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387339 No. 387339
Back in my day people used to fight over who would make the next SYM thread before it stopped bumping.
357 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 388213
So my constricting throat got worse... until Thursday, when I was slammed with a head cold. And then no constriction.

And then my head cold started wearing off yesterday, and now I have a sinus infection. :/ Good thing I saw the doc today, got some antibiotics that should clear everything up. I hope.
>> No. 388216
I want to go to Coloradoland and buy NICE LEGAL THINGS there

I maybe won't ever leave, though
>> No. 388218
tis the season for stacked illness, cold, sinus infection and now a chest thing
>> No. 388224
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i start dance lessons tomorrow
>> No. 388228
What kind of dance?
>> No. 388229
I believe it's just called "tribal" dancing. I went once before just to try it, it seems to basically be belly dancing but cooler.
>> No. 388243
Native American Styles of it?
>> No. 388248
Er, no. Mostly Middle Eastern/North African with Spanish and Indian influences.
>> No. 388253
okay, was looking at google and was thinking it might be the new trend for it.
>> No. 388261
Fuck yeah!
>> No. 388280
I'm starting to notice that my everyday problems could easily be avoided if I had a smartphone.
or just a regular fuckin mobile.
>> No. 388282
Ditto, my bullheaded stance on not having one lead to some very problematic issues, hence part of my reinventing of self acquiring one.
>> No. 388283
dont do it man

i definitely have times where they could come in handy, but i also keep a notebook where I can write down things like addresses and directions. I can look everything up online at home on the computer but I refuse to carry one around with me all the time fuck that noise
>> No. 388284
my htc has saved my ass numerous time, but even though i don't use it often at all i can see how someone could get addicted to fiddling with it all the time (like my sister) if they were that sort of person. i think it's important to have even a basic mobile phone though. you don't actual need a smartphone specifically.
>> No. 388285
I got an old iphone from my cousin so I started using that and it's nice to be able to have a GPS, MP3 player and phone all in one. I'm not the world's biggest Apple fan but it's pretty convenient that and the service I got for it is actually cheaper than my last phone plan. I'd recommend a smartphone as long as you don't feel it would be too distracting
>> No. 388286
Oh, good. My body realized that my head cold was gone, so it brought back the constricting throat, just in case I started to feel too good.
>> No. 388287
I went to play D&D and people left so they locked the door so now I can't get back in my house. My cell phone is out of batteries. It's p. cold out.
>> No. 388288
i'm a scientist, not a physician, but this seems like a very believable case of some auto-immunity syndrome. not necessarily life threatening, but under duress, your immune system has to fight off something else.

i don't have any conclusive proof and i'd need a reading on the orchestra of antibodies present before and after the cold left. just a suggestion that this may be worth looking into for that reason.

but... one important note. nocebos. if you believe something enough, your body may experience it, so don't take my word for it. like i said. not an expert. just look into it if you can, yeah?
>> No. 388291
...how are you posting?

Yeah. I saw a doc on Tuesday, but since I was still suffering the head cold the throat thing was gone and I couldn't give him much to go on except trying to explain. He gave me some antibiotics (since I also have a sinus infection, but that wasn't happening before the head cold) and said to call back in two weeks if I'm not better to get a recommendation for an ENT who can look down my throat.

Also, I have pretty bad allergies (still controlled by OTC meds, thankfully) so my body is always fighting something; there's no need to make a new thing to fight.
>> No. 388292
Break a window.
>> No. 388294
Nintendo DS. I just have no way to use it to communicate with anyone who could help.

Meh, it was just the cold for a couple hours.
>> No. 388295
Oh. I wonder if you could use Google Voice through the 3DS...
>> No. 388296
>be virgin
>meet virgin female friend
>not interested sexually but we become pretty close, we're without relationships and haven't had one in forever
>feel like such a good friend with her that I can be lonely with her
>she suddenly gains an LDR boyfriend
>suddenly realize she's suddenly happy and has someone in her life, and I don't
>can't be happy for her
>watch her and her bf with envious hate-filled eyes
>can't stand watching my friends be more accomplished and happy than I am
>do horrible things to embarrass and defraud both of them, betraying my friend's trust
>have no regrets even now
>wonder what the fuck is wrong with me
>> No. 388297
humans/primates in general are innately built with an understanding of fairness. even if it's not just to impose that fairness, when someone else gets something we don't or we see that something isn't distributed equally in some way, we feel that we are betrayed.

it's right sometimes. it's wrong often. you're not broken. you just need to learn what to do with those feelings.

envy is natural but it comes from a place of misunderstanding how things ought to be given. especially things we need.
>> No. 388298
takes a bit to get over such things too.
>> No. 388300
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>> No. 388301

youre pathetic lol
>> No. 388302
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Hahahahaha, but seriously, even though it's pathetic and very shitty, it's human and she still has the means to become a better person with time.

