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File 137816913698.jpg - (1.70MB , 1280x1891 , 1374713424720.jpg )
215851 No. 215851
Welcome to the Adventure Time thread.

Try not to kill posters over ships please. It gets blood and other fluid all over the thread and it takes ages before it gets cleaned up by a mod.

Please enjoy your stay.
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>> No. 215852
>Try not to kill posters over ships please
Too late.
Everyone's dead.
>> No. 215859
File 137817778313.jpg - (12.24KB , 385x345 , maja.jpg )
>Puncha your buns, I can punch all your buns
>If you're an evil witch I will punch you for fun!
I'm sure I'm slowpoking on this.
>> No. 215861
If he didn't start that fight on the suggestion of Jake because that damned Cosmic Owl was in his dream I'd agree. If he'd asked Jake and Jake blew it off as "its just one of them growing dreams no biggie" and Finn started this crap anyway then yea. But the way this all just has come out it just seems really inconsistent unless he actually tracks down the damned Owl to find out WTF he did that for.
>> No. 215864
Wasn't expecting Flame Princess to take over her home kingdom, especially this soon, but it's an interesting development. Not really sure what standing uncomfortable secrets Finn has. Never too late for his fear of the ocean to come up again, maybe? Other characters certainly have secrets, but I'm not sure why any of them would really need to confront her. To get her aid in facing some major threat seems the most obvious potential reason, though there's probably others. I was honestly hoping for a bit more PB/FP based on the previews, but I like how Cinnamon Bun got along with her. Maybe Marceline could visit out of curiosity towards the recent regime change? Or FP could capture Magic Man for some crime and end up making him talk about/deal with his past more?

It's good that she didn't just hook back up with Finn, but I also like that she was able to show some restraint instead of just attacking him and PB. While fierce and strictly enforcing her new rule, she's clearly showing that she isn't evil. Also, Jake was pretty nice in the few minutes he had at the start, with Ice King not being unreasonable about things.

But the owl was clearly just laughing at him for its own amusement. I figure he and Jake would figure that out in hindsight.
>> No. 215866
but that seems OOC given the way Jake was so urgent about needed to see the rest. If he comes out with "Hey sorry about all the drama but I needed to cause A for the sake of event B, I hope you understand." Then that would be better if Finn then kicks him in the owl nards for causing all this shit when an explanation would have done.
>> No. 215867
There's been several evil witches.
>> No. 215869
How many have buns?
>> No. 215870
I'm so sad over Finn and Flame Princess. Unreasonably sad. They were so great.
>> No. 215872
File 137818742297.jpg - (469.96KB , 900x1300 , 1359604615436.jpg )
>They were so great.
Agreed. They had a cute chemistry.
But, you wouldn't be so hurt if you just stop projecting yourself onto finn or fp converted into a glorious multishipper!
>> No. 215874
Projecting myself onto FP is why I don't want them getting back together. I had someone who wasn't really ever invested in me like I was in them, and shit sucked.
>> No. 215876
What is getting me is just how confusingly brutal its been to Finn. Almost akin to kicking a puppy.
>> No. 215879
File 137819239635.gif - (106.52KB , 250x144 , lemongrabs.gif )
Heh. Isn't a little bit of projection how we get involved in the emotions of fictional characters anyway? That's why everyman protagonists are so popular. That might even be why Finn is the only human and also the main character - we need someone like us to be there as our tether.

But yeah, I ship PB/Marceline too and that's going great. This gif represents how I feel about them.
>> No. 215880
On the contrary, I feel like every decision Finn made during the two episodes before this was selfish and irresponsible. I want him to suffer and redeem himself more.

Want to trample over Fire Princess's feelings so that you can get sexual gratification via dreams? Okay. Lie so you can exclude Jake from a potentially dangerous trip to the Lemon kingdom, endangering both yourself and Princess Bubblegum? Proceed to creep on Princess Bubblegum the whole time, even though it's gotten to the point that she shouldn't have to tolerate your advances anymore? Sure. Decide to apologize to Flame Princess - not because you feel genuine remorse for your actions, but because you discovered that other women aren't going to be available? OKAY.

In short, Finn has been acting /way/ more like a jerk than he has before. It's probably because he's a teenager now. Younger Finn was way more heroic and selfless. He'll probably emerge as a responsible, decent young adult sometime in the future.
>> No. 215881
> He'll probably emerge as a responsible, decent young adult sometime in the future.

Or, feeling increasingly isolated from everyone except maybe the Ice King, he'll end up maladjusted and bitter, and indifferent to the suffering of others.

Honestly, the only times he's really been kinda dickish have all been in the Flame Princess storyline which has never been terribly pro-Finn. It started out with that bizarre, out of character freakout, then turned into the weird fire fetishism stuff, and so forth. And it never really developed that much of a relationship between Finn and Flame Princess; it started as the angry confused girl and the weird guy that got obsessed with her... and never really did much else with it. Largely because they didn't give Flame Princess emotions beyond 'naively confused about everything' and 'uncontrollable destructive rage'. And Finn never really drew anything else out of her.
>> No. 215882
Hell even as hard as the Manga tried nothing ever really seemed to come out of her. It did better but not good enough. Really feels like this was them just washing their hands of the whole thing they couldn't figure how to write IMO.
>> No. 215885
File 137820142823.jpg - (19.45KB , 416x300 , VOMITVOMITVOMIT.jpg )

subhumans every one of you
>> No. 215889
This show is so crap now.

