with a fishbowl helmet. Yeah I know he still has the fauxhawk and the gun arm on his one-shot cover but if they can't get artists to keep a unified design across all appearances, then what was even the point? Besides web traffic.

DC does what Nintendon't.
>> No. 216366
>the Lobo page
Soooo maybe they can just give the fans more stories about the "impostor" when this tanks?
>> No. 216369
I've got a tiny hope that this pipsqueak is just a delusional regeneration and Main Man hooks him and drags him around a bit before chucking him into the sun.
>> No. 216371
Man this is pathetic.

They think random massmurder somehow makes them AWESOME VILLAINS, instead of just making them stupid and making the heroes/law enforcement look stupid when they leave them alive.

I mean Joker personally has a higher body count than entire terrorist organisations, AND he's used chemical weapons in his murderspree attacks.
>> No. 216373
File 137894095534.jpg - (565.09KB , 1600x2000 , 1378930483197.jpg )
So wait... this was released on 9/11? Why that's just hilarious.
>> No. 216375
Oh my God. I didn't know this was today's issue.
>> No. 216376
and what exactly would be the joke tied to murdering scores of children with video games. Other than really bad ones that make this even worse than Happy Terrorism.
>> No. 216377
You don't understand. She's edgy now. For a mature reader such as myself.
>> No. 216378
I really hope the new lobo is just a spawn like in that one comic. I really cant think of why a writer would introduce a character already in play but make them totally different. It'd be like if the Flash showed up in an issue of Swamp Thing as a black dude and claimed to be the real flash
>> No. 216379
Comicbook writers are often stupid and prideful, they think their story or character concepts are so awesome and revolutionary, that replacing the original is a massive improvement.
>> No. 216382
Deathstroke dropped a bigger shit on the character than this redesign did. I don't know how well he's fared in Stormwatch, but I kind of don't want to know, either. At this point I have higher expectations for Nubo to appear in well-written stories than I do for his old incarnation.
>> No. 216384
I hope this and villain month is buliding to something big.

Like the us/world goverment going "Thats it! We have had it with this super villain bullshit! Time to take a page from 2000 A.D!"

And then next time Batman or someone turn in some minor badguys the cops legally execute them in the street to the cheers of the people.

That would so fuck with his and others heros "no killing clouse" and there for be a intressting read and/or good idea for the next Crisis.

And I liked Harley better when she was the jokers loving gimp.
>> No. 216386
1. That is a terrible idea.
2. No. No more Crisis. Crisis Bad.
3. Stop that. Your ideas are so terrible it makes me wonder if you don't actually work for DC.
>> No. 216388
They can't just let super assholes get away with bullshit super crimes.
Cops have shot people irl for lesser things.
>> No. 216391
>> No. 216392
Cops can't execute people. That's not how it works. The government would need to go through the whole process, and it'd be years before they were actually put to death, which is ample time for them to escape from prison just as though they had had a life sentence or if they were involuntarily committed.

And even if they were to put in some sort of express range for villains, what would be the legal test for when that express lane is justified? Especially given that most states have outlawed state execution, and even the ones that haven't only do it rarely--Florida is one of the more execution-happy States, and it still only does about four a year.

Even setting aside the narrative issues with your plan, it just makes no sense from the perspective of basic civics.
>> No. 216393
Well for one there's beter ays to handle introduce terminal Justice to irredeemable scum such as the Joker.

For another the suits will never kill off a villain who will make them money, and they think making them gritty grimdark mass-murderers is what makes them popular.
>> No. 216396
Joker is like Osama Bin Laden+ mang, hand him into the cops and they could claim he "resisted arrest" or "fell down some stairs... onto these bullets" and no one would question it.

>>it'd be years before they were actually put to death, which is ample time for them to escape from prison just as though they had had a life sentence or if they were involuntarily committed.

That... seems to be the point, they keep escaping and killing hundreds/thousands so why not just shoot them in the head.
How do you fail to grasp the point?

I'm not saying SC would do it or that T4 put it out in a well-thought manner but at least see where he's coming from.
>> No. 216397
>>Well for one there's betTer Ways to handle introducING terminal Justice to

Man I don't know what's wrong with my typing tonight
>> No. 216401
File 137896612069.png - (2.35MB , 1710x753 , 1378938157894.png )
Man Lantern rings are so stupid, if they aren't running out of power then someone is just easily pulling the thing off your finger.

