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File 139148168729.png - (0.98MB , 997x557 , 1390444152588.png )
389099 No. 389099
Old thread was starting to sink again and I've been waiting to use this image so here.
Expand all images
>> No. 389103
No one likes magic men for being magic, so no one should like magic women for being magic either. If we can't have this, feminism has failed.

Magic women should be liked for supplemental qualities like magic men are. You know, being good alchemists, singing spells, being fetishes for demon men who think they're bears from all the acid they take. In short, magic women should be liked for eating a bunch of potions, having a lot of demon friends, smelling like the ocean, and being mad at pornography.

After this I understand the need for the magic-acceptance movement. People don't usually like it when others smell like the ocean, and that's because society's many fishmongers have sold a patriarchal sexist notion that that means decay and death and not unleashed femininity. We must better ourselves.
>> No. 389105
>> No. 389106
1.21 gigawatts/10
You are as a god.
>> No. 389108
File 139148753221.jpg - (65.10KB , 470x441 , 5.jpg )
what bothers me about the fat acceptance movement is that i keep seeing some very messed up ideas about nutrition and health. i mean, yes, fat is good and the low-fat diet is a fucking joke but that doesn't mean too much body fat is a good thing. loose ideas of what is too much - yes there is such a fucking thing. yes, body fat is good to have and women naturally have more of it but you see these people stretching everything out so far! you can't see your own vagina because you have six bellies lady come on

the problem i have isn't fat. it's their fucking body i don't care. it's the health at every size that pisses me off. what is your definition of health? it's okay to not give a shit about being healthy, do you realize that? the whole HAES thing is such a shitshow of misinformation and ignorance it makes me sad

i <3 u
>> No. 389109
the thing is these people who are morbidly obese and suffering are telling themselves they are okay, they are all right, they are just good and healthy and self esteem whoohoo! i am not talking about chubby lady fat, i am talking about actually fucking obese people.

okay. i know society frowns on you. but your self esteem is not more important than you. in fact, recognizing you have problems and working to fix them is how you build it. don't keep doing the same shit and circlejerking to feel better about yourself. if you feel good, then fine! just do not call yourself healthy AND acknowledge that its okay to not be healthy because everything is meaningless and the only birthright you have is the right to die etc etc etc .
>> No. 389110
Agreed. Being accepting of your figure is one thing; rationalizing that your weight is perfectly fine in the face of all available medical data is another.

As I said in the last thread, I'm pretty sure the acid reflux I'm suffering is made far worse by my weight, so I'm searching for exercise bikes on Craigslist right now in the hopes of finding a smaller and cheaper one to haul up to my room so I can use it an hour or two a day while I watch TV.
>> No. 389113
Getting your wisdom teeth removed is fun!
>> No. 389114
That reminds me! Time for papa's happy pills.
>> No. 389116
Hot damn, I have to boil eggs to put on my chicken sandwiches more often. That was quite tasty.
>> No. 389118
>There's a huge difference between finding someone in a club you can party with for the night, and finding someone at your job/church etc you could have a relationship with. The first is based on physical attractiveness, the second on personality.

Think about how fallacious what you're saying is. We all judge books by their covers and people by their appearances because that is the first thing we see and the fastest way to get an idea about people, even a shallow one. You wouldn't approach somebody at your job or Church if you didn't think they were attractive in the first place.

You think Girls at the Club don't go to Church? Or have Jobs? Or family?

Even if the connection you share is only so temporary and fleeting as to culminate in a one night stand, you're not gonna get there unless there is some connection. It might be only for one night, or she might be the most incredible person you've ever met. And you won't know unless you can really talk to her like a human being. Unless you're lying to them, in which case, they will drop you in a hot minute. Unless they don't recognize what you're doing, which can be worse. You ever watch a messy divorce? Watch someone rip another persons heart out, smash it on the ground, and take all their worldly possessions and the fuckin dog without batting an eyelash? It's easy to think "God what a heartless harpy", but you ever think that he didn't really know her? Didn't really listen or understand or even care. Just wanted an object to put on a pedestal, just one more check mark on that nebulous list that somebody told you would make you happy. Then he's thunderstruck that she's a real human being, with real needs and real emotions, and very real ability to hurt him, and he handed her the keys to his fuckin kingdom without understanding that.

That's what you sound like, man. You sound like you think this shit is frivolous. You sound like you think there's a measurable, qualitative difference between people based on geographic location. And like you can fuck with people and not get fucked back.
>> No. 389119
a chance encounter on my statcounter reminded me of how badly i behaved 2 years ago+how angry i was and while im still a big shitty grump i really hope ive come further from where i was. after i got out of that shitty abusive relationship i was in that almost killed me + had to play medication roulette again from 2011-early 2013 i was so so so angry and unstable and i remember taking a lot of it out on the plus4chan peeps :( so if i ever totally shit on your fun times or was a massive douche to you im PROBABLY really sorry but some of you [shakes fist]
but im sorry. i took out a lot of my internalized anger and mental illness shit out on people who doesnt deserve that kinda treatment

at least im seriously genuinely out of the shit pit i was in. i think my moods been at little better since then? at least i hope so
>> No. 389121
tbh I thought it was just part of the charm. Not exactly my cup of tea, but some people juggle geese
>> No. 389122

i have never heard this expression before but i love it
>> No. 389123
File 139150948852.png - (13.63KB , 117x105 , killthewhiteopressor.png )
About fucking time one of you shits actual acknowledged your own shittiness. Maybe now you guys can actually follow my advice and stop all being terrible people.
>> No. 389124
I'm very happy to hear you're feeling better.
>> No. 389125
Do you go to nightclubs looking for soulmates
>> No. 389126
I will never stop being shit. You can't make me.
>> No. 389127
I reset my sleep schedule this past weekend.

I dedicated myself to typing for at least a brief period of time at 9am every weekday this week.

Slowly but surely, I think I'm getting my head together. Now I just need to overcome the Fear of a Blank Page and get some ideas for stories fleshed out.
>> No. 389128
Whenever I pee I get a paranoid fear that I'm actually dreaming and since I'm peeing in my dream, I'll wake up to find that I've wet the bed.
>> No. 389133

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, Bea!
>> No. 389134
You seem to be if you are able to talk it out. Good luck on continuing on a level path.
>> No. 389135
File 139152816535.jpg - (44.67KB , 499x366 , bea awww.jpg )
>that shitty abusive relationship
Not all of us know the story, could you give a quick recap?

I was wondering why you turned from cute bear to angry bear
>> No. 389139
too busy dunking on nerds
and then looking in the mirror and recognizing that i too am a nerd
and then dunking myself
space jam
>> No. 389140
the guy i started dating was my first relationship ever during a time when my mental illness was at its worst+was only just diagnosed, something i made abundantly clear when we spoke previously (he wanted to get updates on how i was doing before we started dating). he took advantage of my mental illness+self loathing to coerce me into doing things i wasnt comfortable with (making me say that i loved him a week into the relationship and calling me an ice queen for not reciprocating his "i love you"s, fucking me without a condom, hard enough that i bled for days) and agreeing to things i didnt want (including what he wanted to do with our future together, having already decided we're going to be together forever and ever+get married??? barely a month into the relationship??). i was very very depressed and fucked up at this time and am now diagnosed with social and general anxiety disorders, so when he made me video call him once a week on skype+call him every time i got out of class and texted me incessantly to see where i was i was completely overloaded + constantly felt like i was being forced to preform.
he also tried to merge our friend groups together, which is stupid, but his dream was basically that if i ever wanted to go out with friends there would be no reason for me to go anywhere without him. he tried to get me to stop talking to my (still) best friend who was helping me immensely with coping with my mental illness. in feb. i lost my job and my new job didnt start until the start of the new semester in sept, so i was living off my savings when he insisted on coming to visit me in july+basically insisting that we go to san franscisco together despite me having no money and him knowing that full and well.
when i finally broke up with him it was while i was at otakon after having one of the best weeks of my life because i finally got to see and hang out with my best friends from across the country and they made me feel loved and like a human being and on the last night i was there my boyfriend had the audacity to call me to tell me how depressed he was that monopoly was a "capitalist game". this sounds like something i made up but it really happened. i went ballistic on him and got ANGRY for the first time in forever because he was angry that i was having fun without him (as indicated by my tumblr posts). when i came home i told him i didnt want to date him anymore and he refused to take "no" for an answer until i desperately told him i might be a lesbian which finally got him to understand that i did not want to work on our relationship to make it better. after this he still thought that we were going to live together after college and open our fucking coffee shop and STILL HAVE DATES EVERY WEEK. i told him hell no after he coerced me into an uncomfortable game together when i realized that his idea of "staying friends" was to still date.
he took complete advantage of how sick and fucked up i was repeatedly and it made me very angry for a long time that i was used like that.

>> No. 389141
i didn't realize he took advantage of you that much.
my god.
no bee puns intended.
what the flying... i mean... i've got nothing to add. i just... i'm glad you have a good thing right now. you deserve it.
>> No. 389143
indeed I'm also speechless at that poor behavior. Good luck on everything on out then.
>> No. 389144
oh and i forgot he pressured me for nudes when he knew i had an eating disorder lmao
>> No. 389145
for some people, life needs to give them a good thumping to them so they learn that kinda stuff isn't acceptable. Nobody should ever have to put up with that kinda ilk.
>> No. 389147
by definition, monopoly is a capitalist board game

had to say it

sorry your relationshit a shit

ilu on internet
>> No. 389149
File 139155401147.jpg - (68.75KB , 458x594 , 1389648266200.jpg )
>All this stuff happened to Bea while it was happening to me.

>> No. 389150

Holy fuck, what a scumbag. It amazes me someone could treat another person like that. I'm glad to hear you managed to get out of such an awful relationship.
>> No. 389151
dang bea
glad shit's goin swell for you now (y)
>> No. 389152
If this family could go 2 years without a suicide attempt, that'd be really nice.
>> No. 389153
Shit. Sounds like he was the one with issues. Glad you got out of that; sorry that it was something you had to get out of.

Just know that we're here for you, Bea; you just say the word and we'll get our older brothers to beat the shit out of him.
>> No. 389154
geez bea
like all my bullshit aside i seriously hope things are looking up for you and stuff. for real.
>> No. 389157
I don't know if this will pick you guys up, but it has me dying of laughter.


God. DAMN. Not even as a horny teenager was I this desperate for sex.
>> No. 389158
File 139158275173.gif - (126.96KB , 500x279 , xfGAR.gif )

I've been negligent of this place for far too long.
>> No. 389160

Thinking on that, sex has always been a very distant thing in my mind, I care much more in just finding good companionship. Is that odd?
>> No. 389161
i was going to laugh but then i just got sad.
i see better pick up lines in pornhub comments
>> No. 389162
File 139158541795.jpg - (134.64KB , 850x1201 , sample-ea1238c0d679e5019587a9c282ac684f.jpg )
>Is that odd?

Tell me about it.

A few of them are admittedly disturbing (I saw one where some guy said he wanted to skullfuck one of the women and another saying how he wanted to "rape" her mouth or something like that), but the rest are just laughably pathetic.

But if you want to know where the sad part comes in for me, it's the fact that these morons decided to post that nonsense with a real picture tacked on to the post. Like...really? It's one thing to tell a woman you want to "suck the farts out of her ass", but it's another thing to do it with a picture that people can identify you with.

