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File 139148168729.png - (0.98MB , 997x557 , 1390444152588.png )
389099 No. 389099
Old thread was starting to sink again and I've been waiting to use this image so here.
Expand all images
>> No. 389103
No one likes magic men for being magic, so no one should like magic women for being magic either. If we can't have this, feminism has failed.

Magic women should be liked for supplemental qualities like magic men are. You know, being good alchemists, singing spells, being fetishes for demon men who think they're bears from all the acid they take. In short, magic women should be liked for eating a bunch of potions, having a lot of demon friends, smelling like the ocean, and being mad at pornography.

After this I understand the need for the magic-acceptance movement. People don't usually like it when others smell like the ocean, and that's because society's many fishmongers have sold a patriarchal sexist notion that that means decay and death and not unleashed femininity. We must better ourselves.
>> No. 389105
>> No. 389106
1.21 gigawatts/10
You are as a god.
>> No. 389108
File 139148753221.jpg - (65.10KB , 470x441 , 5.jpg )
what bothers me about the fat acceptance movement is that i keep seeing some very messed up ideas about nutrition and health. i mean, yes, fat is good and the low-fat diet is a fucking joke but that doesn't mean too much body fat is a good thing. loose ideas of what is too much - yes there is such a fucking thing. yes, body fat is good to have and women naturally have more of it but you see these people stretching everything out so far! you can't see your own vagina because you have six bellies lady come on

the problem i have isn't fat. it's their fucking body i don't care. it's the health at every size that pisses me off. what is your definition of health? it's okay to not give a shit about being healthy, do you realize that? the whole HAES thing is such a shitshow of misinformation and ignorance it makes me sad

i <3 u
>> No. 389109
the thing is these people who are morbidly obese and suffering are telling themselves they are okay, they are all right, they are just good and healthy and self esteem whoohoo! i am not talking about chubby lady fat, i am talking about actually fucking obese people.

okay. i know society frowns on you. but your self esteem is not more important than you. in fact, recognizing you have problems and working to fix them is how you build it. don't keep doing the same shit and circlejerking to feel better about yourself. if you feel good, then fine! just do not call yourself healthy AND acknowledge that its okay to not be healthy because everything is meaningless and the only birthright you have is the right to die etc etc etc .
>> No. 389110
Agreed. Being accepting of your figure is one thing; rationalizing that your weight is perfectly fine in the face of all available medical data is another.

As I said in the last thread, I'm pretty sure the acid reflux I'm suffering is made far worse by my weight, so I'm searching for exercise bikes on Craigslist right now in the hopes of finding a smaller and cheaper one to haul up to my room so I can use it an hour or two a day while I watch TV.
>> No. 389113
Getting your wisdom teeth removed is fun!
>> No. 389114
That reminds me! Time for papa's happy pills.
>> No. 389116
Hot damn, I have to boil eggs to put on my chicken sandwiches more often. That was quite tasty.
>> No. 389118
>There's a huge difference between finding someone in a club you can party with for the night, and finding someone at your job/church etc you could have a relationship with. The first is based on physical attractiveness, the second on personality.

Think about how fallacious what you're saying is. We all judge books by their covers and people by their appearances because that is the first thing we see and the fastest way to get an idea about people, even a shallow one. You wouldn't approach somebody at your job or Church if you didn't think they were attractive in the first place.

You think Girls at the Club don't go to Church? Or have Jobs? Or family?

Even if the connection you share is only so temporary and fleeting as to culminate in a one night stand, you're not gonna get there unless there is some connection. It might be only for one night, or she might be the most incredible person you've ever met. And you won't know unless you can really talk to her like a human being. Unless you're lying to them, in which case, they will drop you in a hot minute. Unless they don't recognize what you're doing, which can be worse. You ever watch a messy divorce? Watch someone rip another persons heart out, smash it on the ground, and take all their worldly possessions and the fuckin dog without batting an eyelash? It's easy to think "God what a heartless harpy", but you ever think that he didn't really know her? Didn't really listen or understand or even care. Just wanted an object to put on a pedestal, just one more check mark on that nebulous list that somebody told you would make you happy. Then he's thunderstruck that she's a real human being, with real needs and real emotions, and very real ability to hurt him, and he handed her the keys to his fuckin kingdom without understanding that.