They are even worse than Heisei Rider Belts.
>> No. 216402
I don't know if using Lobo as a counter-example to "stupid and prideful" is a great idea. Any time somebody has had the audacity to do anything but dick measuring with the character, it's been shut down hard, with further dick measuring showing that Lobo does, in fact, have the biggest dick.
>> No. 216403
>That... seems to be the point, they keep escaping and killing hundreds/thousands so why not just shoot them in the head.
How do you fail to grasp the point?
Because it would be extraordinarily illegal under the laws of the United States. Maybe if you set it in some totalitarian country instead of the US, it would make sense, but it would be completely unbelievable to anyone who has even a rudimentary understanding of US law.
>> No. 216404
No, you.

You keep talking about it being impossible under the law, but DC already shows they aren't acting under real life law when the reason the Joker 'gets off' is "Hurr insanity plea" when it doesn't apply to him in the slightest.

And if someone in real life kept escaping every week and killing hundreds of people how long do you think it would take things to change? In DC it never changes, they treat the deaths of civilians as something of little note.

In real life if you had someone like the Joker he would be dead after the first few escapes and triple-figure death tolls even if it was some cop snapping and finishing him off when the vigilante in the animal costume dropped him off. The only reason he lives and makes everyone look so stupid is out-of-universe profit.
Stop defending something so downright nonsensical with sidetracking.
>> No. 216406
That has nothing to do with my post, you seem to be talking about an argument over something else entirely.
>> No. 216408
Speaking of Harley along with the death toll of her random criminal antics they also seem to be trying claim she nw has a "genius level IQ"?

This sort of stuff seems more like the Mr J's Shtick, getting some of the batgod-wank and intensified since he's Batman's nemesis.
She was a popular character beforehand so where exactly are they going with all this nonsense and the image-change?
>> No. 216415
All of you just stop this at once!

Can't we all agree that DC is just terrible and move on with our lives?

This argument is tearing this family apart!
>> No. 216416
>And if someone in real life kept escaping every week and killing hundreds of people how long do you think it would take things to change?
Quite a while, since it would require a constitutional amendment, and we don't even get regular laws passed by congress anymore. The fact that DC sucks at writing realistic stories does not give your fanfiction a blank check to fall victim to the same traps of hack writing.

Either the villain gets killed while/before he's doing his crime as an act of prevention of clear and present danger (not clear and future danger), he gets killed by an "antihero" who is deemed a criminal by the state and prosecuted or at least chased so as to bring them to justice, or he is killed through the official channels put in place by the State. You don't get to have a first-world government that most of the readers live in behaving in a way that is completely incompatible with reality outside of an Alternate Universe or as the setup for some despot taking over the government. That is just perpetuating the shitty writing we're trying to get away from.
>> No. 216417
DC is indeed terrible and I would be happy if both DC and Marvel burned to the ground and the ashes were salted so nothing again would grow.

To say something positive about Detective Comics, I do happen to be looking forward to Scribblenauts Unmasked, the gameplay sounds fun and it sounds like it will feature all the good things about the franchise without exactly having to focus on the terrible things DC might be doing or have done.
>> No. 216418
>And if someone in real life kept escaping every week and killing hundreds of people how long do you think it would take things to change?
Took about 8 years for bush to leave office, and he's still alive...
>> No. 216419
Bush was the president and leading figure of the government of the world's most powerful single nation, he wasn't one guy dressed like a clown going around personally murdering a bunch of people...
>> No. 216420
They've definately been part of a horrid monopolization of the sequential art medium in the western world, yes.
>> No. 216429
File 137899508018.jpg - (43.05KB , 465x378 , tumblr_mt0mmtV6WL1s6ovmvo1_500.jpg )
Like when EVERY SINGLE Batman villain is killing people a couple things happen, Batman who looks incompetent enough just because of how the Joker gets away with so much but when ALL of his villains are the same kind of deal it's just laughable.

It's just like...DC writers can't think of any crime or motivation besides murder, like every book is about how the villains are murders.
>> No. 216431
Which Rider belts?
>> No. 216434
He was a clown dressed as a president who murdered (not personally) a lot of innocent bystanders though, and used dirty tricks to do it for 4 more years, despite public outcry. Just an example of how law won't get in the way and change.

