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File 139368586764.gif - (31.50KB , 505x490 , mukraine[1].gif )
390072 No. 390072
>The upper house of the Russian parliament unanimously approved President Putin’s request to use armed forces in defense of Russians and Russian interests, anywhere in the territory of Ukraine.
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>> No. 390743
A friend told me there is a video going around the internet showing a group of Ukranian rebels protesting that they were not paid what was promised for them to take up arms.

Is this true, or my friend is full of shit?
>> No. 390749
Who were they protesting at?
>> No. 390752
Gonna need a lot more context than that. The whole thing has been relatively bloodless, I think there's been maybe 1 confirmed death? It'd help if your friend could provide a site, or context, or anything. Just having some random unverified viral video doesn't mean a whole lot.
>> No. 391151
>The whole thing has been relatively bloodles
A hundred died in Kiev alone.

Also there's multiple attempted secessions going on in Ukraine now fyi
>> No. 391154
File 139709105563.jpg - (238.23KB , 1447x631 , Ukraine - Russia vs USA.jpg )
Oh a lot of people died in the riot fueled violent takeover of the Kiev government for sure.

But only two people died in the (relatively) non-violent takeover of Crimea. Essentially the Russian military came in, held hands and walked across enemy bases to capture them (ok not quite that but you get the point).

I think they reported that crime actually went down during the breakoff.
>> No. 391157
> Predictions: Russia will annex Crimea, most people there wont' mind because they are mostly Russian to begin with, Ukraine will have to suck it up since the other option is getting it's ass beaten hard, and both Obama and whoever runs the EU with bitch a lot but ultimately do nothing in action. There will be no happening, other than Puting getting a even more inflated ego.

So, it seems that I was 100% right.
>> No. 391159
Although, no one predicted those two cities declaring themselves as independent republics.
>> No. 391160
I heard about Donetsk , but what other city did that?
>> No. 391161
Apparently, three more cities: Luhansk, Odessa and Kharkiv.
>> No. 391198
Here we go.
>> No. 391199
News on the event. Shit is going the fuck down.
>> No. 391217
Welp, this is it. World War 3.
>> No. 391218
I love all the pedestrians/photographers still hanging around (cameraman included) even after they start firing (though I'm not sure they actually shot anyone? Just warning shots?) Either it's fake or the Russian "Don't be a pussy" motto extends to Ukraine.

>Militants, possibly even Russian soldiers, take over a police station
Nah man. A full-out Ukraine civil war with Russia fueling one side and the EU/US fueling the other? Maybe. However, if Putin tries to take land from anyone else, I sincerely hope and expect that everyone else will just fucking take over their whole country, because we don't need Germany II: Russian Boogaloo. That might lead to WWIII.
>> No. 391221
>>Germany II: Russian Boogaloo

I'll approve of this war if this is what everyone called it.
The Boogaloo Rebellion is also a good name.
>> No. 391223
File 139749003550.jpg - (94.55KB , 1024x553 , Germany_Putin.jpg )
Germany is turning more and more pro Russia lately....
>> No. 391224
As a German I would very much like to know where you're getting that impression from. Because that's a quote from Putin, who isn't really in a postition to speak for Germany.
>> No. 391225
>as an american officer stationed in germany, id really like to know where...

But seriously, check out Mutti and her statements on Russia. She's only being critical where forced by EU/UK/US interests, and is probably the only western politician calling for reason and de-escalation of sanctions.
>> No. 391273

You do realize that Germany's voice in the EU is so strong that it basically runs the whole show, right? Germany isn't being forced into anything.
>> No. 391279
>if Putin tries to take land from anyone else

There will be more sanctions, and everyone will merely denounce him as if they're playing Civilization. Nobody will mobilize an army because they'll be afraid that it will cause WWIII right away. If Putin manages to prove a complete nutcase, he'll most likely end up assassinated, and even though everyone will know that it was a US SEAL team, they'll pretend it wasn't. Everything will continue to go on much as it has for decades.