That's what you sound like, man. You sound like you think this shit is frivolous. You sound like you think there's a measurable, qualitative difference between people based on geographic location. And like you can fuck with people and not get fucked back.
>> No. 389119
a chance encounter on my statcounter reminded me of how badly i behaved 2 years ago+how angry i was and while im still a big shitty grump i really hope ive come further from where i was. after i got out of that shitty abusive relationship i was in that almost killed me + had to play medication roulette again from 2011-early 2013 i was so so so angry and unstable and i remember taking a lot of it out on the plus4chan peeps :( so if i ever totally shit on your fun times or was a massive douche to you im PROBABLY really sorry but some of you [shakes fist]
but im sorry. i took out a lot of my internalized anger and mental illness shit out on people who doesnt deserve that kinda treatment

at least im seriously genuinely out of the shit pit i was in. i think my moods been at little better since then? at least i hope so
>> No. 389121
tbh I thought it was just part of the charm. Not exactly my cup of tea, but some people juggle geese
>> No. 389122

i have never heard this expression before but i love it
>> No. 389123
File 139150948852.png - (13.63KB , 117x105 , killthewhiteopressor.png )
About fucking time one of you shits actual acknowledged your own shittiness. Maybe now you guys can actually follow my advice and stop all being terrible people.
>> No. 389124
I'm very happy to hear you're feeling better.
>> No. 389125
Do you go to nightclubs looking for soulmates
>> No. 389126
I will never stop being shit. You can't make me.
>> No. 389127
I reset my sleep schedule this past weekend.

I dedicated myself to typing for at least a brief period of time at 9am every weekday this week.

Slowly but surely, I think I'm getting my head together. Now I just need to overcome the Fear of a Blank Page and get some ideas for stories fleshed out.
>> No. 389128
Whenever I pee I get a paranoid fear that I'm actually dreaming and since I'm peeing in my dream, I'll wake up to find that I've wet the bed.
>> No. 389133

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, Bea!
>> No. 389134
You seem to be if you are able to talk it out. Good luck on continuing on a level path.
>> No. 389135
File 139152816535.jpg - (44.67KB , 499x366 , bea awww.jpg )
>that shitty abusive relationship
Not all of us know the story, could you give a quick recap?

I was wondering why you turned from cute bear to angry bear
>> No. 389139
too busy dunking on nerds
and then looking in the mirror and recognizing that i too am a nerd
and then dunking myself
space jam
>> No. 389140
the guy i started dating was my first relationship ever during a time when my mental illness was at its worst+was only just diagnosed, something i made abundantly clear when we spoke previously (he wanted to get updates on how i was doing before we started dating). he took advantage of my mental illness+self loathing to coerce me into doing things i wasnt comfortable with (making me say that i loved him a week into the relationship and calling me an ice queen for not reciprocating his "i love you"s, fucking me without a condom, hard enough that i bled for days) and agreeing to things i didnt want (including what he wanted to do with our future together, having already decided we're going to be together forever and ever+get married??? barely a month into the relationship??). i was very very depressed and fucked up at this time and am now diagnosed with social and general anxiety disorders, so when he made me video call him once a week on skype+call him every time i got out of class and texted me incessantly to see where i was i was completely overloaded + constantly felt like i was being forced to preform.
he also tried to merge our friend groups together, which is stupid, but his dream was basically that if i ever wanted to go out with friends there would be no reason for me to go anywhere without him. he tried to get me to stop talking to my (still) best friend who was helping me immensely with coping with my mental illness. in feb. i lost my job and my new job didnt start until the start of the new semester in sept, so i was living off my savings when he insisted on coming to visit me in july+basically insisting that we go to san franscisco together despite me having no money and him knowing that full and well.
when i finally broke up with him it was while i was at otakon after having one of the best weeks of my life because i finally got to see and hang out with my best friends from across the country and they made me feel loved and like a human being and on the last night i was there my boyfriend had the audacity to call me to tell me how depressed he was that monopoly was a "capitalist game". this sounds like something i made up but it really happened. i went ballistic on him and got ANGRY for the first time in forever because he was angry that i was having fun without him (as indicated by my tumblr posts). when i came home i told him i didnt want to date him anymore and he refused to take "no" for an answer until i desperately told him i might be a lesbian which finally got him to understand that i did not want to work on our relationship to make it better. after this he still thought that we were going to live together after college and open our fucking coffee shop and STILL HAVE DATES EVERY WEEK. i told him hell no after he coerced me into an uncomfortable game together when i realized that his idea of "staying friends" was to still date.
he took complete advantage of how sick and fucked up i was repeatedly and it made me very angry for a long time that i was used like that.

