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386244 No. 386244
So while I was in Alabama this chuby little robot jumped me. I think it had robot mange, or something. Anyway I took care of the body so I'm left with head now. Now does anyone know how to cook a robot head?
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>> No. 387181
poor people obviously did something wrong to be poor that's why we have to keep punishing them until they stop being bad people and taking our precious money.
not like other people who take our money the right way through subsidies and bailouts.

is this the /pol/ thread?
>> No. 387183
My overdraft protection is the bank transferring the money from my savings to my checking. So thanks for the advice anon~

I'll look into that. Thanks Bea.
>> No. 387186
I second Bea, sounds like your bank sucks. Mine will take money from my savings with no charge; but, because I have nothing in savings anyway, it takes it from rolling credit I have with them at no charge. (And I pay nothing for this credit to be available, and it's a very decent rate to boot.)

Something else you might want to look into is just why that charge is there; my bank will charge me if I make more than four withdrawals from my savings account in a year (or was that month? Again, I have $10 in savings), so perhaps your bank has such a limit and that automatic withdrawal went over it.

No, no, that's all wrong. They didn't do anything wrong to be poor, they just had bad circumstances. However, they stay poor only because they don't have the willpower/self-interest/intelligence/motivation to go find a high-paying job (and if there are no jobs, make one for themselves and make money that way!) or go to college (there are plenty of scholarships for everyone all the time! And you have no need for subsistence while taking classes), and we absolutely do not want to give them any kind of assistance because they'll lose 100% of their incentive to work; if they have to work for it, they'll get brilliant ideas and heavy motivation and become rich do-wells in no time.

As for the subsidies and bailouts, I think you mean tax credits, and by golly our corporations and wealthy work long and hard (and hire a ton of accountants) to earn every penny of those credits and then-some.

America: Home of the Disenfranchised Millionaire
>> No. 387187

np!! ive actually overdrafted multiple times with my credit union and they either 1. pull it out of my next deposit or 2. take it out of my savings. with no added fees as far as i know. credit unions are angels
>> No. 387189
>My overdraft protection is the bank transferring the money from my savings to my checking.
Jesus change your bank.

Overdraft protection is a very tiny monthly insurance fee one pays so you don't pay $10 on the spot.
>> No. 387198
if i ever start getting low on my total savings/checking, i'll shift over to the credit unions. all of my friends have had nothing but good experiences with them.
>> No. 387199
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who wants to get drunk and be a slut with me

>> No. 387200
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>not doing drugs
>> No. 387201

no shit, i love my credit union. I used to work on a very tight income and I had wells fargo, hoho. nothing worse than having to pay thirty-five in overdraft fees to cover a five-dollars-over checking transaction even though you had the difference and more besides in savings. credit unions are dope and there is absolutely no reason to use a standard bank instead.
>> No. 387202
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hoe if u think im not doing drugs then u dont kno me
>> No. 387203
I do. I do SO BADLY.
>> No. 387205
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>synth dmt
>> No. 387208
i want this more ways than i can count, comrade
>> No. 387210
my circle lenses arrived today. my dream of becoming a singular entity of kawaii is one step closer.

way ahead of you
>> No. 387219
It's agreed then, we shall all be drunk sluts from now on.
>> No. 387220

Yes! Finals are over! Drunk slut time!


holy fuck!
>> No. 387221
I have personal thingies about substances, can I be a sober slut instead. I can be the DD slut or something.
>> No. 387222
>DD slut
Those are pretty large.
>> No. 387223
finally an excuse to wear leggings and a garter belt
thank you plus4chan
i am approaching my true form
>> No. 387225
B...b...but I can't slut. I never learned how. ._.
>> No. 387226
i'm gonna dress all sexy then cuddle the fuck outtaya until i fall asleep with a pillow in my arms
god i'm sleepy
i'm a sleepy slut
>> No. 387227
already a slut, just wish this beer wasn't so warm
>> No. 387228
gd job

i will teach you my sacred art

step one is 'getting really, really, really good and high on some tru shit then let him put his hand inside ur vagina'
>> No. 387229
Yes, it took me so long to realize he meant designated driver.