There are more powerful forces at work controlling the world than people like us can possibly imagine.
>> No. 391280
File 139769692227.png - (148.25KB , 386x297 , tumblr_n0ljjxUnTn1sfnl8io1_400.png )
>There are more powerful forces at work controlling the world than people like us can possibly imagine.


>> No. 391283
If that was true UK would be in the eurozone by now.
>> No. 391284

>If that was true a totally unrelated thing would be true

Uh, okay.
>> No. 391285
>controlling the world
The world as a whole is not in control.
>> No. 391287
File 13977062824.jpg - (7.07KB , 190x193 , 1317579809832.jpg )
>eurozone unrelated to the european union
>decades long battle by germany to expand the eurozone halted at uk
>uk the only european union state not obliged to join the eurozone
>> No. 391288
DudeWithMoney be eating lead paint chips, no need to respond to him.
>> No. 391290

...and why might the UK have not wanted to join the Eurozone? Might it have something to do with the fact that doing so would require shackling their monetary policy to the European Central Bank, which is located in Germany and is functionally controlled by the German government?

So they wield less power over the UK than other parts of the EU. Whoopdie fucking shit. Bringing up the Eurozone doesn't disprove that Germany is the dominant power of the EU, it's the other way around.
>> No. 391292
Them Krauts are indeed the defacto heads of the EU, I am not sure how that can be argued. I mean, Greece didn't go crying "save us" to Spain or Portugal, right?

It helps that Germany is the one country in the Eurozone that managed to keep their economy from shitting itself.
>> No. 391296
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de facto slave =/= de facto head
>> No. 391301
I really don't know how you have to be to come off of five years of the ECB foisting disastrous austerity policies onto Eurozone members in order to cushion the German economy and bankers from the debt crisisand think that the EU is running Germany instead of the other way around.
>> No. 391306

>> No. 391308
It's like a new shoah!
>> No. 391310
No definitive proof that it was done by the militants, and they've denied it. Could just be some random assholes.
>> No. 391315

We WW3 yet?
>> No. 391319
>papers claim its an official move
>photoshopped stamps and signatures
>officials say nuh uh!
Nothing to see here folks.
>> No. 391337
Odd how the media made sucha fuss about the whole Jew registration in Donetsk, but almost no word on the official ban to anybody Russian to enter Ukraine.
>> No. 391338
These are two very, very different things and you fucking know it.
>> No. 391341
Right, of course they're different.

The Jewish (and other religion) registration leaflets are unofficial and humorous, with all the power of a demographics survey.

Whereas the ban of an ethnicity from entering a country is not only racist, but racism at the highest level of government enforced by a military.
>> No. 391342
>Following the four-side meeting on the Ukrainian crisis in Geneva on Wednesday, John Kerry lashed out at a letter that was allegedly sent to Jewish citizens in Ukraine’s eastern town of Donetsk, asking them to register and report all their property, or be stripped of citizenship and face expulsion.
>“In year 2014, after all of the miles traveled in all the journey of history, this is not just intolerable, it's grotesque… beyond unacceptable," he stated.

>Pushilin denied he had anything to do with the letter, claiming it was a fake.
>“There are similar letters not only addressed to Jews, but also to businessmen, foreign students, people of certain other occupations, this is actually a fake, and not a good one. There’s a sign “People’s Governor”. First of all, no one calls me by that title, no one elected me. Secondly, the stamp is the former mayor’s. Everything’s photoshopped.”