Also Finn is a little bastard.
>> No. 215893
File 137821074487.gif - (890.90KB , 500x281 , venture-bros-tumblr_ms02199GrT1ra22gmo1_500.gif )
>being this whipped
>dwindling competence
>getting all emotional instead of kicking ass
>constantly overshadowed by much more powerful characters

Oh god. No, Finn, don't go down that road.
>> No. 215894
Uncle Vatred is much more likeable than Finn. Despite his 'pedestrian' problem.
>> No. 215895
I haven't watched AT since S2. Did it completely change genres or something? Why is everyone so angry all the time?
>> No. 215896
File 137821426683.jpg - (74.85KB , 894x973 , venture-bros-tumblr_mpom5wIfsa1ryy54xo1_1280.jpg )
Yeah, but he's also kind of a pansy who barely gets any love or respect from the fanbase.

I actually like him and always enjoy it when he gets a chance to do something awesome or funny.
>> No. 215897
Well he's still a better bodyguard than Brock was.

I mean just compare how many times the protectee's have died under his care in comparison.
>> No. 215900
The thing is, I think Jake takes the Cosmic Owl more seriously than the Cosmic Owl does, and might not consider the idea that the message behind him laughing at you might just be that you're doing something amusingly stupid and ought to feel embarrassed for it.

I think there's some of this going on too, especially with how Finn specifically noted that he head got a lot clearer from fighting those snow snakes.
>> No. 215903
All the characters have been wrecked frankly.

Finn - We already covered him in this thread.
PB - Sociopath bitch with murderous tendencies (yet presented as "decent").
Jake - He used to be notably much smarter and reasonable as the older sibling. Now he's too stupid and a prop for stupid jokes like his fetishes.

FP - IMO she was never really too likable and had nothing to her besides being the new girl for Finn. Not entertaining.

The only characters who have improved and gotten better in time were Ice King and Marceline. Ice King has notably stopped being an annoying nuisance kidnapping random princesses and Marceline thankfully has stopped doing her obnoxious annoying forced singing that she used to do.
>> No. 215910
Overall now there seems to be a line going through this about everyone growing up but Finn though that doesn't really ring true even though they've hammered that point pretty damn hard these last few episodes.
>> No. 215911
Hatred is growing on me, but I still like Brock better, and Hatred has the advantage of the Ventures all growing smarter over the seasons with Brock before he came here. He doesn't have to take care of Hank and Dean anymore, because they know they're on their last lives, and Dean in particular doesn't want to go anywhere and do anything dangerous.
>> No. 215914
So does anyone know if there's anywhere on the internet where you can talk about Adventure Time as though it were a goofy comedy that you enjoy watching? The ones on plus4chan don't seem to be for people who like the show.
>> No. 215915
>A ship that isn't Finn x Flame Princess

>> No. 215919
Its gotten alot worse, alot of people are going to have more negative comments on it.

Isn't there like any Adventure Time specific forums you could go to which would have the kind of discussion you seek? Thats the best bet I can think of off the top of my head.
>> No. 215920
>Jake - He used to be notably much smarter and reasonable as the older sibling
Uh no, Jake has pretty much always been irrational and impulse-driven. Look at the first season.

* He suggested pushing the horse off the hill, and when that didn't work he suggested killing it.
* He used his new magical powers to cast a sleep spell on himself and refused to get up even when a meteor was baring down on him.
* He encouraged Finn to stay as a foot-boddied freak forever just because that was secretly his wish.
* He ate a donut grown in a witch's garden and did everything possible to get out of simply apologizing.
* Then when he did apologize, he ate another one.

He has his moments of sensibility, but more often than not it was Finn who proposed the diplomatic or rational solutions.
>> No. 215924

Yeah, Jake has pretty consistently been characterized as "Bill Murray from Meatballs"
>> No. 215934
If you're looking for a discussion forum free of criticism or negative thought I would try Gaia or any forum populated by 12 year olds.
>> No. 215935
I think in the case of AT it's less that we *need* him as a tether so much as a way of nodding to a lot of other stories where a human character is used as one. It's pretty much a tradition, really. Having a physically fairly regular if athletic human also gives a convenient reference for how powerful things are, since otherwise there's not much of a sense of whether one character is super strong or if everyone else is just super weak.

I'd say there's some of that. Just nod politely and quietly disregard comments needlessly exaggerating the characters' flaws, like I do, instead of engaging them in a discussion that has no way of actually getting anywhere.
>> No. 215952
Next to last episode is"Love Games" when will this coaster end. Though I am looking forward to "Dungeon Train" if its close to what I picture in my head.
>> No. 215969
I dunno, Love Games being about a continuation of relationship issues seems almost too obvious, in that the titles are more often than not rather misleading. With any luck it'll turn out to be the characters talking out their problems in a reasonable manner to put said games behind them, possibly while trying to escape from some kind of love themed game show/giant board game/whatever.

As for dungeon train, I'm not sure if I should be picturing a dungeon in a train or a train in a dungeon. Or a dungeon that trains people? Nah, that'd be Dungeon Trainer. Or Trainer Dungeon. Oh wait, it could be a dungeon featuring that guy named The Train.
>> No. 215970
I expect to be the higher powers just fucking with him as a "game"
>> No. 215977
>I expect to be the higher powers
Good luck m8
>> No. 215986
Episode was very fun in just about everything except the ending, I guess cutting off so fast was a joke but it wasn't funny and just confusing.

And I don't see what everyone's beef with Finn is, he was great this episode. Beating up monsters and headbutting guards and also apologizing for being a dickhead. He hasn't matured but he's taken the first baby step towards that eventual goal. Had no qualms with him.

FP as King is sure to open up plenty of new storylines, she can be in a quest-giver role like Bubblegum usually is. Sad to see them two break it off, but I'm hoping it'll make them both stronger in the end.

Seo Kim's first shot at storyboarding was just fine in my book.
>> No. 215991
>what everyone's beef with Finn is, he was great this episode. Beating up monsters and headbutting guards

See the problem with Romance Finn is that the episodes about him were usually light on the beating shit up, and thus didn't play to Finn's strengths as a righteous yet impulsive buttkicker.

