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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138058587657.png - (25.71KB , 825x440 , site.png )
385068 No. 385068
We're the 19th most popular chan website in the past 48 hours on the Internet. I am very proud of you all, plus4chan.

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>> No. 385073
With a traffic portion that can't be construed as a rounding error.

Also that will likely go higher as more people realize that we're no longer broGATEWAY TIMEOUT
>> No. 385164
>a board for 30+ male virgins
>no ladies alowed
>> No. 385165
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>> No. 385167
>go there
>look at /meta/
>looks like the original admin quit?
>something about a betrayal

I wonder if he got laid.
>> No. 385168
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An increase of posters would be nice. But not too much. I really like the speed of posts here.
>> No. 385169
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It's about trying to get the right balance. Too few users and the site sees little posting activity, and this lasting can make the userbase dwindle further. Too many users can overload our current (shared) hosting, make topics go by too fast, etc.

I don't like the pace of most boards on 4chan, but I would like to see the posting rate increase here. The lingering "Gateway Timeout" problem likely drove many away, and it will take some time for them to come back (those that haven't completely given up on the site, anyway.) Even the popular boards on +4 are only seeing a posting rate of under 2/hour.

I wonder what the rate is on the motherboard. Anyone know if they do public statistics? (The image here is only because I'm a mod sharing it.)
>> No. 385173
What 4chan board is the closest to perfect speed? Preferably one I can check the speed with http://catalog.neet.tv/ ?
>> No. 385176
Hell if I know, I only visit the porn boards anymore (which tend to be fast, but not as fast as /v/ or /b/). Perhaps /d/? At least, when I visit it doesn't seem that with every advancing page it is half threads I saw on earlier pages. /u/ might be alright (they have threads from two years ago that are still active.)
>> No. 385205
Ahaha, the boards I visit the most have the lowest traffic, go figure.

>I don't like the pace of most boards on 4chan, but I would like to see the posting rate increase here.

Ditto. It was still slow before we lost the site, but now it's a glacier. It would be nice if things kicked up a notch or two. Maybe some of you tripfags should try to drag other tripfags back over here, since I know a lot of you guys communicate. I'm sure they wouldn't care what some faceless Anon has to say no matter how long that Anon has been around.
>> No. 385206
>Maybe some of you tripfags should try to drag other tripfags back over here, since I know a lot of you guys communicate.
And by luck you're talking to the only tripfag that doesn't talk to any other tripfags outside of 4chan.
>> No. 385225
We're coming for you, Feetschan.
>> No. 385280
we are the 0.1%
>> No. 385479
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>Wizardchan and 4chon ranked higher

Feels good man.

Too many normalfags here.
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