If we're discussing our slutty ways then I am all of them.
>> No. 387230
>> No. 387232
>have no tru shit
>have no vagina
I guess I am well and truly fucked, then.
>> No. 387235
You guys I'm the international slut.
>> No. 387236
All these sluts and I'm just a wannabe.
>> No. 387237
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>tfw already a slut
>> No. 387238
Pimpin' All Over The World (Go…youtube thumb
>> No. 387239
I think I got a job at an animation studio.
>> No. 387241
CLASSIC!! ACOUSTIC COVER!! Kan…youtube thumb
>> No. 387242
everyone but me

>> No. 387243
working on getting a job at a comic museum/library myself. Its in another state but if I can land the semester job at the local bookstore then I'll have enough tucked away by summer for a move.
>> No. 387247
and now im thinking about how sweet it is that he's trying so hard, while looking at my pictures of the other him and the pictures he took of me and giggling

haha, is it wrong if I think I put myself in these situations because I love feeling so many conflicting emotions? I used to be so fucking dead. I am so used to hiding and surpressing all of my emotions, I mean I've mentioned my childhood enough here, right? It's kind of amazing, allowing yourself to feel and cry and hurt and laugh and allow yourself to fucking feel, I can't even begin to flip the fuck out about how good it is.

The beautiful thing is, everyone goes through this kind of shit. Everyone in the history of human existence has felt this crap, and that's what makes it so wonderful to me. Give me a fucking break here, I spent so many years isolated from other people, having everyone thinking I was insane while thinking myself that everyone around me was the crazy folk and for the past three or four or five years I've been getting closer and closer and now I'm having this little freakout because hello, world! hello, here i am, how are you? I LOVE YOU

oh oops nvm im just drunk and insane again

>> No. 387248
You're good. "Enjoy your emotions" is practically a motto around here.
>> No. 387251
what Larry said.
shit yeah feeling is awesome o/
>> No. 387254
File 138703306764.jpg - (22.56KB , 300x383 , joanna_lumley_abfab.jpg )
>tfw already a drunken slut
>> No. 387255
File 138703564960.jpg - (38.47KB , 550x275 , Keep your emotions to yourselves you filthy hu-man.jpg )
>The beautiful thing is, everyone goes through this kind of shit.

>shit yeah feeling is awesome o/

Jokes on you, the only emotions I feel are bitter disappointment and schadenfreude!
>> No. 387256

I think I'm catching a similar wavelength. I spent a hellish amount of time with the idea that feelings weren't important, heck I'm still a bit broken when it comes to familal emotions. I act the way I think I should but actual emotional connection is absent. And now something has got me into the point that I really want feels that I've neglected with companions which leads to the loneliness that rears up and thumps me in the bottom.
>> No. 387270
This might just be the worst pain I have ever felt. I'm close to cutting something off, just hoping to divert from it.
>> No. 387272
it's all very strange because you know how you see those dinky little quotes about love on tumblr, well I never understood those ever but I am beginning to.

I'm starting to realize how long I've been lying and getting away with it, because I can lie to people very, very easily and just go with it, because I just wanted a reason to be around and be needed, and there's this one person that I never fucking lie to because he looks at me and knows, and the exact same thing applies to him.

This is the marvelous thing about drugs. You are completely incapable of lying to yourself. You can hallucinate, as in your eyes and senses might be lying to you, but you can recognize this and you know. It's like your mind is bumpy and rough and full of potholes, so you've just been smoothing it all over and gliding over everything, and the drugs just tear the fucking veneer off and you can go either way - 1. you forget it all, dismiss it all as 'lol trippan balls' and put a third coat of plastic over all those bumps, or 2. you realize that every single thing you thought and felt was real, and you see how your own life never matches up and you fucking accept all those bumps and holes as a part of you, and that is the hard way because you have to consciously stop yourself from lying to yourself.