Except for maybe Puhoy.
>> No. 216126
File 137860368120.png - (122.50KB , 500x295 , 500px-Slime_Princess_bad_news.png )

>"Love Games" -- Slime Princess needs a husband or else she'll lose the Slime Kingdom to her obnoxious sis. Finn steps in to save the day, but first they will need to win a series of Love Games to prove to Slime Princess' dad that they are really in love. This is definitely not what Finn signed up for!
Ha! Yes! Love Games has bupkis to do with the misguided ongoing romance plotline, and everything to do with Finn engaging in classic Adventure Time Princess helping!
>> No. 216128
Thats fine with me.
>> No. 216129
yea was very glad to find that out the last three having nothing to do with Finn love troubles...well maybe nothing depending on what he sees in his travel through time.
>> No. 216131
...unless somehow Finn and Slime Princess fall in love at the end.
>> No. 216135
Happy it's a low key episode that's dealing with a minor princess and probable new kingdom, but I'm kinda miffed that they're doing the 'arranged marriage' thing since AT's been good at avoiding that cliche so far.

Eh, maybe they'll do it in an interesting way.
>> No. 216136
Happy that we're gonna get some low-key, fun minor princess stuff and likely a new kingdom, sad that they're going for 'arranged marriage' bullshit, so far AT's been good at avoiding bullshit royalty cliches.

Eh, maybe they'll do it in an interesting way.
>> No. 216137
nah next love is Phil face Princess
>> No. 216138
Whoops, sorry for that extra.
>> No. 216139
Whoops, sorry for that extra.
>> No. 216141
Whoops, sorry for that extra.
>> No. 216145
You know you can delete your posts right? Bottom right hand corner.
>> No. 216149
That could actually turn out pretty well. She's highly portable and doesn't seem to have any powers other than probably being able to squish through stuff a bit, so I imagine it'd be easy to have her follow the team around and cheer them on without getting in the way.
>> No. 216151
Nah, Time Sandwich isn't gonna have any of that. It was leaked to some people and it was just Magic Man shit I think.
>> No. 216155
Speaking of Magic Man, one thing I really like is the fiddle music that follows him around. Any idea who makes that?
>> No. 216265
Regular /co/ is fucked but man that was like a 9/10 episode man.

>Finn and Jake being fantastic bros
>BMO being an adorable cunt
>Bubblegum being nice and helpful (plus fucking missles)
>Marceline being relevant for something that wasn't her sad past
>Magic Man being a petty bastard
>Dat Prismo reference

Know what, may be over-exaggerating but fucking 10/10 episode, man that felt good.
>> No. 216282
Its it safe to like again, are we back to Norman? I want to Habeeb.
>> No. 216667
The Vault was pretty nice.
>> No. 216670
Yea I'd like to see that theme continue with Finn cleaning out his vault to get back to his Paladin status with his final atonement being the obvious one. And we know where the arm is now and why its connected to Finn the way it is. Though there may also be a time to ask PB about Humanity.
>> No. 216672
Confirmed what I highly suspected about PB.
>> No. 216678
I'm liking this season quite a bit.
>> No. 216697
I don't really like how PB's confirmed 900~ years old now but aside from that episode was really fun.

I hope Finn goes into his actual Vault one day.
>> No. 216700
well seeing how he started to trip out when Jake talked about going into it. Maybe his first vault issue is something to do with his human parents and how we wound up in the forest.
>> No. 216701

Dolphining intensifies
>> No. 216702
>> No. 216703
I kinda like PB in her normal accent.
>> No. 216906
I don't think they need to go out to have an interesting relation to each other, but making her confirmed as that old could open up the possibility of eventually dating Moe, who at least likely wouldn't mind talking tech without pulling the evil stuff Ricardo did. Even if PB didn't just get a powerful artifact back, which presumably will let her build some crazy stuff, having someone else around who knows how to make advanced technology could lead to some interesting happenings. Plus, he's a lovable old mad I wouldn't mind seeing around in general.
>> No. 216908
She learns about Moe that will put her science boner into overdrive. Wonder she'd go about whipping him up a working body.
>> No. 216911
>eventually dating Moe


Why would you want this?
>> No. 216912
That was hilarious.
>> No. 216981
I'm guessing that if PB actually dated him, she might do something to make him seem younger, maybe even making him half-gum like she is. With how the regular universe relates to Fionna & Cake, it could go as far as bubblegum Moe basically being Prince Gumball with a different origin, though that's going out on quite a bit of a limb. It's also possible they'd take things slow enough to essentially not really be dating for the first few decades, since they're both old enough and have enough years ahead of them to feel they have the time. It's not like they don't both have enough kids as it is, not that I'd pass up on the chance to see candy cyborgs.

>> No. 216982
He's into old people sex.
>> No. 216983
It was a clear sign that a return to lower focus on romance might be good for the show (as argued by the show itself)
>> No. 216987
Maybe they would consider doing it if people like you didn't talk far more about the romantic subplots than anything else, even in relation to episodes that have nothing to do with romance. But when romance gets so much attention and so many people watching (even if they're only watching to bitch about it), it's too lucrative to not do it.
>> No. 217009
Hut, I guess my post actually did get dropped? Or it'll show up when this bumps the thread and I'll delete this post then.

Yes, which is why I also think there's a chance of Slime Princess's Sister getting married to Ice King, only to get divorced when Ice King realizes he's just being used to forge an evil empire of slush, which would also give him more perspective on his whole princess-capturing deal. Even if the Slime Kingdom doesn't go an empire-building spree just yet, though, international relations seem to be shaky, with Lemongrab upset at Lemonhope being taken, Fire Princess unwilling to accept any level of secrecy (not good when negotiating with foreign military powers), and PB likely to do some big experiment with her amulet that could make her look like she's gearing up for conquest herself. If war doesn't break out, I think we'll at least see the precipice of it reached. Would be an appropriate time for The Lich to make a comeback, too.