If DC were to pull off a "Guantanamo for super villains" thing for instance, I guess they'd have done it years ago when Marvel made the same joke of a story, except with heroes. The big two love copying each other in real time.

...You know, at least Marvel acknowledges sometimes when their events are shitty, in hindsight. They just market those as "controversial".
>> No. 216440
Well first of all I want to apologize that my aspergers makes it hard to tell what I am saying.
But that dont mean I will double check and google EVERY FUCKING WORD in my posts, I dont have the time! Sorry, just I dont!

So lets me try this again.
I am okay with Harley and tons of other villain being mass killers IF it leads to an arc/mega crossover where the government goes nut because of it and goes all Crackdown for the 360 with Powerarmored Super (Judge) Cops everywhere and The Elite, you know the superdicks that Superman had to depowered, as a government controlled hit squad/kill team to go after the big guns.
This ofcoures has tons of negative consequences/shit for the heroes too deal with.
And that wont make for an... Okay story at the very least?
Atlest then all the killing wont be pointless, right?
>> No. 216441
No, that's awful. That's Civil War but even worse.
>> No. 216442
One of the most ridiculous examples of Sinestro wanking, and yet it wasn't written by Johns. Thank god he couldn't keep that ring. Kyle using it to brainwash some soldiers about to kill a mother and child never sat right with me, even if it was for the greater good. White Lantern Sinestro would go full Space Hitler in a heartbeat.
>> No. 216443
But I like that plotline...
It was the whole anti-mutant-thing taking to a logical next level.
Same with my other idea.
>> No. 216445
>That's Civil War but even worse.
Whoa there, now you're taking it too far. Come on.
>> No. 216468
File 137903757627.jpg - (1.42MB , 1500x2308 , image.jpg )
Smack Bitches, Get Riches: The Agent Orange Story resumes this October, so be sure to pick up your copies then!
>> No. 216481
File 137904471862.png - (626.25KB , 1280x714 , vlcsnap-2013-09-12-23h46m04s98.png )
I must say I'm intrigued. I'd like to actually see such a pairing pan out in comic for a bit.
>> No. 216497
Well he is strangely attractive, for a fishguy.
>> No. 216498
The best Aquamen are the ones with beards, this is simple fact.
>> No. 216502
File 137909482815.jpg - (170.04KB , 600x571 , superman-coin.jpg )

So for the 75th Anniversary the Canadian post office put out superman collector stamps & coins, each coin and stamp is Superman from a different era, there is 400 hundred at each office of each coin and stamp.

They are sold out of all of them except New52 Superman Stamps and Coins, exactly the same at both offices and talking to the girls that work there people have been asking "who is that?" And they have no idea how to answer though they've been told it's Superman they have no idea "Why he's wearing a costume his dork is poking out of."

Pic is related since the best selling coin.
>> No. 216505
Why the fuck is Murrica missing out on those?
>> No. 216506
File 13790962417.jpg - (32.85KB , 1000x563 , 1379083859.jpg )
And this costume iiiiis TERRIBLE
>> No. 216507
File 137909708975.jpg - (79.14KB , 610x612 , superman2_610x612.jpg )
Cuz we actually really like Superman as a character, you just don't get Superman hate here like you do in America.
>> No. 216526
Please no reminders, there is enough shame in him being reduced to a gag for the most part since his owner wont do a damn thing to change minds.
>> No. 216541
File 137912527641.jpg?spoiler - (444.38KB , 960x1476 , 1378909408734.jpg?spoiler )
>His motivation was killing

Beast Machine was awesome

The Harley Quinn stuff? Laughable, specially people's reaction to it. Is like the world is having strokes, like if Bugs Bunny happened today it would be banned. Or Watchmen, or Frank Miller's Daredevil. We live in a world where a comic about a dark character is turned into a Silver Age one and is doing pretty whole (still, is pretty good). And them i read about the Lobo issue...fuck is like when people started saying that "Speedy Gonzales is racist and that is bad so we shouldn't make it mexican".
just ranting today...