Picture chosen at random because the one I was going to upload is still on the board from almost a year ago!

>> No. 389166
>i see better pick up lines in pornhub comments

Also, it's funny you should say that...

>> No. 389167
File 139161262944.gif - (867.21KB , 250x141 , tayne.gif )
>> No. 389168
There was a stone in my rice. Took off a huge chunk of my molar. That fucking stinks.
>> No. 389169
Hope you have some luck on getting it mended
>> No. 389170
God. Damn.
You really dredged the bottom of the bay with that relationship, huh...
I mean that's like winning the jerk lottery.

Hope you have better luck in the future, find a guy that understand you, likes you for you, that doesn't push you into anything.
Also that has a huge cock although that's really just a bonus, your preference may vary.

Clean rice before cooking? lol are you one of those hilarious people who just dunks it right out of the bag.
>> No. 389172

im actually dating someone absolutely wonderful right now and we've been going strong for about 7 months!! i love him a lot and we're going to be selling together in a small con thats the halfway point for both of us to meet.
thank you, plus4chan dopes, for listening+believing me. i honestly needed other peoples reactions to put the shit that happened to me in context+ to really like... i guess realize the full extent of the shit i was in?? for like these last 3 years i didnt think of it as abuse because i was like "oh it wasnt THAT bad other people have it worse" but wow no it pretty bad
>> No. 389174
File 139164915538.gif - (4.24KB , 218x128 , 1375866802600.gif )
Well, it happened; I went on a date with Girl B.

For those who can't be bothered to check recent threads, Girl B was a yound lady I used to work with, who was kinda flirty with me and with whom I kept in touch, going so far as to ask her out (after a few reschedulings due to various b.s.). This would be fine, were it not for Girl A, another young lady with whom I went out with twice in 2013. I haven't been in touch with Girl A much this past month, which is pretty shitty of me. Anywho, now that you're caught up...

>Get to bar a little early
>It turned out that she was in a completely different bar, because she thought we were going there first
>mfw we'd never even mentioned the other bar
>she gets on the bus, says she'll be about 20 minutes
>mfw it takes her 45 minutes (there was a traffic accident, but I didn't know that at the time)
>mfw she invited her cousin along
>When she finally arrives... we have a damn good time
>We talk about stuff, even the cousin seems pretty chill
>I occasionally flirt with her even jokingly implying that she brought her cousin so we could have a threesome
>Suddenly, the cousin really wants to go outside
>Girl B and I follow
>I assume cousin wants to go somewhere else
>She just wants a cigarette
>As does Girl B
>my capitalist Bourgeois face when

This will probably start a shitstorm, but women who smoke are a complete dealbreaker for me. I'm glad, in a way, because this clears the Girl A/Girl B situation up considerably... but letting Girl B down gently won't be an easy task, given my flirting tonight. Guess that'll teach me, huh?
>> No. 389175
File 139164933093.jpg - (65.21KB , 298x411 , 1390513637720.jpg )
Girls who smoke also smoke dick. Don't give up so easily. Maybe she swallows gum, too. You know what they say about those girls.
>> No. 389176
>women who smoke are a complete dealbreaker for me
Same. However, if you never noticed the smell off of her before it's probably an uncommon thing. Everyone has their negatives; if it's on rare occasion, and until now you've been decently into her, she may still be worth pursuit.
>> No. 389177
Y'all are weird, as long as she has the decency to smoke outdoors I dunno what the prob is.
Smoking indoors is hella trashy tho, don't be gettin ashes all over the place and making everything smell like there was a housefire.
>> No. 389178
Given your past troubles with females (that I've read you post about here), I don't think you should be making decisions like that based on something like smoking.

I mean, I don't like smoking either, but it's not like she's blowing smoke in your face.
>> No. 389179
File 13916538132.gif - (340.70KB , 612x3629 , 20111207[1].gif )
Also, I forgot to mention that you didn't even know old girl smoked in the first place. You've been thinking about this woman for the past...however many months and you just now figured out she smokes?
>> No. 389180
Great to hear that you've got something going for ya, how much are you selling stuff for?

Yea she might be a social smoker (its a thing) just feel out how bad the habit is for her, she might be not really into it.
>> No. 389181
really though i basically love being me
a lot
i mean i'm just saying
>> No. 389182
>bf calls me today
>his friend tried to commit suicide
>this guy is the nicest guy ever
>he was really close to succeeding

I consider this guy a friend even though I don't know him as well as my bf.

Bf spoke to him tonight and told him he has a lot of people who care about him (not in like a "shame on you for doing this" way although it might sound like it in my post) among other things and I hope that helps but I dunno. I hope he talks to someone about it. Friend told my bf he wasn't sure why he tried to do it but I don't know if he's telling the truth, he might just not want to talk yet...

I'm still concerned. I just hope everything turns out okay.

>> No. 389183

>plus4 has a chance of getting laid
>goes outside to get laid
>can very easily get laid
>after all these years
>"muh non-smoking policy prevents me from engaging with the lower class common peddler whore who used me for her second hand smoke privilege"


>> No. 389184

usually i price prints 1 dollar per inch on the shortest side of the print. so like an 8x10 is 8 bucks. 4x6 is 4 etc
stickers and buttons range from 50c to 1.00
i have a store http://beesmygod.storenvy.com/
>> No. 389185
A turnoff's a turnoff.
>> No. 389186
God I love that comic. If only every SMBC strip could be so good.
>> No. 389187

I re-read it like 6 times after posting it. So good.
>> No. 389189
File 139168277783.png?spoiler - (497.62KB , 1600x1523 , Super-awesome reward.png?spoiler )
Also, holy fucking shit Bea. I'm really glad you've traded in your asshole for a good man.
Well, I only interacted with her at work, and she never seemed to go on a smoke break (as far as I was aware, we were working retail at Christmas) and it just never came up in conversation.
Good point. that said, I feel I need to see Girl A again before I go any further with Girl B.
Aw, are you trying to troll me? Here you go!
>> No. 389191
social smoking is great and a very useful tool.
>> No. 389193
i'm gonna have to remind myself that if i can't get action in my own area code but i can get solid propositions from across the goddamn country, it's probably something i'm not doing enough here.

or my online persona is actually p gud and then people meet in person

which is a possibility i'm going to throw out considering i've been offered references from exes if that would somehow help me find a new squeeze.

getting dates is like applying for jobs. you're probably going to want to apply locally. i'm a dumbass throw me in a river.
>> No. 389195
>oh it wasnt THAT bad other people have it worse
Apparently a lot of people in really shitty situations think this.
>> No. 389201
If you're the one in a shit situation, it's a coping tactic. If someone is telling a person in a shit situation that, it's an excuse for that someone to not do anything to help the person.
>> No. 389212
>it's an excuse for that someone to not do anything to help the person.

Well this is just wrong. You need to evaluate the context of situation before saying something like this.

Like if someone I know is whining about how he can't watch TV because the cable gets knocked out, what do you expect me to do? This is a bit of an extreme example, but people whine about shit all the time when they shouldn't.

You also seem to think that people have the ability to actually help others out. People can complain to me about being poor. What am I to do? I'm also poor. People can complain to me about not having a significant other. Well, I can't just run out to Wal-Mart and buy someone a girl/boyfriend.

Maybe sometimes it's an excuse, but it's not always.
>> No. 389213
regardless of the situation it's always an annoying thing to hear. if you don't want to hear somebody complain about their cable going out just tell them you don't want to hear it instead of saying some people have it worse. no shit, some people don't even HAVE cable? really? thanks i'll take note, it has never occurred to me before you said that
>> No. 389214
>thanks i'll take note, it has never occurred to me before you said that

You're trying to be snarky but you have no idea the number of things people take for granted in life.
>> No. 389217
File 139174128091.jpg - (88.53KB , 500x667 , tumblr_mzpuhujsWh1qz4gevo1_500.jpg )
It's that satisfying feeling of watching a mortal nemesis slip in their own feces.
>> No. 389218
Do you feel that strongly about Windows 8?
>> No. 389220

Can't you just build your own computer and put in whatever operating system you like? Seems the reasonable thing to do rather than complain about your OS and then do absolutely nothing about it.

"I hate bagels with cream cheese; I want them with jelly! But every cafe in town only has them with cream cheese. Ugh!"

"Uh, dude, you know you can just make your own bagels at home, right?"

"I can't do that. That's too complicated."
>> No. 389221
I certainly do.
>> No. 389223

I have Windows 7, it's just soul satisfying to watch 8's failure.
>> No. 389224
Ah windows 7 the new XP, will be used up to and past 2025
>> No. 389225
What kind of sick freak puts jelly on bagels, anyway?
>> No. 389227
File 139174709712.jpg - (12.24KB , 489x248 , January2014Share.jpg )
>> No. 389229
File 139175262220.jpg - (35.69KB , 181x237 , 1385502995690.jpg )
>Get a text
>"Roomate is out, I have the room to myself ;)"
>Get a phone notification a few minutes later.
>Pull out my dick.
>*New Snap from Vorked*

She forgot about me and surfed the internet for an hour. God she is so cute.
>> No. 389230
>> No. 389231
File 139175444051.gif - (809.12KB , 245x238 , BabyBea.gif )
>not knowing jelly on a hot toasted bagel
>not knowing cream cheese & jelly on a bgel, cold or toasted
>not knowing the sweet+salty combo of melted butter & jelly on a toasted bagel
>not knowing pb&j on a cinnamon raisin bagel
>shiggy diggy
>get the fuck outta my office

>SnapChatting with Vorked
>> No. 389232
i'm crying
>> No. 389233
I don't like it. No sir.

Also, I'm moving/have moved into a house. So I'm kinda excited about that. Only had to eat one of the owners.
>> No. 389234
For a lot of people not like us nerds, that's not really possible. With the right knowledge, files and gear, that sort of thing is trivial. Most people who use computers do not have any of those except the gear.

The most forgotten lesson of "first world problems" is that everyone has problems relative to their own life. That doesn't mean you should be blind to the problems others have.
>> No. 389235
>>not knowing pb&j on a cinnamon raisin bagel
Never was a big fan of that. A cold bagel is low tier but a warm one makes the peanut butter start dripping. Chunkier peanut butter doesn't seem to help. Am I supposed to eat it open-faced like some sort of savage?
>> No. 389236
>> No. 389237
Make sure you do proper remains disposal, that is how one gets ants, and worse.
>> No. 389238
Whee another bout of sickness, this one is a classic 24 mess, the vomiting I could really do without. I start writing and I keep getting smacked around by illness, NO FUN. Plus side I'm getting my pacing down and my series prologue will be a decent 15-20 pages. Anyone care for a read once I kick this and get it finished.
>> No. 389239

>MacOS X still hasn't passed Windows FUCKING Vista

Sheeeeet, Apple.
>> No. 389240
And yet they have bajillions more money than microsoft.