>> No. 389141
i didn't realize he took advantage of you that much.
my god.
no bee puns intended.
what the flying... i mean... i've got nothing to add. i just... i'm glad you have a good thing right now. you deserve it.
>> No. 389143
indeed I'm also speechless at that poor behavior. Good luck on everything on out then.
>> No. 389144
oh and i forgot he pressured me for nudes when he knew i had an eating disorder lmao
>> No. 389145
for some people, life needs to give them a good thumping to them so they learn that kinda stuff isn't acceptable. Nobody should ever have to put up with that kinda ilk.
>> No. 389147
by definition, monopoly is a capitalist board game

had to say it

sorry your relationshit a shit

ilu on internet
>> No. 389149
File 139155401147.jpg - (68.75KB , 458x594 , 1389648266200.jpg )
>All this stuff happened to Bea while it was happening to me.

>> No. 389150

Holy fuck, what a scumbag. It amazes me someone could treat another person like that. I'm glad to hear you managed to get out of such an awful relationship.
>> No. 389151
dang bea
glad shit's goin swell for you now (y)
>> No. 389152
If this family could go 2 years without a suicide attempt, that'd be really nice.
>> No. 389153
Shit. Sounds like he was the one with issues. Glad you got out of that; sorry that it was something you had to get out of.

Just know that we're here for you, Bea; you just say the word and we'll get our older brothers to beat the shit out of him.
>> No. 389154
geez bea
like all my bullshit aside i seriously hope things are looking up for you and stuff. for real.
>> No. 389157
I don't know if this will pick you guys up, but it has me dying of laughter.


God. DAMN. Not even as a horny teenager was I this desperate for sex.
>> No. 389158
File 139158275173.gif - (126.96KB , 500x279 , xfGAR.gif )

I've been negligent of this place for far too long.
>> No. 389160

Thinking on that, sex has always been a very distant thing in my mind, I care much more in just finding good companionship. Is that odd?
>> No. 389161
i was going to laugh but then i just got sad.
i see better pick up lines in pornhub comments
>> No. 389162
File 139158541795.jpg - (134.64KB , 850x1201 , sample-ea1238c0d679e5019587a9c282ac684f.jpg )
>Is that odd?

Tell me about it.

A few of them are admittedly disturbing (I saw one where some guy said he wanted to skullfuck one of the women and another saying how he wanted to "rape" her mouth or something like that), but the rest are just laughably pathetic.

But if you want to know where the sad part comes in for me, it's the fact that these morons decided to post that nonsense with a real picture tacked on to the post. Like...really? It's one thing to tell a woman you want to "suck the farts out of her ass", but it's another thing to do it with a picture that people can identify you with.

Picture chosen at random because the one I was going to upload is still on the board from almost a year ago!

>> No. 389166
>i see better pick up lines in pornhub comments

Also, it's funny you should say that...

>> No. 389167
File 139161262944.gif - (867.21KB , 250x141 , tayne.gif )
>> No. 389168
There was a stone in my rice. Took off a huge chunk of my molar. That fucking stinks.
>> No. 389169
Hope you have some luck on getting it mended
>> No. 389170
God. Damn.
You really dredged the bottom of the bay with that relationship, huh...
I mean that's like winning the jerk lottery.

Hope you have better luck in the future, find a guy that understand you, likes you for you, that doesn't push you into anything.
Also that has a huge cock although that's really just a bonus, your preference may vary.

