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File 137756195560.png - (15.96KB , 250x274 , NSA2.png )
383602 No. 383602
Hackers just cracked an NSA server and stole 2.5 billion dollars worth of NSA software.

P2P websites just became worthless.
SSL is now easily decryptable.
HTTPS is no longer S.

For fucks sake NSA, why do you have to be evil AND incompetent.

Here, have some hacking software for yourself.
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>> No. 383604
Clarification: They stole the info awhile ago, but it was encrypted. Release is unencrypted iirc.
>> No. 383606
Holy shit.
>> No. 383607
I wonder how many people will be sucked into a government botnet by using that link.
>> No. 383608
File 137756968140.jpg - (31.51KB , 480x288 , huh.jpg )
>google links for source
>Tila Tequila is the first source to pop up

da fuck
>> No. 383609
Also this shit is likely useless to most people, you'd need access to the central NSA database to do the crunching
>> No. 383610
Anyone care to link to an article or some other fairly reliable source for this? The OP sounds pretty sensationalist.
>> No. 383611
Trying to find one but it appears this is still happening at the fringes. Bizarrely, Encyclopedia Dramatica seems to be the primary source for the leak at this point and time:
>> No. 383612
>Cracked an NSA server
Sensationalist. It was an apparently unsecured server of Parabon Computation, an NSA sub-contractor, which was only up for around 36 hours. So it looks like it might be NSA software but it may not be the final product or even what is actually used. And it still looks like it would need to authenticate with the actual databases to be useful. That SSL lockbreaker is nice but weaknesses in SSL have been suspected for a while now. Most of the security tech built into all our software is vulnerable one way or the other, and by and large that's just the nature of these systems we run. If you can copy and paste, you can crack it.
>> No. 383613

There's still a very good chance that this is a false flag operation for an enterprising cracker (or even the .gov)
>> No. 383615
Just on a cursory glance, it seems very unlikely that this is everything the reports are making it out to be. Generally illegal downloads of this caliber are rarely left up for long, even as torrents. I've seen government-grade forensic software get nuked from private torrent trackers in the space of 4 hours. This has been up for 6 with no peep. This seems like an elaborate scam more than an actual release.

>install gentoo

and of course, the professionalism is comforting.
>> No. 383647
So uh, since this seems to be a good thread for it, what's an actually secure chat program?
>> No. 383648

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