Makes you wonder just how much they're paying the sweatshop kids.
>> No. 389241
Well, for one: iProducts
And two: Overcharging out the ass.
>> No. 389243
Um, pretty sure that's actually false. Apple may dominate the consumer market with its' "it just werks" product lines for small business and home users, but Windows and Internet Explorer are still integral to all levels of large scale Corporate Business, and continues to make lots of money from those arrangements, even as market confidence falters with the relative failures of Windows Phone and 8.


the global revenue chart for apple requires a premium account
>> No. 389244
Every weekday morning this week, at about 9 am, I sat down and did a combo of darkwriting (writing without the screen on so as to negate the urge to edit as you write) and ventwriting for at least ten minutes/about 500-600 words.

It ain't much, and it didn't lead to any major life revelations or story ideas or whatever, but it's the start of a writing habit - and that alone makes me feel as if I accomplished something this week.

Takin' small steps. :)
>> No. 389245
>darkwriting (writing without the screen on so as to negate the urge to edit as you write) and ventwriting for at least ten minutes/about 500-600 words
A better love story than twilight.
>> No. 389246

I didn't need that laugh today, but I certainly appreciate it nonetheless.
>> No. 389252
File 139180579147.jpg - (25.22KB , 568x449 , 48077_4081892498221_369574937_n.jpg )
The problem with Win8 was twofold:

1) They were attempting to move down an Apple path with their own appstore and such, but half of why Windows is so popular is that the platform isn't closed off.
2) Using it was unfamiliar, and one of the only reasons people use Windows and not OSX/Linux is that it's familiar. I'd prefer Fedora/OSX with a Win7 VM to Win8, not for any great flaw of Win8 itself, but because I'm just not used to the changes.

Even though I hated Apple users in the early 00s for buying into those pretentious ads, they at least used to try new stuff (and do the stuff they already did insanely well). Modern Apple is sort of just this shitty lumbering giant that exists, but doesn't actually do anything noteworthy. Google is sort of taking their place, although they don't have the prestige yet.
>> No. 389262
File 139180855290.jpg - (35.18KB , 381x480 , tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo5_400.jpg )
Japan's wrestlers are way cooler than ours.
>> No. 389263

KANA is fucking amazing.
>> No. 389264
File 139181156464.jpg - (69.36KB , 960x638 , tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo10_1280.jpg )
She may be dressed like a clown but that's no joke.
>> No. 389266
Would so buy a JFW figure of her.
>> No. 389268
File 139181487515.jpg - (42.52KB , 399x521 , tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo7_400.jpg )
Ditto Amigo.
>> No. 389273
i haven't seen my best friend in five months and she's back in the country for a couple of days this coming week before she leaves for like another 5-7 months and i don't have money to go see her. i feel like shit.
>> No. 389275
do you stay in touch electronically?
>> No. 389276
>> that is how one gets ants, and worse.

I'll keep that in mind. Since the foundation is cracked on the corner of the house.

You have your life and she has hers. Don't beat yourself up over something you can't control.

Didn't we have a clown wrestler way way back in the day?
>> No. 389277
File 139182529317.jpg - (44.94KB , 480x640 , we are mature and responsible adults i swear.jpg )
Sort of. It's not something I've very good at though, I find it very hard to talk online/through text/via the phone. We leave each other dumb things on our facebooks every other day and chat sometimes. We were neighbours in university and lived together for a year. When I get to see her it's like she never left. I was in the same class as her, I would be with her now if I hadn't dropped out.

I know. She's a very important part of my life though, I love and miss her very much.
>> No. 389278
For the record, I'm using Windows 8 - I'm too lazy to install a better OS, but not so lazy that I haven't worked around most of 8's deficiencies.

Also, I'm planning on asking Girl A out for coffee sometime next week. I'll probably ask Girl B out soon, but not right now. For one thing, dating two women in one week (even two that I'm not strictly attached to) would be skeezy. For another, I'm poor as fuck right now.

I will try and give Girl B another chance re: her smoking; I guess I was looking for an easy out for the whole mess I've put myself into, and my firm anti-smoking stance provided one for me... but that's still not fair on B.
>> No. 389281
She sounds important and good for you, try and figure a way to maintain a solid connection. I learned too late that friends actually matter, hence I have none.
>> No. 389289
File 13918733622.jpg - (259.99KB , 1283x1311 , co ben.jpg )
So Ben Affleck was on /co/ prime yesterday.
>> No. 389290
AH!!! Nice getting straight to the point Benny.
>> No. 389291
I know she is, but so is Girl A... Christ, I've put myself in a hell of a pickle.
Well... fuck.
>> No. 389298
>Ben Affleck is familiar enough with 4chan to use "OP", properly backlink, post images
This doesn't surprise me, really.
>> No. 389306

His picture is perfect. It's exactly how I expect most seasoned Anonymous to look like. The expression is so "I've about had it up to here with your bullshit today, internet."
>> No. 389307
Supposedly. People assumed the studio might be gauging reactions and stuff. We waited for some confirmation on Twitter or something, nothing.
>> No. 389313
Taylor Swift was on /b/ at one point. The thing that pisses me off is she didn't go on /mu/, she went on fucking /b/.

It's a private thing, no one wants to be publicly associated with 4chan.
>> No. 389315

Knew that woman had a dark side. How many hentai doujins do you think she has saved?
>> No. 389318
Lorde did post on /mu/ a good while ago asking for tips on making Royals better though.
Which is pretty much my favorite thing ever.
>> No. 389320

every time i see that post i lose my mind laughing. what the fuck lorde
>> No. 389323
I believe Gabe had a stickied thread on /v/ once. Maybe. I'd have to look at the archives to remember who it was, exactly, but it was a big name.
>> No. 389324
Ever since I got surgery on my ankle I've had chronic pain in the top of my foot. Feels like constant pins and needles and it hurts even worse when I move it. It's honestly sort of worrying me. Somebody give me a bucketful of oxycodone.
>> No. 389325

Now I feel like an adult!
>> No. 389327
File 139191770547.jpg - (27.15KB , 584x328 , full-bleed-1297701692.jpg )
So did WK, he's pretty much the cause of the whole "party hard" meme.

>also i love royals
>> No. 389328
Has /mu/ ever made anything better?

It's filled with more hate and vitriol than /v/.
>> No. 389330
I remember that thread.
He said that Thank You Based God was his favorite meme, and took pics with shoe on head.
I love Andrew W.K. a lot.
>> No. 389345
I always considered /mu/ like /ic/. After a shitty attitude, you get some pretty good and noteworthy stuff.

Hell, shit shaped my music tastes completely. And I think my younger sister started going there before we lost internet access and stuff.

Good thread. Good thread.
>> No. 389347
Dunno, Lauren Faust dropped by a few times, but... I guess /co/ had a better reputation back in the first time... and I guess she doesn't know better.
Also, in one thread about the cancellation of a Marvel comic, I think I've seen one member of the crew dropping by, just yesterday, trip and all.

And then there was the recent case of Jenna Jameson asking /b/ for help, but... well, she really needed I guess.
>> No. 389348
I think various FiM crew did drop by for a general or two before the board split. Brianne Drouhard (Amethyst Princess of Gemworld) dropped in a couple times to threads talking about her stuff. Various members of Animation teams have popped up now an then. I think Steve Blum showed up during the start of the Toonami comeback.
>> No. 389351
Stuff like this happening makes me smile.
>> No. 389354
Still wondering the path he traveled to wind up there.
>> No. 389380
File 13919846394.gif - (1.79MB , 480x270 , 1390709137183.gif )
>Phantoms like a motherfucker

That's comforting in a way though, that celebs can and do mingle with the anonymous masses. So many of them just get completely out of touch, but not so much anymore
>> No. 389382
Internet has helped closed the gap that existed for quite some time. The Upper Hollywood echelons are still uppity about mingling with the masses but those that have made a living mingling with and have friends that still do so such as Affleck still have that connection. Kinda wish more would, they'd find much more heartfelt support than what they find mulling about their own and the Hollywood fans.
>> No. 389385
I love celebrities posting on 4chan. One of my favorite things about the site is not knowing who you're interacting with. You might have just told someone involved with the creation of your favorite media to fuck off and you'll never even know.

>Taylor Swift was on /b/ at one point. The thing that pisses me off is she didn't go on /mu/, she went on fucking /b/.

What did she post? She's probably not familiar enough with the site to realize there is a /mu/, after all /b/ is sadly the face of 4chan
>> No. 389394
get a load of those goons in the political thread amirite?
>> No. 389396
File 13919984885.gif - (2.07MB , 389x157 , ahhhhhhh.gif )
>mom got laid off
>well, everything will be okay, we'll figure it out
>"Don't forget that we'll be losing our health insurance so we need to get all our appointments for the year done by March. Also we'll have to pay out of pocket for prescriptions"
>mfw my pill is $134.99 a month without insurance
>> No. 389397
You could always whore yourself out to fifty fat chicks for 100 bucks apiece. Or 10 really fat chicks for a 500 bucks apiece.
>> No. 389400
File 139200105857.png - (117.36KB , 247x244 , slowpokeandmisery.png )
I Regret It
>> No. 389401

youre just jealous because i started a lucrative bra strap for tablet business
>> No. 389403
no way. i'm not about to become the pot calling the kettle black here since i am strongly pro-tablets and am a proud owner of a tablet there's no shame.
also i post half-naked pictures of my body for free so
>> No. 389404
Only way I can be productive in my writing is with my tabby.
>> No. 389407
I hate head colds. >:|
>> No. 389411
>there's no shame
Unless it's a nexus 7.
>> No. 389414
I like my nexus, since I mainly write with it.
>> No. 389417
Not worth the money, after all you can write with a pencil.
>> No. 389418
meh to each their own, right apps and its kept me more productive than trying to stay focused on the PC.
>> No. 389422
yay, i can afford to go see my friend tomorrow for a surprise secret dinner thing. i'm not above lying to sweet old ladies to get what i need.
>> No. 389423
File 139206086683.png - (521.44KB , 518x720 , checkem.png )
I prefer my Nexus 7 to my old iPad. Take it with me wherever I go.

Perfect size, perfect shape, amazing screen, and it never gives me problems.

Next phone is going to be a phablet because fuck carrying two devices around.
>> No. 389424
Speaking of our dark, tablet future, the Surface Pro2 is pretty much the laptop I've always wanted Apple to make. (minus the shitty keyboard)

A Macbook Pro with a built in Wacom digitizer would be boners for years, but Apple doesn't go out of its way to court artsy types anymore.
>> No. 389428
America is always lagging behind Japan.
>> No. 389429
>Not worth the money

why do people always try to make this argument. Sure it's not worth the money, that's why the global economy is running on bullshit like this. I don't use my nexus 7 all that much because all my other systems are way more powerful, but from what I've seen it's a solid little piece of hardware. Certainly not overpriced like a lot of Apple's bullshit
>> No. 389435
You know what? I'm fucking done arguing on the internet. There's just no point. It's not worth the hassle.
>> No. 389436
Don't you see? If you don't respond, they'll think they WON.
>> No. 389437

>> No. 389438
I never get hungover in the "traditional" sense when I drink too much.
I've never gotten that trademark headache and I never feel too out of it the next day.
The symptoms I experience are that I will feel slightly sluggish sometimes, and I get a slight pain in my arms similar to the feeling of straining a muscle while working out. Is that weird?
>> No. 389439
Let 'em. They think they've won before the argument even starts. And nothing will change their mind. That's why they're getting into the argument to begin with.
>> No. 389440
The global economy runs on idiots. It always has Eugene, it always has!