Clean rice before cooking? lol are you one of those hilarious people who just dunks it right out of the bag.
>> No. 389172

im actually dating someone absolutely wonderful right now and we've been going strong for about 7 months!! i love him a lot and we're going to be selling together in a small con thats the halfway point for both of us to meet.
thank you, plus4chan dopes, for listening+believing me. i honestly needed other peoples reactions to put the shit that happened to me in context+ to really like... i guess realize the full extent of the shit i was in?? for like these last 3 years i didnt think of it as abuse because i was like "oh it wasnt THAT bad other people have it worse" but wow no it pretty bad
>> No. 389174
File 139164915538.gif - (4.24KB , 218x128 , 1375866802600.gif )
Well, it happened; I went on a date with Girl B.

For those who can't be bothered to check recent threads, Girl B was a yound lady I used to work with, who was kinda flirty with me and with whom I kept in touch, going so far as to ask her out (after a few reschedulings due to various b.s.). This would be fine, were it not for Girl A, another young lady with whom I went out with twice in 2013. I haven't been in touch with Girl A much this past month, which is pretty shitty of me. Anywho, now that you're caught up...

>Get to bar a little early
>It turned out that she was in a completely different bar, because she thought we were going there first
>mfw we'd never even mentioned the other bar
>she gets on the bus, says she'll be about 20 minutes
>mfw it takes her 45 minutes (there was a traffic accident, but I didn't know that at the time)
>mfw she invited her cousin along
>When she finally arrives... we have a damn good time
>We talk about stuff, even the cousin seems pretty chill
>I occasionally flirt with her even jokingly implying that she brought her cousin so we could have a threesome
>Suddenly, the cousin really wants to go outside
>Girl B and I follow
>I assume cousin wants to go somewhere else
>She just wants a cigarette
>As does Girl B
>my capitalist Bourgeois face when

This will probably start a shitstorm, but women who smoke are a complete dealbreaker for me. I'm glad, in a way, because this clears the Girl A/Girl B situation up considerably... but letting Girl B down gently won't be an easy task, given my flirting tonight. Guess that'll teach me, huh?
>> No. 389175
File 139164933093.jpg - (65.21KB , 298x411 , 1390513637720.jpg )
Girls who smoke also smoke dick. Don't give up so easily. Maybe she swallows gum, too. You know what they say about those girls.
>> No. 389176
>women who smoke are a complete dealbreaker for me
Same. However, if you never noticed the smell off of her before it's probably an uncommon thing. Everyone has their negatives; if it's on rare occasion, and until now you've been decently into her, she may still be worth pursuit.
>> No. 389177
Y'all are weird, as long as she has the decency to smoke outdoors I dunno what the prob is.
Smoking indoors is hella trashy tho, don't be gettin ashes all over the place and making everything smell like there was a housefire.
>> No. 389178
Given your past troubles with females (that I've read you post about here), I don't think you should be making decisions like that based on something like smoking.

I mean, I don't like smoking either, but it's not like she's blowing smoke in your face.
>> No. 389179
File 13916538132.gif - (340.70KB , 612x3629 , 20111207[1].gif )
Also, I forgot to mention that you didn't even know old girl smoked in the first place. You've been thinking about this woman for the past...however many months and you just now figured out she smokes?
>> No. 389180
Great to hear that you've got something going for ya, how much are you selling stuff for?

Yea she might be a social smoker (its a thing) just feel out how bad the habit is for her, she might be not really into it.
>> No. 389181
really though i basically love being me
a lot
i mean i'm just saying
>> No. 389182
>bf calls me today
>his friend tried to commit suicide
>this guy is the nicest guy ever
>he was really close to succeeding

I consider this guy a friend even though I don't know him as well as my bf.

Bf spoke to him tonight and told him he has a lot of people who care about him (not in like a "shame on you for doing this" way although it might sound like it in my post) among other things and I hope that helps but I dunno. I hope he talks to someone about it. Friend told my bf he wasn't sure why he tried to do it but I don't know if he's telling the truth, he might just not want to talk yet...

I'm still concerned. I just hope everything turns out okay.