"PB, why are you using information/toxic waste from The Lich to make weapons? It'll lead us all to having another Mushroom War!"
"You wouldn't understand, Finn, YOU'RE TOO YOUNG!"
>> No. 217185
File 138084383546.png - (382.12KB , 638x360 , what time it is.png )

I am so looking forward to this.
>> No. 217188
The train was nice, Finn getting back into the groove though I hope its pressing on towards the future more than a retreat.

oh dear here we go back on the eventual relationship rollarcoaster
>> No. 217193
This will be interesting. I'm not sure it will mesh with him.
>> No. 217254
Trying not to sound mean, I think this time he jumped on a bandwagon.

In b4 I'm mean.
>> No. 217256
File 138093685558.png - (289.32KB , 639x365 , weep for this man.png )

Off to a great start!
>> No. 217263
"You can analyze anything, even weird cartoons."
"I dont even know what the fuck, help me!"

Good times.
>> No. 217264
He's really being really over the top about it. Adventure Time is weird, but it's hardly "Spend 10 minutes in awe at how weird it was" weird. And his continual going back to the well about having to be high to write something like Adventure Time is pretty lazy.

Clearly, absurdism is well outside his comfort zone.
>> No. 217268
he should talk to an RPG fella for a bit and then go into the stuff with the idea that its operating like a tabletop. But don't read the fan stuff of it actually being one since he'd likely latch on to that too hard.
>> No. 217270
>Nostalgia Critic
>making tired jokes
>rambling on and on

Did you expect more?
>> No. 217274
I don't know. I don't watch him. Or any internet video reviews, really.
>> No. 217275
>Clearly, absurdism is well outside his comfort zone.
Exactly. Which is why I thought this was a bad idea in the first place.
>> No. 217276
>Clearly, absurdism is well outside his comfort zone.

I don't think so. He has called Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas one of his all-time favorite movies, and he even said that he actually enjoys the crazy Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon because it's so ridiculously insane. I just don't think he was expecting to get this much randomness in the first episode of the series.
>> No. 217277
It's not random, and Fear and Loathing isn't really absurdist. Fear and Loathing is psychadelic, but not absurdist. A better example of absurdism in adult media would be more like Waiting for Godot or Rhinoceros.
>> No. 217282
I'm enjoying his little descent into madness. Can he last until he solves the mystery of Ooo?
>> No. 217324
The call of help has been answered!
>> No. 217444
I guess Dungeon Train confirms that there are other adventurers out there, but we just don't see them much? Nice episode, btw.
>> No. 217672
It would seem Adventure Time has decided to stop being a giant heap of shit recently but wow is my hype ever dead from all that bullshit.
>> No. 217673
Hype dead, but from what BS do you mean?
>> No. 217676
The Earth, Wind fire bullshit or whatever episodes that somehow managed to be worse than the fucking pups, the only good thing we got from that whole debacle that was good was Cinnamanbun hopping on the FQ train.
>> No. 217683
Eh those were meh but some of the others this season have been good.

Like last night's.
>> No. 217686
That's...why I'm saying I liked it....
>> No. 217689
File 13818921532.jpg - (59.99KB , 599x326 , Screenshot_2013-10-15-21-48-04.jpg )
New SpongeBob delivered a big blow to AT's ratings.
>> No. 217691
What's with that show?
>> No. 217696
tis a puzzle. Maybe its like the Simpsons where people keep tuning in to see if its a good one but it turns out to just be the same as its been for the last years.
>> No. 217697
Peeps will never starve in my eternal empire.

Somehow cute, awesome and creepy all at the same time.
>> No. 217700
>Hating on Jake's kids.

Hey now.
>> No. 217701
They were one of the most awful things to happen to the show, not that they exist though, it's how they were handled that crushingly disappointed so many people I've talked to, me personally I could deal but fuck those other two awful episodes fuck me they were the worst.
>> No. 217705
I don't agree at all.
But its really just a matter of taste so I can't really justify it.
>> No. 217707
likewise on my end, though this all spiraled out of my attempt to praise the show after being so fed up with it, seems the damage is done when people are jumping ship for Spongebob of all things though.
>> No. 217710
Did people really invest a lot into Jake and the Puppies?
>> No. 217711
I guess?
Don't really see why. They where never meant to be a major focus. Just one of the side stories.

Sometimes I think people expect this series to be more of an action drama than it is.
>> No. 217717
Damn that's hilariously petty.

Also kinda suprising, usually AT gets well over 2 mil, especially if it has Marceline. Weird.
>> No. 217718
I think if you kept in mind that the pups probably wouldn't change the status-quo much, despite the hype, then they weren't a big disappointment. They were cute for what they were in their debut, and Jake Jr.'s managed to be pretty entertaining in her continued, rapidly-growing-up appearances.
>> No. 217778
I was mostly just annoyed that growing up in one episode was apparently seen as needed to have the status-quo preserved, since it wouldn't be that hard to have him show up at the start of the episode with some remark on how he's working to provide for them or Lady's doing some rainicorn thing with them that he isn't needed for or whatever. Plus, he wound up appearing less during the whole romance arc anyway, so why not give him an excuse that ties in with other stories? I didn't think it was devastatingly bad, but from what I've watched of the series I'd say it and having the fire and ice beams fired directly at the crotch are the only things standing out in my mind as distinctly less than ideal. Well, I also wouldn't mind the latest grables having a theme, but I honestly ought to try looking at what actual edutainment shows are on these days.
>> No. 217857
That episode was pleasant as fuck.