Why would you argue anyway?
>> No. 389441
Hangovers are usually the result of dehydration, and I think those symptoms fit, so not that weird.

I've never drunk enough to get a hangover. I drink maybe once a month, and then it's a single beer or ~4 ounces of a hard liquor. Enough that I get a slight buzz, with my low tolerance; it's usually enough to make my sleepy and/or slow my brain down, which is why I drink at all.
>> No. 389442
I heard that was caused by excessive urination, that still the root of it or is it actually something else.
>> No. 389443

Dear Nature,

Please stop.
The world
>> No. 389444
Speaking of drinking, when I drink even a single beer my face gets flushed and really hot, does this happen to anyone else?

It's uncomfortable. No one else I drink with seems to get this way, just me, which is why I ask.
>> No. 389445
That's forced perspective.
>> No. 389447
That's probably Alchohol Flush Syndrome.

Man, I'm doing awesome at identifying stuff this thread.
>> No. 389452
Yes. The more you drink the less you care about it.

This might be more of a common fact that alcohol relaxes your capillaries than some kind of rare asian genetic disorder.
>> No. 389454
Dear Dr. Goblin,

Please stop killing fun and wonder.

Things that don't exist
>> No. 389455
Are you part Asian? That happens a lot to us.
>> No. 389457
I should have looked at it more closely. I should have known better. I'm sorry for my post. Here is a blue slug that eats Man-o-wars as a way of sorry giving.

Deadly Sea Creature - Blue Angelyoutube thumb

In my defense though flying foxes are cool.
>> No. 389458
Yeah I found that online but I'm not Asian at all (as far as I know) so I thought I could probably rule that out. Although it did say it rarely affects other people from different races.

>This might be more of a common fact that alcohol relaxes your capillaries
Oh that makes sense, I didn't think about that. Thanks anon.
>> No. 389468
It's not that rare, and it's not exclusively asian. My pasty white Irish brother has it.

Or, maybe it's an Ahool. Maybe.
>> No. 389470

Did a quick search and it's forced perception as you say. In the link it shows the COMPLETE picture. Which has a knife above the bat. The video did not show this. You are right, I was wrong.
I have the shame face now.
>> No. 389471
File 139216329916.png - (11.13KB , 228x118 , le faec face.png )
I'm attempting to sort all my reaction images into one folder. It's... taking a bit longer than I thought.
>> No. 389472
Do not be ashamed. I could tell by the pictures and having seen way, way, way tooooo many pictures of giant monsters in my time.
>> No. 389473
Do not be ashamed. I could tell by the pictures and having seen way, way, way tooooo many pictures of giant monsters in my time.
>> No. 389474
File 139216925037.png - (100.72KB , 240x240 , h8BHf9oa.png )
I'm more using this as a venting postion because I would rather these thoughts don't roll into actual hate and more minor rude things that I've noticed about races and religions and movements.

Black people in the United States smell terrible. It's this oily fungusy meat stench, and I don't know whether it's a shower thing or just the wrong deoderant, but it's really common and I don't know the right way to let them know they reek. I single out United States because this doesn't happen with the Rwandans I know in college, thought they rub themselves in Vaseline, and that's gross as hell too. At least there I get we're living in a dryer climate than Rwanda, but fuck it's still creepy seeing a black man in his underwear, lubing himself up in the morning to go outside. And then he smiles and says hi while doing it and I have to hide under the covers because he's freaking me out.

Jewish people I know have a high tendency to be extremely talented successful individuals, and also be really big assholes to me. Also, that big nose thing? I think I found patient zero with this one guy's father. Guy looks like a Wyatt Mann cartoon and I wish I had a picture.

I don't know where Asian women being more demure came from. The only girls at my school that were more violent than the black girls were the vietnamese girls. Bitches be crazy, pulling hair, getting in battles, cussing out anyone who dared to date them, and siccing their psycho brothers on the rest. Hispanic women seem more the calm sweet family type. Maybe my school was some experiment in bizarro stereotypes, there was a barbershop quartet in our talent competition.

Gay people need to get over this whole Christian thing. I don't mean stop fighting for equal rights, but gain some damn perspective. They've kowtowed to 'I don't really like you very much'. Internationally that's better than being hung by construction equipment by Muslims. And yes, demons you know, but even churches are changing their minds. A voice in my head says 'well maybe it's all the years of repressing every thought about a certain topic that they think that's the only way you address things anymore'.

In general, I feel that a lot of what feminists, anti-racists, progressives, etc. say they fight for, are good things. The end to discrimination of any kind, the stronger more integrated social contract and government more directly serving an urban system, the balancing of standards and job markets to be more ecumenical, multiculutral, agendered, and so on.

HOWEVER, none of them seem to get that just making laws about what people have to swallow right here and now, and then responding to any complaints with 'it's good for you' doesn't work with kids and broccoli, and it's not how people work on much of anything. I don't know why these social movements are all so obsessed with the quick gains, quick losses world of politics, but it's not changing squat in the hearts and minds, and I'm not against you for pointing that out. How many eons have we spent dividing, itemizing, regulating and oppressing each other before we all collectively agreed that owning one another in total bondage forever is not okay? You think a few quotas are going to cause a paradigm shift just because you believe it's a good thing? How are you any different than those that banned alcohol or pornography? How are you going to respond when you've made the things that you want to fight suddenly enjoyed by everyone because you passed a law or two and didn't actually make people want it? Claim the patriarchy or the man or big corporations bamboozled you yet again and write a few more passionate blogs? Change is a long, arduous process and is not so corralled by one good run of activists. If they had, hippies wouldn't have turned into the Man so easily.
>> No. 389478
Me, I've...
I feel like I've been beat up, mainly.
Like, how it feels when you get hit somewhere? Only you get that feel on every limb. Head, thighs, shoulders arms, chest...
A couple of times I actually doubted my memory and thought I maybe got in a fight at some point.
>> No. 389479
KOTH Edit: Peggy's Massageyoutube thumb
instead of reading that giant shit post, watch this incredible video
>> No. 389480
A gift from the gods.
>> No. 389481
I'm just going to get some cereal.
>> No. 389482
File 139219415650.png - (2.74MB , 848x1760 , 1354183813019.png )
>> No. 389487
I've tried that many times...and failed each one.

That and the porn collection.
>> No. 389488
Cereal is good any time.
>> No. 389489
File 139222746981.gif - (222.32KB , 198x200 , Well+fair+enough+_28c7137631e973ad2bd948932d503768.gif )
>Text Girl A, asking her if she's busy this week
>She says "Yes, why do you ask?"
>Ask her if she wants to get some coffee or something
>She replies "I've got some plans for this weekend so probably best to ask someone else. Have fun!"
>Check her facebook
>She's got plans for Valentine's Day

Pretty sure my two-timing creeper ass has just been shut down. As much as I don't want to spend Valentine's Day on my own again, I also don't want to go to a bar with anybody on one of the busiest nights of the year, and I'm pretty sure this weekend will also be intolerably busy.

So, do I try to get Girl A to go out with me another week (I'm guessing that'd be dumb...) or ask Girl B out next week?
>> No. 389491
Go with girl B next week. This isn't a crunch time deal.
>> No. 389492
Uh, even if Girl B smokes and that completely murders your boner or whatever you said was your problem with that, it actually seems like you have much more of a connection with her than with girl A, who seems like she's actually planning and doing things with other dudes and living her own life. I think you should probably concentrate on Girl B and forget Girl A at this point.
>> No. 389493
It's better to just delete what you have, and make folders to put things into later.

Then you have a basic handle of what was supposed to go where, and when you have a glut of things you didn't sort, just chuck them and start organizing again.
>> No. 389495
Just ask Girl B out, goddamn. Beggars can't be choosers and it's clear that Girl A has something else going on. This ain't rocket science.

I find it incredibly dumb that you're trying to leave what looks to be a good relationship (be it friends or otherwise) over a silly hangup. If Girl B had a trashy personality or something, you'd be on to something, but you're really considering passing up someone you get along with over cigarettes.

All that shit aside she might not even be smoking forever. Dumbass. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

And don't bother with Girl A again unless you know you're the type of person who can remain friends without falling in love. If you can't do this, forget about her.
>> No. 389496
The way that I work is to just have everything in a base folder, and gradually build up layers from there. I'll make a folder, then if I recognize a picture goes in there I'll move it a layer down. Later I'll be going through that next layer and see that said image belongs in a further layer, so I put it in there; etc.
>> No. 389497

found this to be an interesting post.
>> No. 389500
Can anybody tell me if Amazon Prime is worth it? I've been on the fence about it for two months... £50 a year is quite a lot for somebody who's unemployed, but on the other hand I'm sick of paying £2.81 for books.
I should explain why smoking is such a bugbear for me - my maternal grandparents smoked a lot when I was young; when I say "a lot", I mean that me and my brothers always had to have a bath after visiting them, because the smell of the tobacco always clung to us after we left. Some times, my grandparents didn't even light up, and we still had to have a bath!

Add to that the whole "Drugs are bad!" spiel we all got as kids (I still remember thumbing through a booklet all about the way drugs fuck you up, and thinking "Wow, none of these sound fun at all!"), and I wasn't particulary too well-disposed to most narcotics in general, but cigarettes were always a focus for my scorn. If you think I'm being preachy now, you should've met me 10-15 years ago... I've gotten to the point where I won't really give a shit if you want to smoke a joint or have a few drinks, but even the smell of tobacco still kinda sets me on edge a little.

That said, Girl B is a lovely person, and even an unreformed straight edge pussy like me should give her another shot. I just wished I'd handled things with Girl A with more tact...
>> No. 389501
Hey don't get too down on yourself, I had a cousin who had to break engagements for, reasons. But he found another that has worked out well for him and they've just had their first child a few months back and are doing well. Point is losing one isn't the end and there is always another chance, you just have to make it.
>> No. 389503
Giant fox bats have one to two meter wingspans.
>> No. 389504
You might want to hold off on Prime; Amazon is thinking of raising the price, at least in America (not sure about other countries.)
>> No. 389505
File 13922565063.png - (12.62KB , 214x143 , le maymay fouldr.png )
Here's an update for you guys.
>> No. 389506
>You might want to hold off on Prime; Amazon is thinking of raising the price, at least in America (not sure about other countries.)

Wouldn't it be good to get it now, then?
>> No. 389507
I haven't looked at the details, but I'm assuming the rates will affect existing customers. Since it's yearly, if you get it now you might be able to get that full year for the current price, but not after.

...actually, now that I've thought about that, if current subscribers don't have to pay more until their renewals, this might just be a drive for Amazon to increase their number of subscribers without any actual increase.
>> No. 389508
so i slept with an old friend of mine who has had a crush on me for like three years last night. i'm still not really sure how it happened, i hadn't even drank that much (although i look and feel like i got hit by a truck today). he reminds me a lot of sid from ice age. the actual sex was just plain weird. i'm confused.
>> No. 389509
I had Prime for 3 years and they only ever charged me when my subscription ran out, which is why I assume that the latter of your post is probably the case.

