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385394 No. 385394
Hi, i from Russia. I want speek with we.
>> No. 385395
сначала научись говорить и писать, школьник
>> No. 385396
fuck your mom, ho ho
>> No. 385397
>> No. 385408
Hey, Russian-bro. What kind of food do you like to eat?
>> No. 385409
You don't need to put in an e-mail address, just in case you don't know. Or even a name. What is Vanya?
>> No. 385412
Russiabro, do you read the literature of your motherland? poetry? Can we be best friends?
>> No. 385413
Hello. That's a nice looking train, puddle, an forest there. Not sure what else to say, so I think I'll link a video game: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/619262

Feel free to talk about whatever seems interesting. I'll second the interest in food, literature, and any other media or product that might not be widely known away from where you live.
>> No. 385428
> Russian Literature

You know, I've recently learned about Mikhail Bulgakov, and holy shit his books are fantastic.
>> No. 385488
hi russia friend
>> No. 385492
all about reaching out side-by side on a muthafuckin olive branch
>> No. 385493
are you down with queer folk?
i hear that russia is very very culturally conservative on matters of sexual orientation and gender identity
>> No. 385497
cheeki breeki
>> No. 385598
>> No. 385613
It seems our russian friend is мертв , _,
>> No. 385614
Aw dang, we chased away Vanya?
>> No. 385937
In soviet +4, shit post YOU!
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