>> No. 389183

>plus4 has a chance of getting laid
>goes outside to get laid
>can very easily get laid
>after all these years
>"muh non-smoking policy prevents me from engaging with the lower class common peddler whore who used me for her second hand smoke privilege"


>> No. 389184

usually i price prints 1 dollar per inch on the shortest side of the print. so like an 8x10 is 8 bucks. 4x6 is 4 etc
stickers and buttons range from 50c to 1.00
i have a store http://beesmygod.storenvy.com/
>> No. 389185
A turnoff's a turnoff.
>> No. 389186
God I love that comic. If only every SMBC strip could be so good.
>> No. 389187

I re-read it like 6 times after posting it. So good.
>> No. 389189
File 139168277783.png?spoiler - (497.62KB , 1600x1523 , Super-awesome reward.png?spoiler )
Also, holy fucking shit Bea. I'm really glad you've traded in your asshole for a good man.
Well, I only interacted with her at work, and she never seemed to go on a smoke break (as far as I was aware, we were working retail at Christmas) and it just never came up in conversation.
Good point. that said, I feel I need to see Girl A again before I go any further with Girl B.
Aw, are you trying to troll me? Here you go!
>> No. 389191
social smoking is great and a very useful tool.
>> No. 389193
i'm gonna have to remind myself that if i can't get action in my own area code but i can get solid propositions from across the goddamn country, it's probably something i'm not doing enough here.

or my online persona is actually p gud and then people meet in person

which is a possibility i'm going to throw out considering i've been offered references from exes if that would somehow help me find a new squeeze.

getting dates is like applying for jobs. you're probably going to want to apply locally. i'm a dumbass throw me in a river.
>> No. 389195
>oh it wasnt THAT bad other people have it worse
Apparently a lot of people in really shitty situations think this.
>> No. 389201
If you're the one in a shit situation, it's a coping tactic. If someone is telling a person in a shit situation that, it's an excuse for that someone to not do anything to help the person.
>> No. 389212
>it's an excuse for that someone to not do anything to help the person.

Well this is just wrong. You need to evaluate the context of situation before saying something like this.

Like if someone I know is whining about how he can't watch TV because the cable gets knocked out, what do you expect me to do? This is a bit of an extreme example, but people whine about shit all the time when they shouldn't.

You also seem to think that people have the ability to actually help others out. People can complain to me about being poor. What am I to do? I'm also poor. People can complain to me about not having a significant other. Well, I can't just run out to Wal-Mart and buy someone a girl/boyfriend.

Maybe sometimes it's an excuse, but it's not always.
>> No. 389213
regardless of the situation it's always an annoying thing to hear. if you don't want to hear somebody complain about their cable going out just tell them you don't want to hear it instead of saying some people have it worse. no shit, some people don't even HAVE cable? really? thanks i'll take note, it has never occurred to me before you said that
>> No. 389214
>thanks i'll take note, it has never occurred to me before you said that

You're trying to be snarky but you have no idea the number of things people take for granted in life.
>> No. 389217
File 139174128091.jpg - (88.53KB , 500x667 , tumblr_mzpuhujsWh1qz4gevo1_500.jpg )
It's that satisfying feeling of watching a mortal nemesis slip in their own feces.
>> No. 389218
Do you feel that strongly about Windows 8?
>> No. 389220

Can't you just build your own computer and put in whatever operating system you like? Seems the reasonable thing to do rather than complain about your OS and then do absolutely nothing about it.

"I hate bagels with cream cheese; I want them with jelly! But every cafe in town only has them with cream cheese. Ugh!"

"Uh, dude, you know you can just make your own bagels at home, right?"

"I can't do that. That's too complicated."
>> No. 389221
I certainly do.
>> No. 389223

I have Windows 7, it's just soul satisfying to watch 8's failure.
>> No. 389224
Ah windows 7 the new XP, will be used up to and past 2025
>> No. 389225
What kind of sick freak puts jelly on bagels, anyway?
>> No. 389227
File 139174709712.jpg - (12.24KB , 489x248 , January2014Share.jpg )
>> No. 389229
File 139175262220.jpg - (35.69KB , 181x237 , 1385502995690.jpg )
>Get a text
>"Roomate is out, I have the room to myself ;)"
>Get a phone notification a few minutes later.
>Pull out my dick.
>*New Snap from Vorked*

She forgot about me and surfed the internet for an hour. God she is so cute.
>> No. 389230
>> No. 389231
File 139175444051.gif - (809.12KB , 245x238 , BabyBea.gif )
>not knowing jelly on a hot toasted bagel
>not knowing cream cheese & jelly on a bgel, cold or toasted
>not knowing the sweet+salty combo of melted butter & jelly on a toasted bagel
>not knowing pb&j on a cinnamon raisin bagel
>shiggy diggy
>get the fuck outta my office

>SnapChatting with Vorked
>> No. 389232
i'm crying
>> No. 389233
I don't like it. No sir.