I really need to get it again, I definitely found it worth it. I was paying student price for Prime, that is $40 instead of the usual $80 or whatever. Amazon's prices beat most of the stores in my area.
>> No. 389510
File 139226622724.jpg - (63.96KB , 500x417 , friendzone he did it.jpg )

>> No. 389511
I wouldn't go so far as to say he was friendzoned. I think it was more a "I want to touch those boobs" thing rather than "I think about you a lot and want to be your bf" thing.
>> No. 389512
Eh, most relationships you try that go nowhere, you generally wish there was more tact involved. But understand that while you wish you could've been smoother, ultimately that probably doesn't mean that much. Really the most important thing to any kind of relationship is both parties consenting to it, and some girls will just say "nah" when your game is 100% on and some girls will say "totally" on the worst day of your life. If somebody just says no, move on. Remain friends but do your own thing, part socially on good terms. The only thing you do by trying to force someone to like you is to make them dislike you.

I feel like the friendzone only really exists for people who can't take a hint. It always seems like the guys who end up there never really tried to be a friend anyway, but the girl just didn't want to straight up tell him "I don't want to be with your ass, you're a weird creep". Not the least of which because there seems to be a history of violence for that sort of thing.
>> No. 389513
>I think it was more a "I want to touch those boobs" thing rather than "I think about you a lot and want to be your bf" thing.

Seems more sexual attraction than an actual crush. Not to say that they're mutually exclusive.
>> No. 389515
I don't understand.

I will never understand
>> No. 389518
>I feel like the friendzone only really exists for people who can't take a hint.
lol wtf, it exists for people who are friends for a long time and one develops feelings for the other

happens all the damn time
>> No. 389521
File 139231580992.jpg - (67.77KB , 337x507 , laughing girls.jpg )

get a load of this guy
>> No. 389522
unrequited affection and friendzone are two different things. watch this.
one is having feelings for another person and accepting that the other person has no obligation to reciprocate
the other is feeling miffed by the other person for not choosing the subject back the same way.

yeah the setup is similar but the difference is whether or not you blame circumstances or your "friend".
>> No. 389524
File 139231840436.png - (34.56KB , 700x700 , 1344744055107.png )
That's more of an arbitrary distinction than anything, because most people who get 'freindzoned' just sit around feeling sad about it, not necessarily hating the him/her in question for not jumping their bones. I've never met anyone who made a distinction between friends and potential lovers, though, so that's pretty bullshit.
>> No. 389525
So the Friendzone is like any other form of attraction in that someone feels entitled to be loved.
>> No. 389527
i'll deal with these later.
but these are troubling to me.
except for the notion that sad-face people call it "the friend zone"
which is even more sad
>> No. 389528
Er no, that's some kind of gay reddit thing, you don't have to feel miffed or entitled for it to be a frienzone.

You could be totally in fuck my life mode, not blaming the other person just the circumstance, and it would still be friendzone.
>> No. 389529
File 13923291189.png - (334.76KB , 636x478 , 1385119670851.png )
>Spending Valentine's Day alone because the trains are messed up due to snow.

Life has no light in it.
>> No. 389530
File 139233047664.jpg?spoiler - (14.95KB , 244x200 , pic related.jpg?spoiler )
>actually caring about what someone else thinks of me
Bluhahe, I thought I was over this shit.
What an awful feeling.
And yet...what a wonderful feeling.
>> No. 389536
>sitting at my computer, fapping to some hentai I like
>it's like, the best hentai ever
Then I wake up.
I dreamt I was fapping.
>> No. 389537
File 139233818442.png - (253.16KB , 600x600 , moe i tried.png )
>> No. 389538
Eh I'm being a lonely bastard and gonna write some random twitter poemage, for kicks.
>> No. 389539
The only thing Valentine's Day means to me is that it's the day before candy is super cheap for a few days.

1) I already saw it
2) I don't know anyone awesome
>> No. 389541
yea whomever I end up connecting with will likely want a bit better connection than just just giving of things on a marketing holiday
>> No. 389543
File 139234067544.jpg - (14.04KB , 504x360 , daisies1.jpg )
Boyfriend doesn't wanna celebrate Valentines Day mainly because he's broke so whatever, it's not like I can't do these things (eat chocolate, have romantic relations, go to dinner at a nice place) any other day of the year

But I still kind of want flowers... no one has ever given me a bouquet of my favorite flowers. I've gotten roses before but goddamn, roses are like the default flower and I don't even care for them that much.
>> No. 389544
What, are the cabs all locked down, too?

I hate that my work schedule means there won't be any time to get that sweet sweet candy, because it will all be gone once I have the chance. On Nov. 2 I checked out the big name retailers around here looking for Halloween candy but barely anything was left. Fucking kids.
>> No. 389545
>cabs in New York
>> No. 389550
Are his arms so broke that he can't pick some flowers?
>> No. 389552
File 139236355295.jpg - (161.82KB , 1282x1444 , 1327383402768.jpg )


>> No. 389553
File 139236449960.jpg - (91.35KB , 400x600 , booster032.jpg )
Yeesh...4k+. And I thought I had a lot (2k+).

What trains are messed up? The trains should be just fine now that the SNOW is pretty much over & done with. It's gonna be all rain & sleet from here on out. Dunno about the buses, though

So go get dat.

PS: I was serious about that Senor meet-up.
>> No. 389559
File 139237948456.png - (142.60KB , 400x400 , tumblr_n0ykwntsXI1rkt29io1_400.png )
This was almost the answer to my valentines based emergency woes but unfortunately I need "I hear the Voices" if only their existed some kind of inter connecting net over which videos and music could be sent.

oh yeah.

So she got me a box of twist ties, duct tape and garbage bags and I'm sending her my rendition of "I hear the voices."

Daryl Hall &amp; John Oates - …youtube thumb
>> No. 389561
this morning I'll write for a few hours, then in the afternoon I'm making twitter poems to send out so I can get this garbage out of my system and keep me away from the hole.
>> No. 389572
i want to be morticia addams when i grow up
>> No. 389573
Having a lot of trouble getting a good night's sleep lately, even with melatonin and just being exhausted in general. Also I wake up a lot and have difficulty getting back to sleep.
Would anyone have any pointers on getting a decent night's sleep? I think I have some unhealthy habits that probably contribute to my difficulty.
>> No. 389575
Awesome, I wanna be Lurch.
>> No. 389579
i've thought about this friendzone business for a while and i remembered that language is a fluid thing. which is an issue we keep having on this image board. no one can fucking agree on the meaning of stuff and thus nuances for the definitions don't carry.

but why do we need a word for unrequited feelings? having friends is pretty cool. it implies that being a friend is not enough, but okay. suit yourselves.
>> No. 389580
Being a friend isn't enough sometimes. Sometimes it makes everything worse.
>> No. 389582
Listing those habits would be helpful.
Environment could be an issue:
1) Making your room as dark as possible (including putting thick sheets/cardboard over your window at night, all clocks facing down, etc.)
2) Use white noise. Can be a machine or a CD set on repeat, but I find that a cheap fan with a steady sound works just as well and serves double-duty. You can try a desk-top waterfall as well.
3) Wear loose clothing
4) If you find your bed too hard, try buying a foam topper or (a cheaper alternative) those egg crate things you see everywhere around back-to-school time for college freshmen.
5) Wear socks. "Restless Leg Syndrome" is a real thing, and for people with very minor cases wearing socks can increase blood flow in the feet enough to take care of it at night.

Some habits that could hurt:
1) Keep a consistent bed time as much as possible
2) Don't eat a big meal close to bed time, but don't go to bed hungry, either
3) Don't do anything stimulating before bed time. No action-oriented video games (puzzlers should be okay), no loud music, no "heart pounding" movies/shows
4) If you find yourself thinking a lot, try writing down what you're thinking; it might get that out of your head so can clear it
5) Read a bit before bed, but not off of a monitor (eInk or paper only)
>> No. 389584
Yes, but the pain of wanting while still being actual friends means you part on good terms.

All relationships, romantic or not, have a shelf life. There's generally only a certain amount of time you can be with people before you go back to your own lives, or move on. Sometimes you become friends, you feel a connection, but it's a connection that neither of you can act on, because of obligations or the situation around in which you met, and so on. In such cases, while it is possible to remain friends, generally, it is better to part gracefully, maintaining the general friendship but letting them more or less move on with their own lives. And while there is sadness, you remain friends.

Being friends with a girl is not a bad thing, no matter what the chumps on /adv/ say. But the people I always see talking about being "friendzoned" are people who strike me as not really being friends. They don't really appreciate the people who friendzoned them, they approached that person with intent to romantically pursue and that person turned them down, but used "Let's just be friends" to avoid hurting feelings instead of just saying "you seem creepy and desperate". Which makes a certain amount of sense, given the history of male violence against women, and the way many girls are taught/learn to avoid conflict, especially with fragile egos.

The distinction is very arbitrary, but friends and friendzoned aren't the same thing. At least, it doesn't seem like it.
>> No. 389585
Friendzone comes about because people develop a scarcity mentality and convince themselves that they're in love with another person because they have a little bit of chemistry and they're convinced they'll never, or at least seldom, have a chance at finding someone. There is nothing wrong with being friends with someone you're attracted to, but people who have low self-esteem and poor social skills TURN it into something bad so they can justify throwing themselves pity parties, and also because unrequited love has developed an unhealthy reputation as being romantic rather than what it actually is most of the time, which is creepy.

Those of you who still buy into the friendzone nonsense need to stop getting hung up on this ONE PERSON. Yes, she may be perfect for you on paper. But not being into you is a PRETTY BIG red flag that you could never actually be happy together.
>> No. 389588
i've always just treated the "friendzone" in the sense of "this person is super cool and is my type and i probably SHOULD be attracted to them, but nope, nothing there"
even though you would date them
they're just a friend
easy definition
>> No. 389590
> Cis Male – sex is male and gender identity is male
> Cis Man – same as cis male but more specifically references the person identifying as cis male
...Not that I fully understand the whole 'cis' thing to begin with, but someone will have to explain this to me.
>> No. 389591

Cis just means your gender and biological sex match.
>> No. 389592
It's the Male/Man difference he's confused about.
>> No. 389593
A cis male. The cis man.
>> No. 389595
Yes, it's the Male/Man that confuses me.

That... didn't really help. The Cis Man? So there can only be one Cis Man at a time? Like the King of Cis Males? Or is this "man" as in "I fight grisly bears and drink bacon while cutting down trees and impregnating any (biological) woman within 100 yards of me" vs "male" as in "I have a penis"?

I guess that makes a little sense if it were used in casual conversation (where you'd say "oh, they're a cis man" and not "oh, they're a cis male") but, even taking this fluidity in gender, it seems an unnecessary distinction. If Cis Man "specifically references the person identifying as cis male", how does Cis Male not do that?
>> No. 389596
his gender is male
you don't go around calling him a male... at least not often.

