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File 139342534359.png - (441.74KB , 600x1024 , Screenshot_2014-02-21-21-22-35.png )
389980 No. 389980
Honestly the only thing bothering me now is hat I can't go down to California to see my probably dying grandfather because of BULLSHIT
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>> No. 389981
Holy fucking shit can someone just take this machinery away from me I fiuck NEW thread tell me whats bothering you and uh post random screenshots do it
>> No. 389986
File 139343622199.png - (70.41KB , 510x689 , superbowl.png )
here's an old screen cap from a while ago. feels like ages.

i'm hung up on women all the time. lots of them are into me, too, or so they say, but the issues are typically feasibility and unequal amounts of want from both sides.

and it's been driving me insane for the last few days. like. i barely function. i spent all day sporadically yelling, checking my phone, and spinning my chair in circles while trying to distract myself.

i just wanna embrace some beautiful fucking people for hours and melt into each other is that so wrong
>> No. 389987
File 139343741985.png - (177.14KB , 1250x349 , 1385132208115.png )
>> No. 389991
>Thick as a Brick
>> No. 390003
This is sad, when can we cuddle?
>> No. 390004
i'm glad i'm not the only one who's been thinking that, comrade.
>> No. 390013
File 139352396795.png - (747.57KB , 967x602 , axe commercial.png )
screenacp of a bullshit commercial because of the rules for this thread in >>389981

okay so i drank a couple beers wthout breakfast this morning. i'm hijacking this because why not.

ask me anything. science or personal or i don't give a fuck i just wanna dance
>> No. 390014
File 13935252375.png - (34.42KB , 190x196 , 1296962212957.png )
>beauty takes time
>handsome doesnt
i fucking wish
>> No. 390021
Is it true you think I'm a douchebag
>> No. 390022
Is it true you think F is a douchebag
>> No. 390023
douchebag? no. never. i haven't really interacted with you in some time, but a while back i'd have described you as "thirsty"
>> No. 390024
thats interesting.
>> No. 390025
TIL F is not Ferrous on a mobile
>> No. 390027
File 139354843583.png - (38.81KB , 893x843 , eat your roommate.png )
heck no at all. also throwback thursday.

on mobile i'm "ff" at my laziest
>> No. 390042
Yo I memorized the first movement I'm a champion Tull fucker like that
>> No. 390043
The stranger made fun of Jethro Tull the other week man I would've sent an angry lteer to the editor if it wasn't there fucking stranger I swear I wanted to put that on my okcupid like bitch if you aren't down with Tull i ain't even dtf later
>> No. 390056
fuck yeah one day of solid effort, but i got a really interesting and pretty girl's contact info and she's the one who wants to meet up.

still got it.

anything to assist with the transition of not caring about other people's opinions as much as i do jesus romance to me is like heroine and i'm trying to create my own methadone
>> No. 390094
Ugh I am just ugh I wow I hey awe some
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