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386493 No. 386493
Do you like music? Do you make music? Do you want music that sounds like music that you like? Do you want to talk about music? This is the thread for all of that.

What are you listening to, plus4?
>> No. 386499
No. No. Not really. No.

My wife's nagging.
>> No. 386501
I enjoy composing and remixing/arranging as a hobby.
I've been using FL Studio for a while now, and would like to look into other software.


I would be overjoyed if anyone would like to offer critique or pointers, and would be happy to listen to anything you guys have done as well.

Also, what kind of software would you guys suggest I look into?
>> No. 386502
As an FYI, this belongs in >>>/mtv/ (but can stay here for now.)
>> No. 386506
Oh, sorry. I didn't even realize that board existed. My mistake.

The first thing I can say is to try and not use pre-packaged sound bytes for your music. If you can, try to record your own samples, but if you lack the proper hardware search out any number of free sites and find some more unique samples. There's nothing particularly wrong with any of your stuff that I listened to other than the fact that all of the samples sound like the same default FL samples that every amateur composer uses. It kinda makes it hard to judge them beyond that.

If you're looking for alternate software I've heard many good things about REAPER.
>> No. 386511
Thanks for the input and suggestion!

I know I could use some better quality soundfonts.
While I love nice, authentic sounds, I'm also a fan of some chiptunes pieces, which can be impressive despite the limitations of not having a very diverse set of timbres.
While my stuff is far from 8-bit/16-bit style pieces, I was a bit more curious as to what I could improve on in terms of harmonizing, structuring, transitioning, conveying, etc. with what I have.

But I absolutely would like some more sounds, and if getting more would help with the mentioned criteria, then I would be happy to get them.
I shall definitely look into REAPER. Maybe Ableton too, as I've heard good things about that.
>> No. 386512
Not a problem. It would have also fit in /diy/. Check out the other boards when you get a chance. :) (Just know that pco/coq/cod are promotion boards.)
>> No. 386513
I've been coming here for a long time, just not much in the past two years and I never really went anywhere other than /baw/, /pco/, /draw/, and /dw/ (when it still existed).
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