"oh hey look at that female over there."
"oh hey look at that woman over there."
>> No. 389597
you are MAD overthinking this.
"cis male" sounds clinical, which some people probably prefer.
"cis man" is all casual and shit, which i think most people would prefer.
that's it.
it's just a tone change.
>> No. 389598
kotaku used my art in an article w/o my permission and im mad about it lol
>> No. 389599
Post a screencap, I don't want to give them hits.
>> No. 389600
File 139243451839.png - (354.03KB , 1055x454 , 7ad5e9c6518b9de3b70691707929e8bc.png )

i like how they resized it so its all blurry and looks like shit
>> No. 389601
they made money on it though, grounds for litigation?

it's when language starts changing faster than people can keep up, simply so some people can be fashionable and other cant, that you start getting massive problems and miscommunication.

a few recent examples:
these individuals have lost the ability to make each other understood. ie the language failed.
>> No. 389604
Well, if it was just a term of speech, then yeah I get that, but we're talking about Facebook gender selection, so here it feels less necessary.
>> No. 389605
File 139244124198.png - (182.92KB , 608x607 , TF2_Valentines__Spy_by_beavotron.png )
No Valentine thread? Well, I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 389609
So Ellen Page is gay. Like...wasn't she dating Drew Barrymore? I thought we knew already.

Good for her on coming out, though. And a million nerds cried out in pain, as their chances of fucking her have gone down from 0.05% to 0%.
>> No. 389610
Apparently bananas now cause me extreme pain.
>> No. 389611
This is not the sort of thing you say and fail to follow up on. Details.
>> No. 389613
Probably ate a bunch and then shat his guts out.
>> No. 389615
>Yes, it's the Male/Man that confuses me.
Ones the definitive article, while ones an indefinite article. Man refers to a particular individual iteration of the concept, or a a specific group of iterations. Male refers to the concept in the abstract.

That is, you might be a Cis Man. Being a Cis Man makes you Cis Male.

>That... didn't really help. The Cis Man? So there can only be one Cis Man at a time?
Well yeah, otherwise there would be the cis men.
>> No. 389616
If all this social identity justice continues I'm going to be totally antiquatedly lost.

I'm all for people doing/being whatever they want to do/be, but these gray-area definitives are confusing as fuck.
>> No. 389618
I've just gone with I'm myself, all the additions I just find tiresome and more limiting. Trying to Pigeon Hole something like self with terms I feel just doesn't work. Isn't the new Facebook thing something like 37 or such definers. Yet it still wont fit some and then those will start their talking and the circle continues.
>> No. 389621
>Apparently bananas now cause me extreme pain.
Bananas give you gas. Are you getting cramps?
>> No. 389624
.05% is still generous.
imagine say... 10,000 straight dude nerds who wanted to bone her
.05% = .0005 or 5/10000 nerds
that's quite a few nerds for her to please.

numbers aside i find the idea that people believe they stand a chance of boning celebrities without actually... you know... being in an environment to meet them is absolutely bizarre.
>> No. 389625
never understood that weirdness, wanting to have relations with someone without getting to know them personally.
>> No. 389627

I guess I just never thought about how I feel about stereotypical gender questions on forms only listing "male" and "female" as an option. Of course, I don't spend much time thinking about my gender identity. But this is probably in the same way that I like being called a geek and hate being called a nerd, as I find one positive and one negative; most people in the world probably see them as synonymous.

And Facebook is probably doing this to make people feel more relaxed/comfortable, so in that context it makes sense.

>> No. 389631
Eh, I don't see it so much as 'lost a chance' as much as fantasizing about such now requires even more suspension of disbelief.
>> No. 389637
Rejoice friends! I have made a post.
A post about.....nothing!
>> No. 389638
File 139252136741.jpg - (34.85KB , 500x460 , tumblr_mavpvik5Bj1qbt06p.jpg )
shes so fucking perfect and she likes me like i like her wow what a world.
>> No. 389639
Despite being "so fucking perfect," she still has buck teeth, needs your help to deal with her personal issues, and has less going on in her life then Jacob.
>> No. 389640
File 139252260789.jpg - (32.28KB , 500x500 , tumblr_n0jrupX9QY1qae85lo1_500.jpg )
I think he's just using Miranda as a reaction image while talking about an actual girl dude.
>> No. 389641
File 139252303850.jpg - (37.11KB , 1280x720 , 1362281788513.jpg )
Yeah man, Miranda is a garbage tier waifu. Gaydan > All. Except for her of course. Oh fuck man, I don't even know. I don't have a word for it.
>> No. 389642
is there a word for when something is so delicious that you just keep eating it even after your belly has reached maximum capacity?
>> No. 389643
is there a word for when something is so delicious that you just keep eating it even after your belly has reached maximum capacity?
>> No. 389644
File 139252427347.gif - (1.70MB , 303x184 , tumblr_n0v64mIH8Q1sbzhteo8_400.gif )
I'm repeating myself, but Japanese wrestlers are depressingly better.
>> No. 389645
I'm pretty sure that's "gluttony." The Bible might have some more info on it, not totally sure.
>> No. 389646
You guys Moe is getting laid and actively went outside and met an irl waifu

If this isn't the time to stop being the worst then I don't know what is
>> No. 389647
File 139252447161.gif - (1.85MB , 303x184 , tumblr_n0v64mIH8Q1sbzhteo7_r1_400.gif )
Like you are not gonna see that piece of shit Cena with a Raptor.
>> No. 389648
>> No. 389649
is it actually properly speaking gluttony? like really.
i thought gluttony was more of a consistent state of being as opposed to when you get dessert after a big meal.
>> No. 389650
I went outside and got laid too and it was weird, really weird, and I don't recommend it. You mislead me, why did I even listen to you.
>> No. 389651
naw i'm good
>> No. 389652
Biblically speaking, it probably is the constant state thing.
Technically/dictionarily speaking, I think continuing to eat once you're full because of how good it is is an act of gluttony.

Similar to all the other Deadlies, really. I don't think one instance is enough to really count--they're more like The 7 Deadly Vices to my understanding, they have to be a habit--but it's still an instance of it.
>> No. 389653
i haven't been a catholic in over 7 years and i'm not interested in whether or not it's a sin.

for clarification, i studied biblical text for quite a few years of my life and while this is gluttony, i'm looking for a less religiously judgmental term to describe the phenomenon of wanting to eat more rather than the judgment of participating in the act.

if you want to talk about the doctrines of sin, it's fair game, i suppose.

please don't tell me how to live my life after comparing us all to Moe. don't get me wrong. i'd like to be compared to MKT. I just don't want to be held to such impossibly high standards.
>> No. 389654
Well man, the Bible thing started as a joke, then you asked if it really was, so I elaborated on both definitions cause I wasn't sure which you meant. I wasn't tryna be judgmental. v0v
I'm pretty much the best though.
>> No. 389655
But all my stuff is inside???
>> No. 389656
I'm working on it, tis why I bought a satchel so I can carry my writing stuff around downtown and hang at the coffee shops.
>> No. 389658



>> No. 389659
That's Donny Osmond though.
>> No. 389660
>> No. 389667
File 139259209820.png - (532.66KB , 567x599 , facebook meme.png )
>non-channers trying to use memes
>> No. 389669
File 139259770184.jpg - (54.50KB , 500x374 , 135958663326.jpg )
>Canadian artists can qualify for grants to develop art and graphic novels.
>> No. 389671
Jesus fucking chridtn I kind of was wasted and accidentally some skinny weird person. He likes me, but I can barely remember his name. I keep getting laid without trying, all I need to do is leave the house to drink and somefucker is trying to tell me I am beautiful and i`m like, you seem thirsty bitch

You drunk bastars
>> No. 389672
Yep I'm sucha Class a woman my problems are too many people wanting to sleep with me, what a fucking laugh riot
>> No. 389673
are you canadian

can i marry you into having canadian citizenship
i want a qt canadian art gf
>> No. 389674
I am neither canadian nor a waifu. I am a lion, with a pride of bitches.
>> No. 389675
>cruising for waifus on +4
>> No. 389676
the grants, poke
the graaaaants
>> No. 389677
you can marry me and be my cf
>> No. 389678
>> No. 389679
File 139261454122.png - (127.08KB , 327x328 , 1392523459826.png )
I know you're all human failures, but since you all manage to attract even worse people, I'd like some tips on being a decent boyfriend from the femanons and gayanons. Especially Coelasquid, because she's the only person here with a vagina that I respect, ever since Nurse killed herself due to PS3 Vesperia never getting localized.
>> No. 389680
looks like i'm the only waifu left

>tfw no pabfu
>> No. 389681
File 13926172256.jpg - (33.20KB , 421x356 , hey_pabanons.jpg )

4got my pic
>> No. 389682

Hey no fair.

I don’t attract anybody.
>> No. 389686
I'm not sure if I count for that.
Also congrats! You know well what I'm talking about. See ya in fubland.

Also, super late, but whatevs, I'm glad you're way better than before Bea.
You're still the best, while I'm probably terrible on one way or another.
>> No. 389687
File 139265510523.jpg - (45.17KB , 570x380 , where did I go wrong.jpg )
>text Girl B, asking if she's busy this week
>get reply saying "yeah"
>that's it

Am I reading too much into that? I haven't communicated with her since that time we went to a bar (about a week and a half), and the main reason I didn't talk to her over the phone is that my phone manner tends to be either terse or vapid.
>> No. 389688
you really need a dialog, you can't just piss off for a week with no contact and stuff and expect to maintain an social connection.
>> No. 389689
>> No. 389690
Ugh, you're right... thing is, last week I was trying to gauge Girl A's interest in me, and we all know how that turned out. Also, it doesn't help that Girl B doesn't go on facebook, and I don't know if she's on Skype or not. I'll ring her later on in the week, see how she's doing then.
>> No. 389691
if you're not in a relationship, you're not stringing anyone along by investigating the interest in more than one person at a time.
it's more work but that's what it takes to maintain connections, you know?
>> No. 389692
File 139266704152.png - (115.06KB , 326x278 , deadpool thumbs up.png )
>I'd like some tips on being a decent boyfriend from the femanons and gayanons

This is really obvious but make sure to communicate well, like if you get mad about something make sure you say something and not hold it in. This applies to everyone about everything but especially when you're in a relationship.

Got into a dumb fight last week with bf because I said something mean to him when I was in a bad mood also don't do that, very stupid thing to do. When I apologized I asked him if everything was okay and he said it was but he was actually quite mad. It was silly and unnecessary (not his feelings, those were justified, but the fact he held it in and let it get him more upset).

Don't do that, try to be open about as much as possible.

Have lots of fun moe, good luck
>> No. 389693
hey yeah this
a lot of this
it's really obvious but still difficult somehow? like if you don't make a conscious effort to do it, you'll fuck it up. (unless being totally open with your feelings is your default and second nature to you, but given that you're Moe, I'm gonna guess not) basically 100% of my relationship problems have come from one or both parties bottling something up instead of being open.

also: absolutely do not pretend to be something you're not.
>> No. 389695
File 139266836264.png - (269.12KB , 402x289 , Vic Sage.png )
>> No. 389696
i need to be in a relationship with someone who's receptive to conflicting ideas or critiques. i was in a really bad relationship for three years where the girl would lose her shit at the drop of a hat and there was just no time where it wouldn't feel like pulling teeth to change how things were going.

i don't care how much you like me. if i can't talk to you without getting my face yelled off, it just won't work.

that goes for non-romantic relationships, too. i prefer silence. i can read silence. unnecessary screaming is even less like communication to me than silence because it feels like an outright rejection instead of any kind of internalization/listening. at least in the silence i know i was heard and later on communication may still happen.
>> No. 389697
Yea I need to look for that too, Need some other parts of the puzzle but yet someone who isn't reactionary if my opinion differs.
>> No. 389698
I became a better person. Now what?
>> No. 389699
I actually need to work on the silence part a little more. Headbutted with my roommates a bit recently and learned that they were raised in kind of quieter cultures? I prefer speech and a little bit of fight to not saying anything, guess I have to work on being more comfortable with silence.
>> No. 389700
File 139268055921.png - (73.63KB , 412x351 , 1392658474414.png )
Wow, thanks guys.