All day there are thousands and billions and trillions of thoughts flying around in your head. You've seen pictures that were taken at 'exactly the right moment', like of something exploding or shattering and you can see every single shard of glass poised perfectly in the air? That is what you have to do with all that shit flying around. The drugs help you realize that it's possible, but carrying it out sober is difficult.

I remember we had a long talk about why we like to get fucked up all the time. That's what we're known for. Yeah, that person is high all the fucking time. Yep, that's a hardcore alcoholic right there. I know why he does it, and he knows why I do it. We both have issues in relationships, we both can treat people like shit, we both carry out these little charades all the fucking time and we get away with it because no one can really see through our shit. We used to have pretty personal conversations right from the get-go, because one of us would say something and the other would start laughing and ask for the real truth, not whatever the fuck you just said right there.

He's pretty stupid, and so am I, so I don't think we are ever going to get our shit together. I'm doing the same thing to my boyfriend right now he did to one of my friends last year. Going through the motions. Letting someone love you when you don't feel a thing. We do it because it's easy and it's comfortable and because we can be happy if we don't think too much, if we just smoke weed erry day etc. It's hard to be sober in the world we put ourselves in. You can go through life making all these important choices in that fucked up, glossed over, running over the varnish kind of state and not feel a thing but still be 'happy', still be okay and comfortable.

So I guess the main question is this: do you want to be okay and comfortable, or do you want to fucking discover yourself and your happiness despite how hard it will be? If you're just trying to get through your day, your workweek, your bills, you're gonna choose the first one. It's not a bad thing. You might do terrible things, but so does everyone and we can't all be fantastic all the time and you've got to learn to live with the terrible things you've done. It's just survival.

When you're trying to meet basic needs, you don't need to worry about self-realization and happiness, this is some basic maslows hierarchy of needs shit. How do you get past that?

By winning big on the scratchtickets.

Therefore, my new strategy for life is buy all the fucking lottery tickets 'cause wtf else are you gonna do but play the game and listen to bullshit and heeeyy there's like a one in ten billion chance you'll win, you sad piece of shit. I was thinking I shoudl have spoilered this because I did not intend to talk so much, but /baw/ is already everyone's fucking diary.

physical or emotional pain?
>> No. 387275
Yea still piddling with the idea of self for most. Acutally one 'tuber comment on self helped a little and that is "whatever you are, own that shit." Don't use qualifiers just be that and live it. And so by that I am a writer and I'm planning out a book series that I feel is very important to myself as a person and what I hope to give to others through it.
>> No. 387278
So I just used my debit card at a sketchy corner store that I didn't really know.

How fucked am I?
>> No. 387284
I quit my job, moved back in with my mom. Maybe I should start being practical instead of content, but that's never really been my style. Maybe I could try to be happy, but I don't know how to be fulfilled. Oh well, trials for later days.
>> No. 387285
...Uh huh. Yeah, looks like I do. I'm in a creative studio that does advertsiments for companies and ad agencies that don't have a creative department.
I'll come in as an animation assistant, doing tweening and vector stuff and working in flash. The mentality is being productive before being overly ambitious so its not disney (or even ankama) quality. But yknow how it is. I'm happy.
I start on monday.

Ah yeah... The day pop music on the radio makes sense
Pat on the back for the realization, comrade. You've always been the coolest of the lot.

and fun fact!
Eagles are a delicacy in Cameroon!
>> No. 387307
Not at all? It's a store, as in, a physical location.

Identity thieves stay mobile and far the fuck away from their victims.
>> No. 387308
Speaking of prostitution...

>> No. 387658
What's that, big brother? You're currently sort-of dating the woman your ex-fiance assumed you were having an affair with?

Why, that's exactly the sort of thing to mention in front of family, especially given that it's Christmas Eve tomorrow, and you only called off your engagement three months ago! The fact that you said in front of Mother, who's still trying to get over the fact that she won't have a daughter-in-law, is really wonderful!
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