RIP Hot Daniel, these 4 shall always carry your memory in their hearts. You sacrificed yourself to save the free world from lizard overlords, and for that we will be forever grateful.
>> No. 218895
File 138423490140.gif - (2.16MB , 300x240 , 1383793749609.gif )
HOLY SHIT, 'Play Date'.
>> No. 219036
>Finn being nice as fuck to Ice King
>He just says "fuck this noise" and bails
See Ice King this is why no one fucking likes you.
>> No. 219320
>Christianity survived the apocalypse
>> No. 219321
Christianity has and will survive a lot more than that.
>> No. 219323
File 138482433427.gif - (0.97MB , 668x356 , 1384822819457.gif )
We're working with DnD rules here, so of course Christianity would still exist.
>> No. 219341
File 138484016221.png - (195.73KB , 900x520 , samantha2.png )
>> No. 219355
Anyway I think we can safely assume Finn's new sword will be way easier to animate.
>> No. 219368
File 138488434438.png - (194.26KB , 900x520 , She wants the D.png )
But what's a good upgrade from a demon blood sword?
>> No. 219370
Elemental Reforged Gold Sword. Cause Reforging always grants a stat boost.
>> No. 219371
File 138489139143.jpg - (4.53KB , 300x168 , Friday the 13th.jpg )
A normal but reasonably ornate sword is more than enough for Finn, he could take a tent spike and beast like Jason if he felt like it.
>> No. 219378
File 138490171955.jpg - (84.88KB , 800x561 , 800px-FlameQueenOpal2.jpg )
>>219370 Gold Sword (Scarlett according to the game) is found on their doorstep all reforged and cleaned with a new jewel in the pommel say its a Flame Opal. Note attached "Heard you needed a sword, found this one in the forest and had it fixed up. Keep up the good work, Hero." Small scorch mark on the corner of the paper looks like a pair of lips.
>> No. 219393
The big reveal in the new game is:
Princess Bubblegum is 827 years old and is in fact an offshoot of the pink slime
>> No. 219397
File 138492708450.jpg - (53.47KB , 1162x875 , Runes.jpg )
I don't know if it's exactly christianity, but something similar-ish. Honestly just splitting hairs here though.

Mahjik Rhunes or Adamantium.

The ending of 'The Pit' and now this. I hope this isn't a wild goose chase.

Fuck. More years/dates. Just what AT! needs; a time line. This is fine. I'm okay with the events that are unfolding currently. That's okay, things are going to be okay.
>> No. 219484
Well that's hardly new information at all given what we already saw in the Vault.
>> No. 219511
I'll miss Keeoth, he was fun a guy to watch people fight and argue with. The broken dimension was cool too, maybe it'll get re-used by someone later. Given his penchant for breaking glass, I'd say Gunter is the most likely to want such a place. Too bad he can't say the magic words due to them not all being just "wenk".
As a wild guess, I'll say Riccardio might ally with Gunter, based on his association with Ice King, and to keep up a theme of the dimension housing a character associated with blood.

A a blessed ice sword made unmelting by ice King? Maybe one with a blade that can shatter but regenerates from the hilt.

Alternate note: "I heard you lost a mighty sword! Don't mourn your loss, or feel so bored! I found this blade lost in the trees, to cut your foes down to the knees! You start anew, and this implores you wield what is already yours!"

Well that and seeing the pink slime to begin with.
>> No. 219512
Heh FP going slightly mad and going into limericks. And that is what happens when you hang with Sheogorath.
>> No. 220021
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>> No. 220022
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>> No. 220023
The crew started a tumblr blog of storyboards, title cards and model sheets.
>> No. 220098
File 138605813082.jpg - (55.26KB , 1280x720 , Adventure Time S05E43 Root Beer Guy (1280x720) [Ph.jpg )
I did not expect to see a neglected wife dressing up sexy to get attention in a kid's show.

I really like Root Beer Guy, hope he isn't a one-off.
>> No. 220099
Root Beer Guy was kinda all sorts of awesome.
>> No. 220101
File 138605990274.jpg?spoiler - (62.66KB , 1280x720 , Adventure Time S05E43 Root Beer Guy (1280x720) [Ph.jpg?spoiler )
>That was a great night baby.

>We haven't danced like that in years.

>> No. 220102
File 138606247317.gif - (2.16MB , 300x172 , The Doctor Dances.gif )
I'm certain I have no idea what you're talking abo ROSE, I JUST REMEMBERED! I CAN DANCE!
>> No. 220104
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Great episode. I wonder if Graham Falk is going to board anymore.
>> No. 220143
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>> No. 220144
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This was a great episode. Seeing the life of a Candy citizen who doesn't really know who Finn and Jake are was very interesting.
It was a neat depiction of a middle aged guy kind of going through a crisis, with his job and his wife and his escapism into crime novels, including on he has been attempting to write over the course of ten years.
Probably the best part is that Root Beer Guy, in the end was rewarded. He took the initiative to investigate PB's "kidnapping", a scheme to test the banana guards, and when they failed to even notice a problem, RBG jumped in and solved it himself, causing PB to appoint him as Chief of the guards as well help rekindling his relationship with his wife.
>> No. 220145
I super hope RBG becomes Adventure Time Commissioner Gordon.
>> No. 220186
BIZARRE ADVENTURE TIME 핀과 …youtube thumb
>> No. 220206
stuff goes down and he's the first on the scene. Kingdom is bound to be safer off the bat with someone that has actual intelligence running the show.
>> No. 220235
I really hope RBG shows up again, it'll be pretty disappointing for the Banana Guards go back to their regular stupidity in a later episode.
>> No. 220236
Butts heads with BMO in another Noir episode.
>> No. 220246
"I've got a closing argument tomorrow RBG." Just picked up that in another viewing. Wonder what her practice is.
>> No. 220479
File 138672640234.gif - (494.23KB , 500x374 , CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING.gif )
Pick your favorite, +/co/.

