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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 139977563493.png - (947.73KB , 800x600 , CartoonBlock.png )
227262 No. 227262 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
It's that time again. TONIGHT:

My Way or the Don Wei: eps 6-7
Tim Burton's "The Pun-isher": eps 7-9
National Lampoon's Digital Vacation: eps 27-28
SWAT Kats Season 2: This time it's Fursonal: eps 14-15

Okay fuck you guys, Beetlejuice is gonna be the new Medabots, right? Well then you only have 15 more votes in a row to win. GET STARTED. You'll have extra fun with that when SWAT Kats runs out and Rock n' Wrestlin is on the block. BUT I DIGRESS. Cartoons are afoot.

Don't forget to vote for the bonus episode, and submit those skub/anti-skub slogans, along with your Dr Hiss Says quotes.

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9 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 227275
>> No. 227277
Let's have more Oban, and less bad puns.
Voting for Podracers.
>> No. 227279
- Who needs self-esteem when you have Skub?

- Justin Beiber went on record to say "Skub is kinda cool." Do you want to agree with Justin Beiber?

Dr Hiss:
Alwaysss come to a complete ssstop at ssstop sssignsss. You don't want your insssurance to go up for any accidentsss you caussse. Plusss, ssstopping is for your own sssafety!

File 139532300716.jpg - (0.98MB , 1988x3056 , She-Hulk (2014-) 002-018.jpg )
225163 No. 225163 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
So She-Hulk is my favorite comic out right now.
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>> No. 227215
Wow, I had long forgotten the origin of that particular phrase.
>> No. 227240
File 139961156717.jpg - (421.05KB , 900x1384 , GHOST RIDER-MEET ELI.jpg )
>Robbie says yes almost right away

Based Rider
>> No. 227257
The illiest.

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226106 No. 226106 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I am digging Clarence.

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>> No. 227248
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>> No. 227253
Clarence is alright. But it's definitely something that's "needed" right now. We haven't had a slice-of-life with a grounding to its humor in a while.

Doug was an example of one (for the most part) but he and his entire setting was so milquetoast.

Hey Arnold! had some nice grounding. I wasn't a huge fan of it myself, but others were. Pigeon Man's Speech - Hey Arnoldyoutube thumb

and don't be hating on Ed Edd and Eddy. Look at it in the context of a person retelling exaggerated stories of their childhood like they were a tall tale. Three hustlers raising hell in suburbia amongst the rest of the latchkey kids. S'good.
>> No. 227256
Hey Arnold is a work of art.

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224842 No. 224842 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Someone's been jonesing for another cameo.
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>> No. 227170
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>> No. 227245
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>Goodbye, Mort.
>> No. 227251
Awww Poor Kat, this is really hitting her.

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224048 No. 224048 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Giant Woman was on last night. Shit was radical. New thread.

old thread here.

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>> No. 226986
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>> No. 227237
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>> No. 227238
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226963 No. 226963 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 227087
>My life is worse now.
>> No. 227183
File 139949153626.jpg - (27.80KB , 363x310 , 5074732+_c2975ab146c37ba1b5e50f49e5b1ee94.jpg )
Egyptian TV: Simpsons Episode …youtube thumb
>> No. 227212
Yvan eht nioj! Huh, I was aware that there was an Egyptian version of the Daily Show (guy even got interviewed by Jon Stewart a couple of times), I wasn't aware that there was an Egyptian Fox News.

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223575 No. 223575 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
The Rise of Nations

The Return of Simon

The End of Love

Whoah, nelly. This is one long season.

Opening Topic:

With all the FP/CB madness that's been going on for the last few months and threads, how did you guys think Finn/Flame Princess was going to proceed? What do you believe would have happen if they had never broken up or had gotten together again?

What did you expect to happen?

What did you want to happen?
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>> No. 227188
The older they get the less magical things become, maybe they are in one of those transition periods where magic begins to fade and Science starts a resurgent
>> No. 227202
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>> No. 227203
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225695 No. 225695 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
last thread >>221507
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>> No. 227038
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>> No. 227057
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>> No. 227114
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227056 No. 227056 hide quickreply [Reply]

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209420 No. 209420 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ready for a new thread so soon?
But the final battle is just about to start!
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>> No. 226810
And by the arc, you mean all of comic books forever, right?
>> No. 227042
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I'm still not sure why you would lend him your armour in the first place.
>> No. 227043
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221337 No. 221337 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
His entire face was a monster, this explains a lot.
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>> No. 226924
In Bad Machinery news I preemptively hope the blonde french girl gets her teeth punched in.
>> No. 226927
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I love weird dark shit like this.
>> No. 226940
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But this strip sums it up better.

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226780 No. 226780 hide quickreply [Reply]
Fucking shit it's been forever but when it's this somber I can't blame them for taking their time.

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213789 No. 213789 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
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>> No. 226193
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>> No. 226744
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>> No. 226762
I think that's a Frazetta reference. Not a Braveheart one.

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204266 No. 204266 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I figure the series has been around enough for a discussion.

So what does everyone think of the new series.

Clockwork has seen some shit in five years.
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>> No. 226424
File 139813952897.png - (1.47MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2014-04-22-00h00m05s92.png )
I think that might be Shockwave/Longarm behind his tail. And Unitaur should so be in the roster.
>> No. 226457
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>> No. 226713
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I wonder if we'll see any more Ben and Ester in the future.

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226084 No. 226084 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
The Tiny Toon Spring Break special will be shown on Hub on April 20th at 1:00 PM and April 25th at 2:00 PM! It has never been released on video and was aired only once in 1994 on Fox!
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>> No. 226667
Could someone upload it some place other than Mega? It stops loading at 82%.
>> No. 226677
Just to confirm, the link is broken. I tried using jdownloander and importing it from my cloud-driving, but it always stops at 99%.
>> No. 226683
Never mind. Finally got the download to work, with Megadownloader version 9:

Worked better than jdownloader.

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