>also: absolutely do not pretend to be something you're not.

...ugh do I have to?
>> No. 389701
Be confident, but don't lie about who you are. If you ever want to be comfortable in a relationship, you have to be honest about who you are as a person, otherwise you'll crack under the strain of trying to live a lie. Sometimes this can get you rejected, but if the person you're after does not like you for who you are, then you'll never be happy with it.

Just, don't start unloading a bunch of nerd shit on them all at once. Ease them into it.

Also, sort of relevant:
>> No. 389702
File 139268642731.jpg - (457.75KB , 1593x2375 , zstorm.jpg )
I've been rereading Claremont X-Men lately, and I'm appreciating it a lot more since I'm a bit older. I never put much thought into some of the themes he explores with his writing when I was younger. Or maybe my life has changed to some extent to make this resonate with me. Like here we see part of Storm's transformation and the start of Kitty being uncomfortable with it. This has a tiny arc which forces the two to realize that you have to walk your own path and can't live for someone else.

I would have posted this on /co/ in the Marvel general but it's less about the comic itself and more about how growth shapes your perception of the world. I mean, I've been hearing since middle school that your age and experience will often change the way you see works of art. But it's a really neat feeling when you hit that spot. I'm thinking of ordering up some books I haven't read in 10-15 years to see how I react to them. I just know so much more about the world around me now that I'm expecting to run into some dandy surprises in some of these books. It'll be a fun journey.

Also, mohawk Storm is best Storm. I finally came around on that. I can't deny it any longer.
>> No. 389703
Just do what the nameless people on the internet tell you to do, Moe.
It will be fun.
>> No. 389704
File 139269836986.jpg - (39.71KB , 403x437 , safechoices.jpg )
>I'd like some tips on being a decent boyfriend from the femanons and gayanons
Advice One: When your partner does something you don't like, be sure not to say anything. Instead bottle your frustration up inside where it can fester as resentment. If they "act" concerned over your facial expression, say "im fine" or "its nothing".
Bonus Points: Keep a secret log of times they tick you off and try to get them back in small ways.

Advice Two: Once you get into an argument over something tiny make sure to use tactics like guilt tripping, bringing up arguments from a week ago, or insulting your partner. Remember if you don't win the argument, that means you lose, and losers never win.
Bonus Points: Bring up their weight, how the neighbor looks better or the time they couldn't perform sexually.

Advice Three: Your partner trying to help you with something is clearly because they think you are incapable. Giving you advice means they think you can't make your own decisions.
Bonus Points: Try hard to assert your independence by attacking their self worth, the more you put them down the better you'll feel.

Advice Four: Trust is a two way street, and your side has a stop sign. Never tel the truth about w-you know what i think you get the fucking point...
>> No. 389705
>idly browsing clothing websites for nice jackets (the only one i have is warm as fuck and mad heavy but it looks like i'm wearing a dead bear, not something i'd wear to anything but the most casual events)
>all the ones I like are $300+
>all the ones that aren't $300+ look ridiculous
>see a really nice-looking one
>on sale for $70
>"it's probably shitty though..."
>several reviews, all very positive
>"it's likely out of stock, then"
>check my size
>1 Left In Stock
i just impulse bought a moderately expensive coat from Asia at midnight while sleep deprived. i wonder how i'll feel about this in the morning. probably great. coats are awesome. best article of clothing.
>> No. 389706
maybe if they won't listen to me they'll listen to a casual language hot topic list website that used to be affiliated with a MAD magazine clone

that's actually a really good read.
>> No. 389707
Dude good coats are worth the money! Last minute miracle shit like that, it was made 4 u
>> No. 389708
File 139271077745.png - (72.36KB , 213x302 , 20110729a-whatsjughead.png )
>>Make Your Fedora A Crown
Well fuck you too.
>> No. 389710
Okay, I realise I need to rebuild my bridges with Girl B. Two things; do I call her tonight (kinda soon after my lame text) or Thursday (officially more than a fortnight after I last spoke to her)? Wednesday is out, as I'll be spending most of that evening with my Dad.

Secondly, how do I pitch it - frank apology or "Hi, it's Minifig. I'm attending my weekly meeting as Arseholes Anonymous, and they suggested I ring you!". Even I know that acting as though nothing's wrong won't help...
>> No. 389711
Start with "Hey", she responds then ask if she be open to something on such and such a date.
>> No. 389712
i think people over think things when there isn't anything particularly delicate to worry about. the direct approach works pretty well. it's usually the most confident.

i only finesse my way through things when 1) i'm bored and want to make things more fun for me and maybe for someone else too 2) there actually is a delicate question to ask like... for example quite recently i needed to figure out if the girl i'm visiting had implied that i could stay over at her place for a night or two (and we've never even met in person yet). when there's no precedent and there's a good chance for massive imposition, that's when i try a less direct route like suggesting safe alternatives that might not be as happy. i offered to look up hotels in her area (giving her a chance to offer her place) and asked when she would be free to hang out (since i didn't want to assume i was allowed to take up all her free time this weekend).

minifig, you're asking a girl if she'd like to hang out. lack of communication aside (it happens. people get busy.) just make sure you have some ideas as to where and don't get caught up if she does or doesn't go in on it. that's really it.

or if you want to overcomplicate things and throw noise into the mix and not know what's actually going on and if she's interested in you or the way you asked things or whatever that's up to you ok
>> No. 389713
Fair enough; I guess I'm hung up on trying to do damage control on the whole "not talking to her for about a fortnight" thing...
>> No. 389715
nah that will only end up making you look too much like an obsessive weirdo. been there done that.
>> No. 389717
Good point. I gave her a quick call - one part "see how she's doing" and three parts "see how mad she is at me". Turns out she's just swamped with studying for her college course, but she said she'd call me when she's free.

I'm trying very hard to quell the voice in my head saying "Women never call!"
>> No. 389719
nah it'll be cool just keep it together.
>> No. 389723
Took a week off from my darkwriting schedule to deal with a fucking ridiculous headcold and the after effects. Back on track as of today, though.

Idea generation/brainstorming later tonight, and I'mma try DDP Yoga for the first time tomorrow (I promised ex-TGFB mod Ragnarok I'd do the latter if he got a Tumblr and he did).
>> No. 389724
File 139275852630.png - (230.22KB , 900x506 , half_life_full_life_consequences__hai_by_skippythe.png )
>Fucking around on Google Maps
>John Freeman Blvd
>> No. 389725
File 139276239344.jpg - (12.32KB , 300x300 , dwight_crying.jpg )
>haha, time for job search

>3-5 years experience required
>at least 5 years experience required
>5+ years experience preferred
>at least 2 years experience

>mfw no entry level jobs for me
>> No. 389728
>> No. 389730
i just want a cute boy to beat up and terrorize, is that so much to ask
>> No. 389731
I understand, but people with three to five years experience in that generally already have stable doms
>> No. 389732
if I wasn't across the pond. I'd likely indulge you.
>> No. 389734
I don't want anyone with experience, I want someone all shiny and new and wide-eyed and unprepared for their life to become a Kaneoya Sachiko illustration.
>> No. 389738
I guess the only ones hiring people for entry-level positions these days really are all sadistic...
>> No. 389739
literally having to go get a cease and desist for this kotaku bullshit lol
>> No. 389740
I don't know, does the position come with insurance? benefits?
>> No. 389741

I thought this post was a response to the job discussion. Boy do I feel silly.
>> No. 389742
File 13927857295.png - (657.71KB , 500x702 , kaneoya sachiko.png )
benefits? plenty.
>> No. 389743
you know when it fucking rains it pours.
i need to make sure some girls i'm talking to over some stupid hook up apps aren't bots or trying to rob me, but what?
>> No. 389754

mmmm...Then I'll send in my application on Monday.
>> No. 389756
File 139282162758.png - (40.70KB , 250x250 , wy the fuck naut.png )
>finally find job that looks decent, would be happy doing
>apparently no experience needed? (phrasing in description is weird)
>definitely under-qualified for it at any rate
>fuck everything
>gonna apply anyway
>> No. 389759
File 139282223466.jpg - (31.62KB , 519x495 , 1371506808371.jpg )
The shit dudes fall for or excuse when pursuit of that pussy, huh?
>> No. 389760
2 nice concersations and 1 scam avoided later...
meh not as crazy of a night as i thought but that's ok
think with right head, etc...

funny thing is it was the least conventionally attractive profile that was the scam. this county is full of fit and attractive people... awesome.
>> No. 389762
File 139283188221.jpg - (9.67KB , 251x248 , 1369061465224.jpg )
What'd you get me?
>> No. 389763
Tried DDP Yoga for the first time today.

It kicked my fucking ass - but I actually feel a little better now. Hooray for trying to get into shape!
>> No. 389765
>> No. 389766
a disjointed world that causes fleeting suffering and joy
best wishes
>> No. 389769
If I have time, something from Steam.
Also, best wishes!
>> No. 389771

>> No. 389776
>> No. 389777
>Want Ads
>Looking for assistant at Architecture Firm
>Help us out at the office!
>A million Telemarketing centres.
>I can only get on a phone after 6
>> No. 389778
>Mother agrees with me and little sister taking care of the cats.
>Sister never holds up her end.
>Mother gets tired of the little maintenance there is.
>"Its too much for your sister!"
>She's on her way to abaondon the cats
>> No. 389782
save the felines.
>> No. 389783
Why are there so many videos of Black people doing covers of Johnny Rebel on Youtube?
>> No. 389784
Haven't had too much of a chance to apply it since I live in a rural area and still don't get trusted to drive on my own (despite being told I'm more cautious than either of my siblings, both of whom are moved out), but in a class at business college, a main thing I was taught was that you want to call places before they even know they'll need to hire someone soon. If I'm remembering it right, the gist of it was "Having connections > calling places likely to need help > calling blindly >>>>> looking for wanted ads, which are likely filled by the time you see them"... Now where's that book I used when I took the course?
>> No. 389785
Oh right, they also liked volunteering and internships as a way to get experience, hence the school requiring we take an internship somewhere as a requirement for graduation. Went to a hospital, did IT stuff, got a shirt identical to that worn by medical volunteers, was told to keep it, will possibly never wear it again out of fear someone might think I'm a doctor.
>> No. 389786
What Is DDP gova? Never heard of IG

I started going go kundalini classes and I loooooveeeeeeeeeeeee them. All these cute meditative yogi folk, and wonderful feelings, ab workouts, I love ig
>> No. 389787
The autocorrect on this is terrible, but you get what I am saying.
>> No. 389788
Sure, "autocorrect".
>> No. 389789
I'm eating French frys and no one can stop me.
>> No. 389791
So, um yeah... I got a job after like 10 months of not really giving a shit. I just feel like I'm in a Dane Cook sketch with it because my dad and cousin basically shangheid me into this job nehind my back, without asking me whether I even wanted it. Just: "Oh, hey, you start tomorrow at this job. Yep. Good luck!" It's funny how my family keeps trying to get me to act more like an adult, yet they're always treating me like a child.