he was an idiot, a clown dressed as a president doing things nobody should ever do.
>> No. 216542
Turning every Batman villain into another Joker, especially when it's turning into the worst sort of Joker, is not a thing to be applauded.
>> No. 216543
>Is like the world is having strokes, like if Bugs Bunny happened today it would be banned. Or Watchmen, or Frank Miller's Daredevil. We live in a world where a comic about a dark character is turned into a Silver Age one and is doing pretty whole (still, is pretty good). And them i read about the Lobo issue...fuck is like when people started saying that "Speedy Gonzales is racist and that is bad so we shouldn't make it mexican".
Blah blah blah, Political Correctness gone mad, blah blah, get off my lawn you damn kids with your bebop music, blah blah.
>> No. 216549
What is with this childish lolBush reaction in a thread that has nothing to do with him?
An American administration is made up of more than one man, the president might be at the top but he doesn't operate alone.
Not to mention the fault lies not just in the political office but the general people who voted his administration into office twice in a row.
>> No. 216551
File 137913539417.jpg - (92.20KB , 500x644 , tumblr_msqeo0xDrN1qe1sypo2_500.jpg )

If they had just done it early they could have avoid so much hole digging.

Now they just need to apologize for everything else and fire Dido and Harras.
>> No. 216561
Honestly I could care less about that now.

Why is no one horrified at the fact that Harley killed children. With explosives. In a comic released on 9/11. You can kill all the children you want but God help them if they show a tit.
>> No. 216563
Some people just can't admit their analogy doesn't really work so they try to argue it as being "metaphorically true" even though it's a derail from the original argument.

>the whole anti-mutant-thing
A lot of people think that's stupid too!
>> No. 216564
Mutants are a blight on the Marvel comicverse. Their hamhanded "hated and feared for our superhuman powers" thing would work alot better if they were in their own setting without abundant superheroes around, all they do is horribly derail everyone elses storylines and characters when they drag their crap into everyone elses yard.
>> No. 216565
File 137917910523.png - (281.14KB , 638x356 , teen titans bouquet.png )
If you're gonna sink a ship, sink it most awesomely!!!
>> No. 216566
Because no one actually reads comics.
>> No. 216573
>Because no one actually reads comics.

And DC is working HARD to keep it that way.

Didn't know Harley did that, and at this point I just can't care any more. The entire Nu52 can go fuck itself down to the last book. Even the good books, because they're just propping up a company that at this point deserves to die.
>> No. 216577
That's sadly more accurate than people think
>> No. 216581
File 137919621315.jpg - (41.26KB , 420x420 , diamond-logo2a_lg.jpg )
And this is part of that problem. They've a monopoly deemed legally sound since its "only comics". Utterly Distasteful.
>> No. 216583
File 137919736562.jpg - (1.05MB , 1245x1920 , 1370662160032.jpg )
I hate those guys. As a child I got into comics thanks to issues at the grocery store. It'd always be "you did good in school this week, pick a couple of issues out". I'd grab some Spawn or Superman or Iron Man out. Kids can't do that now. I mean I like comic stores but its a hard way to sell new readers. I have seen some kids in there but not that many.

The last time I saw a comic in the supermarket was when pic related was still happening.
>> No. 216587
You can't blame the collapse of the newsstand industry on Diamond; that one is on the internet as it's a symptom of the decline of the print industry in general.
>> No. 216588
True. Print is dying but pirating was still barely a thing when Diamond took control. This was like mid to late 90s.
>> No. 216590
Yea and there was Antitrust litigation to look into their grip but hey its like the textbooks its "only" that and therefore not a monopoly on publishing..idiots. So yea mom and pop can't afford to stock Superman and whatnot anymore even if there was a market.
>> No. 216592
File 137921162144.jpg - (48.67KB , 400x601 , 1365117070296.jpg )
Which sucks. I mean more exposure would help them. Instead forcing comics into a niche market is ok. I mean DC has even admitted they make comics for 40 year olds to Paul Pope. They should also care more about digital sales. I can only hope Batman 66 stays around due to digital sales. It's the best Batman I've read in a while.

Honestly I'd love to have a few trades in the book section of my supermarket. It's just convenient.
>> No. 216595
Harley is pretty much bombqueen now
>> No. 216596
File 137923473496.jpg - (34.11KB , 578x723 , sbff_nycc_ivy_exclusive.jpg )
ohh they so deserve a paddling for letting this go. Maybe Disney will let them do a version with their hero stable.
>> No. 216599
File 137924911070.jpg - (2.73MB , 1700x2200 , 1378153874409.jpg )
That fucking comic. Jesus.

