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File 138548974497.png - (92.63KB , 500x500 , Muh soul jem.png )
386718 No. 386718

First field is your name, toolbars is your birthday.
Expand all images
>> No. 386721
File 13854988643.png - (120.24KB , 520x495 , Eggs2.png )
eggs? What is the coloration with the stuff inside? Anyone played with the pecker tool and its upgrades? http://en.inkei.net/ does breasts rectum and vaginal sizes now.
>> No. 386725
File 138551853755.png - (107.26KB , 500x500 , soulgem_php.png )
It's a soul gem from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. The color is your magical girl color. The flakes inside is your corruption levels. It goes up if you use your powers or go through too much emotional distress.
>> No. 386726
File 138551879499.png - (102.37KB , 500x500 , purefu.png )
confirmed for purest magical girl
>> No. 386727
oh pooh full corruption for me then
>> No. 386728
File 138552307536.png - (108.02KB , 500x500 , soulgem.png )
Not looking good for you friend. Going to need some grief seeds.
>> No. 386729
Don't worry, a goddess will come steal it before anything bad happens.
>> No. 386731
Locked in a frigging crystal tomb until they need a trump card and think I'm a weapon. Isn't it always.
>> No. 386732
File 138553575760.png - (110.44KB , 500x500 , soulgem.png )
I'm good to go, for the moment.


But watch out, before the devil come out before the goddess.
>> No. 386737
You know, until I saw them in a static, straight-ahead shot like this, I never noticed how much Soul Gems look like vaginas.
>> No. 386740
File 138555530744.png - (103.48KB , 500x500 , soulgem_php.png )
I still need to watch that show...
>> No. 386743
Yesterday I had a pretty rainbow-ish soul gem and was full witch but today it's just red and barely corrupted

Does it change based on the day?
>> No. 386744
could be >>386721
some of the settings in the other simulator I posted also change from day to day.
>> No. 386745
opulence, i has it
>> No. 386747
It's completely random, based on your a hash algorithm. The entire thing is a scam to collect information such as your name and birth date. Don't be surprised if Fido sends you a "New Discount Offer!!!1" for your birthday.

Can't believe you think your name is actually related to this...
>> No. 386748
File 138557306349.png - (103.62KB , 500x500 , soulgem.png )
I shall be the most pretty of all the magical girls!
>> No. 386750
If it's a hash based on just your actual name and birth date, it'd stay consistent over time as long as the algorithm does.
>> No. 386754
>The entire thing is a scam to collect information such as your name and birth date. Don't be surprised if Fido sends you a "New Discount Offer!!!1" for your birthday.

Yes, because some Japanese picture generator is really out there to steal your contact information, and can do so by using only your fucking name and birthday. Are you an idiot?
>> No. 386762
File 138561161995.jpg - (66.73KB , 750x600 , facebook explained.jpg )
Adurrr. I bet you think facebook runs on wishes and unicorn farts too.
>> No. 386763
You can put in whatever name you want though. What use would they get from falsified and unreliable information?
>> No. 386764

Dude. This isn't facebook or any kind of service intended to be used extensively. This isn't a business. It's a dumb image generator. There are about a million of these in the Japanese side of the internet.
>> No. 386768
Know what's also free to use and thus clearly a trap? Plus4chan.
>> No. 386778
>There are about a million of these in the Japanese side of the internet.
>100 million Japanese people
Bueno. It means it only has to catch 10 correct names.

+4 is not free, Anonex works his/her amorphous ass off to let us have this shit. That's bordering on charity.
>> No. 386779
But how will you know it's your egg then!?
>> No. 386786
Just wait for it to hatch, then it should be pretty obvious.
>> No. 386794
and its appreciated, really.
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