>> No. 220480
>> No. 220485
File 138673632377.jpg - (177.65KB , 600x346 , you-have-chosen-poorly.jpg )
You have chosen... poorly.
>> No. 220488
You know what? No.
They're all horrible for any deeper relationship beyond friends. And far too different to consider one strictly better than another.

A vote for no one is a vote for anyone. And that is my choice.
>> No. 220496
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They're all equally disgusting for different reasons.
>> No. 220688
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Another Adventure Time Big Book incoming. This time its Marceline's turn.
>> No. 220725
Hmmm, Who would I want... as an employer?
My first thought was Princess Bubblegum, since I love working with technical and scientific equipment. Marceline'd probably have some fun stuff for me to do, but I expect she usually wouldn't be up to much that could really use my help. Flame Princess has the whole no secrets thing, and I'm even more leery of the rest of the fire kingdom, who I'd probably have to work with. So I think I'd work for PB, and do stuff with Marcie on my own time.
>> No. 220915
>Playing with Fire has FP/Jake main duo
>This is gonna have Marcy/Jake as the main duo

So when are they gonna have a PB/Jake buddy comic out?
>> No. 221132
So two of the newly revealed episodes, blade of grass and rattleballs focus on Finn getting a new sword and training in swords respectively.
>> No. 221137
has there been anything shown of that sword?
>> No. 221161
I didn't realize how long this series has become until Doug started reviewing it.
>> No. 221162
Not yet, just the episode description.

"When Finn tries to replace his sword with a grass sword, he learns the new one is cursed."
>> No. 221163
Like a third of the series is the seemingly neverending Fifth Season, too.
>> No. 221172
Isn't it gonna have like 3 normal seasons worth of episodes in it?

Man it really triggers my autism when shows have a regular amount of episodes per season and then they make a huge/miniscule season for no reason.
>> No. 221173
Wonder how much will be about progress with Finn and his growth back to Paladin status.
>> No. 221176
What annoys me about this is longer seasons = fewer season-ending episodes = even fewer Lich appearances. Maybe they're saving him up for something extra big, though?
>> No. 221177
isn't part of it "movie got scrapped, its stuff added to the pile."
>> No. 221862
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Any news on when the next AT! ep is airing? I'm kinda jonesing over here.
>> No. 221863
Schedule says the 20th of January.
>> No. 221907
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>> No. 221943
The crew is pushing this "PB is evil/insane" thing pretty hard.
>> No. 221955
Having been to several dozen weddings, I'd say it's pretty normal aside from being able to arrest people. By extension, this episode touched on several things that can go way wrong at a wedding that I've seen personally, which amused me to no end. I would have liked to see Jake's kids do something though.
>> No. 222016
This was the first episode I didn't like PB having really grey morals.

Because usually when she does stuff that's questionable or questionable-at-best, she has understandable motives. This time she was just a plain ol bitch.

It was a brief gag at the end of the episode, so it isn't a big deal as long as they don't take her in that direction. I just hope they keep PB's actions morally ambiguous and not downright tyrannical.
>> No. 222018
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The grey area here is that she's a monarch and a crazy asshole is running around calling himself the true King and is gaining traction.

History is RIFE with examples of why that's an extremely bad situation, it causes destabilization and confusion.
>> No. 222019
I want a rotating array of upstart governments to spring up.
>> No. 222026
You can just say civil war since that's what you're saying.
>> No. 222027
Well in any other case it would be a civil war, but in this one its just a bunch of goobers and a rotating array of governments that Peeb sees as a threat to her power, till it escalates in her letting slip that she got the cosmic owl to fuck with Finn in order to assure that FP wouldn't be a problem.
>> No. 222033
I can't really see why Peebles trying to stop a man who inserts demands of making people come and do housework in his gated mountain compound for years into people's wedding vows is "morally grey".

The people might think that he's a legit power because he says he is... but they're idiots.

Not really sure whether him calling himself king is what's stopping Bubblegum from calling herself queen, or whether her and the other princesses not grabbing the title for themselves is what's lead to this joker going all Remington Steel and acting like they're actually meant to be his subordinates.
>> No. 222037
#LoveToday: "Today is Pretty G…youtube thumb
>> No. 222044
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You're forgetting that PB's problem with the King wasn't over his force labor vows, it was simply because his presence that set her off. Then she used an expired Marriage License to arrest him, and when shown he had a valid one on person, she arrested him and everyone else at the wedding. The goers opposed PB and she arrested all of them.

And technically the King is just as valid as PB herself. He has people willingly following him and let's not forget PB is not royalty. She's a mutant who built a kingdom around her and declared herself Princess.
>> No. 222084
> it was simply because his presence that set her off.
Which I'm sure is based on shit he's pulled before.

And the monarch thing seems to be linked to the crowns in some way.
>> No. 222143
Not every princess has a magical crown like the one's showcased in The Lich. It would also kind of mean that PB recognizes Ice King as true royalty, which I kind of doubt.
>> No. 222145
I don't think anyone has denied the Ice King's status as royalty. No one other than him and maybe a Gunther or two really WANTS the Ice Kingdom, after all, and he DOES have a crown.
>> No. 222287
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That was my favorite episode of Adventure time.

Looks like the next sword Finn gets he'll need a new arm with.
>> No. 222742
The episode went in a different direction than I thought that it was going to, which was both a nice surprise and a set up for a later joke.

Looking forward to whenever he comes back later on.
>> No. 223275
>> No. 223281
Wow, this is really getting obnoxiously bad, Finn is just godawful.
>> No. 223283
Adventure Time, please stop trying to make me despise Finn, this is just too much and you're too good at it.