I actually stopped my friend from getting the comic, highlighting the broom rape and the fact that she's a completely unbeaten Mary Sue. I'm ok with people have different taste but friends don't let friends read Bomb Queen.
>> No. 216600
Oh indeed a total villain sue, plot armor so thick it makes even Batman blush.
Claims of her being a parody or satire fall apart when the writing is so terrible.
>> No. 216604
Cassie Hack, hero of heroes.
>> No. 216606
File 137925906468.jpg - (16.78KB , 555x400 , arkham-origins-dlc.jpg )
Of course the best costumes are PS3 exclusive.
>> No. 216607
Only the right on is good though.
>> No. 216609
What monopoly?
>> No. 216610
>implying that rippling, spiky, armored, bepouched, 90s personified Batman isn't awesome
>> No. 216612
File 137927138340.png - (492.63KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2013-09-15-14h53m34s85.png )
Beware the Bat is getting its footing. Good dialog on this one with Katana and Gordon, looking forward to Babs getting into the vigilante game likely with her own getup borrowed from the station or her dads gear. They play the tension rather well I liked Batman's solution at the end.

The big 2 of the industry dug their own grave with the exclusivity thing. Marvel though seems to have been getting their house in order and the Disney acquisition seems to have helped even further. Warner Bros on the other hand has failed at doing any sort of management of DC to expand it further.
>> No. 216613
Diamond is basically the only distributor of mainstream comics in the US and other parts of the world after they absorbed their largest US competitor in the late '90s and others into the '00 and '10s which expanded their hold into the UK and Europe. They price runs way out of the range of small mom and pa shops and even to a point where grocery chains couldn't be bothered.
>> No. 216624
Best episode since Secrets.

And I loved the concept of the Ghosts. Thought they were a cool way to use the "Narrows" concept that the movies never capitalized on.
And then the showed up and they were all dressed like the Spook and I had a huge smile on my face.
>> No. 216631
Barbara is so infatuated with Batman. Hope we get some Harvey Dent up in here since this is supposed to be early Bats.
>> No. 216636

It'd be nice if some of the big companies like DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, and Image just got together and set up their own distribution and just stuck it to Diamond.
>> No. 216648
But Marvel trying to secure a distribution company in their own control is how Diamond ended up a monopoly...
>> No. 216650

I did not know that.
>> No. 216653
yea '90s were a massive clusterfluck for he industry with them overproducing and idiots thinking every comic had the potential of being Action Comics #! type value
>> No. 216656
File 13793671302.jpg - (848.07KB , 1280x1968 , 1378432984634.jpg )
Everyone remembers the spikes and pouches but truly the worst thing about comics in the 90s was the collector's market. They're supposed to be entertainment. Imagine sealing up DVDs or VHSs. They're ment to be enjoyed. I mean I could understand holding on to some Golden Age book but Youngblood #5 ain't worth it.

Also anyone know when pic related happened?
>> No. 216661
Yeah, basically in the 90s Marvel bought up Heroes World Distributing, a rival of Diamond's. This fucked over all the other distribution companies, including Diamond, because Marvel started only shipping through their own distributor. But HWD wasn't big enough to handle ALL of Marvel, so they eventually collapsed, helping Marvel go bankrupt while they were at it, and Diamond, who was the largest distro company before HWD got bought, weathered the interim the best and ended up being the last man standing.
>> No. 216662
I think that's Superman Annual #1.
>> No. 216664
Just read it. Kind of disappointed. Anons on /co/ had me convinced Superman was dealing with an extradimensional Spanish speaking space gods. Foolish me.

Although I'm glad someone remembers space in DC is more than Lanterns.
>> No. 216668
Well he was originally a Wildstorm character. So don't expect to see him again anytime soon. The attempts to integrate those characters and ideas into the greater DCU have been dropped, and dropped hard.
>> No. 216669
tis a shame since there are a few good ones in that pile.
>> No. 216677
I wasn't as familiar with Wildstorm. My friend tells me the Authority is good. I have been meaning to read it. I do like New 52 Stormwatch in a Michael Bay movie way. I like Grifter. So the whole Demonite invasion is just dropped?