"Everyone's had crappy jobs. Whatever, you gotta do it. My new job? *redacted* Winery and Restaurant. My cousin got me the job, too. My COUSIN got me the job. He's the manager.

And you think that would be cool, you know? 'cause he's my cuz. But he's a DICK.! He thinks he IS the Wine King, you know what I'm sayin'?

He puts me on bussing duty every night. Why do people insist on letting their small children scatter food over every square inch of the immediate vicinity. Got like 10 people waiting to be seated and I'm all 'Sorry, Sir, one moment, just have to pick up THREE HUNDRED FUCKING GOLDFISH CRACKERS!'"
>> No. 389792
Diamond Dallas Page (yes, the wrestler) has a yoga program that's apparently really good. I've been looking into it myself.
>> No. 389793
i would certainly hope not. you're a tooth monster.
>> No. 389794
Wait, how old are you?

Yeah, getting forced into a job is never fun, and serving jobs are almost never ever fun. That said, it isn't a lot of fun for the people you're being a burden to. The eventual hope is to be able to provide for yourself and maybe even others. If you're younger, this matters less, but eventually you gotta start thinking about getting your own money. This adulthood thing is not free of charge.
>> No. 389795
hows it hanging?
>> No. 389796
>> No. 389798
Most obvious method to get out of that would be to apply for another job behind their backs, quit the first one when you get it.
>> No. 389799
It used to hang, but now I use steel wires to keep it up.
Doing fine, yup.
>> No. 389800
Long, loose, full of juice, ready for use
>> No. 389801

its free real estate
>> No. 389802
Shriveled and weak.
>> No. 389803
>> No. 389805
Man I hate anti-marijuana requirements still being a part of getting a legit job. This shit is not worse than alcohol, why do you fuckers get to dictate what I do in my off hours?
>> No. 389806
>trying to find a girl that wont rob you
Hahahahahaa, good luck moron!

They keep stealing my heart.
>> No. 389807
A) Easy way to weed out people who could be problematic (since it's still illegal in 48 states, if someone has smoked recently they may not be that interested in listening to authority...)
B) Something about liability/insurance
C) They want to control your life to the greatest extent possible without having legal action taken against them. If you have the job then they get to dictate which hours you have for personal time (by stating your shifts/day), they control what you wear at least while you're working, and more; this is simply one extra thing.

That said, companies can do alcohol tests, too, AFAIK, but the tests aren't nearly as easy/available as other drug tests and there's far less stigma against alcohol so it's not a common thing.
>> No. 389808
dunk yourself and save us time
>> No. 389809
dunk yourself and save us time
>> No. 389816
Saw a want ad for Huntington Bank and they do tobacco tests so that's also a thing.

I don't smoke and actually find it quite disgusting but I found that policy kind of weird. Like weird enough to where it turned me off from applying completely that and I really don't want a bank job.

I get the reasoning behind it (insurance shit I'd assume) but still
>> No. 389817
>why do you fuckers get to dictate what I do in my off hours?
Because so many idiots are doing it during working hours too.

The only reason there isn't a test for alcohol is because it clears the system in hours instead of days or weeks.
>> No. 389818
Are you supposed to tip at pizza joints if you're just picking up the pizza yourself?
>> No. 389819
Give away free money to every miserable person working a shit job.
>> No. 389820
Were you born in the US? If so, I don't know why anyone would even have to ask such a silly question. You tip a delivery driver. You tip a waiter/waitress. If you're doing the legwork, you don't tip anything.
>> No. 389821
I don't buy a lot of takeout. I cook stuff at home.
>> No. 389823
no, wtf

although speaking as someone who worked in a pizza place, i wouldnt turn down a tip
>> No. 389824
Not generally no, although if you have it delivered, you tip
>> No. 389826
Oh god did I hit okcupid gold?? I wouldve gone to his show tonight but too bad I am responsible about work nights and driving drunk.

N e ways I'm very pumped about ,y California trip. Ferro get at me.
>> No. 389830
A) Hate to say, but most of the people in positions of "Authority" are not that worth listening to. Authority is derived from Respect, Respect is ultimately earned, not given, no matter how much your father may try to beat it into you. Most of these people are paying me to respect them, and not actually acting in manners in which I really respect. So I guess that's probably accurate, even if I make an exemplary employee (I fully have the ability to not be a dick to my bosses, even if they're not exactly people I would really follow).
B) Liability/Insurance. Oh, like Alcohol? Which you're also not allowed to use on the job? Or Cigarettes, cause of more productivity lost than anything else? I love the unspoken assumption that everyone who smokes weed is just a mindless junky, and that they aren't capable of shelving their habits while in a professional environment to get work done. I know many don't, but that generally because they're jobs are miserable and because they can be performed stoned, and the possibility of losing your shit at a customer goes way up for some of those people. But if you catch them smoking on the job, like drinking, fire their ass. I don't see the real goddamn problem there.
C) Yeah, they love to control my life and not offer me any real chance to move up the ladder. Then they turn around and wonder why I don't really respect them. Maybe it's because I can do these tech jobs stoned and they can't even do them.

And I know they have trouble testing for alcohol. They have trouble testing for every illicit drug except for Marijuana. If you look at the wikipedia page for drug tests, Marijuana is the only thing that can stay in your system for up to 2 months. Everything else can clear out in 2-7 days, especially with only light use (Hair Tests get everything up to 90 Days except Benzos, iirc. If they really cared about that shit, that's all they'd be doing). Hell I know people who got hired at my fucking Corporate Job who told me they switched to smoking Meth because it's easier to get by the drug tests with it.

Sorry, I'm not meaning to pick a bone with you, I'm just back in the job market and it's frustrating as shit. One of the best things I've ever had in my life for depression and general quality of life is preventing me from moving up in the world because of these asinine, arbitrary drug restrictions. It's fucking frustrating.
>> No. 389832
>> No. 389836
>people posting about pokemon on facebook
>everyone saying "we"
>look it up
>twitch is doing a play pokemon together thing
>right now they're trying to nickname a venomoth
>chaos everywhere
>> No. 389837
cumrag, when are you coming down? assuming you still have my number, text me sometime. sooner than later so i can make time for you~
>> No. 389840
Rule of American tipping: You only tip when the service was personalized for you.

Someone delivering your pizza should, ideally, choose the most optimal route and drive in such a way that it gets to you fast but does not bounce around. If they are slow or the pizza comes slightly messed up, no tip.

When you're picking up the pizza, the joint went through the same motions to make your pizza as they would anyone else's; while your toppings might be customized, the service wasn't, and that's what you tip on.

Yeah. I never said I agreed with the stances, just why it happens.
>> No. 389842
I really ought to stop thinking I can handle everything that gets labeled jalapeno. There's just too much variance. That mulligatawny soup spiked with bhut jolokia I once had wasn't as bad as this. I just want the pain to stop.
>> No. 389849
I don't have it anymore but you gotnmine right? I'll be down socal from the 17th of march to the 22nd
>> No. 389864

i miss the east coast
>> No. 389866
I don't get why people have a hard time with accents. I could understand what he was talking about.
>> No. 389870
On my toothpaste container it says "helps prevent cavities".

It does not prevent cavities. It only helps a little bit.
>> No. 389871
it's not a case of understanding, everyone can understand him, it more the Edinburgh/east coast accent generally sounding really fucking dumb and it's impossible to take seriously (especially with that "eh" thing at the end, which coincidentally is where Canadians get it from since much of the stereotypical Canadian accent is just a fucked up Scottish one), especially when compared to the rough/aggressive sounding Glasgow/west coast accent.
>> No. 389874
This is true. Brushing can't reverse damage, only remove whatever sugar, bacteria and acid is on your tooth at the time, so damage you get in between brushings accumulates.
>> No. 389875
isn't it weird how teeth are so fragile and damage to the enamel is like the only kind that the body can't repair???
like, bones heal, flesh heals, the body flushes out toxins, organ damage can be reversed, but you chip your tooth, tough shit buddy, it's chipped for life.
people should have teeth like sharks. one of your teeth gets fucked up somehow? rip that sumbitch out, it'll grow back.
>> No. 389876
This world is full of imperfections. Errors. Mistakes. Pain. Suffering. Wrong things.
>> No. 389892
Ah, actually, the reason for that is because our teeth interlock. Interlocking teeth makes for better chewing (thus increasing the net amount of energy we can absorb from food without having to overpower our digestive tracts), but makes eternally regrowing teeth the way sharks do pretty much impossible. They actually consider interlocking teeth to be the defining trait that lead to the differentiation between reptiles and mammals when the mammal-like-reptiles came about, as it meant we could only have two sets of teeth--baby teeth and adult teeth, and that necessitated the development of new ways of feeding young, thus giving rise to milk.

So yeah. That's one of the things that makes us mammals. And it's especially important with humans since it's believed that the reduction in the amount of energy we spend on digestion (cooking food is another big part of that) is a big part of why we're able to devote so much energy to brain power.
>> No. 389900
What the fuck's a Kill la Kill, and why does everyone go on about it?
>> No. 389901
>> No. 389903
It's a really good anime that's dumb fun like it's predecessors.
>> No. 389904

>> No. 389914
found a sore lumpy spot on the backside of my left leg, really hoping its nothing serious.
>> No. 389916
Probably a fatty spot on internal bruise, but you should have it checked just in case.
>> No. 389917
planning on it testing to see if its swelling first so I'm giving it a couple of days and treating it to see if its a pustule or something. it doesn't feel like an actual mass as its kinda bumpy and not as lumpy as why I've felt on dogs and such. Just that leg feels harder overall since its my dominant leg
>> No. 389918

Goodbye sweet Ghostbuster. Let a choir of Slimers sing you to your rest.
>> No. 389920
It was me. I actually cursed him. This is spooky as fuck. Two days or so ago I actually was like "Wait, didn't one of Ghostbusters already die?" and looked it up to find that none of them did at that point. And I was like "Weird, I swear one of them did."
>> No. 389925
Leave no trace, burn all bridges, etc. Thank god no one is in love with me anymore. A bitter victory, but what is done is done and I will get over it. Maybe I already am? Sweet.
>> No. 389926
>389920 you monster, you yagami raito, you sick twisted witch
>> No. 389927
Gigi D.G. is my senpai so much. So damn much, I swear.
>> No. 389936
File 139332370585.jpg - (103.35KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault.jpg )
Hearing Ainsley Harriott talk after years of only seeing pictures of him shattered my world view. He's so soft-spoken.
>> No. 389942
I got the same with Tony Kornheiser. I was expecting a much deeper, grizzled voice, mad at the world for disappointing him yet again.
>> No. 389943
i'm in love with you. i'm so sorry.
>> No. 389946
Okay it's been almost a week now, and she hasn't called me. Little help?
>> No. 389947
File 139336027347.gif - (1.54MB , 230x178 , over here.gif )
He sings, too.
>> No. 389950
b-but ferrous i'm in love with haw haw you fucking nerds
>> No. 389974
You fucking bastard.
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