>Cinamon BunXFP
>> No. 223284
The writing is just so awful over time.
>> No. 223285
Well someone is just acting out cause of their ex aren't they.
>> No. 223294
Finn was kind of annoying, but I didn't mind too much, mostly because he wasn't the focus of the episode. I really liked how Cinnamun Bun's developed over the series, and how the removal of the sugary glaze from his face represents an outright rejection of the glazed-over outlook on life that's been obscuring what's actually a rather keen sense of perception. Also, I think FP x CB is adorable, if only because I expect them, that guy who wanted to be a chef, and Jalapeño Pepper to make the Fire Kingdom into another food-themed kingdom. Even that old lady who poisoned her did so with fancy tea, so I'm seeing a lot of potential for things to get culinary.
What I'm more curious about right now, though, is FP's less evil relatives. There's her older brother, who's protective of her but was willing to serve in her dad's military, her younger brothers, who we don't know much bout but who might look up to her, and her aunt and uncle, who, while judgmental, didn't kill Flame King for the throne like he killed their brother. Furnius and Torcho might even be on good enough terms with her now that she's locked up dad, though Furnius at least has the "Let's use ice just because it's more painful." thing going against him.
>> No. 223296
Romance always sucks. It ruins everything.
>> No. 223298
No it doesn't, but it's sure as hell godawful here.
>> No. 223299
Well I was talking in reference to shows like Legend of Korra, Thundercats 2011, Regular Show, Gravity Falls, etc.

As far as AT is concerned, the whole crush/romantic side of Finn is inherently the worst part of his character. It may come down to the writers, but I cannot bring myself to like Finn whenever he's in his love obsessed phases. Enough so that I wonder if I even enjoy AT as much as I used to. To put it into perspective I LOVED that Cinnamon Bun cock blocked Finn because I felt he deserved it.
>> No. 223300
So... uh... haven't seen the latest ep, but... theoretically... to a couple that both love Finn-FP as a couple, and both hate Cinnamon Bun, and who were planning on watching the latest Adventure Time on Valentine's Day by the power of TiVO... you think the theoretical couple should be making other plans now?
>> No. 223301
Yes, not so much cuz of the love thing but because it's terrible.
>> No. 223304
>Well I was talking in reference to shows like Legend of Korra, Thundercats 2011, Regular Show, Gravity Falls,

TMNT, Young Justice, Venture Bros... holy crap, they're ALL turning into Venture Bros when it comes to love. "YOU WILL FAIL, GET USED TO IT" in every show...
>> No. 223308
File 139216313554.gif - (838.46KB , 500x281 , I Thought I told you to go fuck yourself.gif )
Cue ep where Finn tries to woo FP with a song, accidentally setting fire to a cross. Then her dad comes out and goes "she's not here. Need a ride home?"
>> No. 223309
It's a terrible episode where the characters go consistently out-of-character and nothing is gained from it. Boring and so blatantly set up just to close an already closed plot line that calling it a waste of time is being too nice.
>> No. 223310
So are there two cinnomon buns now?
>> No. 223312
File 139216595893.jpg - (203.76KB , 933x700 , pimpin.jpg )
Ben Ten is using up all the Pimp allowed this generation.
>> No. 223316
I'd go so far as to call it the worst episode, but that will always belong to Frost & Fire.
>> No. 223318
Did any romance in Young Justice turn out well in the end? I gave up on the show for a variety of reasons, but it'd be nice to get an idea just how much of a trend this is.
>> No. 223319
XTC - I'm the Man Who Murdered…youtube thumb

>Basically Finn
>> No. 223320
File 139217427199.jpg - (615.14KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_mpu0dxke0t1r6oak3o1_1280.jpg )
Honey, just read Playing with Fire with that special someone of yours while playing some chill, gentle music in the background. It's like an OVA by Studio Ghibli in comic book form.

That goes for you guys, too.
>> No. 223321
I did, I really liked it, which is part of the reason I find the episodes so gross.
>> No. 223322
The romance in Young Justice was pretty awful overall. They focused on romance between Bumblebee and her boyfriend was a waste of time (both of them being minor characters). Add in stupid opposites attract in S1 with Kid Flash/Artemis. Then you got the worst one, Superboy/Miss Martian. Felt forced and the characters sucked in S1. Then came S2 and Miss Martian is dating a lame character who no one liked (due to how ugly he was for starters). The reason being Miss Martian canonically mind raped Super Boy and she was never punished for doing that and then at the end its implied that Superboy gets back together with his mind rapist.

Seriously, romance was atrocious in Young Justice. Its a shame because Greg Weisman overlooked decent romance in Gargoyles, so this was just a big bag of do not want on his behalf.
>> No. 223325
I liked it, but agree it wouldn't be the best time to watch. If you like Regular Show's High Five Ghost, I'd go with the latest of that instead.
>> No. 223329
Except reading that just makes watching the awful writing of the show worse.
>> No. 223330
Sounds like you're just prejudiced against fishface people.
>> No. 223339
Sounds like people are taking this show a little too seriously.
Including the writers themselves.
>> No. 223342
If the writers were actually taking their job seriously then the quality might actually be better.
>> No. 223346
I just don't think they should bother with all this uninteresting relationship stuff. This show shines when it delves into the bizarre and fantastic. This romance stuff bogs it down.
>> No. 223347
This is true, they make Finn incredibly creepy and pathetic with this stuff each time, I like my fair share of romance but it brings nothing positive to AT and we could do without it.
>> No. 223348
And its a disturbing contrast to when he's adventurous.In those situations his wreckless nature works for himself. But in these situation that kinda stuff goes into disturbing self abuse.
>> No. 223349
They've discovered that shitting up the show with love triangles and breakups and drama normally reserved for trashy soap operas rakes in the retard shipper audience

There's no saving it now
>> No. 223351
>The writers
>The writers
>The writers

Okay, they're not the fucking Borg.