It's funny when you remember that DC today is essentially a combination of several different comic company IPs. Fawcett, Quality, Charlton, MJL, Milestone and Wildstorm. On top of their stuff.
>> No. 216684
Shame and a boon. Id love to see Gen 13 back, but not by modern DC
>> No. 216695
The Authority is kind of a mixed bag, my personal favourite ones were the Warren Ellis and Ed Brubaker stories, as Mark Millar (with some help from Grant Morrison) kind of had big stories with meandering unpleasantness.
>> No. 216722
"I was supposed to write two ongoing series for DC Comics next year (with the possibility of a third), but when it became clear to me that I would not be a good fit with the current editorial team, I walked away before the series were announced. (Since I was paid a kill fee, professional decorum requires that I say no more, so please don’t ask)."
-Brian Keene

Incredible. They are actually, NO JOKE, fucking up books that don't even officially exist yet.
>> No. 216727
File 137954427765.jpg - (140.12KB , 1016x787 , 1379412012263.jpg )
I swear to god. Editorial needs to take a fucking chill pill.

That's what my friend said.

So don't piss off Beowulf apparently.
>> No. 216728

Ellis' run was amazing, Millar had one good arc but the rest of pretty shitty, and a nice preview of the authoritarian dickishness he would later bring to bear on Civil War. And then Ennis took over and everything went completely the shit.
>> No. 216735
So Johns is off Aquaman after writing 28 issues. Unless #23.1-#25 include some interesting developments, then in his time on the title he never made good on the hope that Kaldur would be return to the books. On the one hand I'm a little disappointed. On the other, I recognize that soon after being introduced Kaldur would be sucked into the morass that is Teen Titans. Maybe Johns also recognized the potential horror of that possibility, and decided it was best to keep him on the backburner. I doubt he never scripted out potential ideas of introducing the character. I mean, hell, he brought back Tula.
>> No. 216737
> Maybe Johns also recognized the potential horror of that possibility

How could Johns recognize the horror of Teen Titans being bad when his run on the book had exactly one good idea- turning Cassie Sandsmark into the daughter of Zeus, and even that he bungled the execution of.
>> No. 216738
File 137957670334.png - (772.73KB , 718x893 , beware_katana_by_lucianovecchio-d6i8rqn.png )
Every new blunder to come out of the company just strengthens this mental image I have of the DC editors and execs dancing around a massive fire as their company burns, and they're still convinced they're making the right decisions.

Her outfit is basically a slick version of Kato's, minus the hat.
I do not see a problem with this.

Agreed, really liking the stride it's hitting now.
>> No. 216739
File 137958065877.jpg - (95.47KB , 550x854 , kevin-smith-kato-1b.jpg )
Heh works very well with current comic Kato being female and is actually kinda juxtapose in personality Kato being stoic and very batman as opposed to Katana being brash and snarky. Be nice if they made some gag about her wearing a hat since she is the driver.
>> No. 216740
I just think it's bad because there is nothing distinguishing about it at all but now that you bring up the more pulp basic costumes I'll admit I'm since that's kind of a vibe the show is going for.
>> No. 216765
File 13796329608.jpg - (209.20KB , 1280x967 , tumblr_lp2l4jwVKd1qzvw5po1_1280.jpg )
Tribute to Grant Morrison's Ba…youtube thumb
>> No. 216841
File 137981499161.jpg - (67.17KB , 780x576 , 1379806862699.jpg )
Wow. These guys would have really fit on that show.
>> No. 216917
File 138000346870.jpg - (699.86KB , 1626x1482 , 1380002025553.jpg )
Brianne Drouhard dropped by reg /co/ and had a nice chat and pic dump in an Amethyst thread. Always like it when people can drop by places such as this and that and leave with a reasonably positive impression.
>> No. 216918
Nosir, they would not. It was fun seeing them referenced for a second, but... Rock, Paper, Scissors looked pretty cool and lighthearted, and then it got darker than Judas Contract.
>> No. 216925
File 13800235886.jpg - (18.86KB , 190x500 , Pantha-teen-titans-10393977-190-500.jpg )
I like her. I hope /co/ doesn't scare her off.