Hey wow I'm actually starting to care about people again wow.
>> No. 388303
Normally i don't agree with bea's flat insults, but this time she's pretty much right on the money. I appreciate ferry-boo's attempts to make sense of it but wow you're one fucked up dude, like in your brain.
>> No. 388305
Meanwhile i'm lying on my bed, naked, right under a ceiling fan set to So-High-It-Might-Tear-The-Ceiling-Down, browsing the few parts of the internet I can actually access on my shiny new Nintendo 3DS™ handheld gaming system. Portable internet is an amazing thing.

Really though, straight sociopathic-ass behavior.
Congrats, moe. Caring is good.
>> No. 388307
Only got 2 hours of sleep.
Dreamed my family was being stalked on vacation by a spirit that constantly breaded us cruel comments, death threats, and all sorts of disturbing situations. It eventually drove my family to a murder suicide while I helplessly watched.

I'm tired but I don't want to go back to sleep.
>> No. 388309

well... that feels a little pandering.

it's patently obvious that what this person is doing is complete and utter garbage, but he already knows that. that's kind of important to how i responded here.

i'm trying to point out something he can work with so that maybe he can understand his situation, stop being so shitty to people he cared about, and maybe act like the human being he already is. most of the time people are shitty not because they're patently evil but because they have shitty conditioning/beliefs or they just don't know what to do with what they're feeling and turn it into something to hurt others.

i try to take the high road to empathize with people because we all do awful shit to each other. holy crap, i'm starting to get all "cast the first stone" on this. of course... i'm not comparing this anons actions to biblical adultery... which... may or may not have even been unethical. i'm saying we're not going to get anywhere if we don't figure out what to do with this where we are now.

the first step, of course, anon, is to stop manipulating and hurting other people because of your personal bad feelings. never take anything out on someone, especially someone you care about, and especially if it's because of something that's your problem. figure this shit out. preferably with a counselor/psychiatrist.

>> No. 388311
Oh shut up Slowpoke, you think anyone questionable that posts here is mentally fucked up and should be killed on site.
>> No. 388314
I wasn't trying to pander, I do appreciate when people look past the initial "oh god what is wrong with you" to try to help or look for reasoning behind the actions(except when everyone was calling that anon who was cheating on his fiance "beautiful," that really rubbed me the wrong way), I'm just not capable or willing to do so in situations like that.
Sorry if I came across as insincere.
That isn't even a little true. The only times I remember even talking about how fucked up something was with more than a passing comment was, again, Cheater-Anon, and that one dude ages ago who was FURIOUSLY defensive about not having any sort of mental disorder despite posting several instances that indicated a fundamental lack of understanding/severe difficulty in everyday social interaction, to the extent that Aspergers seemed like a strong possibility worth checking out.
And I was actually polite and trying to be helpful with that second one until he started to be a huge jerk and drag it up in unrelated threads.
Last I heard he had a hormonal imbalance or something though and was actually taking treatment for it. He apologized for bein a jerk. Pretty OK guy outside of the bursts of frustrated rage.
>> No. 388315

Meh, I'd say more like jealousy driven by loneliness, maybe an inability to perform initially. Emotionally, he had consigned himself to having a friend, but where he was reliant on that emotional bond, she wasn't because his emotional bond did not provide for her the way she wanted to be provided for. There's a variety of reasons that might be, at this point, it just is. The reaction of burning them both is not a positive reaction, even if he did need to move away from them emotionally somehow. But it is not un-understandable, it is not devoid of reason or true motive, and, as Ferro pointed out, the guy understands that his reaction was actually a bad one. This doesn't actually fit the criteria for a true sociopath.
>> No. 388316
i'm glad i'm a normal not terrible person
>> No. 388317
you aren't terrible but i've never considered you normal

or anyone else that posts here, including myself
>> No. 388318
who wants to be normal anyway
>> No. 388320
I'm a real human bean
>> No. 388321
As a terrible person, I would like to thank everyone that ever put up with me. You're all great.
>> No. 388322
On a somber note grandmother passed around noon today. It wasn't unexpected and she'd been in pain ever since the hip replacements, also she was 95. She knew it was coming so she'd had all this planned out about a month ago.

Maybe something to the thought that she'd been talking to my grandfather these past few weeks, he passed away back in 2001.
>> No. 388323
fuk u

That sucks.

>Maybe something to the thought that she'd been talking to my grandfather these past few weeks, he passed away back in 2001.

This is something I've always found simultaneously sad and terrifying.
>> No. 388326
used to but I've become a lot more open about the concept of afterlife in the last few years, I don't think anyone is really correct in what we think it is, just that there is something to it and its more than we can understand on this side.
>> No. 388327
/baw/ fuckin used to be cool
>> No. 388329
no it didn't, we've been shitty losers forever except we're not fun circlejerking buddies any more
>> No. 388331
>we've been shitty losers forever except we grew up and became bitter about life
>> No. 388334
>ever cool

Faster maybe
>> No. 388336
At least slowpoke wasn't around.
>> No. 388337
slowpoke was always around, it just took awhile to start posting
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