Incendium: Adam Muto, Rebecca Sugar
Hot to the Touch: Cole Sanchez, Rebecca Sugar
Burning Low: Cole Sanchez, Rebecca Sugar
Ignition Point: Somvilay Xayaphone, Bert Young
Frost & Fire: Somvilay Xayaphone, Luke Pearson
Earth & Water: Somvilay Xayaphone, Seo Kim
Red Throne: Seo Kim and Somvilay Xayaphone

Basically there's just a HUGE tonal difference in the writing style of Sugar and Somvilay. She was writing Finn as having serious emotional depth. I'm not saying it didn't make him come off as a wenus sometimes, but it established that this relationship was a huge fucking deal to him.

Somvilay... doesn't roll like that apparently. Sugar's Finn would've been freaking out at the ending of Red Throne. Somvilay's Finn went "oh darn, I've been cockblocked by Cinnamon Bun."

It's the plague of Western television. Different eps written by different people result in huge shifts in characterization.
>> No. 223355
I just wish they didn't dump every single FP episode on the same guy. I'm not looking forward to any episodes with her in the future because they'll all likely be her doing barely anything and Finn being just awful.

At least spice it up once in a while with PB and Marceline.
>> No. 223356
Its like the writers are spiteful towards her existence or something.
>> No. 223358
Why did they even have Playing with Fire written if they were going to take things in the direction the cartoon did?
None of it matters, Flame Princess is off trying to heroically reform her homeland and is no longer likely to blow up the planet by accident while Finn ended up just being a toxic boyfriend who continues to act creepy around her even when she has no interest in him.

The guy who wrote her episodes was terrible with the plot threads, never developing them properly and just closing them off in unsatisfying ways when he didn't know how to handle them any longer.
>> No. 223360
>Its like the writers are spiteful towards her existence or something.

No, it's like Rebecca Sugar is gone. Ever watch Steven Universe?

I'm not saying there's nothing good any more in Adventure Time. That's hogwash, it definitely still has strong eps. But there's no getting around the fact that Sugar brought a very different way of writing emotional shit to the table (and she brought that talent with her to Steven Universe).

It Came from the Nightosphere, Susan Strong, the Real You, What was Missing, Incendium, Hot to the Touch, Daddy's Little Monster, Lady & Peebles, I Remember You, Jake the Dog, and Simon & Marcy. Pick an ep that had emotional punch, she was usually involved. Usually. I'm not pretending things like Puhoy and Be More didn't happen. But her departure was a huge loss for the show, partly because it's incredibly jarring to have one person treat a relationship as something serious and emotional only to have it be passed on to someone that just doesn't feel that way.

It's not that anyone there hates FP or Finn or anything. It's that the writer in charge of FP eps changed, and it was NOT a smooth transition.
>> No. 223373
>her doing barely anything and Finn being just awful.

But that's what the entire Flame Princess storyline always was, basically. It started with him being creepy and depressive, and she did nothing but be passive or explode into a rage for her first like 6 episodes.
>> No. 223375
>At least spice it up once in a while with PB and Marceline.
I liked this episode (>>223294 & >>223325), but agree that if there's one thing that bothered me, it was missing another opportunity to bring Marceline in on an FP episode, seemingly just to give Cinnamon Bun more opportunity to look more mature by having someone to babysit.

There's also Vault of Bones, which shows them actually trying to share their lives instead of just romancing, and Too Old as another example of Finn being creepily over-romantic. Though like the latest episode, Too Old seemed less attempting to define Finn and more just using him as a convenient plot device in the aftermath of Frost & Fire, and even then it was largely an excuse to get FP away from Finn and show a huge fight. Possibly extraneous note: I'm thinking Frost & Fire might've been a better turning point with Finn actually retaining his earlier lessons and trying to hold FP back and her leaving to protect him again, like in Hot to the Touch. It'd make her seem less stable, but that could've been an even better lead-in to FP's sense of uncertainty in Earth & Water. I guess those are the kind of differences between writers you're getting at, though.

Annoying that Rebecca left before FP started confronting her dad, it would've been nice to have had depth in her relationship with Finn and her life in general at the same time.
>> No. 223380
I take the show on an episode by episode basis. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're boring.
The current relationship ones tend to be pretty boring, but there's usually a more interesting one around the corner.
>> No. 223381
Don't think this was linked here yet: The Adventure Time Encyclopaediayoutube thumb
>> No. 223387
>Somvilay Xayaphone

This man is fucking toxic.
>> No. 223397
Wow is something wrong with plus4chan or something

Normally by now some mouthbreather should've come along to squeal that the only possible reason you could ever dislike terribly written romance dragging down the characters is because you're a ronery single virgin loser
>> No. 223408
It's not about the romance though, it's just about one awful writer.

Romance episodes ain't my favorites but when they're written by anyone other than Xayalapalong they're usually decent to what I'd dare to call good.

Though when all romance is made by the same dude you do have a point.
>> No. 223424
Thing is, he's very clearly NOT writing romance eps. Sugar did. He's writing eps where he rips the romance to shreds, as a joke. lol, apparently.

And I wouldn't say he's awful. Luke Pearson and Somvilay Xayaphone = the team that gave us Candy Streets... and the team that gave us Frost and Fire. It's not that we're dealing with completely untalented people, it's just that they're clearly not able to handle what Sugar left behind. And they made a fucking mess of it instead.

I feel slightly bad for Seo Kim. "Congrats, you're on the adventure time team! And two of your eps will very clearly go down as two of the three most hated episodes the show's had. Sorry 'bout that."
>> No. 223470
Tossing it in the garbage is the absolute best way to handle what Sugar left behind. It's already been brought up in the thread; Sugar's Finn was a fucking creeper who got way too emotionally invested in dumb infatuations and she made him act like a huge tool.
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