That seems to be Warren's thing. Go in thinking haha how funny and then BAM! It's not like the show didn't change some things. For the better in a lot of cases.

Luchadora>fade into obscurity on to come back to lose to Superboy Prime at Rockem Sockem Robots
>> No. 216988
Brianne's contribution was met with many accolades and heart attacks. Unfortunately some asshole(s) started in with the usual 4chan demands/insults of anyone who is purportedly female. She said on her twitter that she would probably not be going back anytime soon, but understood that the asshole was the voice of minority in a largely positive thread.

Damn it, 4chan.
>> No. 216991
>voice of a minority

No, /co/ really is disgustingly sexist. Some people are nastier about it than others, but there's definitely a problem with the majority of the posters, not just a minority.
>> No. 216993
Nah its just a bunch of shit posters from one of those "mens rights" boards or some shit that like to start that kinda shit up. Who knows that made them pick now to start spamming reg /co/ with their garbage recently. Used to have that problem a while back with one that would hit Dan vs and Thudercats threads here. But they moved on when many stopped taking their bait and likely they'll do so too once being start getting smart about it on /co/ again.
>> No. 216994
Oh for fucks sake. This is why we can't have nice things.

It's assholes being assholes. They'd pull the same shit on a male artist/writer. I don't think anyone lasts long on there.
>> No. 216995
>the usual 4chan demands
...is it "Tits or GTFO"?
>> No. 217005
>>That ending to Justice League 23.4
Welp. I guess the hooded prisoner the Crime Syndicate brought with them isn't the Jokester.
>> No. 217014
File 138019673951.jpg - (93.80KB , 600x1014 , 1380187163015.jpg )
So I'm the only one who liked this right? I also like Azbats too. I figured they were temporary as a kid so I rolled with it
>> No. 217015
File 138020000340.jpg - (34.02KB , 270x590 , StrangeVisitor.jpg )
Strange Visitor was better.
>> No. 217016
File 138020113289.jpg - (76.08KB , 491x515 , Livewire_New_Costume.jpg )
Shame she died.

Team Superman>Batfamily
>> No. 217021

Every time I see pages featuring reformed Livewire, I get a big dopey smile on my face.
>> No. 217023
Bluh, I meant someone storytimed Dark Knight 23.4. Fucking dreadful.
Hopefully by the time this post finally makes it through, the old one will have deleted, but yeah. I knew DC was bad, but I really didn't know how bad.
>> No. 217030
Every time I see reformed Livewire I remember that female villains are rarely allowed stay bad. They might swing back when the novelty wears off, but it's depressing that the more popular and prominent the female villain, the greater the likelihood they'll be turned good.
>> No. 217032
I'm pretty sure that for superhero comics the exact same statement could be made for male villains (e.g. Venom)
>> No. 217034
I think it depends upon what the villain does. Livewire tried to fight Supes and did dome property damage.

There's no redemption for New 52 Harley. She doesn't deserve it.
>> No. 217046
So... Katanna defeated Psycho Mantis with the power of a nerd's boner.
>> No. 217047
yea that was a very Kojima way to end that fight.
>> No. 217050
>I'm pretty sure that for superhero comics the exact same statement could be made for male villains (e.g. Venom)

Okay. You're incorrect.

Let's just use the most obvious example. Batman.

The most notable Batman villains:
Bane, Catwoman, Clayface, Harley Quinn, Joker, Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, Riddler, Scarecrow, Talia al Ghul, Two-Face

Which ones went through an extended period of being on the side of good (or at least anti-bad)?
Bane, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Man-Bat, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Talia al Ghul, Two-Face.

A decent chunk of the men.
100% of the women.

Let's try it with Superman.
Atomic Skull, Bizarro, Brainiac, Cyborg Superman, Darkseid, Doomsday, Faora, General Zod, Jax-Ur, Kryptonite Man, Lex Luthor, Livewire, Manheim, Maxima, Metallo, Mongul, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Parasite, Prankster, Silver Banshee, Toyman, Ultra-Humanite.

Which ones were on the side of good/anti-evil for any real period of time?
Livewire, Maxima, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Silver Banshee, and Toyman (sorta). Maybe Bizarro, depending on how you look at it.

Welp. Thank Rao for Faora.
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