> Meanwhile, a Ukrainian MP who has visited the turbulent region, Boris Kolesnikov of the Party of Regions, has urged that information coming from Ukraine should be double-checked. He believes that Ukrainian law enforcement agencies aren’t being totally honest when they describe the people participating in the protests and claim there are Russian servicemen among them.
>Kolesnikov specifically referred to a video which earlier appeared online. In it a man in a military uniform told police officers, who switched sides in the city of Gorlovka and joined protesters, that he was Russian lieutenant-colonel from Simpheropol, Crimea. The man was later identified by Gorlovka residents as the former director of a local cemetery.
>“Officially, I’ve only seen one Russian serviceman,” Kolesnikov said. “The next day he appeared to be the ex-director of the Gorlovka cemetery, fired 2 years ago for selling 38 fences, stealing a monument and extorting money from old women for new graves. There are Interior Ministry and intelligence services in the country, which should give us truthful information.”

tl;dr John Kerry took what was possibly a troll/joke seriously and you should not trust information with no primary sources, because the journalistic integrity the region is shit right now
>> No. 391343
It could also have been a scam.
"We're here to seize your TV because you won't register ma'am."
>> No. 391344
> These are two very, very different things and you fucking know it.

Yes, one was fake, the other was real. Why is the fake one getting the most attention?
>> No. 391345
The US ambassador who validated the whole thing by saying the pamphlets were the "real deal", retracted the statement by more or less saying "you guise didn't get me, I said the pamphlets were the the real deal as in they actually existed, not that they were legit!"

Fucking stupid.
>> No. 391366
Yes, odd that Kiev would be anti-Russian at the moment when Russia is trying to chop Ukraine in half. Can't imagine why!

Stop trying so hard FSB-kun.
>> No. 391367
Oh sure, make excuses for racism.

>chop Ukraine in half
Er no, the separation of Russian regions happened almost a year after start of riots in kiev, it was in fact in response to the riots.
The rioters seized power through violence at the expense of the outlying majority Russian regions, and even tried sending appointed pupped "leaders" to the Russian regions which the people in those regions did not vote for or want.

Then those same regions took the example set by Kievite rioters in the first place and seized their own power to prevent the leadership without representation.
So if you want to blame someone for the breakup of the country, blame the undemocratic government in Kiev.

About the worst the Russians have done so far is landing troops in Crimea to intimidate the Kiev government in not trying a military takeover, this was done legally and without firing a shot.
The Russian government has not started Euromaidan, has not forced the new Kiev government into acting like a dick towards other regions, and has certainly not invaded anything.
And in fact because Russia can't put troops in the eastern regions legally (as in crimea) they probably won't do it at all, so the situation will be internally resolved.
>> No. 391400
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>The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that states have the right to ban the consideration of race in the college admission process, dealing another defeat to advocates of affirmative action.

>In a 6-2 ruling, the justices upheld a Michigan ballot initiative known as Proposal 2 that was approved in 2006 and changed the state’s constitution to prohibit public colleges and universities from considering race.


Finally a step in the right direction.
>> No. 391468
File 139838206254.jpg - (104.51KB , 572x620 , vladsnowden.jpg )
>Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the Internet a project controlled by the US Central Intelligence Agency and "is still developing as such."

>Putin also warned the Russian people against making Google searches, emphasizing that every entry made into Google goes through servers in the United States.

>Putin's remarks come on the backdrop of revelations made public by US surveillance whistleblower, Edward Snowden.

>Snowden is now in Russia after Moscow granted him asylum in August 2013 for one year.

>> No. 391473
Maybe not fully controlled, just surveyed
>> No. 391474
>rumors eu is funding maidan
Hurr must be a lie.

>rumors from kiev government that russians are funding some separatists
Herpaderp must be true.

>biden openly says us department is paying 40 million to ensure proper democratic president in the next ukrainian election

>some fake anti jew letters published

>meanwhile ethnic russians actually murdered in their beds
Oh that's a lie because Kiev government wouldn't do that.
>> No. 391476
Pootin pls.
>> No. 391478
The vid shows a family of two being murdered. Well the woman is just beaten on screen, might be lucky to get off with rape.
>> No. 391500
>family of 2
It's called a "couple." Your handlers really should work on your English FSB-kun.
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