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384499 No. 384499
MRAs, this is why no one will ever take you seriously:

Debating MRA leader John Hembl…youtube thumb

Here's an hour and a half of one of the LEADERS of the MRM being completely trampled by a real man in a live debate.

Watch out for:
• Not knowing what goes on in his own community
• Admitting he and other MRAs do exactly what feminists do when confronted with dissent: censorship after demonizing the other party as "violent"
• Pseudo-intellectual condescension while burping, giggling, and flying off the handle
• Demanding the other party not talk over him, while talking over the other party
• Demanding the other party not call names after calling names
• Whining like a little bitch

Remember, this is a LEADER OF MRAs, a representative of his movement. And this is what the MRM is all about? Lies and cowardice? Are any of you surprised?

Bonus! The same man who called out MRAs to a live debate. Notice how long it took even ONE of them to dare show their face, and after the above debate, why it took those fucking faggot cowards so long:

Answering Our Cowardly Criticsyoutube thumb

Starts around 18:27 but the whole thing is good:


...such chick logic! You were raised by a bitch, so you act like a bitch! It's no wonder you're an MRA. Why do you think MRAs exist in the first place? It's because you're raised by bitches, so you act like bitches and all you do is whine! Oh women were meeaaan. Oh women do things unfairly. The wage gap is faaalse. We already know the wage gap is false, but all you can do about it is whine about it passive-aggressively: oohh... women are mean to us... It's all you can do!

What a shameful existence. What a sad, pathetic existence. Women are meeeaan to us! You're-- ugh. Even if you were wrong, you're stronger, and you have the capacity to be smarter; if, today, every man said "Fuck it, I'm in charge," we can *snaps finger* overpower them in a second. That would be IT! There would BE no more whining or complaining, you would just take over. THAT'S how PATHETIC you are! You've ALL the potential, ALL the capacity in the world: stronger, have the capacity to be trained to be smarter than women, and yet what are you left with? Aww, women are meeaannn. *sniffle* I dunno what to doo...

And how do you address other men? What do you teach them? You teach them to act like faggots. Uhh, Manhood Academy is, like, wrong, so, like, not gonna debate you guys, okay? THAT'S what you're passing on to the children, the boys growing up, the next generation. You're teaching them to act like fags, just like you. It's an EMBARRASSMENT.

It's a fucking sham, it's a scam, a fraud to refer to yourselves as MENS' Rights Activists. You should call yourselves FAGGOTS' Rights Activists because you don't speak for me! You don't speak for my male needs! I need to be in charge of relationships; you want to fucking whine and be the bitch in relationships, so how can you DARE claim to speak for men? You're a fucking sad, pathetic EXCUSE for a man!


...and I said [Male Rights Activists] are complete fucking faggots, not one of these fucking cowards has the balls to face us in a live debate:


The last thing I want to say to all you fucking faggot cowards out there:

Bring it.


We're begging you.
We're daring you.
We triple-dog dare you.

Come with your pretentious faggot pseudo-intellectual arguments, your criticisms, and come live debate us! Come defend your views! Stop being the fucking faggot cowards you've proven to be thus far, and have the balls that even women have, that you don't have.

Have the balls to come face us. Have the balls to put your views under public scrutiny. Don't presume to speak for men when you don't even have the fucking balls to present your arguments in a reasonable, rational fashion for public scrutiny. To make sure that we can get to the truth of the matter, and we're not just fucking circle-jerking off for our own personal preferences, our own delusional beliefs.

That's all I have to say.

>> No. 384502
Your post is ruined by your excessive use of the words "fag(got)" and "bitch". Please delete this thread, and its duplicate, and try again.
>> No. 384509
this post is bad and you should feel bad.
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