Also, I'm moving/have moved into a house. So I'm kinda excited about that. Only had to eat one of the owners.
>> No. 389234
For a lot of people not like us nerds, that's not really possible. With the right knowledge, files and gear, that sort of thing is trivial. Most people who use computers do not have any of those except the gear.

The most forgotten lesson of "first world problems" is that everyone has problems relative to their own life. That doesn't mean you should be blind to the problems others have.
>> No. 389235
>>not knowing pb&j on a cinnamon raisin bagel
Never was a big fan of that. A cold bagel is low tier but a warm one makes the peanut butter start dripping. Chunkier peanut butter doesn't seem to help. Am I supposed to eat it open-faced like some sort of savage?
>> No. 389236
>> No. 389237
Make sure you do proper remains disposal, that is how one gets ants, and worse.
>> No. 389238
Whee another bout of sickness, this one is a classic 24 mess, the vomiting I could really do without. I start writing and I keep getting smacked around by illness, NO FUN. Plus side I'm getting my pacing down and my series prologue will be a decent 15-20 pages. Anyone care for a read once I kick this and get it finished.
>> No. 389239

>MacOS X still hasn't passed Windows FUCKING Vista

Sheeeeet, Apple.
>> No. 389240
And yet they have bajillions more money than microsoft.

Makes you wonder just how much they're paying the sweatshop kids.
>> No. 389241
Well, for one: iProducts
And two: Overcharging out the ass.
>> No. 389243
Um, pretty sure that's actually false. Apple may dominate the consumer market with its' "it just werks" product lines for small business and home users, but Windows and Internet Explorer are still integral to all levels of large scale Corporate Business, and continues to make lots of money from those arrangements, even as market confidence falters with the relative failures of Windows Phone and 8.


the global revenue chart for apple requires a premium account
>> No. 389244
Every weekday morning this week, at about 9 am, I sat down and did a combo of darkwriting (writing without the screen on so as to negate the urge to edit as you write) and ventwriting for at least ten minutes/about 500-600 words.

It ain't much, and it didn't lead to any major life revelations or story ideas or whatever, but it's the start of a writing habit - and that alone makes me feel as if I accomplished something this week.

Takin' small steps. :)
>> No. 389245
>darkwriting (writing without the screen on so as to negate the urge to edit as you write) and ventwriting for at least ten minutes/about 500-600 words
A better love story than twilight.
>> No. 389246

I didn't need that laugh today, but I certainly appreciate it nonetheless.
>> No. 389252
File 139180579147.jpg - (25.22KB , 568x449 , 48077_4081892498221_369574937_n.jpg )
The problem with Win8 was twofold:

1) They were attempting to move down an Apple path with their own appstore and such, but half of why Windows is so popular is that the platform isn't closed off.
2) Using it was unfamiliar, and one of the only reasons people use Windows and not OSX/Linux is that it's familiar. I'd prefer Fedora/OSX with a Win7 VM to Win8, not for any great flaw of Win8 itself, but because I'm just not used to the changes.

Even though I hated Apple users in the early 00s for buying into those pretentious ads, they at least used to try new stuff (and do the stuff they already did insanely well). Modern Apple is sort of just this shitty lumbering giant that exists, but doesn't actually do anything noteworthy. Google is sort of taking their place, although they don't have the prestige yet.
>> No. 389262
File 139180855290.jpg - (35.18KB , 381x480 , tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo5_400.jpg )
Japan's wrestlers are way cooler than ours.
>> No. 389263

KANA is fucking amazing.
>> No. 389264
File 139181156464.jpg - (69.36KB , 960x638 , tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo10_1280.jpg )
She may be dressed like a clown but that's no joke.
>> No. 389266
Would so buy a JFW figure of her.
>> No. 389268
File 139181487515.jpg - (42.52KB , 399x521 , tumblr_mxwnwalHsV1qitwglo7_400.jpg )
Ditto Amigo.
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